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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 585 KB, 610x591, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11157056 No.11157056 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11157061

is this a face app of elon musk

>> No.11157062

I laughed

>> No.11157069

This triggers me.

>> No.11157075

What a world to be drowned in

>> No.11157077

yaaaas slay sistah white cis old crackkkers BTFO'd once again

>> No.11157079

I clicked this retarded thread in the catalog to post this exact post. This bitch is Elon Musk

>> No.11157081

> Translation

>> No.11157088

Thanks, I was trying to put my finger on it.

>> No.11157089

Tell me about a complicated woman, /lit/.

>> No.11157126
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>woman translator

>> No.11157153

From the thumbnail i guessed a young thom yorke

>> No.11157158

are there examples of lines that got de-sexist-ized?

>> No.11157163


>> No.11157174

I remember Polyphemus' dignity being restored, but nothing about sexism.

>> No.11157185

The ressemblance is uncanny.

>> No.11157192

mein gott

>> No.11157194

this timeline is quite tiresome

>> No.11157211
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is Elon Musk trans now?

>> No.11157218

>They're just called the female people who slept with the suitors
y-you mean whores?

>> No.11157227
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>> No.11157229


>> No.11157240

Came here to say this

>> No.11157249

I can understand her reasoning here with the etymology, but 'female ones' sounds to literal, mechanical, and boring.

>> No.11157266

>never existed in the original Greek
No shit, it's a different language.

>> No.11157280

>is she wrong tho
Yes, because it's obvious the intent of 'whores' or 'creatures' fits better. You don't translate literally, because they're different languages. It doesn't work to adequately convey what was meant.

>> No.11157289

So Odysseus orders his female slaves killed, but at least he didn't slut-shame them?

>> No.11157302

Try translating modern Mandarin Chinese in a literal (and grammatically correct manner). It'll be hard-going to actually understand what is meant even though you can read it perfectly fine. Like any language, words are loaded with culture and history that evoke certain things. Or even very basic words that can have a simple 1:1 translation, are understood very differently between languages (things as simple as off, on, go, stop, in, about, out, etc). Literal translation doesn't account for these. Now imagine an ancient language.

>> No.11157347

I thought it was Houellebecq initially

>> No.11157363
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>> No.11157391

Yeah, it's not wrong per se, its just a politically motivated meddling with the original translation

>> No.11157463

Damn, is there anything left that Elon HASN'T done?

>> No.11157481
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This is not ok

>> No.11157535

My God, British people truly are disgusting and depressing. Just look at that face.

>> No.11157540

How can you become clever enough to be able to translate the Oddyssey but not to avoid falling for this sexism bollocks?

>> No.11157575

if i'm remembering correctly, the term used translates quite literally to 'bitches', as in female dogs

>> No.11157592

using the term whore for a woman who suffer sexual servitude is not an accurate description?

>> No.11157608

It's offensive :^)

>> No.11157618
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Wasn't Madame Dacier translating Homer like 300 years ago? Has the Western world gone mad??

>> No.11157647

Be quiet! The time has come for patronizingly praising women and clapping no matter what they do, and giving them massive press coverage and attention even when they do something mediocre. It's called feminism, and it's going to fix men not respecting women for their achievements!

>> No.11157653
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Women have been doing Greek for millennia.
The difference is that they weren't usually boastful and arrogant.

>> No.11157665
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>> No.11157672
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>If a character says something misogynistic the author is being misogynistic

>> No.11157764

Imagine a Neo-Chinese scholar trying to make a name for himself 2500 years from now translating an epic involving the expulsion of the Mahometans from Europe. Here's an excerpt of the traditional stodgy status quo fuddy-duddy translation:

>Gas the jews
>Race war now

Cyber-Yang, however, explains that "jew" is etymologically derived from "Judaea", a place in what is now the Crusader Kingdoms but for most of recorded history up to that point was populated by Mahometan Arabs. "Race" could have several meanings; previously translators assumed that the word referred to the invading, but we also know that contests of speed, particularly involving motor vehicles, were very popular on the European continent. These competitions reached a height with what they referred to as "Formula One". This contest was open only to professionals, although many other citizens engaged in lesser contests informally. This also explains the puzzling use of the word "gas", which has traditionally been rendered as 气体 but which, in the original, is both homophonic and homonymic with 汽油, used as a fuel for motorized vehicles during that period. So, our improved translation now reads:

>Fuel the Arabs
>That they may race with us

This is just one example. As you can see, such improvements in understanding challenge the unexamined historical narratives often used to prop up xenophobic viewpoints.

>> No.11157811


underrated post.

All of Feminist theory tbqh!

>> No.11157822
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Anyone else go out of there way to buy books that aren't translated or written by women or Jews?

