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/lit/ - Literature

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11159779 No.11159779 [Reply] [Original]

>semester over, finally some time to read
>do nothing all day and feel like shit
anyone else? how do you structure your reading?

>> No.11160073

idk dude I just start reading

>> No.11160078

Write a schedule out on paper the day before. Having it written down will make you more likely to stick to the tasks you want to achieve. Also would be good to have a set time to wake up, even if it is not very early.

>> No.11160102

told myself to read at least 1 page every two hours. i kept that promise but as i finish that one page i tell myself "well it seems silly just to read one page, might as well read the next one" and so on and so forth and hey before you know it i consistently read around 100-200 pages a day, depending on book subject matter.

>> No.11160250

I read a book in a sitting after I was done with the semester, and afterwards I realized how many books were in my backlog and I decided to just read a book a day for the whole month. I'll be damned if I stop now.

>> No.11160262

sounds unfun and counter productive
you must be reading young adult to go through that many books
I read when I want to. I think when Im not reading

>> No.11160285

it's probably depression desu

>> No.11160314

>if I can't read that much, no one can

>> No.11160323

>Gets three good suggestions to fix problem and anon proceeds to argue with each one

>> No.11160355

Note how you didn't tell us what you were reading.
Nice quote

>> No.11160398

Read 40 mins at work and 90-120 mins soon as I get home from work, minimum 6 days a week. Become the routine.

>> No.11160403

I'm sick and hungover but I finished a book today. So that's something.
Just read lmao even a bit it will make you feel better.

>> No.11160423

Damn anon I came into this thread to sympathize with you as I feel I'm in the same exact situation but you're too much of a cunt to take seriously

>> No.11160428

And then I realized that >>11160262 isn't OP

>> No.11160437

Today I read The Orchard Keeper. Tomorrow I'll read The Sound and the Fury. Yesterday I read Confessions of a Mask. I considered making a thread at the end of the month, but who cares what an Albanian stamp enthusiast image board thinks about what I read

>> No.11160442

>Yesterday I read Confessions of a Mask.
Noice. Ho was it?

>> No.11160487

I thoroughly enjoyed it. Maybe my second favorite of his behind Golden Pavilion, but I still have to read the Sea of Fertility tetralogy

>> No.11160524

>doomed to wageslavery
>arrive at home too tired to focus and read
>can only lurk and shitpost mindlessly

Wageslavery is hell, at least as a NEET, you have the whole day to read.

>> No.11160527

How long does it take you to read a book?

>> No.11160549

>Tomorrow I'll read The Sound and the Fury.
LOL gl

>> No.11160551

Twenty minutes tops.

>> No.11160588

Depends on the book and a little bit on my mental clarity. So far I've managed a couple hours in the afternoon and a couple hours in the evening, so probably 2-4 hours for a 200-300 page book. For the longer books I start pretty much once I get up and make coffee and read as much as I can and take breaks when I feel like it.

Thx anon. Thankfully, I have a job where I can read most of my shift.

>> No.11160597
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>spend all day at work thinking about cool shit I'd like to do on free time
>do nothing when unemployed other than think about how I should be working

>> No.11160601

i feel u bro i was like hell ya first day off time do some productive ass shit read a lot of shit write a shitload of code hell ya nope didnt do shit

>> No.11160608

ya but at least if u have a 40 hours a week job u can fuck chicks on the weekend and shit

>> No.11160612

>work a job where I get paid to read books all day
>make money while performing acute autodidactism

>> No.11160618

I worked 10 hour shifts monday to saturday for a few months. They get away with overworking you by paying over time, but it's peanuts when the base salary is shit. Most wagecucks like myself don't have the time, money or energy to "fuck chicks on the weekend and shit" unless, like most of the guys that I worked with, you're doing drugs every day.

>> No.11160638

idk the harder i work the more horny and hetero i get, when i worked mad overtime i'd always feel all manly and shit, and when i worked doing demolition and u coming back on the train all covered in dust and sweat looking all manly catching the eye of proletarian qts, i wish i could just get like a construction job were u get to wear timbs and get dirty, its so manly, working in academia and stem is just emasculating, even if i grind code hardcore techbro style for like 15 hours straight when i get done i just feel autistic and want to go to bed listening to an audiobook, not swagger around with my nuts hanging to the floor, u feel me

>> No.11160797

Ur mad u can’t get an intellectual job

>> No.11160803

learn to read you fucking mong

>> No.11160812

Try novellas. I also didn’t read a lot during the semester. When I finished I read Tolstoy’s ‘Childhood,’ Conrad’s ‘Heart of Darkness,’ and ‘Old Man and the Sea’ taking one day (really just a few hours in the evening) for each of them. That got me into the mindset again.

