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11147501 No.11147501 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the most complex and best written villain?

>> No.11147508


>> No.11147511

from my diary desu

>> No.11147520
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>tfw the teachers will never found out who rubbed vaseline all over the door handles

>> No.11147521

White men
From All of history

>> No.11147524

Milady de Winter of course, no one else even close.

>> No.11147525


>> No.11147529

milton's lucifer. captain ahab also

>> No.11147533

Milton's Satan

>> No.11147544
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> mfw neighbors never discovered who made the condom balloons

>> No.11147552
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God from the Bible

>> No.11147556


>> No.11147572

So far fro what i've read, the Judge in blood meridian.
I am just breaking into the cannon though so i might find better antagonists

>> No.11147584

inb4 Judge Holden

Dark-horse candidate: Iago

>> No.11147585


>> No.11147590


>> No.11147591



>> No.11147637

Holden Caulfield

>> No.11147682

This, he wrote the rules on manipulation

>> No.11147703
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Adolf Hitler.

Written by God.

>> No.11147738
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More of this type of villain?

>> No.11147739

The underground man.

>> No.11147747

Go Nagai's Satan

>> No.11147749

Humbert Humbert actually wins many readers over. That’s a pretty good trick.

>> No.11147752

Robert Neville

>> No.11147755

im not a mangafag

>> No.11147758

Literally what's his motivation
>I need to show everyone how smart I am!!

>> No.11147762

The underground man is too pathetic to be a villain

>> No.11147764

Rand al'Thor, all the way until Robert Jordan pussied out with the reintegration. His descent into madness and evil was perfect.

>> No.11147765

Elliot Roger from My Twisted World

>> No.11147781

so is milton's satan

>> No.11147790

Char Aznable

>> No.11147794

Holden Caulfield.

>> No.11147800

Chigur from No Country For Old Men is pretty /lit/

>> No.11147802

>Judge Holden, Hannibal Lecter

Most Awesome Only-A-Whisker-From-Hero:
>Satan (Paradise Lost), Darth Vader

Most Loathsome, Cold, Destructive:
>Iago, Jason Compson

Most Terrifying Non-Human:

Nastiest Female:
>Nurse Ratched, Goneril & Regan, Cathy Ames

Best Evil-Female-You-Secretly-Want-To-Save-From-Herself:
>Milady de Winter

>> No.11147884

Vautrin from Balzac's Lost Illusions and SaMoaC.
Madam Verdurin from ISOLT
V. from V.

>> No.11147893


>> No.11147899

the police will never find the bodies....

>> No.11147912


>> No.11147940

>no Lady Macbeth
>no Avril Mondragon
>Darth Vader

might aswell list all the guys from Marvel comics, Harry Potter, and Diary of Bridget Jones

>> No.11148154
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Griffith - the supreme rapist - from the Golden Age arc in Berserk, the stuff before and after Golden Age is not *as* good, but GA itself is the best story ever written by man. If an apt author had written this into a novel, it would be phenomenal.

>> No.11148166

I'd usually shit on manga faggotry in these threads but griffith is based

>> No.11148185

>teachers will never find out who pissed all over the stall in the church's bathroom

>> No.11148194

This. One of the best characters ever written period.
It's incredible how Milton could make him so sympathetic and compelling despite being a staunchly believing Christian.

>> No.11148332

called vision, anon. Imagination.
Milton? No. Anyone else? Yes.

>> No.11148346

Which book?

>> No.11148372

>highest IQ
Anasurimbor Kellhus

>> No.11148386

Milton's satan from paradise lost

>> No.11148404


>> No.11148415

True but at least Milton's Satan had plans and followed them through. The Underground Man didn't even know what he was meant to be angry at

>> No.11148466

gaunter o dimm from witcher 3

unironically, a fucking video game created a better villain than any book ever could

>> No.11148482

The Joker

>> No.11148490

The Witches
The Whale
Dorian Gray
Shoutout to Typhon.

>> No.11148506


>> No.11148507
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The main protagonist in this didn't tout philosophical bullshit. His evil wasn't romanticized or glorified. It was the kind you could wake up too and see on the news. It was completely human.

>> No.11148508

God in the Bible

>> No.11148509



>> No.11148513

Stop watching kids shows

>> No.11148523

I was talking about the graphic novel, not a show.

>> No.11148533

>a comic book

even worse

>> No.11148561
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Your missing out on a religious experience with the Golden Age arc, but to each his own.

>> No.11148566

How is Odysseus the villain? Am I a brainlet and missed something?

>> No.11148655

Its a joke because he was very egotistical

>> No.11148704


>> No.11148881

Lost Children > Black Swordsmen > Golden Age

>> No.11148962

I tend to agree with the argument that Milton's Satan is what became the prototype for the Romantic Hero, so you could really comb the nineteenth century for a number of examples. Ahab comes most prominently to mind.
The way that Milton's Satan perverts the truth is a lot like Iago.

>> No.11149003


>> No.11149176


>> No.11149437

Ivan Karamazov

>> No.11149442

the jews

>> No.11149536

Not complex but Javert is my favorite character archetype

>> No.11149567

I was legit shocked when he iced himself after having confronted such a difficult ethical dilemma.

>> No.11149591
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>> No.11149624
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AM from i have no mouth, and i must scream

>> No.11149655

he did nothing wrong

>> No.11149674
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>He is in you all

>> No.11149680

mary tyrone

>> No.11149682

Hethor and Baldanders from The Book of the New Sun are pretty fucking evil.

>> No.11149693
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Ellsworth Toohey from the Fountainhead

>> No.11149695

Came to post this.