>> No.11157871 [SPOILER] 
File: 22 KB, 549x552, 1526410324552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have a gas [jocular] with the Edomites
>Accelerate [to] the end of days
>Increase petrochemical outputs through the Levant via creating the geopolitical conditions for a pipeline through Syria, benefitting the state created by the Balfour Declaration
>To the end of permanently destroying independent currencies, to be restructured under the aegis of said state's proxies in international organizations issuing One World Currency and thereby govern the Earth, fulfilling Sabbataen millenarian prophecy
mei ban fan: the schlickshodyssey

>> No.11157872
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>> No.11157898
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>females ones

>> No.11157944

/lit/ still best board

>> No.11157956

>2018 politics in the fucking Odyssey

How retarded do you have to be to not understand what historical context is?

>> No.11157974
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This is the future we choose.

>> No.11157983

So just going to ignore simone weil are we?

>> No.11158014


>> No.11158020
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A grand effort Anon

>> No.11158040

How fucking boring / un-artful is her (or any "palace woman") translation:

Odysseus: "I am home"
Odysseus: "Are their eligible men here?"
[footsteps become clearer]
Odysseus: "Ah-ha, found you eligible men!"
"Take this!"
[Wilhelm screams]
"...Son, kill the maids and slaves"
Telemachus: "Alright you female ones, you're really going to get it now"

>> No.11158066
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Ah yes, in the Great Gatsby,
Daisy represents 144 virgins and Gatsby represents the eternal infidel

>> No.11158071

No one hates the works of beauty more than an ugly woman. The school of Resentment taught this bitch well.

>> No.11158250


>> No.11158264


>into English

She translated it into French

>> No.11158355
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>> No.11158459

She didn't translate the Iliad , just wrote commentaries / notebooks

>> No.11158466
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Beautiful anon, a flower for you

>> No.11158506

The translations aren't original you retard. Her version is no less correct than the ones who used "whore"

>> No.11158512

It literally translate "woman" in greek as "whore". She is right

>> No.11158514

While that may be true, her version is merely inferior.

>> No.11158516

>there are no objective standards of correctness!!! the author is dead!

>> No.11158521

The original is the standard you moron

>> No.11158529

U cannot know nuffin 2 electric bogaloo: u cannot translate nuffin

>> No.11158545

Then lets go over the Greek


>> No.11158548

whore, broad etc were common place synonyms for woman and were no less respectful than saying lady or something else in the past, before oppression was invented

>> No.11158565

Todays language is different. Using those words might mislead people now.

>> No.11158572

>He doesn't read the original in Ancient Greek
Plebs get what they deserve.

>> No.11158574

That's not an insignificant distinction

>> No.11158589

That is actually genuinely interesting, at least the part about the sluts versus not sluts. I have no interest in reading her translation, but I'd gladly read a paper on the differences she have found.

>> No.11158634

Actual lol

>> No.11158672

The one example given is not that bad. It doesn't change the fact that Odysseus and his son considered those other women in the household to be of low social status who did something dishonorable, and therefore killed them (and not in a "clean" manner). They clearly held the women they killed in total contempt. Having them refer to these women as "sluts" or other "misogynistic" language is perfectly reasonable. If Odysseus were killing black people and said, e.g.

"I will hang these lowly Africans and let them rot in the sun, who have poured down shame upon us" I don't think there would be anything wrong at all with replacing "lowly Africans" with "niggers". It wouldn't even be "racist".

>> No.11158677

She has a problem with all of them? Only Fagles uses "slut', while others use "woman"

>> No.11158698


>> No.11158718

You are all missing the point. "Slut" and "whore" are misogynist terms because they are used on women while there exist no such word for men. It's literally a word that shames a woman for enjoying sex. And she is right, it didn't exist in ancient Greece so why use it now?

>> No.11158748

And I should add that the Greek isn't shaming them for having sex, its shaming them for being with the suitors.

>> No.11158754

Posters above claim the word means "bitch" so it sounds like whore is a good translation to me without making Odysseus sound like a hood nigger

>> No.11158759


>> No.11158777


>> No.11158790

A whore is someone who is paid for sex. Thats a lot different than "bitch"

>> No.11158826

It's a lot like Butler's

"I shall not let these women die a clean death, for they were insolent to me and my mother, and used to sleep with the suitors."

Using slut is a bit misleading but but it shows his rage more.

>> No.11158840

This thread is pretty good on the topic


>> No.11158910

Lol what
Why are you makign up shit on the internet

>> No.11159135
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quality stuff lad

>> No.11159206

Am I delusional because I could swear actual female intellectuals have translated it before?

>> No.11159346

Her translation is more literal though. Your example works better with the one she is complaining about.

>> No.11159357

Its not, bitch is literal

>> No.11159364

But Edith Grossman has the best translation of Don Quixote

>> No.11159365

The two blend together, as was the case with the French "putain". Whore is a fine intermediary and its just pedantic straw grasping on her part to find fault in it

>> No.11159382

I never hated women until I listened to them talk. How is the word slut not appropriate for the girls that slept with the suitors? They're fucked in the head.

>> No.11159387

Which word are you referring to?

