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11150943 No.11150943 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books about tomboys? Im being 100% unironic here, i want books about tough tomboy protags and their adventures, hit me lit.

>> No.11150970
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Got you mate.

>> No.11151042

Mark Twain's Joan of Arc

>> No.11151050

I'm interested

>> No.11151062
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Not quite what i meant anon, but thx. Im genuinly suprised its not a modre popular character type...

>> No.11151077

You're treading dangerous ground. Classic works with "tomboys" deal with unique people breaking social norms, getting into trouble for it, and getting killed or victimized.

Modern anime-like tomboys exist in teen and YA novels, but they come with the stupidity of having a young demographic and are lately filled with 3rd and 4th-wave feminist propaganda.

Tomboys are cute and cool but they're also the normalization of post-modernist views that you don't have to follow gender norms, which can easily become a mouthpiece for the attack helicopters.

>> No.11151088

Unironically game of thrones

>> No.11151091

>which can easily become a mouthpiece for the attack helicopters
On the scale of r/cringeanarchy to JPW, how euphoric are you right now.

>> No.11151094
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I’ll write my own book... with shorthair, baseball caps, tank tops with no bras, girl boxers, converse hightops and hairy pussies. She will fight boys and secretley fall in love with some of them and everyone will be really confused about their thirst. She will like, solve mysteries n shiet and be i dunno, a competitve full contact karate girl who is brave... yeah...

>> No.11151104

thought I was reading twitch chat for a couple of seconds

>> No.11151111

>Modern anime-like tomboys exist in teen and YA novels


>> No.11151118

You belong on www.reddit.com, buddy.

>> No.11151122
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Jerusalem Delivered by Torquato Tasso.
Clorinda is a cute and her duel with Tancredi is described as a sex scene.

>> No.11151124

5 friends or something, where the girl is named George

>> No.11151134

>le epin attack helicopter humour in 2018
and you belong on 9gag

>> No.11151136
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>5 friends

That’s the famous 5 anon...

>> No.11151162

Non-binary and other gender identities are pseudoscience that are no different than suggesting "being an attack helicopters". Moreover, it wasn't me who first posted. I saw your post and decided appropriately to refer you to a site more "accepting" of your viewpoints.
You belong in a psychiatric ward, institutionalized.

>> No.11151262

Brienne <3

>> No.11151272
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This reminds me of how I always wanted to write a more serious take on Ranma 1/2. Similar "gender bender" mangas always hold my attention in the early chapters where the protagonist has to adjust two massive change in their life and how they interact with others. I always lose interest in them after that when it forgets about that for comedy and love triangles. you think someone would feel a little worse than awkward if they're old clothes don't fit and they don't recognize their face in the mirror anymore.

If I write it now people want my desulme an sjw even though such a story wouldn't have dramatic weight under their ideology since they think all people are interchangeable from each other.

>> No.11151549
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>describable by science
O I am laffin. Read Simone de Beauvoir and Judith Butler.

>> No.11151562
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>> No.11151589

>read two idiot hack parasites

>> No.11151593

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.11151830

so Metamorphosis but with tiddies? I'd read it.

>> No.11151867

Although "good" is debatable, the Swallows and Amazons series has the tomboy character Nancy Blackett, and it's certainly better than any of the crap Blyton wrote.

>> No.11152218

look up the tomboy thread from january

>> No.11152381
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That sounds very cute anon.

>> No.11152404

I was gonna make a joke about "lmao just read hubbard if you don't believe scientology" but this is your big opportunity champ, I want you to cite me an undisputed research paper where you can conclude gender is 100% a social construct. PLEASE. I want to see this so I can understand how can anybody can ignore 3+ billion years of evolution.

>> No.11152453
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Has there ever been a well written tomboy in anime?
Also i think pride and prejudice had one if i remember

>> No.11152511

>Has there ever been a well written tomboy in anime?
I want to cite Oscar from Rose of Versailles, but I'm not sure if she counts (despite being more manly than a man). Is being raised as a boy cheating?

Utena from Revolutionary Girl Utena (which is obviously influenced by Rose of Versailles) is more traditionally tomboyish, but she's not as well written.

