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/lit/ - Literature

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11148317 No.11148317[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's up with this alcohol worship I see everywhere lately, /lit/?

In most films, shows, hell even youtube videos directed towards young adults, there's always this "ironic" indulgence of getting drunk. It'd be something like:

>"Jesus man, you don't know jack!"
>>"(grabbing a bottle of Jack Daniels) Hey me and Jack go way back!"

I understanding drinking has always been part of society at large, but it never seemed to feature so strongly in pop-culture as it does this days. What gives?

>> No.11148326


>> No.11148331

Can you fuck off to /pol9k/ when you need to REEE at "normies" and get your dick sucked by fellow losers, please? This board is for literature

>> No.11148336

>What gives?

Money. Product placement. Given our schizophrenic news and accusing culture I wouldn't be surprised if consumption is way up.

>> No.11148337

You see in pretty much all literature since Homer. Its just part of our culture and what people do. I don't particularly see as much of it as you do.

>> No.11148342

I think it's funny how they got smoking back on the screen with period pieces


>> No.11148344

once you join the adult world you will realize that most of us are actually high-functioning alcoholics. they will always be proud of this too.

>> No.11148403

holy fuck are you 5?

>> No.11148644
File: 794 KB, 1268x1332, march of zion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>films, shows, hell even youtube videos
jews own movie studios and youtube advertising

>> No.11148668


>> No.11148673

Have you consumed any media from any other generation? From at least the 80s onward (possibly even before that but I'm less familiar) drinking has been common in entertainment because alcohol is a huge part of late adolescence and early adulthood in the US.

>> No.11148682

>alcohol worship lately

>> No.11149231

What you're referring to is called comedy.

>> No.11149726

I can only write honestly when im drunk. How is this not a /lit/ thread?
This thread does belong in /pol/, but alcohol and writing go hand in hand.

>> No.11149816
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Wow OP, what an astute thinker you are.

>> No.11149923

>alcohol worship

I'm watching a movie called murder my sweet (based on a raymond chandler book) right now and its 74 years old and literally every scene revolves around ETOH with lots of quips and dialogue like you quote. It's nothing new, like most people who think the worlds getting worse you're probably just taking in more mature or darker art or understanding it from a more mature point of view.

Now, if you want to talk about the preponderance of "marijuana worship" in our culture these days you might be on to something.

>> No.11149943

>but it never seemed to feature so strongly in pop-culture as it does this days.
I don't think you looked.

>> No.11150407

is the top picture what the average /pol/tard thinks the real world is like? i would never have even known things like the bottom left one existed if not for people on /pol/ obsessively posting pictures similar to it all the time

>> No.11150414

>is the top picture what the average /pol/tard thinks the real world is like
Yes. It's an interesting peek into the the mind of the average /pol/lo.

>> No.11150417

about 20 years late on your observation OP

>> No.11150428
File: 257 KB, 1200x798, 1517546754017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a picture but it's easy see bits of that when you live in a shitty place filled with criminal youths, junkies and deviants while the naive upper-middle class who wouldn't drive through your neighbourhood in an armored SUV act like it's not only great and progressive but that you're to blame for any of their faults.

>grow up in shitty neighbourhood with plenty of problems
>childhood friends from richer families get sent to private schools as things get worse
>years later look them up to stay in touch
>they're preaching about tolerance when they don't know the meaning of it and insult anyone with a critical view as 'ignorant'
I can't blame them though, I wish I had parents that sheltered me so.

>> No.11150541

i do live in a shit neighbourhood and i see junkies and criminals often, what does that have to do with the upper-middle class? why do you care about these people's opinions? you are indulging your brain in information that has no effect on you

and what do you mean by "tolerance"? i only hear that word in relation to immigration or non-whites, i've never once heard anyone mention tolerating junkies or criminals, while some people may feel sympathy for these people and how they've ended up where they've ended up i don't think anybody thinks they should be allowed to continue doing what they're doing except for other junkies and criminals

>> No.11150548

This but 90 years

>> No.11150553

> (((pop culture)))
Whew, lad.

>> No.11150557

> "why do you care about the opinions of the people who lord over you?"
Whew, lad.