μὴ μὲν δὴ kαθαρῷ θανάτῳ ἀπὸ θυμὸν ἑλοίμην
τάων, αἳ δὴ ἐμῇ kεφαλῇ kατ᾽ ὀνείδεα χεῦαν
μητέρι θ᾽ ἡμετέρῃ παρά τε μνηστῆρσιν ἴαυον.

>> No.11159389

because you are shaming women for enjoying sex while there is no equivalent for shaming males who enjoy it.

>> No.11159391

Men are sexist and write sexist works thats why we need a woman to more accurately translate all the sexism out

>> No.11159400

It doesn't shame women for enjoying sex. It shames women for enjoying sex with multiple men which is an objectively shameful thing since it's detrimental to society.

>> No.11159406

Here’s a radical concept for you men and women are different both have there own biological/psychologically programming what’s good for one may not be good for the other

>> No.11159411

Those girls were the equivalent of French women sleeping with Nazi occupiers. They're sluts not because they enjoy sex, but because they enjoy sex with multiple men who are also enemies.

>> No.11159413
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now this is the high quality posting i come here for

>> No.11159420

I unironically refuse to read anything written by a woman. Am I missing out?

>> No.11159424

But thats what the word slut means. Its inherently sexist.

>> No.11159432

Who are you to be the judge of that? We are moving away from sexism as a society now because we see it as outdated.

>> No.11159436

Its for the same reason pimp is considered very insulting to call a man yet there's no equivalent word for women

>> No.11159440

Do you like Gothic fiction?

>> No.11159442

It's a term that applies to women who act in a certain way. So what? It's descriptive and appropriate.

>> No.11159451

beautiful and autistic

>> No.11159454

>It's detrimental to society

Thats just your opinion, doesn't mean its true.

>> No.11159464

I'm not saying pimp isn't sexist

It's shaming women for enjoying sex. While at the same time its OK for men too.

>> No.11159471

so should we fuck up the original story because Odysseus is a big bad slut shamer

>> No.11159473

I'm not sure, I've never read any.

>> No.11159482

>I'm not saying pimp isn't sexist

How the hell is pimp sexist? Pimps exist and as a rule are rotten human beings

>> No.11159490

>It's shaming women for enjoying sex.

You keep saying but it's not true. Nobody calls a faithful wife a slut because she wants sex from her husband multiple times per day. They're calling women who enjoy sex with multiple men sluts because that is a shameful and disordered behavior that precipitates the breakup of the family unit and should be discouraged.

>> No.11159496

Oh dear, logic. Lets see how the Leftist responds

>> No.11159504
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>> No.11159511

But what if she's racist because the Greeks used femininity as something bad and inferior by default?

>> No.11159514

>That's just like, your opinion man

Listen here you pencil-neck weasel. Marriage rates are plummeting in part because it has become the norm for women to peddle their pussies around like popcorn. Modesty is scorned and promiscuity is upheld as a liberating virtue. Women sleep around from man to man until one day they wake up and find that they're 35 with no husband and no children, and they wonder why they're so miserable. Anyone who ventures to say that sex is an intimate, sacred act is ridiculed and demeaned. The nuclear family has long disintegrated into the ashes of single mothers and broken children. But who gives a shit dude, I got a match on tinder.

>> No.11159516

>wanting your property to get compromised and messy

Not spooked

>> No.11159529

then marry a spooked woman that is so spooked as to not have sex before marriage instead of getting mad that most women aren't spooked

>> No.11159533

But that's the problem, I want them spooked and it needs to be a collective effort to keep them that way. Now get with the program

>> No.11159536

Like you would know

>> No.11159541

The women worked for Odysseus and Penelope. The suitors they fucked were enemies trying to take over Odysseus's home and possessions. The women were disloyal and untrustworthy sluts for sleeping with them.

>> No.11159542

Oh, I didn't expect this. Give the genre a shot. The Picture of Dorian Gray, Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, and Edgar Allan Poe's short stories (e.g. The Tell-Tale Heart, The Black Cat, The Pit and the Pendulum) are a good place to start. Anyway, I brought up Gothic fiction because there are some good female writers within the genre. Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein, is the most obvious example and there's also Shirley Jackson and Flannery O'Connor.

>> No.11159551

Her version is more closer to the original. Fagles needlessly added slut and whore

>> No.11159553

Spooks are a spook. The family unit is an eternal form encoded in reality before time existed. You can live in sync with reality or die from superaids.

>> No.11159559

His version was still closer to the original. Both linguistically and in spirit which is infinitely more important

>> No.11159563

Then why only blame women if men also have a part in it?

>> No.11159565

It's really not. Different societies used different ways if taking care of their children. Your nuclear family idea is pretty spooked.

>> No.11159568

We do, we're blaming you right now

>> No.11159569

Not at all, did you even read the passage in Greek?


>> No.11159573
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>> No.11159575
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>> No.11159578

god it's like real life is a fucking parody of its self he has the fucking basedboy mouth

>> No.11159579

Women were viewed as inferior. How else do you convey that? Should nigger from Twain be translated into African American? Fuck no. Go back to Tumblr

>> No.11159585

Who says I'm only blaming women? Women act the way they do because of men, and men act the way they do because of women. It's a downward spiral, and we will drag each other hand and hand into the depths of Hell.

