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/lit/ - Literature

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11144941 No.11144941 [Reply] [Original]

>he doesn't live in Paris, London, New York or Berlin

Literally how do you expect to be taken seriously as a writer if you aren't living where the modern world is most clearly represented?

>b-but muh small town life
>b-but muh rust belt poverty
>b-but muh nature

Nigga get real. The next Great Writers of our age will be covering the issues of mass immigration, demographic replacement, the atomized life in big cities, etc.

Why the F**K aren't you booking a one-way ticket to a major city right now?!

>> No.11144947

none of those shitholes is relevant anymore though, maybe new york

>> No.11144953

I do live in London to be honest. I can't write, though

>> No.11144956

Umm sweetie, if anywhere is relevant today it is these major cities. Where the f**k do you think is relevant?

>> No.11144967

Are you a student or do you actually *live* in London?

>> No.11144977

I have a full time job as a translator.

>> No.11144983

it's sweetly ironic because you posted the most important writer alive, who got the fuck out of Paris, lives in rural Ireland, and hasn't even been to Berlin. good job.

>> No.11144984

Melbourne, Austin, Toronto, Tel Aviv, Vancouver, Silicon Valley, Bangkok, Singapore, Beijing, Dubai, Geneva, Shanghai, Oslo, Dublin, Seoul, Hong Kong

>> No.11144986

I grew up in London and got out as soon as I could

>> No.11144991

Then why aren't you writing sweetie?

>> No.11144992

Is Arabic in high demand?

>> No.11144994

important to ugly, fat NEETS maybe

>> No.11144995

Absolutely not true. He lived in Paris from an early age, took a mere three years to live in Ireland / Spain and then returned to Paris.

>> No.11144996

I'm a Scandi, translating into Nordic languages.
I lack a certain literary sensibility in my writing

>> No.11145001

Boston is the better American city right now, NYC hasn't produced anything lasting since it was the size of Boston you know. When I was in Salem last year the whole town was Polish!!

>> No.11145002

Couldn't handle it? Embarrassing. Never gonna make it.

>> No.11145006

Well it's a shithole, so no

>> No.11145007

>mfw live in Rome
a-ha, s-sucks to be you guys

>> No.11145008

>random Irish backwater town

Umm no sweetie

>> No.11145009

There are plenty of nice areas in London. Not everyone is a poorfag like your retarded parents

>> No.11145017 [DELETED] 

Name one muslim writer better than Yeats. Stupid Fatima.

>> No.11145019

aka the nigger capital of europe

>> No.11145020


>how do you expect to be taken seriously as a writer if you aren't living where the modern world is most clearly represented?

You can paint a better picture of a sewage-plant standing next to it looking in than if you're actually swimming in it.

>> No.11145022

Pretty sure that's Paris senpai. Rome, on the other hand, is the chink capital of Europe.

>> No.11145028

I have decided to withdraw my earlier post, and not to have this discussion with you.

>> No.11145029

he used to live in paris and writes about it frequently

dumbass never read him obvs

>> No.11145030


>> No.11145032

>lists random cities he's never been to

lmfao @ u

>> No.11145034

>muh Big Topics of the Age
enjoy being the next Eugene Sue, I guess

>> No.11145041

I think he lived 7 years in Ireland. What is OP talking about I thought he currently lives in Paris? He moved back there.

>> No.11145049

Maybe if you're an orc or if you're forced to live around orcs.

Do you realize that most top-tier white people live in Britain live in London? Take the tube to Notting Hill, Kensington, Hampstead, Wandsworth or any of the other high value places in London and you'll find high-earning, high-value, aesthetically unparalleled individuals who are earning a minimum of £75k while also finding the time to take several holidays abroad a year, weekend trips to exclusive estates in the countryside, to eat at top restaurants numerous times a month, and to host dinner parties at their flats or homes attended by the cream of the British crop, talking to a top corporate lawyer one minute and an up-and-coming theatre producer the next, all of whom are under 35 and would never even consider stepping in foot in somewhere like Birmingham let alone "living" there.

>> No.11145052

>topical literature

No thanks.

>> No.11145060

Stupid analogy.

Who are readers going to trust to write a novel about a modern metropolis and what it represents to the various 20-years-in-the-past cities in the same country, someone who has lived there or someone who has only visited on occasion and has only a very vague understanding of it?

He still does retard. He moved away for a couple of years but returned to the 13th arrondissement.

>> No.11145064

He moved to Ireland for "several" years, not seven. He lived there for about three years, but spent his winters in Spain. He then moved back to Paris and bought a flat in the 13th arrondissement where he has pretty much always lived.

>> No.11145070

gee I wonder what kind of writer can afford to live in these cities. end mid cult bullshit publishing!

>> No.11145081

The same kind of writer who have always lived in these cities.

>> No.11145084

I think he is on record saying he lived in Ireland eleven years. Google: Houellebecq VICE interview.
He moved back to France in 2012.

>> No.11145088

yeah, that's my point. spare me your Jonathan Lathem's.

>> No.11145101

>cherry picking


>> No.11145109

no problem tao lin.

>> No.11145114

only NYC is even relevant among those, Paris and London are Muslim shitholes and Berlin is a gay shithole.

>> No.11145126

I live in Vienna. I do not write. I drink.

>> No.11145130

If mass immigration, islamisation, etc are such important topics, then surely we need a writer who has seen the effect of mass immigration first hand to write a novel on the issue, rather than someone who lives in Alabama or the Massive Central.

>> No.11145143

NYC is an ugly consumerist shithole, truly one of the most grotesque places on earth. No one with any taste lives there. NYC isn't the place it was century or two ago.

>> No.11145146

The literary types who might in theory write about mass immigration tend to be Communist-leaning and supportive of it, though.

Well, it's basically a police state nowadays. The crime was getting out of control in the 70s or so.

>> No.11145180

norway is the shining gem of europe rn

>> No.11145204

overrun by niggers and north africans
overrun by niggers and north africans and pakis
>New York
overrun by niggers and jews
overrun by niggers and north africans and middle easterners

>> No.11145208

>>he doesn't live in Paris, London, New York or Berlin
If you seriously think living in one of these disgusting shit holes is a requirement for being a good writer you need to seriously consider suicide.

>> No.11145215

how exactly?

>> No.11145219


>> No.11145255

you stupid bitch

>> No.11145266


>> No.11145362
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>be me

>> No.11145370

>There are plenty of nice areas in London
but nice areas produce nothing of cultural value, you have to achieve a nice balance of poverty without the city turning into a hellish shithole, which doesn't apply to any of the cities named in OP

>> No.11145380

too bad people who live there barely know how to read

>> No.11145397

How's that going?