>> No.11149738


>> No.11149778


>> No.11149795

this post screams reddit

>> No.11149833

Richard III
Lord Henry Wotton

>> No.11150048
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>tfw my old flatmate will never know that a ejaculated in her favourite teacup

>> No.11150055

Turin in Children of Hurin

>> No.11150114

Unironically Walter O'Dim - Randal Flag

>> No.11150150

Milton's Satan

>> No.11150634

>best written
Moby Dick
>most complex

>> No.11150668

The greatest villain of all time is an insidious beast who threatens the entire future of literature itself, through atheism childishness and liberalism. It will not rest until no literature except YA and shitty science fiction exists.

The villains name?

All they like is 1984 and game of thrones. They have no appreciation for real classics like Ulysses, gravitys rainbow and infinite jest. We must destroy them before they destroy pur livelihood

>> No.11150670

Pure unfiltered redditness

>> No.11150671

Faggot. You probably read hitchikers guide redditfag. Leave now

>> No.11150761
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Underrated response.

>> No.11150878

>Reading books with villains

Enjoy your near genre fiction

>> No.11150949
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>mfw my vile machinations are so subtle /lit/ barely thinks of me

>> No.11150973

the mc's struggle they must overcome
every book

>> No.11150997

Definitely one of the most tragic.

>> No.11150999


He's good, and actually he is the only evil main character in Shakespeare, which is something of a distinction.
He always gets a bit overshadowed by Iago, though. I mean if I had both of them in a room and only two bullets in my gun, Iago is getting double-tapped, no question.

>> No.11151004


inb4 Macbeth - I meant Richard is the only purely evil MC. Macbeth is a tragic hero who makes some sub-optimal life choices.

>> No.11151005

Shylock played as a pissed off Jew with something to prove.

>> No.11151169

Richard III was one of Shakespeare's earlier plays, Othello was one of his later. Take the two plays together and we see Shakespeare's development and improvement as a writer. He's decided to recycle the Gloucester character in the form of Iago. So we're seeing the same thing but the second is a more mature and developed version. It's like with Beethoven, you can see him fiddling about in C minor, finding different solutions as he progressed as a composer.

>> No.11151173

called cuckoldry, anon. Submission.
Anon? No. Anyone else? Yes.

>> No.11151232

No, you're just a straight white man.

>> No.11151265

Came here for THIS

>> No.11151268

Nah, Bane is better

This, Led Luthor and Norman Osborn

>> No.11151276


>> No.11151302

>Bane is better
Bigger does not equal better

>> No.11151310

At least he's got a goal, the Joker is just an edgy, unfunny character who tries to get even edgier every time.

>> No.11151312


>> No.11151325

for you

>> No.11151340

But we all know that MCU Thanos is the most complex character of all time, let alone villain?

>> No.11151592

Wasn't the whole point that the whale wasn't really a villain, though? It'd be like saying a hurricane or a earthquake was a villain.

>> No.11151709
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>> No.11151958

Got that right. Love ya, senpai.

>> No.11151967

He was the biggest vilan

>> No.11152250

And how is Iago not a purely evil MC?

>> No.11152277

He was really bummed about that whole promotion thing

>> No.11152383

He's even a frog.

>> No.11152403

The Boogeyman

>> No.11152429

That may be a catalyst but isn't the point that he doesn't really have an excuse - he just hates the world around him and wants to fuck shit up?

>> No.11152432

Frankenstein's monster

>> No.11152832

Odysseus was kind of a dick. Dante put him in hell for a reason

>> No.11152853

Frollo from Hunchback of Notre Dame

>> No.11152861
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>tfw the neighbour did find out who shat in their crib

>> No.11152863

>Madam Verdurin from ISOLT
Just finished Swann's Way, hearty kek.

>> No.11152913


Iago isn't a main character.

>> No.11152921


I mean he isn't THE main character of the play he's in, as Gloucester is in Richard III.

>> No.11153192

dead meme

>> No.11153271

John Galt from Atlas Shrugged or any of Rand's "heroes"

>> No.11153373


>> No.11153440

>be a smart, albeit a vindictive person
>work hard
>you hope to get a promotion
>your boss fucks you over and promotes some cute twink that wasn't even in your group before (and for some pety political reasons, Iago had the backing of venetian senators, maybe his wife blew them to "make her husband a king")
>there are rumors in your home that a black person fucked your wife (like Iago said it doesn't matter if it's true or not, people will make a mockery out of him regardless)
>you are some milquetoast guy while Cassio is cute and popular
>Othello gets a cute loyal, waifu-tier partner, while you are living with a xanthippe
>all those idiots are doing marvellously while you are treated like trash
>get tired of it and start wanting them to suffer too.
Good Iago is scum but I can really see where he's coming from.

>> No.11153707

The monster did nothing wrong.
Dr. makes monster
>pls love me dad
No, you're gross
>pls give gf
Ok, jk BTFO
>I'm going to kill everyone you love to show you what I feel

>> No.11153904

t. A roman

>> No.11154912

Again, those could be catalysts but almost no one else would carry things out the way he did. Throughout the play all those reasons are represented as being sort of passively given and the degree of malice he displays is disproportionate. It's not like the people he was around were bad, they were just disagreeable to him, and he destroyed them for it.

>> No.11154944


>> No.11155076

The Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes

>> No.11155316

he saved trillions though

>> No.11155351

He has more lines than Othello

>> No.11155353

Joffrey, the good king - I love this guy.

>> No.11155582

That's why I said that he's scum, he actually found joy in his malice and even with all these reasons he was a monster, I just don't agree with the sentiment that he did it just for teh lulz

>> No.11156029

where is professor umbridge???

>> No.11156412


That doesn't make him the main character.

Godot has no lines *at all* but he's still the main character of HIS play :P

>> No.11156473

You do realize he is Mephistopheles, right?

>> No.11156496

victor frankenstein