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11145844 No.11145844 [Reply] [Original]

Will this book redpill me?

>> No.11145871

This book is interesting but he negate race all together and he assumes that black americans were heavily influenced by the redneck culture of the south. It is true that black americans evidently speak with a southern drawl but past that the thesis is void. Most black american cultural activities come from West Africa or more specifically their african racial proclivities.

>> No.11145956

>Watermelon and fried chicken are African culture
Also a large part of blues music is based on country music which is based on western folk music. Blues music is in minor pentatonic scales while western folk music is more often in major pentatonic scales. But you can mechanically translate melodies between the scales: a minor chord is sort of like an upside down major chord. The Aeolian scale is sort of like the opposite of the Ionian scale.

+ 2 -
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+ 2 -

>> No.11145961

love the twist at the end, good composition

>> No.11145970
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>Most black american cultural activities come from West Africa
They literally don't. It's actually really strange, since in LatAm blacks actually do preserve some african culture.

>> No.11145973

Africans loved fried chicken all over the world... look at Brazil, look at nigeria, hell even when I was in Belgium, I was at a fried chicken shop and all the congolese were eating it, it is a racial thing

>> No.11145997

okay, let me rephrase, I mean their racial proclivities come from West Africa aka similar homicide rates, out of wed lock birth rates, how they dance, how they speak specifically uses very few words with more then 2 syllables. etc. Potentially not huge amounts of cultural connection other then that.

>> No.11146000

It's because North American slave owners did their best to stamp out any hints of maintained culture between their slaves and their African roots because they intended to keep slaves and breed them like cattle over long periods of time, whereas Latin American slave ownership was more like machinery than farming. A slave in Latin America was expected to work until dead so their owners cared less about forcing them to take part in the new culture. This is why American slaves were forcibly converted to Christianity and why so few African Americans can trace their genealogical roots.

>> No.11146006
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>> No.11146229

If anything literature has taught me, there's nothing you can learn from right wingers. Read Adam Smith and The Doctrine of Fascism, maybe Mein Kampf and then never pick up one of their "books" ever again.

>> No.11146240

Maybe if you were born in the post war years when Sowell's writings would actually be relevant.

Boomer "Muh Bootstraps" ideology is pointless nowadays.

>> No.11146246

just hold this L dude, your talking about classical liberals, boomer types are worth nothing, read something from the illiberal right, Evola, Nietzsche, Hamsun, De Maistre, Heidegger etc

>> No.11146256

Ban /pol/-posters

>> No.11146260

Some of your statements are factually incorrect. The British colonies in America practiced cradle to the grave slavery. There was no real intention of releasing slaves.

Latin American slaves basically worked until what would be considered early retirement. They could also work separate jobs and purchase their own freedom, and when not slaving away, were given much more autonomy (hence their preservation of their cultural roots).

Of course, access to all of this depended heavily where in Latin America you ended up, with some places treating slaves basically like farmhands and allowing interbreeding, and other places literally viewing them as someone you could work to death in ten years.

>Thomas Sowell
>Literally as liberal as you can possibly get
>"right wing"

I wish Americans would spend an hour in school on politics and economics so they wouldn't be retarded all the time.

>> No.11146316

>being a hyper-capitalist neo-con is left wing
I wish right wingers would educate themselves on their own fucking ideology.

>> No.11146608

One of these things is not like the other.

>> No.11147156

a lot of people on this board shit on Thomas Sowell, and I really dont get it. every book ive read by him is great

however, i would recommend another book even stronger for the "instant red pill", and that one is called "The Vision of the Anointed". its basically about how all "intellectuals" are full of shit.... maybe thats why the pretentious douchebags here hate him so much

>> No.11147169

>reading books on demographics and the history of a race from people who have published no original research and aren’t respected in their field
>reading books on race which aren’t lauded by experts in the field
lol right wingers are so fucking stupid

>> No.11147171

It's not /pol/ to say races are different.

But it is /pol/ to talk about IQ and linear, rankable differences. THE MOAR YOU KNOW

>> No.11147186

>slaves forcibly converted to christianity

another fake myth pushed by national of islam fools

during "the second awakening" evangelic christianity was spreading all over american including and especially on the frontier but also on the plantation, evangelicals opposed slavery, thats why many blacks converted to it, nat turner converted to christianity on his own and then lead a slave uprising

think about it for two seconds: protestants in america wanted everyone to be literate to read the bible, meanwhile slave owners wanted slaves illiterate, why would they convert them to a religion that promotes literacy?