>> No.11159586

Homer was not shaming them for having sex though. They didn't even have a concept for that back then. What it says is they they laid beside the suitors meaning that because they sided with the suitors they were in the wrong.

>> No.11159588

Yeah it says right there, bitch for which whore is a perfectly legitimate synonym

>> No.11159591

Whore is someone who works as a prostitute. Where these women only with the suitors due to employment?

>> No.11159592
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>After 43 years it turns out my only skill is running about in a stupid way (pretending that’s just for comic effect) dressed as a cartoon rabbit.


>> No.11159593

Calling women whores is a pretty universal concept in every language on Earth, in fact it might one the easiest concepts to translate amongst languages. Try harder with your retarded ass bullshit next time

>> No.11159594

>They didn't even have a concept for that back then.

Nigger what the fuck

>> No.11159596
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>> No.11159598

Doesn’t change the fact that Odysseus only had eyes for Penelope and not any of the other ‘female people who slept with the suitors.’ (And maybe some powerful sea witches on the journey)

>> No.11159600

easy on the anime

>> No.11159603

Go ahead and find me a word that shames women for enjoying sex then

>> No.11159605
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>> No.11159607

>Whore is someone who works as a prostitute

And also used as an insult by men who are deeply enraged at the sexual activity of women. Stop reverting to disingenuous Jewlogic

>> No.11159611
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include me in the cap boys

>> No.11159615

I don't need to when I can find an example of a nigger finna gonna dabbing on bitches for "enjoying sex"

>> No.11159617

People are marrying later. Income isn't enough to encourage people to settle down. People are moving further away from home to find decent jobs, and any self respecting employee worth anything is job hopping for higher wages like automation is taking their job. There is no time, no money and no desire to settle down early.

Move while you are young, settle down when you are old. Sun rises, sun sets.Make hay while it shines, something, something winter.

Women are sleeping around because relationships mean nothing until around 30, it's unfair to bring a child up in a world where they will be swapping schools every couple years and not being able to maintain friendships.
The only reason you care is because you notice it because it's new.

>> No.11159630

The different methods align with the structure of reality or they don't work and die, all of them involve a bunch of people actively raising the children. A stable, nurturing family is the ideal way to create stable, nurturing people that move the world forward and the only way we developed in our societies. Saying the family is useful is a huge understatement, the family is sacred.

>> No.11159637

They had Aphrodite

>> No.11159642

Based Familial-realism poster

>> No.11159643

Unusually high quality post.

>> No.11159645

Homer wasn't talking about being enraged at the sexual activity of women though, he was talking about the womens relations with the suitors.

>> No.11159656

There are words and phrases for shaming a male who sleeps around.
One is man-whore. It's a relatively modern term but it exists.
As does;
>Willy diddly piddly iddly
>Tiger Woods

Just because words and phrases aren't common doesn't mean they are not used.
I do find it strange how women have yet to come up with a phrase for men who sleep around.

>> No.11159658
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Except that doesn't happen ever you tard.

>> No.11159666

>Homer wasn't talking about being enraged at the sexual activity of women though

He very literally was. You can argue about the motivations for why Odysseus was enraged at their sexual activity but the fact he was enraged at them having sex at their volition is indisputable

>> No.11159673

Clearly you have never read any academic literature.

>> No.11159676
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>> No.11159678

>I do find it strange how women have yet to come up with a phrase for men who sleep around

Because women actively like guys who sleep around and betray their commitments because they have deranged monkey brains

>> No.11159683

Translators don't do it through google translate, they actually try to understand the works. Give me one example where a passage has undergone a complete transformation like the example given.

>> No.11159684

They are still riding the crest of their sexual liberation.
It'll calm down in a generation or two.

>> No.11159685

Its happening in this very thread

>> No.11159686

Catholic girls will shame you for enjoying sex.

>> No.11159689

So you're saying that even though the structure can be completely different to the point that that structure can hardly be synonymous with the todays idea of family, there's something sacred about it? Seriously? Why?

>> No.11159690

It wasn't because they had sex, its the manner in how they did.

>> No.11159693

Sluts and whores still works better because the sense of what Odysseus was saying is still obvious in tone and context.

>> No.11159694

Yeah when we can no longer reproduce and the human race dies out

>> No.11159699

Clearly you haven't even read the part, it isn't even Odysseus who says it.

>> No.11159701

>its the manner in how they did.

Which again is the point of the word slut. No one calls a woman having sex with her husband a slut
Christ you absolute retard

>> No.11159709

Not an argument. Who gives a shit

>> No.11159712

He isn't shaming them for having sex therefore "slut' was the wrong word. Stop being dumb

>> No.11159713

"Sluts" is clearly closer to the emotion than "female ones" is. Her translation isn't unreadable, it's just bad and inferior.