>> No.11160817

Literally stop using the internet and you will be cured.

>> No.11161030

>sleep 8 hours
>work 8 hours
>get home with plenty of energy to enjoy the next 6 hours of fun and games
It's like you're not even trying. I've read 8k pages this year

>> No.11161049

I hate life and want the days to go by faster, so I read more because it's an easy way to lose time

>> No.11161130

>I've read 8k pages this year
I've hit that too but I still feel like I've been slacking off in a major way

>> No.11161143

2k a month doesn't seem a bad rate to me. One 500-page book a week.

>> No.11161231

Take your phone's and laptop's batteries and hide them under your bed, then take the book in question and proceed to read it for 2 hours every day with 5 minute breaks every 30 minutes. Cant fucking read with those electronics lying around my room, ALIVE.

>> No.11161416
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>not neglecting your studies and reading throughout the semester

>> No.11161502

The best thing to do is set very small goals. I you're not reading at all, set a goal at something really easy like reading a single line. When you do that, set the next goal at 5 lines, then a page, and so on. If you don't reach a certain goal, don't worry about it, it's not a catastrophe. You can resume from a lower goal and build up again. I'm not guaranteeing anything, just try it and see if it works.

>> No.11161515

I just quit turning on the tv before 7pm (when jeopardy starts)
I have it on in the morning, with the local news as background noise (and to keep the kids in line, I can't explain it, like marking my territory,) then I have responsibilities and shit during the day, and when I get home in the afternoon/evening, I just put on music and any spare time is spent reading. Kids get to play or do homework or chores can get done, but instead of looking at a screen, I just grab my book. My computer is connected to my tv, and I use my phone relatively sparingly, like to stream music to my stereo so I can read.

I was raised kind of having the tv on all the time, to zone out, so it's what I always did. I visit the library every week, and try to always just have different things around new stuff and old comfy authors. Even if I don't finish something or read only a few pages, just having stuff around when your mood changes is nice.
And I keep a running list of books and authors on my phone to check out.

>> No.11161843

As soon as you wake up get a drink of your choice, coffee, tea or water and just get into a comfy position and start reading. It gets you into a nice routine and you don't feel as bad for the rest of the day when you spend time on the computer or TV afterwards. I usually read for an hour before I get too tired and can't process the information anymore.

>> No.11161896

I've discovered the worst of both worlds and spend my time reading fanfiction. There's no sense of accomplishment and it feels like wasting time, but when I'm done I'm too spent to read actual literature. Just shoot me.

>> No.11161969
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>> No.11162725
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>at least as a NEET, you have the whole day to read.
>be NEET, don't get anything done in the day because all you do is procrastinate without purpose

>> No.11162739

You can't accomplish anything until you stop masturbating and gain control over this instinct.

>> No.11162858

>Stop masturbating
>Still do nothing but now with extra frustration
Worth trying for those who have not though.

>> No.11162869

>stop masturbating
>spend your life on 4chan telling others to stop masturbating

>> No.11162879

You will only get frustrated if you are dwelling on sexual thoughts still.
Practicing mental and physical continence, especially after the addiction subsides, will make sexual urges almost non-existent. The mind is able to be put to bigger and better things instead of being wasted on sexual thoughts, urges, and the like.

>> No.11162890

I'm on /lit/ because I'm interested in books. I don't browse most of the rest of this website, especially without having my ad blocker enabled.
This habit cost me my teens and half of my 20s. It didn't bring anything good. I used to defend it even. It was nothing but a giant waste of time. If I can prevent one person from going down that path or to be able to turn their life around, it's worth the small time expenditure of posting about it.

>> No.11162897

wake up in the morning and start reading, that´s how i do

>> No.11162946

OP here, my sex drive plummeted in the middle of the semester so this isn't a problem for me.

>> No.11162959

>Write a schedule
but I'm borderline autistic
I have no idea how long anything will take.

>> No.11163071

>I have no idea how long anything will take
How do you not know your own rates of reading different types of books? Do you have amnesia or do you just not read that much?

>> No.11163075


Also don’t grab for your phone first thing in the morning. That will fuck your whole day up

>> No.11163119

What did you think of Conrads 'Heart of darkness' anon? I never see anyone talk about it.

>> No.11163929

probably a tumor

>> No.11164186

>I never see anyone talk about it
>heart of darkness
nigga what

>> No.11164388

Hey its me!

>> No.11164593

People hate the truth
Nobody likes this because they can't go without it.
It's like trying to take heroin away from a kinky.

>> No.11164600


>> No.11164941
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