>> No.11152630
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Never heard of it but I might want to read it for research. It takes place in a fantasy setting I'm working on that's nowhere near finished enough for me to write storys sett in it. I decided on most of the general stuff except for how the actual transformation would happen.

The criteria are
>begins with traumatic event
>gradual (might be cheeky and make it take 9 months)
>leave character biologically female beyond what I modern sex change operation could do (ie. not a futa, might make an exception for other vestigial features)

Might go for something Lovecraft-esk since the setting already has some references to his writings.

Also, this image is one of my favorite Ranma pictures.

I actually have an idea for a character in my setting that's similar to this.

>> No.11152647

Rose of Versailles is going for a reverse-trap thing, not quite a tomboy thing.

>> No.11152675

my diary, no really desu. my best childhood friend was an adopted chinese tomgirl who i'd wrestle with, catch bugs with, go in the creek and fish with, ect. It was the last time I was to have any kind of emotional or physical contact with a female. She grew up into a real woman and is now a single mother with a hapa child.

>> No.11152705

Would The Heart is a Lonely Hunter fit here?

>> No.11152781

>filled with 3rd and 4th-wave feminist propaganda.
yeah, no. Japs still like their traditional gender roles and anyone that doesn't fit it is a trope character.

>> No.11152788

Beverly Marsh.

>> No.11152883

Gender has its basis in biology, since they're only two biological sexes than there must be two genders

>> No.11152893

>tfw parents unironically bought this shit for my sisters baby
>i wanted to buy it the illiad and sagas but its pointless now since it will get its easier gratification from less wholesome things.
fucking boomers

>> No.11152914


>> No.11152941
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>> No.11152942

There's a plethora of examples of pre-colonial Native American societies that had a radically different conception of gender and gender roles from that of European model. Examples were also present in some African tribes, but those aren't really researched well. You're a narrow minded person glued to one way of thinking.

>> No.11152958

>some primitive tribes thought there were more than 2 genders
Who cares? It doesn't matter.

>> No.11152972

>shaved armpit
Fake tomboy

>> No.11152988

Tomboys can shave thier armpits you ape. It’s the pussies that are hairy

>> No.11152990

Neither does your chickenshit archaic opinion. Get on with the times, grandpa - gender is a spectrum whether you like it or not.

>> No.11153013

You mean "twin spirits"? As in one gender dressing or acting like the other gender? They still believed there were two main genders, they just considered a mix of the two to be it's own thing.

>> No.11153034

How about huckleberry fin?

>> No.11153050

West with the Night

>> No.11153051

He’s a guy though?

>> No.11153056

How about huckleberry finna get dabbed on?

>> No.11153057

i want to fugg a gril

>> No.11153307

Georgina from Enid Blyton's "Famous Five". insisted everyone call her George, went around with an aubergine stuck down the front of her pants, etc.

>> No.11153348
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>went around with an aubergine stuck down the front of her pants, etc

>> No.11153356

It's irrelevant what people "think" gender is or isn't. There are two sexes with two corresponding evolutionary imperatives. Men and women are fundamentally different by nature. Homo Sapiens are sexually dimorphic, there isn't a "gender gradiant" anywhere but the heads of academic subversives and the pathetic students who are unwilling or unable to reject their conditioning.

>> No.11153375

>get with the times
I mean come on guys, it's like 2018.

>> No.11153382

I mean come on, it's like 2018, gramps.

>> No.11153842

Does Anne of Green Gables count? I barely remember the thing.

>> No.11154429

Marry that shit and you can tell people never to talk to you or your wife's son again.

>> No.11154451

That makes it 3 genders, anons.

>> No.11155237

unironically this
Dagny is my Waifu

>> No.11155248


>> No.11155370

>never heard of Metamorphosis
Come on man, it's one of the most famous stories of this century. Definitely need to read it for what you're trying to write, lots of similarities and it's only a short story.

>> No.11155390

Not exactly what you want, but Lyonesse features 3 tomboys. 2 of which get happy ends.

>> No.11155803

To Kill a Mockingbird's protagonist is very much a tomboy. I'm not sure it's going to be the sort of thing that arouses your odd literary fetish though