>> No.11145512

Frogposter, whether you like it or not you, by virtue of living in London, are one of the most lucid voices of our generation. Your social isolation, anhedonia, paralyzing self-awareness and lack of motivation or goal represents many if not most young men today in the West. I realize you aren't white, but your non-white status may even grant you an even more interesting perspective, like that guy who writes for Breitbart.

>> No.11145552

this post was so clearly made by som yuppie faggot about to go to brunch in BKLYN. have fun watching master of none tonight you absolute faggot

>> No.11145554


The best British writers of the 20th century were overwhelmingly residents of the nicest areas of the country. Why did T.S. Eliot go to London despite hating it? Why did D.H. Lawrence up sticks and move to London? Ever heard of Graham Greene? Henry James? They didn't live in some East End slum, but instead lived in places like Hampstead and Kensington, mixing with the most cultured and refined Old Boys the private schools of Britain produced year upon year, forming connections, discussing complex political theory with the sharpest intellects of their day. Look at the "best young writers" lists in Britain today. Most are privately educated and live in desirable areas of London.

>> No.11145573

literally whos

>> No.11145582

As opposed to...

>> No.11145601

>the sharpest intellects of their day.

lol. Evelyn Waugh and Wodehouse made their careers making fun of the stupidity of these people. get real pseud.

>> No.11145610

I don't want to cover those issues though.

>> No.11145663

>Literary scene

>> No.11145671

Literally proves my point

>> No.11145673

Someone post the ny: middlebrow the place meme

>> No.11145690

you live your life according to memes
in what way is london a "muslim shithole"
and what is a "muslim shithole

>> No.11145719

>40% White British, down from 60% just a decade ago
>property prices through the roof
>rent prices through the roof unless you're willing to live with 5 slavs
>same old poshos and their kike buddies being handed the best jobs
>crime rising rapidly, especially knife, gun and acid crimes

Unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, there are only three options for you in London:

1. Loathe it but remain living there

2. Lower your standards significantly and live a nigger-level life in some slum, putting away as much money as you can

3. Worm your way into the finance industry and do whatever it takes (including 80 hour weeks) and focus all your energy on earning money

>> No.11145728

no it doesnt. your point was to fetishise the boarding school crowd.

>> No.11145829

and would therefore produce little to nothing of literary value. Tragedy is the raw source for powerful stories.

>> No.11145851

>where the modern world is most clearly represented?
Thats your first mistake

>> No.11145862

But anon, those are complete shitholes...

>> No.11145868
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>great writing
>political/social issues rather than philosophical issues

>> No.11145872

Modern writer must become a Muslim.

>> No.11145882

I live inTokyo. It is a good view into a crumbling society that was based on nothing to begin with.

>> No.11145883

literature is haram

>> No.11145887

>puts down a toni morrison novel
>cracks open the latest new yorker
>downloads an npr podcast
>goes to a free summer concert series
>gets hair cut at place that serves whiskey, like back when real men shaved with straight razors
>wears an untucked gingham shirt not over a t-shirt and over-polished menswear wingtips
>waits three hours for a text from the new small plates pop-up restaurant
>orders the second least-expensive malbec
>tries to watch all the oscar nominees each year
>cannot believe how good the new rap album is
>goes to a coffee tasting
>follows aziz ansari on instagram
>orders a kindle and hard copy of the latest kwame ngobongo novel but listens to it on audiobook during commute to his new marketing job
>goes to four spinning classes a week
>talks about how busy life as a creative is
>buys a groupon for hamilton
>lives in new york city

>> No.11145890

No. Fine art and music is.

>> No.11145897
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>marketing job

>> No.11145903
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such a beautiful culture...

>> No.11145908

>"yes Mr. New York, I took all of Tokyo's phone messages for you"

>> No.11145911

weirdly enough, japs seem to have an overall positive view of the big city

>> No.11145914

I live in Minneapolis, no literary scene, just endless somalis and mexicans and hmong and chicago niggas... mixed together with high iq, neoliberal scandanavian descendents who believe all the groups listed above are the same as them... its a weird ass place

>> No.11145918

Young kids and nostalgic elderly love it. Most people here either hate it or are too stupid to hate it.

>> No.11145919


>> No.11145926

Why are you censoring the word "fuck"?

>> No.11145938


Because unlike the west a big japanese city is actually full of japanese people

>> No.11145941

Looks pretty good, no gangs of somalis roaming around or other non whites trying to swindle money from tourists, the buildings look well maintained, maybe even the most spoken language is the language of the country.

>> No.11145945

there are lot of koreans, thais, pinoys and even nigerians in tokyo and osaka

>> No.11145952

>where the modern world is most clearly represented?
You mean Shanghai, Shenzhen, Singapore, Seoul?

>> No.11145958

how else do I describe these scum...

>> No.11145960

that doesn't have anything to do with it you retard. europeans have always lamented the alienation of the big city since the industrial revolution

>> No.11145980

corporate progressives

>> No.11145988

Tokyo has less than 10% non-ethnic Japanese, in most Western metropolises natives are at most 50% of the population.

>> No.11146005

yes, that is an apt description

>> No.11146100


>> No.11146113

is this bait?

>> No.11146115

lmao Asia is the future, book a flight to Hong Kong and bask in the creative aether that is polluted air

>> No.11146127

No. I may be a little off with the numbers but the trends are correct, Japan is highly homogenous and Western nations are not with most of the 'diversity' concentrating in the big cities.

>> No.11146132

This describes my roommate perfectly holy shit.

>> No.11146137

Somewhat related, what do you guys think are the most /lit/ cities? I don't mean cities perfect for your mopey apathetic narratives about an aloof protagonist drinking and fucking, I mean cities where a lot of the populace read literature for pleasure.

I remember reading an article answering this exact question, and it said of all things quite a few cities in the Middle East have a shitload of readers, but I can't seem to remember what cities, or who wrote the article.

>> No.11146139
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>google what a gingham shirt is
>first result is this art of manliness meme guy


>> No.11146156

I hate this kind of person but I'm honestly jealous. I wish I could have an easy marketing job where I just fuck around all day and live in NYC or something and enjoy all the stupid bullshit that people like. Sadly my family is white trash and I have no connections in the big city...

>> No.11146162

Do old Japanese people think all the colorful hair anime cutesy bullshit is really faggy?

>> No.11146163


>> No.11146166

I knew probably 4 or 5 people like this and they were all depressive bipolar man-children. The only reason they fuck around and do so much shit isn't because they're free to do so, it's because they need to distract themselves all the time or they go insane. It looks good on the surface but still remember most people living "the life" are actually manic depressive.