>> No.11147194

this is a lie

>> No.11147206
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He's generally lauded lauded as one of the greatest economists alive today, and I've seen several organizations name him the singularly most effective purveyor of austrian economic ideas in the world. How you consider him "not respected", or "right wing", is hard to comprehend

Anyway, his two best books (of the ones I've read) are:

>A Conflict of Visions
>The Vision of the Anointed

the first one presents two opposing visions on humanity, and how they manifest themselves in all ideological disagreements (very objectively and without giving even a hint of preference for one vision over the other), and the in the other book, he just takes a massive shit on the vision he disagrees with

>> No.11147207

oh look a woke fedora tipping whiteboi is here with his tiny penis to tell us about african american history

at least skim wikipedia first fool


>> No.11147222
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Country music came in the 1920s and blues came in the late 1890s. Blues music is not based on country music. Country music is based on western folk music, as you said, and blues.

Blues originates from the work songs the slaves sang. These songs usually being about suffering and oppression, naturally had a sad melody, therefore the minor pentatonic. The blues scale came because most weren't real singers and therefore sang so out of tune that they were really "bending" the notes often, and sometimes all the way up to a half step. Therefore the b5 came into the minor pentatonic and we got the blues scale.

>> No.11147250

Nonsense and he goes into why black Americans are more redneck than Africa such as the obsession with reputation and willingness to kill for being disrespected. Comes from (idiotic) duelling culture of 1700-1800s England and France.

Fried chicken was originally Scottish.

>out of wed lock birth rates
Welfare state can explain that.

>anything to the right of Marx is right wing.

This. Also, the Abolitionist movement was spearheaded by Evangelical Christians. So no surprise former slaves took part in the institution that freed them. Also, large parts of Africa were Christian prior to Islamic invasions.

>> No.11147262

he’s not and he has not published any original research on race. austrian economics isn’t considered valid by the Fed or most firms. You embarass yourself by posting shit from that movie you fucking normalfag
again its not true

>> No.11147266

considering your strong claims, I assume youve read at least one of his books?

and who gives a shit what the federal government claims about economic policies, lol

also, what movie are you talking about?

>> No.11147269
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>> No.11147270

sad midwit

>> No.11147273

Why is Thomas Sowell such a magnet for retarded progressives on this board?

>> No.11147274

okay so you havent read any of his work, making you unqualified to make educated claims about any of it. got it

>> No.11147275


You realize they kept them illiterate so they could teach them Christianity without opposition? As long as they didn't read, they were able to convince them the Bible said their slavery was deserved and thay they would only be liberated in the afterlife. Christianity was used as nothing more than a tool to mentally subjugate the enslaved.

>> No.11147281

im guessing progressives hate him, probably with a passion, considering how he completely rejects "social justice", identity politics, and equality of outcome.
mostly its libertarians who dig his work

>> No.11147282

>He's generally lauded lauded as one of the greatest economists alive today

>> No.11147295
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first thing that came up on google, from a credulous source. i dont understand what youre "disagreeing" with. if someone told you to hate him, maybe try to think for yourself and read his work, and then make up your own mind afterwards

>> No.11147300

Sowell isn't an Austrian, he's a run of the mill Friedmanite. Sorry but you're not going to find the "greatest economists alive today" working at the freaking Hoover Institution.

>> No.11147309
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invest in gold

>> No.11147319

I'm conflicted because on one hand I loathe the monolithic thought of managerialists and equity intersectional shitlibs but on the other hand I'm not retarded enough to meme myself into Zionism, Austrian Economics, unreconstructed Boomerism and whatever the dark money Adelson-Koch machine is shilling for this week.

>> No.11147332

"Friedmanite", Austrian, roughly same shit. "government non-interventionist", or whatever you want to call it. youre arguing semantics

regardless, even if you disagree with everything he stands for (which seems unfounded, as it seems you havent actually read his work), its intellectually dishonest to reject his credulousness because you disagree (or think you disagree) with his opinions. I dont agree with Nassim Nicholas Taleb, and ive 3 of his damn books, but i recognize his position as a leading worldwide economist.