>> No.11159717
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>I haven't even read it but I am allowed to give my opinion on it
>who gives a fuck if I haven't lol

>> No.11159721

This as well, one of the most interesting things about learning about different languages is how universal it is to insult women based on them sleeping with a bunch of different men. This is not a culturally arbitrary thing.

Which makes the translation used even more baffling.

>> No.11159722

Killing someone for having sex isn't shaming them for having sex?
Shut the fuck up you absolute lizard

>> No.11159727

>Not an argument

What the fuck nigger he just pointed out you don't understand the context and you don't even understand what character is speaking. Your reading comprehension is shit. He is absolutely correct you should shut the fuck up.

>> No.11159729

Spooks are only things that work against your self-interest. I’m pretty sure it’s in women’s self interest to refrain from sex until marriage.

>> No.11159733

Is there an argument there? I see no argument

>> No.11159732

The point is they were in cahoots with the suitors. If they were sleeping around with anyone else it wouldn't have mattered

>> No.11159738

I wasnt the poster he was replying to. I'm saying it doesn't matter whether it was Odysseus or one of his men who said it, the sentiment remains the same

>> No.11159740

The argument is that someone who is unfamiliar with the source material isn't going to be able to speak as correctly as someone who has. Are you claiming that isn't the case?

>> No.11159744

>If they were sleeping around with anyone else it wouldn't have mattered
Speculation. Regardless the fact remains them having slept with the suitors is absolutely integral to them being killed. The act of sex is the cause for their shaming and execution

>> No.11159746

I dunno about translations but go on JSTOR and you'll find an abundance of papers with the theme of "reexamining x in the context of y" type bullshit sophistry.

>> No.11159747

Bitch you are an English speaking person and you start executing whores you don't yell "female ones!" at them as you're killing them unless you have autism. You call them sluts, whores, bitches, what have you. Are we seriously supposed to believe Telemachus is really paying close attention to 21st century feminist concerns as he's murdering a bunch of women?

>> No.11159751

Ad hominem. The argument being correct or not is what matters

>> No.11159755

would pay to see male grimes

>> No.11159759

Even if that is true "slut" is the wrong word to use, just say that they had sex with the Suitors like Homer did in the original greek

>> No.11159761

The logic is sound but is factually incorrect.

>> No.11159763

Lalala saying it's ad hominem is a strawman and me saying this is also a strawman. Kys

>> No.11159767

nah when you come home to dudes trying to fuck your wife and your women servants "taking care of" people squatting in your house you make sure to remain politically correct.

>> No.11159773

Quality post.

>> No.11159774

Homer called them bitches. As in dogs who will let any strange dog in heat fuck them in their stinking dog holes. This is how men thought then as it is how they think now. Its what a man will say when he is about to rip them into pig food and its consequently why a reptile woman has no place trying to translate the work of a living breathing soul

>> No.11159778

τάων doesn't mean bitches or dogs

>> No.11159783

No arguments here

>> No.11159792

We have a complex social system with lots of different structures. Our concept of the family unit fits our society, both were developed over thousands of years and usually without anyone understanding how they function. The whole works because every part exploits the nature of reality to propagate itself. It all fits the underlying structure and a missing piece like the concept of the family can mean the machine stops working. The underlying structure is the Word of God and if your society fits that structure it's living in sync with God instead of living in sin. The tools we use to live in sync with and approach God are sacred.

>> No.11159796

That's the thing with translations, a translator often has to make compromises for aesthetics at the expense of stark exactitude. Would you rather read "women who had sex with the suitors" or "slut"?

>> No.11159800

But what if our argument is that you're a moron?

>> No.11159804

Women claim that there is a sexual double standard between genders while not considering that there is a difference in accessibility to sex between genders. Everyone understands that on some level.

>> No.11159805

Did our boy Julius transition?

>> No.11159807

>nature of reality
Ok anon. Whatever you say.

>> No.11159810

It's almost like translating poems are fucking hard when you follow pentameter

>> No.11159812

slut is inherently sexist and shouldn't be used. Foucault was right about everything

>> No.11159817


>> No.11159818

Still not an excuse to use a misogynistic word.

>> No.11159823

Foucault would say the word sexist should never be used well before slut. You should try reading him

>> No.11159828

not if they wanna ride this dick

>> No.11159833

I always love how women in their vast inferiority always resort to utter denial of present facts before conceding their positions. As if such an approach to life could ever be sustainable.

>> No.11159835

damn you sure got him

>> No.11159836
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Oh look, it's raining slut apologists. When did we get so many women on /lit?

>> No.11159838

Not an argument

>> No.11159843
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>> No.11159845

Explain how, "slut" is a much bigger problem that using a word that denotes that repression is present

>> No.11159847

Ok... Is-ought. This any better?