>> No.11146173

>no gangs of somalis roaming around or other non whites trying to swindle money from tourists

t. someone who was never been to Tokyo.

>> No.11146174


>> No.11146180

>I remember reading an article answering this exact question, and it said of all things quite a few cities in the Middle East have a shitload of readers, but I can't seem to remember what cities, or who wrote the article.

I don't buy it. You'd expect places where people read alot to also write alot yet all of the middle east produces fewer book a year than Spain alone. Also, it's anecdotal, but i spent a year in Beirut, another one in Tripoli (Libya) and people don't read much. TV is still king there.

>> No.11146181

I'll focus on my writing first. The guy in your pic is also a shit writer.

>> No.11146188

Why did you live in those countries?

>> No.11146193

>t. someone who was never been to Tokyo.
I was describing the picture...

Compared to the hellhole I live in it looked really nice, also the Immigrant population is significantly lower in Tokyo then here.

>> No.11146196

The marketing job aren't easy. They are soul-crushing jobs with constant overtime.

>> No.11146204

The Tokyo Nigerians the yakuza employ are annoying pests but nowhere near as bad as what you can find in Western cities.

>> No.11146217

I'm military and there are (were) assignments there to help capacity buildup of local forces.

>> No.11146220

Can't speak for LIVING in New York and Berlin, but Paris and London are backwards, culturally retarded shit holes unless you're wealthy as fuck.

In the U.S. you're much better off being in Austin, Raleigh, Atlanta or Portland than fucking New York, which is a sterile nothing of a city.

No idea about Berlin at all. Visited it about 15 years ago and it was a pretty generic city. Reminded me of a slightly more boring/ugly Melbourne.

>> No.11146244
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>> No.11146258

Berlin isn't a real capital. It's some kind of much poorer Washington DC. Just a large regional city with only civil servant jobs and no private economy except a bit of tourism. This is actually kind of nice because cost of living is much lower than Paris, London, NYC or even larger German cities like Munich or Frankfurt. The night life and art scene are decent too (and cheap).

>> No.11146273

So you're goal in life is to become part of the soulless upper-middle class aristocracy and host dinner parties while having to work 70 hour work weeks at a stockbroking job you absolutely hate in order to support said lifestyle?

>> No.11146277

Austin is a terrible place and a meme of a city.

>> No.11146286

I tried to move to Minneapolis but i left after aweek. That suburban sprawl is legit cancer

>> No.11146296
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Everyone's such a trendy wanker in Lisbon, but one has to indulge them to fit in the "scene", I guess.

Anyone else feel this about their city's cultural milieu?

>> No.11146305

Maybe you should go somewhere other than Times Square you goddamn middle american hamplanet tourist

>> No.11146310

thats why you stay in the city, but yes, it has a disgustingly huge suburban area surrounding the cities.

>> No.11146311

that's a subjective judgement. homie implied there are no non-whites fleecing tourists etc. which is false. also, if you lived in Tokyo, you'd know that most consider Brazilians to be the problem not Nigerians.

>> No.11146312

JK Rowling

>> No.11146317

I'd rather live anywhere in Italy, including the south, than ever have to live in Paris or London again. Goddamn they were fucking shitholes.

I mean, I live in Sydney now and it's basically a completely sterile city with no culture, but at least it's not a dirty crime filled pig sty like Lond and Paris, which also have no culture (that isn't a hundred plus years old).

>> No.11146319

"The city" was pretty tiny and not much there. And st paul seemed like a complete nightmare even more suburb shit. I liked the lakes and parks but not worth it at all.

>> No.11146322

all of new york is a shithole, name the last decent work of cultural relevance directly connected to ny

>> No.11146326

Really? I agree modern Japan has a lot of issues, but is it fair to say it was "built on nothing?" >>11145883

>> No.11146331

yea, St Paul is weird as fuck, its like a city that is just dead, just the occasional negro murder and thats it. I have lived here my whole life, so it is interesting to hear an outsiders perspective. I enjoy it here but there is a limited amount of things to do

>> No.11146336

>talking shit about Pessoa's hometown

>> No.11146343

Berlin is a shithole.
Nobody who will be read in 100 years lives in Berlin.

>> No.11146350

I mean, not him, but modern Japan is like a Disney World version of Europe. They went from fedualism to imitation white people in a matter of decades.

>> No.11146363

What do you mean? I'm sure Arab literature will be very popular in a century's time

>> No.11146370

>This is actually kind of nice because cost of living is much lower than Paris, London, NYC or even larger German cities like Munich or Frankfurt.
not for long, it's going up like crazy now even with all the rent control laws

>> No.11146379

Arab literature isn't even popular among Arabs, and especially not the scum among scum that lives in Berlin.

>> No.11146380

given that the current Empire of the world extends its hegemony everywhere, if you find it difficult to write with relevancy anywhere in the world then perhaps you shouldn't be a writer.

>> No.11146389

Name one writer younger than 50 that will be read 100 years from now

>> No.11146394

I want to live in Richmond, VA but all my friends are moving to Baltimore. Baltimore is simultaneously an interesting place and the saddest place on Earth. Richmond has a very laid back culture and people actually like living there. Of the two places I think Baltimore may have more opportunities for more important literature to be produced, but any authors will probably get shot before they can finish their work.

>> No.11146400

My diary desu

>> No.11146410

Michael Cisco

>> No.11146424

Only London has a minority majority right now.

>> No.11146427
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>thinking Paris, London, New York, or Berlin are still literary cities, and not just cultural capitols of cultural capital, like Los Angeles.

>thinking you shouldn't just live anywhere that doesn't have massively inflated rents

>thinking that there are still cohesive literary cultures anywhere outside of MFAs, which siphon literary types out of society and into the ivory tower

>thinking the next great novels won't have the internet as a setting, that nature in light of looming climate change and enviromental destruction isn't going to be a major subject, and thinking that the city vs the country isn't a huge part of the polarization of politics

>> No.11146432

Because I live in Chicago. THE Great AMERICAN city.

>> No.11146433


Amie Barrodale. She is the buddhist's version of Graham Greene. If you read her short stories and her husband's latest novel, which she clearly edited down, you'll see what she's capable of.

>> No.11146437

Aren't Turks the main migrant group in Berlin? Turkish literature, while not big, is still more consequential than the Arab one.

>> No.11146462

you've clearly never been to Berlin
its the most ugly and depressing 1million+ cities there is
the anus of cities

>> No.11146464

as someone who lives comfortably in an affluent part of london on an unremarkable (for this city) salary, i enjoy watching everyone telling me how shitty this city apparently is

>> No.11146469

give it a few more years, the shit takes time to rise, but it will rise

>> No.11146472

which area you in?

