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File: 430 KB, 800x500, demaistre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11142367 No.11142367 [Reply] [Original]

Please recommend me works that share this worldview.

>> No.11142525
File: 31 KB, 220x341, Alchemische_Vereinigung_aus_dem_Donum_Dei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. That is the sentiment I wanted. I guess I will just have to read BM next like I said. Cheers!

>> No.11142531

>Every country has the government it deserves.
>All pain is a punishment, and every punishment is inflicted for love as much as for justice.
>Wherever an altar is found, there civilization exists.
Literally things I have argued and thought I was the alone in saying it.

>> No.11142558

Also, bump. Want some books like General's Die in Bed, but more to do with life after ww1 and ww2. Like Vietnam vet books and stuff. Give them up.

>> No.11143441

deep down everyone knows that.

>> No.11143503

this reads like an angsty 15-year-old's diary

>> No.11143506

ready player one

>> No.11143834
File: 110 KB, 800x1095, 800px-Thomas_Carlyle_lm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chartism - Thomas Carlyle
De Maistre and Carlyle have a more similar outlook than one might expect given that one was a hardcore Catholic and the other a hardcore Protestant, respectively.

>> No.11143846

so Germans deserved the Weimar Republic?

also, where the fuck does he get love from? is this some insane attempt at psychologizing selection? how is torturing somebody love for them if you're just a psychopath?

he says wherever an altar is found there is civilization, so if a group of feral meth heads make an altar out of the bones of stray dogs and stolen infants there is civilization? Couldn't we just say wherever there is complex organization there is civ? What about societies like the Germanics who had massive trade networks but no altars or cities?

why are people impressed by this stupid shit now? when Ted or Socrates or a number of other people rattle off these one liners no one applauds them for it

>> No.11143894

The Dhammapada

>> No.11144370

My diary.

>> No.11145170

>so Germans deserved the Weimar Republic?
Probably. They let Jews rise to prominence in their society, and the Weimar Republic was the result of that, along with a highly questionable war effort. We've seen this play out a few other times in history now: in the USSR, and in the United States when waves of German Jews came after WW2 and Soviet Jews later on: Jewish prominence leading to extreme societal decline.

>> No.11146725

My diary, desu

>> No.11147276

>so Germans deserved the Weimar Republic?
they deserved fucking worse

the eternal kraut is hellbent on destroying europe at all cost

>> No.11148278

>All pain is a punishment

Come on now. Everyone who felt pain deserved it?

>> No.11149689


>> No.11149707

the underlying idea would fit right in, but not the delivery, which is what you seem to be referring to. how could you even think that?

>> No.11149727

Literally Blood Meridian. The quote sounds like a 17th century Judge Holden.

>> No.11150300

The German blue ram cichlid is small, vivid, peacefull fish. ... It has red eyes, yellow head, blue and violet iridescent body with a black spot on it and bright fins.

>> No.11150306

>Please recommend me works that share this worldview.
I wouldn't know, try asking your neighboorhood's high school goth.

>> No.11150309
File: 44 KB, 630x315, NN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11150368

Read some Hobbes.

>> No.11150413

Of course not. The Christ didn't deserve it.

>> No.11150536


>> No.11150549

Isn't he saying it's punishment in at least one person's eyes. Even if it is arguably unjust, the deliverer of pain will see it as retribution of some kind.

What work is the quote from? It's great

>> No.11150556

aren't buddhsit a bunch of hippies?

>> No.11150561
File: 77 KB, 576x576, lg89938GermanBlueRam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Any specific works to start with with Carlyle, Hobbes and Maurras?

Cool looking fish, I like how the face stripe runs through the actual eyeball.

>> No.11151507


>> No.11151521

St. Augustine is the originator of many well known ideas of reactionary Catholicism. Alongside de Maistre you should check out de Bonald and Donoso Cortes. Their inheritor in the 20th century was Carl Schmitt, but I would also add, maybe not in the same school, but a similar sentiment, Hillaire Belloc. In the latter part of the century, MacIntyre works around some of the ideas in their implied epistemology and why man can never agree rationally amongst one another.

>> No.11151602
File: 266 KB, 1065x1280, ItwassuchacoolskullthatIjustcouldn'tleaveitintheearth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know the context he said this in, so I can't speak to his specific logic, but I'd say that the legitimacy of the state is an inevitable construction. The conditions under which one government is removed and another gains power are implicit in the decisions and formations of mass groups. I don't know what De Maistre thought, but I'd assume we weren't on the same page, yet our sentiments are simular.
I hear you, it's just that he's new to me and that quote in the picture is exactly the type of sentiment on my mind. Maybe the quotes are too generalising, but I bet in context that doesn't seem strange. He writing, like McLuhan, might sweep wipe and say too much and nothing at the same time, but it's worth reading, even if you disagree.

Again, I don't know the context. I'll see if I can skim the work and find out what he's talking about, but it does sound absurd if you don't actually look at what else he is saying. >>11149727
BM is coming for me, can't wait. Gonna be a good summer read. Got my Hobbes, got my Kant, got some of this fellow. And got all kinds of weird and fantastic works, plus a few religious diaries and a work on memory. Going to be a fun summer.

>> No.11151640


Does this help?

>> No.11151701

Nature is one giant slaughter house! Fuck you Rousseau! Keep your clothes on, this aint no fucking Eden you pervert!

>> No.11151721

Might want to try Georges Sorel - Reflections on Violence

>> No.11151764

Berlin is partial. Though a good starting point, don't believe everything he says. In that lecture, he ends up saying Maistre is the origin of fascism.

>> No.11151938
File: 49 KB, 345x599, athena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty interesting, and I can see why someone would say that Maistre is advocating fascism considering his views on reasons and the state and the need for an irrational aesthetic bady to keep people in line. It's seems like an old idea that has to do with the foundation of social units in perceived conceptions of hierarchy rather than coherent rational structuring of a social unit. Should be easy to find this in primate colonies I'd assume, and that says more about psychopathy and groupthink. Very interesting.

>> No.11152880


>> No.11152896

Start Carlyle with Chartism as I said in my post.

>> No.11153401
File: 10 KB, 300x225, 00000-4-300x225[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blood Meridian

Yeah it's almost like the education you received intentionally left out certain compelling viewpoints and arguments, welcome to not being in high school anymore.

>so Germans deserved the Weimar Republic?

Yes, I'm not even sure what your problem with that statement is.

>he says wherever an altar is found there is civilization, so if a group of feral meth heads make an altar out of the bones of stray dogs and stolen infants there is civilization?

Sure. More interesting is the fact that they don't, though, or so I think.

>Couldn't we just say wherever there is complex organization there is civ?
Pic related

>What about societies like the Germanics who had massive trade networks but no altars or cities?

There are a lot of assumptions here. Like that the "Germanics" had "no altars" (which isn't remotely true) and "no cities" (prehistoric/ancient Germanic settlement wasn't of completely uniform density, that's absurd). Or even granting your other assumptions that "massive trade networks" constitute a "civilization".