>> No.11159848

Misogynists aren't welcome here

>> No.11159849

A lot of the moral arguments in this thread are bizarre to me. Obviously a woman taken as plunder by some marauding warrior-chief doesn't owe him any particular loyalty, and if he's not even around to give her in marriage she might as well take the opportunity to get laid. Of course that has no bearing on the translation, which based on Odysseus's character is perfectly justified in saying "slut".

>> No.11159851
File: 70 KB, 960x681, 2f92588f89eb08b43e9fd56d7425fee7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wanted an explanation about how something is sacred without mentioning God? I gave you a simple definition of God that should register with an atheists mind and how that relates to the concept of the family.

>> No.11159854


>> No.11159856

Problem according to whom? Repression from what perspective of what force towards what resistant tendancy?
Read Foucault you dumb fuck

>> No.11159857

This is just bad bait at this point

>> No.11159863

According to Foucault. Capitalism is the reason a lot of these words came about.

>> No.11159864

I don't think anyone is arguing Odysseus isn't a pragmatic sociopath at best

>> No.11159867

Take your logical fallacies and stick them up your ass, cretin. I take your "logic" and your "facts" and I piss on them.

>> No.11159873

Totally utterly absolutely wrong. You have not read Foucault. Capitalism is the reason you're told to care they're "wrong"

>> No.11159874

I'm not a misogynist, I just recognize that men are superior to women.

>> No.11159879
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>> No.11159888

I'm a misogynist. I actually do hate women and believe its only logical to do so

>> No.11159898


>> No.11159902


>> No.11159908

roast detected

>> No.11159909

Then what should we do? Accept capitalism definitions?

>> No.11159912

Thanks for reminding me I need to go encourage some more white brothers over here to develop high intellect red pills

>> No.11159930

If you don't recognize the polfaggot, you are the polfaggot. Tell your carer I said hi.

>> No.11159933

Don't let yourself be defined according to the mere inverse of categories of control

>> No.11159936

I think we OUGHT to try to live instead of die because life IS pretty cool. The structure of reality decreed that we should come to be, live and be conscious. God loves us you see.

>> No.11159947

Uh-oh! Roastie is offended! Don't think too much, roast. It's obviously giving you a boo-boo in the head.

>> No.11159954

But how is that possible if the language we use comes directly from those categories of control?

>> No.11159964
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>> No.11159971
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>> No.11159973

Then you are not a true Egoist. A true Egoist would find more fulfillment in women becoming de-spooked than he would leaving them spooked, because a Union of Egoists can only be established with other unique individuals, and the UoE is more rewarding to the Egoist than the domination of the spooked.

>> No.11160000

I have bad news for you: the type of poster who goes to /pol is (and always has been, even before the creation of /pol) the main category of poster that 4chan is comprised of. Before /pol existed those same posters were on /b doing the same thing a decade ago. You're just some weird anomaly who managed to wander here from Reddit or Tumblr because you thought the banter was funny in an edgy way (maybe you even thought you'd convert a few people), but this isn't your territory and it never has been. When you go around telling people to go back to /pol it just makes you seem like an idiot. You may as well tell them to "go back to 4chan" while they're posting on 4chan.

>> No.11160003

Everyone in this thread seems to miss the part about "A translator always makes choices". She is just disagreeing with the words Fagles used, the same thing goes on with every single translation ever.

>> No.11160006

You haven't left yet? Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.11160008


No need to use a deragatory term to describe someone you dont agree with

>> No.11160022

>Union of Egoists
>unique individuals
True spooks, ideas that can't actually take form in the real world. If you had been raised by wolves or isolated you would be feral, everything you take ownership of as your "self" is constructed by society. Feral children are the real "unique individuals".

>> No.11160034

That's your fantasy, isn't it roast? You want men to become featureless sexless children which is what women are. This won't happen roast. Men are here to stay.

>> No.11160036

You guys realize she is trying to understand things in terms of what Homer actually says right? The article focuses on misogyny for whatever reason but that doesn't mean some other modern concepts that weren't around in homers time got in.

>> No.11160038

She doesn't do it for the same reasons though, her objective is clearly very mechanical and political, as she clearly (and idiotically) expresses in the tweet linked

>> No.11160040

You have to try to understand Stirner through Hegel. Unique individuals can only come about when the collective is rational enough.

>> No.11160051


>> No.11160055

Language is literally nothing but a system of categories for control

>> No.11160060

Stirner failed to see the real dialectical ends of his own philosophy and its why he died a lonely cuck

>> No.11160062

Its the article that is focusing on it. And who is to say she isn't just correcting those original translations for being overly political, mechanical motivated

>> No.11160068

I thought the same thing

>> No.11160070

Which is why Fagles use of "whore" and "slut" is problematic.

>> No.11160074

you lose by default for effort-posting but this is 100% accurate

>> No.11160075

You are not a man.
Tell me, what useful skills do you have? Are you done with college? Are you alone, without any close neighbors? Do you have a community of compatriots to back you? Can you really claim to speak on behalf of anyone, let alone men like me, men superior to you?
Go back to /pol/, your wailing falls on deaf ears here.