>> No.11146488

these euros are pussies, every american city is minority white and its not fucking turks like they have, we have real bantus straight wacking eachother over 20 bucks

>> No.11146495

I'm from the east coast too and have never seen anything like the nightmare of highways running through Minneapolis. It's like you had to hop on to get anywhere. And all those 4 lane roads with 35mph speed limit and all the parking violations everywhere. Shits insane. My suburb in Connecticut is as dense as most of the city. I can keep venting because i just left Minnesota 3 days ago so it's still fresh.

>> No.11146496

It doesn't matter which population group you consider, Berlin is inhabited by scum. Scum of the Germans, scum of the Turks, scum of the Arabs etc. etc.
Neither will Berlin produce Turkish literature, nor consume it. (The same goes for German literature.)

>> No.11146546

New Yorker here also make a very modest salary. Funny thing is everyone who shares their opinion about this place has clearly never been here for more than a day or two. Their envy is delicious.

>> No.11146560


>> No.11146573

How many days do you have to fuck dudes to convincingly make the judgement that you're not homosexual?

>> No.11146600

Retarded analogy

>> No.11146619

It's not. How many exposure do you need to something you dislike to be sure you dislike it? And how sensible is it to keep putting yourself through it on the odd chance that you might change your opinion?

>> No.11146651

how into straight razors

>> No.11146652


As an inmate of bedlam, I can say the insanity of the place is overrated. Jesus, Socrates, and I have pretty coherent, even intelligent conversations for most of the day. The screaming and babbling only happens mainly at twilight.

>> No.11146697

t. inhabitant of some godforsaken "b-but at l-least it's 90% white" shithole in cumbria

stay mad poorfag

>> No.11146714

not who you're responding to but what does the big city life have to offer? you always hear urbanites calling everything about their bubble forsaken or boring or dead but what does the city have to offer really?

>> No.11146954

Rural Japan is where it's at. Those little towns are awesome. Every other alleyway has a bunch of shrines hidden away in it, the buildings are all steeped in history, and people are (mostly) friendly even if you're a foreigner.

>> No.11146955

for me, I highly value architecture and higher density settings, easier to meet up with people and I enjoy watching the city move, like ants in an ant hill

>> No.11146972
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>Melbourne, Austin, Toronto, Tel Aviv, Vancouver, Silicon Valley
please please kill yourself

>> No.11146985

convenience, variety, culture, experience

>> No.11147009

Wrong. Leicester, Slough, Birmingham, Luton, Watford, Wolverhampton and Manchester (city of) do as well, maybe more by the time the 2021 census is released.

>> No.11147021

What's your salary?

>> No.11147028

I'm from Barcelona. Can I make it?

>> No.11147049

Yes, plus that's where all the cool Spanish publishers are located.

>> No.11147059
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I have a love hate relationship with the city. When picking between the city/town/country it's all about which is least worst for you personally, they all have pitfalls. Urbanites are pretentious and rude, but there is much more on offer for food/entertainment/culture, although often times that involves wading through a sea of shit (literally in the case of some cities with poor sanitation). There is an intangible feeling I always get in a massive metropolis like NYC or Beijing, like you're at the center of some great energy. However, in other cities give off pretty negative energies, Paris was a good example for me. Also, most neighborhoods that are enjoyable to live in in major cities (with plenty of exceptions) are becoming gentrified af, full of annoying boutiques and yoga studios. However, I'd gladly live in that yuppie hell than in an actual bad neighborhood. I've lived in the town and country and hated the town while finding the country both boring and inspiring. Townies are incredibly ignorant and insular people, and the amount of ignorance you'll find in rural areas is staggering, but urbanites can often times be just as ignorant. What I'm trying to get at is the picture is complicated, cities or country living aren't inherently better than the other.

>> No.11147151

I agree. I live in London, and while I hate living around niggers, muslims and gooks there is a feeling that something is happening here which is happening nowhere else, and that you are close to the centre of some kind of magnetic force which is less powerful the further you get away from London. I won't ever be able to afford to live here permanently, or anywhere near here (unless I take out a 80 year mortgage and work like a dog) but I know I'll miss this strange feeling when I leave. I visited my hometown quite recently expecting to feel nostalgic and a strong desire to move back, as I usually feel about the place, but this time I felt nothing. It was quite sad. I walked around all the places I loved as a kid in the centre of town and it felt so dull and depressing, like some kind of outpost where nothing happens outside of the university and central hospital. I wish Britain wasn't so London-centric, but I guess that's just my own perspective. I am actually quite glad that London is being over-run by niggers and shitskins, because it will make leaving here less depressing.

I will feel saddest of all about failing to take the opportunity to potentially date or at least get to know a girl I sort of worked alongside here a couple of years back. I think my life could have changed a lot, mostly for the better, if I'd had the confidence then that I do now. Sometimes I take a walk through a nice area of London, or take the train out to the countryside or whatever, and I realize what a fantastic life this could be if you are able to appreciate it and experience it in the company of someone you get along with, if that's your thing. Being socially isolated in London can be hard, because it tends to feel like you're just another cog in the machine or whatever.

>> No.11147241

>art of manliness guy
>shaves his chest
truly a meme

>> No.11147255
File: 31 KB, 506x267, 1393261742238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about living in a small town with fewer cesspool neighborhoods?

>> No.11147265

38. only just above the london average of 35

>> No.11147293

How old are you?

£38k is fucking loads. I've spoken to Londoners on here who are making 23k an 27k and are aged 35+

I only just started earning 28k

>> No.11147325

average is not median, there's a shitload of banker cunts and elites skewing the average. london is one of those cities that attracts the international worst of the worst.

>> No.11147350

Does Toronto count?

>> No.11147372

i'm 24

>> No.11147381

What do you do?

>> No.11147403

lmao @ paying your shitty beer 5 € in a bar
houellebecq is a weak goblin

>> No.11147411

The internet is the home of the artistic in the future. It already is.

>> No.11147418

civil service. didn't go through the fast stream, just applied directly to a posting

>> No.11147463

uhm sweetie he got paid for those stock photos

he's also a multimillionaire

>> No.11147472

Nothing of importance has come out of Norway in two generations, and I'm saying that as a Norwegian. We are a nation of nobodies.

>> No.11147485
File: 75 KB, 800x851, C5AEE946-41B1-45C4-AF87-32DF21F36925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this would be a good novel

>> No.11147488

burn this place

>> No.11147490

go to cornwall

>> No.11147512

You're 24 and earning 38k?

What hours do you work? Is it a hard job?

>> No.11147516

isn't charles egg boldguard objectively important given the hype?

>> No.11147532

skam, kamerat

>> No.11147540

Completely wrong.