>> No.11147346

zionists (and /pol/acks in general) dont adhere to austrian economic models. theyre largely economic socialists, because they... basically, because they dont read

read some austrian economics books. you wont regret it

a very good one to start with is "Economics in One Lesson" by Henry Hazlitt. Hate-read it, if you want, its only like 100 pages. i would at least different opinions a chance. i sure as shit read a lot of marxist and keynesian economic theory, but it just strengthened my disbelief in it

>> No.11147404

Neoclassicalism and austrianism aren't "roughly the same shit". It's a completely different understanding of how markets function, it's the difference between believing all slumps are just pure artificial creations of some form of government intervention and some notion of cyclical creative destruction being actually disruptive. Markets are justified on entirely different grounds and entail different expectations. Austrians are psychopaths since they accept markets will cause chaos and think that's acceptable, neoclassicalists are just stupid and believe markets are always moving towards a peaceful equilibrium.

>> No.11147423
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free market shills and shitlibs are two faces of the same coin, equally responsible for the hell reality we now live in.

>"At that instant late in Midsummer Night 1966 when Smedley took his fatal decision, two kinds of piracy came into collision. Reg Calvert represented one kind - a kind whose history can be traced back centuries. He was an ingenious and imaginative entrepreneur, opportunistic and ambitious. He spoke in grandiose terms, but his operations were undercapitalized, seat-of-the-pants adventures that might bloom or collapse - as so many radical ventures initially are. The outsider, resistant to all rules.

>Calvert represented the kind of pirate that the Institute of Economic Affairs hailed as holding the key to social and cultural progress. But in reality Smedley stood for a different kind of pirate altogether. He was the rational capitalist, well versed in both the maxims of accountancy and the abstract principles of liberal ideology. Privately educated, metropolitan and professional, Smedley saw himself as an agent in the political and cultural affairs of the nation.

>It was this that Calvert threatened in 1966 - and what made Calvert so appealing was therefore precisely what also made him so dangerous. And as in military and political life, so in financial and entrepreneurial: Smedley's instinct was to stand fast. Hold his ground."

>And the same was true of the ideas of Friedrich Hayek. He wasn't really trying to bring back an old, unpredictable, turbulent laissez-faire system - he wanted to create a new, technocratic system of managed competition that didn't in anyway threaten the existing structure of power.

>> No.11147447

I don't hate him anon it's just that claiming that he is one of the greatest is patently false.

>> No.11147482

its coors, bechtel, hunt and pickens ive never heard of Adelson giving money to CATO

>> No.11147496

>neoclassicalists are just stupid and believe markets are always moving towards a peaceful equilibrium
Just about everyone in the history of economics believed this desu. Keynes honestly thought that the market would fix itself in the long term, but that it just honestly wasn't worth waiting for. We actually have the quote from him "In the long term, we'll all be dead."
People just tack on things like 'BUT technological advancements can cause immediate problems' or 'BUT bad monetary policy can stop that from happening.'

>> No.11147561

Didn't Friedrich Von Hayek say Pinochet's Chile was the 'freest country on earth'? freedom for whom?

I'm more interested in the ideas of Stafford Beer, the organizational cybernetician responsible for designing project cybersyn during the brief rule of Allende's Union Popular. The idea was to build a cybernetic model of society in an open and democratic basis before private interests or authoritarian governments had the chance . sounds familiar?

Peter Thiel is one of the top backers behind the current 'libertarian' movement, the 'classical liberals', the Trump campaign, the 'intellectual dark web' etc. etc. he is also the CEO of Palantir, a company that is constantly gathering data from all over the internet and using it to predict the future. Palantir's clients: the state department, CIA, precrime units in police departments all over America. it's not a question of left vs. right, but one of cybernation vs its enemies.


>> No.11147654
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the creative destruction wrought by capitalism will eventually render capitalism itself obsolete. The mimetic dynamics of social media have already liquidated the literate bourgeoisie subjectivity that formed the basis of liberalism and capitalism. identity politics didn't become as big as it is due to the work of a shadowy cabal of academics, y'know? shitlibs are already post individualists.

>> No.11147787

the culture war isn't even about ideology, it isn't about policy or even racial conflict. it's a schismogenetic arm race between tribes defined by affective dynamics of imitation and belonging.

>> No.11148025

It's pol to talk about politics on a literature board. This thread is a thinly veiled shitpost. Do other boards deal with this much pol shit?