>> No.11160080

Not really. "Problematic" is itself just a loaded sign used to invoke a discoursive gouging. None of this shit matters. Women don't matter

>> No.11160084
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>4chan is what I say it is


>> No.11160089
File: 320 KB, 640x444, smugpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking checked.

>> No.11160090

Not him but you're basically saying you're a dependent cuck who has to fall back on his pussy brigade to feel self worth. A real man is a Robinson Crusoe sufficient to himself

>> No.11160092

I don't really care to trust the ideology of someone who thinks nothing matters

>> No.11160093

I think things matters. Just not women

>> No.11160097

There are no women, just consciousness

>> No.11160099

quads lie

>> No.11160100

Wrong. There's just me

>> No.11160101

I thought it was Kobe Bryant.

>> No.11160103

>an unloved, sexless pariah masking his loneliness as masculinity.
Humans were never meant to live alone, it rots the brain. Deprogram yourself and start a family.

>> No.11160113

So? nobody reads new translations especially when there are well-established older translations, like fagles

>> No.11160119

The ultimate realisation of a rational collective is a Christian society. Formal logic was developed shortly before Christ based on monotheism and the concept of the Logos. Christ is the embodiment of the Logos, the external rationality of the universe that our mind mirrors. The only real truth was embodied by a man and His spirit is alive in you now.

>> No.11160120

>It isn't the same so it isn't fair
You think you're angry at society, but really you're angry at nature. Men and women aren't the same, so they aren't treated the same. You're upset that society treats you differently, but society has to treat you differently because you're different. No matter what society does or doesn't do you will always be different. You were made that way.

No amount of bitching is ever going to get nature to change.

>> No.11160121

You only learned about yourself through the reflection of other forms of consciousness.

>> No.11160124
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>> No.11160125

Fagles is one of the newer translations though.

>> No.11160128

Impossible. I am all there is

>> No.11160133

>infograph with dubious sources


>> No.11160134

Nah I rather die alone

>> No.11160137

>both sources have fundamentalist leanings
How about no

>> No.11160142

You invented all of human culture and language in your own mind?

>> No.11160145

fuckin brilliant

>> No.11160147

But this is just wrong. Men are constantly shamed for having sexual urges, much more than women. When it comes to actual sex if men are successful at mating it implies they are fit while for a woman it only implicates her with those urges that both sexes are shamed for.

>> No.11160150

Stirner doesn't condemn ideas in and of themselves, though. Have you actually read his book yet?

>> No.11160162

As much as I need concern myself with

>> No.11160163

Never underestimate woman's ability to refuse to understand that which she does not want to know

>> No.11160170

Yes, I know him better than you. There would be no society if Stirner had his way.

>> No.11160172

Never underestimate a virgin's ability to refuse to understand that which he does not want to know

>> No.11160178

>this thread
>300 posts

Why is /lit/ so obsessed with gender politics?

>> No.11160180

Imagine a society where two things can be bad at once. If God was to make a merger of you two hypocrites, you would finally be one complete human being.

I would dare to call >>11159389 a roastie, however I know she must have no experience with the opposite sex. Suck rendering the intent of the slur useless, as limp as >>11160147 ‘s penis.

Perhaps you should copulate among yourselves, and ruin society further with your spawn.

>> No.11160181
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Lots of roasties on /lit/

>> No.11160184

a woman in my Latin class last semester wrote that lucretius would have been more effective if he were a feminist. it's a miracle I could contain my laughter; I caught the professor givin me a look

>> No.11160188

It’s one of the boards with a higher NEET female population, that combined the permit celibacy of the entire board leads to shit like this.
Also, stirring the pot for fun.

>> No.11160191

Seething virgin lmao
Go back to r/braincels

>> No.11160192

Would unironically rather be a virgin than a woman in a million years. Living a life and dying alone with the richness of experience of a man's mind is an unmeasurable gift I have been given on my short time on Earth

>> No.11160193

Wow, I bet you're real popular with the ladies..

>> No.11160201
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>they do exactly what the image says they'll do

>> No.11160203

Not a word. He's just used as a meme to tongue in cheek attack social constructs and I get triggered.

>> No.11160208
File: 70 KB, 638x649, 6E4347CF-77CB-4BDA-89EB-ED9973E370B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying your infographics provide a better argument

>> No.11160213

infographic > "nu-uh!"

>> No.11160214

That’s the joke retard, incoherent attacks produce incoherent counterattacks

>> No.11160220

by what logic can you dismiss half of the population as "inferior"? That's pretty illogical if you ask me

>> No.11160224
File: 107 KB, 736x736, FAFDE632-57B3-4057-A499-8E3969D59443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you find this image embarrassing? It’s just as bad when you do it. Just because people refuse to stoop to your level doesn’t mean you’ve won.

>> No.11160228


That's a weird way to write "Ormsby's revised translation" but I guess English isn't your first language.