Knausgaard is universally known.

Per Pettersson is universally known.

I can name more

>> No.11147560

the list goes on

>> No.11147587
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>> No.11147592

Used to live there as well, really miss it.
What's it like these days?

>> No.11147603

Or, y'know, they could be about a million other things, most of which are more interesting, but sure.

>> No.11147625

omg EVERY thing has changed since you left. where do i even begin to explain!

>> No.11147638
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because I don't want to live surrounded by mass immigration, demographic replacement and atomized life in big cities

>> No.11147708

The American Midwest is the most /lit/ region in the world

>> No.11147734

>cream of the British crop
Probably a bunch of literal whos.

>> No.11147740

You wrote that post, liar.

>> No.11147763

salut Pierre

>> No.11147767


>> No.11147783

Nice pic.

>> No.11147788
File: 87 KB, 230x202, e8829ef19b5e3edc16fe2cd03d3f1e9f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a classic example of someone who has their head up in every culture's ass except their own. When asked about their own culture they know literally nothing and just call it shit instead. I am not even that nationalistic or patriotic, but Norwegian culture is rich these days.

>> No.11147801
File: 27 KB, 366x421, tgrFGQI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we literally racist on this board just for fun?

> inb4 le new fag

>> No.11147824

You are indeed a newfag and a fag besides if you think that every western capital being overrun by niggers and variations of niggers is absolutely fine

>> No.11147853

Underated post. Wouldn't mind this.

>> No.11147855
File: 246 KB, 900x636, 1389128795479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live near and work in New York but i don't know what to do
I just chill in the park and the metropolitan with my student discount
I really need to start writing my novel but college is very work demanding you know

>> No.11147856

I am not really racist, I just don't think it's right for Africans and Arabs to be flooding Western nations. We have no place to go, but they can always just "go back". What's more, wherever these people go crime rates increase dramatically. Whether this is because of a genetic predisposition to be low-IQ and physically aggressive, or because of environmental factors, I don't really care. I just don't want to be around them.

>> No.11147859

this and just as unironically.

>> No.11147860

You may enjoy this story of a Wizard living homeless in Japan for like three months:


Pretty funny

>> No.11147873

You realise that this is racist, right?

You have no grounds to discriminate against them simply because they are not white.

>I just don't want to be around them.

so you're a bigot. Ok

>> No.11147882

Not really /lit/ but still pretty comfy.

>> No.11147885

>Literally how do you expect to be taken seriously as a writer if you aren't living where the modern world is most clearly represented?

the modern world is most clearly represented on 4chan you fucking retard

>> No.11147889

You can do it anon!

>> No.11147900

Comparative advantage, you silly goose. Enjoy swimming with fish ten times bigger than you.

>> No.11147915

Nothing in this thread so far has done anything to change my view of London as the most artistically wretched major city of the last hundred-odd years. TS Eliot and DH Lawrence; absolutely disgusting. And when you look at what defines English literature of the past fifty years, my god. Julian Barnes? Will Self? Zadio Smith? KAZUO ISHIGURO? Repulsive.

Some dead cultures leave a crater. England leaves a scab.

>> No.11147922

I do have grounds to discriminate against them, as I said statistics show that anywhere in Europe where large amounts of Africans and arabs have settled have been plagued by drug crime, rape (especially gangrape and child grooming), gun crime, and so on.

I can cite statistics for London, Stockholm, Malmo, Gothenburg, Paris, Amsterdam, Feyenoord, Brussels, and pretty much anywhere else in Europe.

Why would I want to live in an area where 85% of the people have only been in the country for one generation, or two / three at most, and whose "home" countries are complete fucking shitholes where I would never want to live? If they were white French, or Norwegian etc I'd be a little annoyed that they were flooding into the country, but I'd look at their home countries, and look at their civilized behaviour, and feel ok with living around them. The same simply can't be said about blacks and arabs. Facts speak for themselves.

>> No.11147956

take it from a northern brit.
London has barely any foliage, it's just ass to ass foreigners scamming each other so they can claim a tiny piece of the london pie (which besides the ever failing architecture and cultural image, is basically just a night out with more good looking people around than usual.)

Also, it's practically a fucking caliphate in the way that you can't speak your mind in public there without being verbally ostracized.

>> No.11147957

5 € is still too much for a beer

>> No.11147978

What's worth noting is that in 2018 D.H. Lawrence would probably not travel to London to teach, and if he did he'd probably be teaching in a school which was 80% non-white.

It's sad. I was reading recently about Robert Frost who moved to England at the age of around 39 with very little money, but still managed to live in London, and then in a farm in the countryside near London. Same goes for Edward Elgar, who moved from Birmingham to London and despite having little money managed to live a comfortable enough life in Knightsbridge (iirc) for a while. While the past was obviously no picnic and there was poverty and so on at the time, I can't imagine either Frost or Elgars of today would be able to move to London, simply because it's so expensive and so non-white. It's a real shame. I read a comment under an article in The Guardian recently about how London is no longer likely to produce another Bowie or anyone like him. I think it's true.

I really don't know where literature in Britain is going. We can't keep pretending that the veneration of non-whites and women in the name of diversity quotes and so on is a good thing for the future of this country and its art. And when you think about the influence of diversity and PC culture on publishing today, and how facebook et al. are consciously attempting to reduce the concentration abilities of people in order to retain their userbase, it just fills me with despair. How is a shy, sensitive writer supposed to exist in such a climate? David Foster Wallace's "Pale King" really does seem to me like the last novel of an era wherein literature was not forced to debase itself to please the wrong kind of people.

>> No.11147988

fucking kek

>> No.11147991


>> No.11147992

no you dont. you have memes.

>> No.11148011

Londoner here. I believe statistically speaking London is one of the greenest cities in the world, with more parks etc. I don't like going outside so I don't know if that's true.

But living here is addictive to a degree. It's pathetic really. For example, right now I'm typing this while sitting on the floor of my 11x11 foot rented room which costs £650 and which I share with 2 Lithuanians and 2 Koreans, and which has no living room. I earn below the average wage, and earned way less than it for the past couple of years. I have no friends here, no relatives, and I fucked up my last opportunity to find a girlfriend because I was too insecure and retarded to reveal my interest in her. I spend my weekends walking around alone, travelling aimlessly on the tube or on foot, and eating shit food in my flat with the curtains closed. And yet, and yet...I find that I can't pull the plug and get the fuck out of here. I even have the chance to potentially work from home full-time, that is in in my home city or another city. But still for some fucking pathetic reason I find myself telling myself that there is still the "potential" here for my life to turn around, even though I don't have the right personality or skills to make a lot of money. I travelled to Notting Hill yesterday for no real reason and walked around for about 15 minutes, and then caught the tube home. In the tube station a posh girl stood near me and looked at me a couple of times then sat near me and looked at me some more. But I realized I have absolutely zero to offer her, financially, socially or otherwise. I am just this isolated unit whose function is to earn money, save that money, and keep depression at bay with constant distraction and cheap pleasure.