>> No.11148091

everything is politics.

>> No.11148767

Race is not science, sorry. Race is pseudoscience.

>> No.11148773

Not science either.

>> No.11148865

Maybe if you weren’t such a cock sucking newfag you’d know?

>> No.11148886

Yeah. Fried chicken, the thing that's not in any African-African's cuisine or diet..

>> No.11148896

Exactly. That's why it gets linked to /pol/

Can you even reason? Here, this is for you


>> No.11148901

There's literally no such thing as a black redneck.

>> No.11148902

No, it's pol to push some kind of weird, fascist agenda along the lines of The Bell Curve.

Just saying races are different is not incorrect. They are different, but not unequal from the point of view of representation.

>> No.11148906

>from a credulous source
I think you're the credulous one lol

>> No.11148908

How dare you use facts and information. Black peoples invented everything you bigot

>> No.11148927


>They are different, but not unequal from the point of view of representation.
>not unequal
So... Races are represented equally?

>> No.11148938

From the point of view of representation, correct.

Are you trying to make this simpler than it is?

>> No.11148943

I think the right should be less about muh IQ and more about the immanent Hitlerite archetype of the Fuhrer and worshipping the Black Sun. Read Miguel Serrano, people. Manson was right btw.


>> No.11148981

>Just about everyone in the history of economics believed this desu.
That's because they didn't tend to introduce technological change into their models so they could reach a steady equilibrium.

>> No.11149020

I honestly think the pure economics which analyzes free competition is much more interesting than anything with 'structural economics'.

In other words, Walras and Pareto, who view the simple phenomena of exchange itself, is much more thought-provoking and mathematical than anything that Keynes ever did.

Fisher was very structural as well, but his mathematics were primarily of the empirical kind, supporting his economic findings. No doubt you'll find many people on this site who don't read these authors because, quite simply, they don't understand the arguments. It's the same people who don't understand why and how races can be different, but not represented unequally.

>> No.11149084

what's your endgame as a rational race realist libertarian? were do you draw the line? do you seriously believe the AI God is gonna to respect your petty gender norms and your feeble bourgeoisie subjectivity and your suburban lawns? please. You are what you are able to become and to survive you might have to become someone else entirely. the rules of the game have changed it's up to you to catch up.

>> No.11149091

>it’s a push from some weird fascist agenda
>a book written by a black man
You’re a special kind of stupid arent’cha?

>> No.11149140

6/10 bait

>> No.11149144

shitlibs and leftoids have no idea of what to do beyond fighting le racist and engaging in vaguely therapeutic sadomasochistic guiltmongering. rightists on the other hand are like look at this BASED black guy shilling for the neoliberal status quo that is slowly killing us all isn't it BASED? btw have i mentioned you can't call me a racist because le BASED negro is on my side? BASED. I wanna blow it all up I wanna ascend to the next level of human evolution, poetry will be made by all, a dream like acid trip but you are 5000% lucid, you are one with humanity via cyber telepathy, and yet reaching untought of levels of individuation and self awareness, everything is play and everything is serious. real history begins after the world ends and you defeat the antichrist

>> No.11149371
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please read this book. Its an amazing story that outline partly how slaves were being forcefully converted to christianity.

>> No.11149384

who the fuck doesn't love fried chicken

>> No.11149527

>kay, let me rephrase, I mean their racial proclivities come from West Africa aka similar homicide rates, out of wed lock birth rates, how they dance, how they speak specifically uses very few words with more then 2 syllables.

Many people who like Thomas Sowell are allergic to in-group thinking (only for whites of course) and use him to justify their desire to reduce most of political life to economics and class related ideas about 'manners'. These are the boomer, chamber of commerce types.
The rest just want to give nearly total environmental determinations of black behavior because they exist on the political left and prefer a world in which societies can be engineered independent of the people within them.

In short, arguments that black behavior doesn't result from racial characteristics refracted through a cultural prism is nearly always 'motivated thinking'. i.e., it's bad faith.

>> No.11149610

But I'm not a libertarian?

>> No.11149623

Yes, all boards deal with these insecure cuckolds. The more niche your board the harder they stand out though. It's obvious on /lit/ when a /pol/tard hasn't actually read a book and it's even more painfully obvious on /tg/ when they don't understand tabletop games. They're just lazy shills for racism and intellectual degeneracy