>> No.11160232
File: 44 KB, 499x668, eww dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill trade ya

>> No.11160233

If you cannot win an argument with your own words, you simply don’t belong on a board for literate people

>> No.11160234

That infographic is perfectly true though and displays the absolute inferiority of women that they still fail to succeed even after giving all the leg up on opportunities

>> No.11160238

>Western Civilization began with Achilles and Agamemnon fighting over the right to induct a girl into sex slavery

Explains a lot, tbqh

>> No.11160246

>you lived to see the day were people dump /pol/ infographs on /lit/

>> No.11160251

I don't get what triggered you. "Shaming" guys for their sexuality is where dumb sitcoms and comedies get most their material from. I'm pointing out that the persecution women are claiming is a projection. If you feel shame because of something that's your problem.

>> No.11160252

Because the bourgeoisie have used the spectacle to ensure that idpol keeps us atomized and separate

>> No.11160257

Sluts are bad for society. That was the assertion which was called an opinion. I backed up that anon's opinion with evidence. So to reiterate:
Sluts are bad for society.
Women are allowed to be sluts.
Conclusion: We should stop allowing women to be sluts.
I've provided premises, evidence for those premises and a conclusion that follows from those premises. In other words, an argument. Go ahead. Explain why it's really very important that we allow women to be sluts despite the negative consequences (which don't exist according to roasties)

>> No.11160261

>he's not a bourgeoisie
lol just get rich poorfag

>> No.11160265

Education was redesigned over the past 50 years because girls weren't doing well in it before.

So if you design the rules of the game around allowing a certain type of person to succeed, and then that type succeeds, doesn't really mean all that much to me.

>> No.11160270

>>you lived to see the day were people dump /pol/ infographs on /lit/

First day on /lit/?

>> No.11160277
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t. pictured

>> No.11160278

it’s joke, it’s a really obvious joke, just look at the stylization.

>> No.11160286

Or maybe women's rights got better in the 70s and there were more women attending university as a result?

>> No.11160288

lel I had the exact same image whenever this goober posts

>> No.11160294

Women have objectively lower IQs than men

>> No.11160296

At least they didn't shame the woman for having sex

>> No.11160297

Regardless, there was a deliberate effort in both public schools and universities to redesign education so that women would be more successful. It isn't a secret, look it up.

>> No.11160300

i was here, i witnessed this brilliance

>> No.11160302

You’re both wrong, men only started failing school in the mid 2000’s, it directly correlates with the rise of the internet.

>> No.11160307

This thread went to shit, but it started so promising

>> No.11160312

And here we are

>> No.11160317
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Hello /r/4chan, stay the fuck out btw

>> No.11160324

>Homer writes of the women who were put to death
>Fagles comes along "These sluts! These whore!"

Pretty accurate, good thing we have people like you and Emily Wilson who want to create a more accurate translation

>> No.11160335

Tradeschool students are predominately male, which helps to account for their reduced presence in universities.

>> No.11160393

I think Barbara Tuchman is the only woman writer that I like

>> No.11160400

Being merry is not normal! Burn all bundles of sticks for warmth!

>> No.11160409

We going to create another thread to keep this thing going or what?

>> No.11160415

Nah its already fizzled out. I'm going to bed now. Let the Euros wipe the floor with the lefties until tomorrow

>> No.11160452

i literally thought this

>> No.11160464

unironically no

>> No.11160485

This board is one of the few boards that has valuable moments of discussion. Threads like this one enable a cesspool of non-literature garbage to flood the board

>> No.11160574

>by what logic can you dismiss half of the population as "inferior"?
Simple biology.

>> No.11160577

Gender studies and other worthless degrees don't count.

>> No.11160876


>> No.11160952
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>> No.11161230

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white

>> No.11161236
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>> No.11161562

slap me in the screen brap

>> No.11161629

No, I notice it because dried up husks masquerading as women are pumping out autists by the dozens, and 4chan is already big enough as it is.

>> No.11161644

>relationships mean nothing until around 30
it's irrelevant whether or not you've fucked a veritable army of men when you turn 30? What is it about 30 that has this magical property that allows the hymen to regrow?

>> No.11161766

You would know this was completely wrong if you weren't a cancerous newfag. 4chan was always about jokes, no matter how offensive. It only became unironic when newfags entered and thought that the ironic racist shitposting was unironic. Since newfags comprise the majority of 4chan nowadays, you get the idea.

>> No.11161784

This is actually why I'm very conservative except for abortion.

I like the idea that those kinds of women are aborting their own offspring. Saves us the time of doing it for them.

>> No.11161800

Been here for ten years. You're the newfag if you think people who are overly sensitive—telling other people to go to /pol just because they have edgy opinions—are the rule and not the exception, or ever have been. As for the "unironic" bit, guess you never went to /b pre-/pol and saw the "If I get to page 15 I'm a free slave" threads that were a common fixture along with things of that nature. I know we have a lot of fops on /lit who think they're sophisticated because they read books and because they've been brainwashed into thinking feminists and niggers aren't retarded, but that doesn't mean you're the majority on 4chan by any means.