>> No.11148019

No, I actually have statistics. I don't understand why people can't face reality and grasp how consistently negative the influx of large numbers of africans, pakistanis and arabs are on a Western city or town.

>> No.11148021

>11x11 foot rented room which costs £650
Somebody needs to update this copypasta.

>> No.11148039

What do you mean?

It's not copypasta, it's my first post in the thread.

>> No.11148043

Let's be honest - it's shit here unless you were fortunate enough to have parents who bought a property in the 90s and then hate fate shit gold into their lap.

Nobody in London makes it, we'll all be employees until we're 67. Really starting to consider upping sticks to Manchester and hammering out property.

>> No.11148046

woman detected

>> No.11148057

fuck outta here you cretin

>> No.11148064


This is true in shit bits of zone 3 and outwards. Even an 11x11 room in a non-stabby part of zone 2 is 800pm minimum.

>> No.11148073

living in london is nice
>every food imaginable
>excellent public transport
>good looking women
>friendly people
>beautiful parks and architecture
>the best univerisities
>have friends from literally all over the world

Also its bullshit to say people hate london, everytime I tell people if from london they get really excited and interested.

>> No.11148074

well instead of saying you have them, just send them jesus christ.

and even though studies can show that immigration is making a country worse, either socially or economically, why do you need to discriminate them? Do you get any happier or feel more successful by giving others the blame? Instead of sitting on 4chan and complaining you should perhaps go outside and work against what you dislike about the community, and perhaps get some more insight.

>> No.11148079

>friendly people
Not even remotely. I've lived in 4 differnt cities in the UK and Londoners are miserable shits.

>> No.11148099

northern fag here again,
the grass is always greener.
Like I said, most people go to these big cities for attention (the attractive ones want a high volume return rate for being memorable so they can up their value MAX style).
You're effectively feeding a system which is designed to chew out your dreams in return for more false promises. Literally anywhere else apart from perhaps Liverpool or Birmingham is better. Also, remember this, all the guys you think "have" something to offer her, don't, they're either faking it or they've inherited it. Your goals are what make you. The reason why people seem to like London is because it gives you the goals in life. You have the luxury of never having time to think about your life being wasted as you waste it. Just my opinion. (Then again I live in a middletown in practically bumfuck no-one-cares-ville, so take it with a grain of salt)

>> No.11148108

>Really starting to consider upping sticks to Manchester

Do it. It's much more of a condensed city as opposed to London's huge network of small towns and you can afford to buy a house within 20 minutes of work in a nice area for less than £180k.

>> No.11148118

Are you from Manchester?

I visited there for a day last summer and I was absolutely depressed most of the time. It really is a disgusting city. I left the train station and walked along the canal through what I realized was the gay area, which was fine. Within 10 minutes I was in some shit retail park in Hulme absolutely full of non-whites and drooling, tracksuit-wearing whites. I walked along the motorway for a bit and crossed some half-closed-down bridge (metal fencing everywhere) and walked through the uni campus area which was deserted. Within 5 minutes I was in some crowded modern-ish terraced housing estate absolutely full of blacks who were blasting music. I walked further and ended up walking towards Whalley Range, with boarded up buildings everywhere, a few pubs on their way out, large lots of vacant space with weeds growing etc. I saw one cute-seeming white girl who seemed authentically working class in a way I found attractive, but she went another way. I kept walking towards Stretford and passed at least three gangs of black, pakistani and mongrel teenagers with afros talking like absolutely retards. I was extremely intimidated I might add. I bought an Irn-Bru in a paki shop and got lost and ended up walking into some kind of frisbee golf arena and walked around the entire place looking for a way out only to end up walking in a giant circle. Eventually I developed a limp because my feet were killing and I felt absolutely fearful when dusk approached. It was sort of romantic seeing all the boarded up buildings, but it got tiresome in the end. While hobbling back along the dual-carriageway past a premier inn towards the city centre three ~13-year-olds followed me on their bikes (even though traffic was passing) and looked like they were going to rob me. They were even white (skalleys I believe they're called) and I had to pretend I wasn't limping to prevent being prayed upon. I walked back under the arches near the city centre and then had some time to kill before my train back so I walked towards the city centre proper, which was absolutely crammed with muslims. I bought a vegetable bake from Greggs from a white teenager and ate it on a seating "block" near some gypsies. Truly a disgusting experience.

>> No.11148128

Well I pay £650 in Walworth. There are plenty of cheapish rooms here if you don't mind living with 4+ non-Brits.

>> No.11148139
File: 41 KB, 550x413, galley12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about European (or even asian) immigrants moving to America? Why does it have to be black people, or other variations of them, as you say yourself?

Would you be more pissed if a Syrian man took a job you had the potential of getting, than if a Swedish guy did so? If that's the case, I think you're simply scared of other cultures and too much of a betafag to actually go out there and understand other cultures.

>> No.11148142


Yeah, moved down to Bristol then London to travel around a bit.

Manchester's a very post-industrial city as opposed to London's georgian and neo-classical look, you'll either love it or hate it. Its a lot like Camden without the tack and Italians.

Yeah, Hulme is a dangerous dump and you were walking towards Moss side.

>> No.11148149

I don't want to discriminate, that's the point. I don't want to be forced to live around such people, not on this scale. It doesn't make me happier no. For example, the black guy across the street often blasts reggae all day on weekends while sitting on an amplifier outside his flat. I don't like having to go out there every time to ask him to turn it down after 8 hours of reggae. I don't like it when I had to stop an African guy and tell him to pick up some shit he just threw on the floor, only for him to say "okay!" in a cheerful voice as if putting in a bin was some game I had invited him to play. I don't like seeing black teenagers throwing their empty boxes of fried chicken on the floor after finishing them. But how am I supposed to "work against" this, when it is so widespread in their community? In London blacks make up 12% of the population, yet commit 67% of gun crime, 60% of robberies etc. I'm sorry but the poor Irish, and the poor Chinese etc never did this.

>> No.11148151

>understanding a culture is the same as having said culture overrun entire swathes of your capital city

>> No.11148168
File: 156 KB, 353x269, rolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> not even answering my question

>> No.11148170

>blacks in london commit most crimes
I agree with this, Im black and live in london. Seriously idk how to fix this problem. Literally risk getting stabbed everytime out late and alone.

The main driver is selling drugs to white and black kids.

