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File: 66 KB, 384x384, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11156540 No.11156540[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Public intellectuals who have yet to produce a work of philosophy, but should; because such a hypothetical work would elevate the state of human consciousness. Pic related.

>> No.11156544

literally who

>> No.11156545

Who is that sexy tranny?

>> No.11156550

I'm tired of internet "intellectuals" regardless of political stance, what a bunch of losers.

>> No.11156557

That's ContraPoints, holy shit get with the times.

>> No.11156568

I personally really really like trannies because they reinforce traditional gender norms; which I'm quite fond of. "I'm a girl because I have long hair and nails." Hahaha, thanks guys.

>> No.11156579

>Middle finger covering his Adam's apple
Also, don't even try to deny that you are promoting your shitty channel on this faggot infested image board, you failed attempt at androgyny. That just looks like the most stereotyped transexual comedic media has ever concieved.

>> No.11156593

>implying that contrapoints is an intellectual

>> No.11156598
File: 22 KB, 400x400, Rowsell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know who the fuck that ugly beast is, but this lad should

>> No.11156608

Is that the guy who believes if you don't want to fuck trannies, you're transphobic?

>> No.11156611

shut up dude, you'll give people ideas to start dressing up like androgynous dykes

>> No.11156633
File: 31 KB, 419x510, jf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11156644

he is writing a book, should be done at some point hopefully

>> No.11156659

> Disregardin thought because it's conveyed through the most advanced communication technology humanity ever invented

Even if OP is wrong and this person isn't an intellectual that's a hella stupid bias

>> No.11156665

>Contrapoints: Overcoming masturbation with classical music for spiritual enlightenment, a how to prefaced with a queer theory refutation of Socrates, and why the reactionaries are frigid.
Is this the book Contrapoints would write?

>> No.11156670

>Internet "intellectuals"

>> No.11156682

I heard that a while ago but didn't hear anymore news from it, but I wonder if it's going to be a religious philosophic work or maybe a more archaeological work showing race and phenotypes like the yanmaya and whg/ehg mix

>> No.11156691
File: 707 KB, 768x768, 80D763F0-56EF-4094-91D3-9D6EBBC4AFEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All heshe does is call others wrong and provides no solutions. She’s not a new thinker, only one that is eccentric and awkwardly sexual
> I know you made this thread to advertise your channel you little fruit

>> No.11156698
File: 98 KB, 480x1200, DdAPBAIW4AAELuI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or maybe a more archaeological work showing race and phenotypes like the yanmaya and whg/ehg mix
like this?

>> No.11156710

honestly yeah, and him talking about the cultures a bit. I'd like a work like that from him.

>> No.11156714
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>> No.11156753
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>> No.11156791

Sorry, but I'm too autistic to tell if this is a joke or if you're actually being serious.

inb4 sarcastic reply

>> No.11156802

its not autism anon, i genuinely cant tell either

>> No.11156832

I never realized how ugly he is damn

>> No.11156866

It's contrapoints. She makes some pretty insightful videos that really reconciles the left. Check her take on academia and why she quit it.

>> No.11156868


>> No.11156878

just his british smile :)

>> No.11156947

Are you trying to make her hated by constantly spamming her?

>> No.11157003
File: 57 KB, 443x332, IMG_0113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else unironically and viscerally HATE trannies, queers™ And the other politically correct members of the cultural Marxism community? These people believe they are better and more progressive than you and me because they get fucked in the ass, the sniveling priesthood of a new religion based on the same old slave morality. Soon you'll get branded as a bigot if you are not 100% with having blue haired lgbtsjw YAS KWEENS come into your schools to educate children on the wonders of 'fisting'

>> No.11157021
File: 38 KB, 390x470, 10370671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>members of the cultural Marxism community

>> No.11157028


>> No.11157034
File: 39 KB, 361x407, IMG_0114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing funny going on in here

>> No.11157043

>These people believe they are better and more progressive than you and me because they get fucked in the ass

>Implying they're not

>> No.11157059

So you get fucked in the ass as well.
That only reinforces the thesis.

>> No.11157074

I don’t really care what they are, but the fact that they advertise their sexuality in very erotic ways is disturbing to me. Their culture is very sexual ( I guess that’s to be expected) and I might just be a cranky old man for not wanting gimps walking around. It’s not that I hate them, I just don’t like the way they act.
They can do whatever they want I’m not going to stop them, but I don’t have to like it

>> No.11157159

pick one

>> No.11157169

I would elevate his/her consciousness with my mouth

>> No.11157175

They basically result from ugly gay men oversexualising their minds (with porn) and then pretending that they're /actually/ female.

>> No.11157196

Okay, riddle me this: Exactly how many people have watched those videos before they were dislike bombed by /pol/? How many people knew about this channel's existence before then? And most importantly, how much money in ad revenue did this channel make thanks to all the free publicity?
You're doing the same thing as the left here, digging up random creeps from the bowels of the Internet to prop up as punching bags and two-minute hate targets, and by doing that you're giving them way more publicity and recognition than they deserve.

>> No.11157296

As a leftist, it's really embarrassing that so many look up to Contra. Her arguments are so full of holes and would never stand up to scrutiny. I've got friends that watch her shit and act like they're suddenly thought warriors, fucking christ.

>> No.11157585

There is no middle ground possible with these people. It's a religion. These people don't have 'sex' they virtue signal.