>> No.11148171

No, I agree with what you're saying. Any time I return to my hometown which is relatively northern, I feel comfortable and dread returning to London. Sometimes I wish I was sacked so I could be forced out.

As for the girl. That may be true, although in one instance there was a posh girl who seemed to like me and I was absolutely attracted to her, but she ended up dating a guy who works 60+ hour weeks in finance and probably earns a minimum of 100k. Granted he went to Harrow, but still I think it would probably be delusional for me to expect long-term commitment from someone like that when I'm earning shit money.

>> No.11148172

The future of america is like brazil.

When white people become a minority the shitskins will soon find out that it doesnt really matter if white people are a minority because they are going to still be exploited by capital.
If the republican party dies then the new right wing will be the neoliberal democrats.
The managerial elite in their effort to destroy their nations and people will ultimately have destroyed themselves.
At least the japanese elite seemed to have the forethought to not let their country be overrun by nigs

>> No.11148174

Reddit the post

>> No.11148175

What do you mean moved to London to travel?

Or do you mean the reason you left Bristol was to keep travelling around?

>> No.11148178

>In London blacks make up 12% of the population, yet commit 67% of gun crime, 60% of robberies etc
hasn't it ever occurred to you that this is because those gun crimes and robberies occur in the places where those 12% of people live

>> No.11148180

>Liverpool or Bham
Liverpool is pretty good if you can find a job there, but that's a big if.

>> No.11148184

Sorry, Wasn't clear - I moved around in jobs to see what it was like living in different cities around the UK. Left Bristol because it was a bit dull.

>> No.11148186
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> being skeptical


>> No.11148189

I don't know if you're joking, but if not I will repeat that I don't consider myself a racist and don't consider you inferior etc. I got to know an older black guy when I first moved here who was basically one of the lads in his white friendship group, and also briefly knew a very religious black guy who turned his life around after committing crime in his youth. I know it isn't easy to be poor and black in London. But the crime rate and general retarded behaviour I observe around black people really disgusts me. I don't know what to suggest, and I'm sorry that you fear going out at night. I guess you just have be an example to others like yourself.

>> No.11148191

How do you like London? Where abouts do you live?

>> No.11148197

What's your point? So I shouldn't "count" these crimes because it's black-against-black?

And I'm sorry but moped robberies, burglaries, mugging etc isn't a contained phenomenon.

>> No.11148200


Lived in Camden for a bit then moved out to Highgate. I like a lot of things about London but I'm not starting to notice all of the sacrificies you make to live here as opposed to other cities now that the glitz and glitter have worn off a bit. Glad I moved here but not sure it'll be forever.

>> No.11148204


>> No.11148232

Fair enough. I like Highgate. I travelled there via tube fairly recently and exited the station (not sure which one) on the wrong side and had to walk along an extremely long residential street, mostly uphill. I then walked along the main street, which was very steep, and passed the entrance to the famous cemetary which I visited when I was younger with my sibling. I thought I'd feel nostalgia but I didn't. I then walked to the top of the hill where there's a roundabout and went right, ended up walking along a bunch of very long, empty residential streets lined with very expensive houses. Passed some kind of vintage car which was smashed up and looked like it had been there for decades. Walked around the boundary of the private school there, noticed the stone walls where they play the "wall game". I like the area because it's so hilly which allows for side-streets and so on, rather than simply a grid formation of buildings. I imagine raising a child there can give the impression of living in a semi-rural town. It certainly has a rustic atmosphere with the wooden gates, wood-beamed (not sure which area) houses and so on. But when you're poor and have no connection to London, as in my case, it can be depressing walking around there like a tourist or something. I know of people who are from London or have a lot of friends and family here, and they often have parties and so on in these kinds of homes or were raised in them. Even stepping in foot in one would be alien to me. I walk past cafes with outdoor sitting areas and so on in such places and feel like a complete tryhard weirdo walking around the area.

>> No.11148237

Too many drug users and teenage thugs for my taste.
If she's dating someone just for his credit card, that should tell you enough about the person to stay clear from them. (Even doubt their capacity for love in that sense, although it is true that money tends to date money.)

>> No.11148245

chicago is deeply /lit/

there's culture and crime and decay and despair and tall new shiny things get built every day in a city that loses 100+ people every 24 hours

come live in it a little, before it dies

>> No.11148246

me desu
and it'll be > 100 yrs

>> No.11148247
File: 81 KB, 1073x660, guardian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of The Guardian.

This is why I abandoned the Left.

>> No.11148258

It’s a gigantic city. If you go to a shit part like times square, and base the rest of the city off the one tiny part, you’re doing it wrong. Thats very much different from getting sex in ur ass from a man

>> No.11148261

I don't think she did it for that, I just think girls have to be practical with things like that. Why waste her twenties on me when there's little sign I'll make it? Better to choose someone who makes a lot of money, is sociable and so on. I do empathize with girls who reach their middle-20s and fear they'll be left on the shelf.

>> No.11148271

Favourite Smiths song lads?

Listening to this right now and feeling pretty emotional.


>> No.11148276

This post is wrong on so many levels.

>> No.11148283

American here.

Why the fuck do British posters always end up making this kind of threads so weird, sentimental, and difficult to understand? Whenever I see a bunch of British people in a thread they always start their own sub-thread which is unlike anything I see from Aussies, French etc. It's like you guys know each other or something or that you were redirected here from some other board.

>> No.11148291

Because never in history has an emprire fallen so fast and so deep as britain. This of course has an emotional effect on the populace

>> No.11148297

>The next Great Writers of our age will be covering the issues of mass immigration, demographic replacement, the atomized life in big cities, etc.
I can't believe you wrote this with a straight face. You are like the perfect stereotype of an aloof literary elitist getting high on his own ideas. Yes obviously the world needs more introspective novels about urban ennui and more explorations of white male anxiety in an increasingly decolonized world, this is all groundbreaking stuff that's never been tried before, for real.

Pseuds like you are so busy chasing the Zeitgeist you never bother to live in the moment. You get all your ideas from books written by people who think exactly like you and think yourself worldly. It's not a wonder you think the world craves your perspective, yearns to know what this young man who waffles between vague anxiety and listless privileged torpor has to say about the trendy issues of the day. Yes I'm sure they'll be clamoring at your doorstep soon, OP. Have your cue cards ready, they'll want some juicy soundbites.

>> No.11148309


Stopped reading there.

>> No.11148313

daily reminder that activism is absolutely useless unless enforced from a position of actual power.

>> No.11148324

Morrissey is what a peak human looks like, creative and talented as fuck and also racist as fuck, MORRISSEY SHALL LIVE ON

>> No.11148325

You're correct, but only below the Watford Gap

>> No.11148335

Unironically agree, but I don't like that he's so pro-Israel. Fly in the ointment and all that.

>> No.11148348

>275 replies
You should all be gassed, unironically

>> No.11148352

damn I didnt know he like Israel, that sucks. He just hasnt gotten to that step in his woke-ness... before he dies he will be talking about 1940's cremation techniques and how something doesnt add up... hopefully hahah

>> No.11148371

It's a shame Manchester is how it is today. There will never be another Morrissey coming from that shithole town. He's the last of an era.

>> No.11148388

no, you dont.

>> No.11148391

I am American, yet I see how so many middle aged Brits see him as a product of their time, and seeing him revolt against what is going on, has given them some hope. Seeing the guy they used to dance too now calling this shit out must be a powerful feeling.

>> No.11148396
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you are retarded

>> No.11148402
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>> No.11148406


Holy fucking shit this guy fills me with hate. I went down earlier and asked him to turn it down after ~8 hours of reggae and "nigga nigga nigga" rap and he tells me his mother has died and some other drunken rastafarian tells me "it's tradition man when someone dies, it's reggae music". Now there are eight fucking blacks sitting there drinking cans and blasting reggae music still. These fucking people SHOULD. NOT. BE. HERE.

>> No.11148409

>you have memes.
>n-no I have statistics!
>posts memes.

>> No.11148417

how is black crime a meme? Its incredible that beta fucks like you exist

>> No.11148423

But I do, retard.

See for example: >>11148149

>> No.11148426


>> No.11148428

decontextualised numbers on a chart from nowhere are memes. show me a study from a reputable researcher that show an r value above .0 for blackness and criminality that controls for poverty. I'll wait.

>> No.11148435

who cares lol

>> No.11148468

>issues of mass immigration, demographic replacement, the atomized life in big cities, etc.
>Implying you can't write about all that stuff while living in a comfy tranquil place.
You're absolutely retarded OP.

>> No.11148484

"Just over 40 percent of SNAP recipients are white. Another 25.7 percent are black, 10.3 percent are Hispanic, 2.1 percent are Asian and 1.2 percent are Native American, according to a 2015 Department of Agriculture report."
And yet, Black Americans commit 53% homicides even though there are literally millions more white people under the poverty line in the US then all black people in the country and yet they still are still underrepresented, while blacks are overrepresented by nearly 4x

>> No.11148489

those are memes.

>> No.11148505

I just did exactly what you asked... at the end of the day, you believe what you believe, just know there are bad days ahead

>> No.11148537

>show me a reputable study that shows an r value above .0 that controls for poverty
>demonstrates ignorance of how comparative numbers work

>> No.11148544

lol who the fuck are you scrubs to criticize how someone like Houellebecq does things

>> No.11148557

If group A's people who are objectively poor commit less crime than group B's poor people, then group B has a problem with violence unrelated to poverty, is that too complex for you

>> No.11148567


>> No.11148572
File: 908 KB, 4032x3024, dyvf145pnwj01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best American city to live in that's actually somewhat affortable? I grew up in the Bay Area and moved to San Diego after high school, hearing people here complain about rental prices is hilarious compared to the shit I had to deal with in NorCal. I like it down here but I always wanted to live in a very dense metropolis, aside from shitholes like LA or NYC. I'll probably head to east Asia or maybe Buenos Aires where I can live like a king with my American dollars

>> No.11148575


lol. memes are your strong point. stick with memes.

>> No.11148584

It never hurts to reach for the stars.

>> No.11148587
File: 20 KB, 480x480, wojakpanic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the FUCK do you guys get over a girl you like?

I haven't seen this girl since late 2016 but I still fucking thing of her all the time. Granted I don't meet many people but holy fuck this is torture. I believe am literally insane at this point for clinging to her memory. Sometimes I tell myself she still thinks about me, even though we never even had a proper conversation. What the fuck do I do here? Seriously.

>> No.11148592

go on tinder and ram some ugly hoes

>> No.11148702

You're not going to like what I say but, you know how men get their power from status and physicality? Women get their power from memory. It's so that you become dependant and responsible. You're in a relationship with a memory, not a person. As soon as you make your goals non-inclusive then you'll move on.

>> No.11148741

I'm in almost the exact same situation. I may end up seeing her again some time in the next few months so either I'll be in with a shot of dating her or I'll fuck it up so badly that it will no longer bother me.

>> No.11148762

do something other than post on 4chan about it, pussy
plant weed on his property and call the police
walk in and piss in his speakers

>> No.11148889

If you live in an area and then thousands of people invade your area and set up shop without anyone so much as asking you or your neighbors if they think it's a good idea, you have the right to want them to leave no matter what they look like.

>> No.11148978

What are you talking about? I lived in various parts of NYC for five years. Have I crushed your fantasy or something? But since you mention it, I wish I had spent those years in middle America. I live there now and it's better in every conceivable way.

>> No.11148992
File: 7 KB, 230x222, bugman1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i live in the city

>> No.11149029

I'd love to go to more rural scenic parts of America one day that you describe as a Brit.
I was thinking, Kentucky, Rhode Island, Colorado?
Where would you recommend?

>> No.11149142 [DELETED] 

If it's solitude, mountains, and vast open spaces you're seeking then Montana might be the place for you (though any Rocky Mountain state would do). If you're attracted to idyllic small towns that haven't changed much over the decades, there are many throughout New England. Eastern Kentucky is gorgeous, mountainous and densely forested. Until you really begin exploring America's interior it's difficult to grasp just how enormous it is. I should add one thing. Most of the small towns in Middle America lack individual character and aren't worth visiting, so you should only go if it's the physical geography, flora, and fauna that you want to see. Reading John McPhee's Annals of the Former World, which is about America's geological history, could enrich your experience.

>> No.11149152

is 38k really a lot for britbongs? I'm 23 and make more than that in USD, and only single apt bedrooms are within my reach (just basic units too, no fancy lofts) where I live (central valley NorCal - not even the bay area). shit is ridiculous here

>> No.11149155

single bedroom apts*

>> No.11149261

Miami is going to be the next big /lit/ city screencap this.

>> No.11149475

This is unironically me because I was severely bullied for most of my life and I desperately want to fit in and not be weird.

>> No.11149620

I wish you would just turn blue and die.

>> No.11149825

new thread when?

>> No.11150152


>> No.11150166

>every food imaginable
Supermarkets and farmers markets are available in most cities

>public transport
Fair enough, but not at rush hour

>good looking women
Fair enough, but women over 25 are a meme

>friendly people

>beautiful parks and architecture

>best universities
Irrelevant unless you're a student

>multicultural friends