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/lit/ - Literature

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11140512 No.11140512[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>people once looked forward to this century with hope

>> No.11140528

>it's another whiny declinist thread
Yes! Yes! More! More! Outrage! Outrage my fellow resentful slaves! The spectacle! Baudril-lard! Capitalism! Jordan Peterson and Objective Morality! Didn't you know that Aquaines proved the existence of Gaaawd! If only... if only...
If only there would be no Jews!

>> No.11140537

Compared to the 20th century we're doing alright. No world wars and no MAD threat.

>> No.11140571
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we are in a way better position than we were in the 90s, there's some hope now, even though we will probably lose everything soon, at least it's up to us

>> No.11140615
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A century of bugmen

>> No.11140630
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>insulting others with reddit words

>> No.11140632

yes, but i think the new generations are aware that bugmen are not going to make it or be relevant for posterity, it's pretty transparent at this point and the progress meme doesn't work anymore. now the question is if they can make something with this information or not

>> No.11140635

Dude we're only 1/5 through the century
It could easily get better

>> No.11140655

i don't see how unless we get all nuked

>> No.11140680

We're ALL gonna make it.

>> No.11140760

muh gdp!

>> No.11140777

Thank you, Lao Yang

>> No.11140813

they werent looking very hard

>> No.11140849
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>not finding the possibility of nuclear annihilation thrilling

>> No.11141088
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>> No.11141099


>> No.11141217

i think it's exciting to be part of the humanities at the end of the human era

someone here has the opportunity to give us a good swan song

>> No.11141236

you've never been to poasting career dot diddly com you stupid newfag
confirmed bugman

>> No.11141294


>> No.11141307

>it's pretty transparent at this point and the progress meme doesn't work anymore
... to a bunch of autists on a korean kids movies forum
the real world is still headed towards technocratic, onions-based dystopia

>> No.11141312

>the real world is still headed towards technocratic, onions-based dystopia
i don't think so, unless you are talking about the chinks and other asians, the US and Europe are an unmanageable mess waiting to explode soon

>> No.11141317
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I feel nostalgia for bleak futures past

>> No.11141319

this is a /his/ thread

>> No.11141328
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>>11141319 this thread is for free form dystopia-aesthetic expressions; stop being a bug man

>> No.11141333


>> No.11141344

I have my doubts whether we (western) europeans are still capable of 'exploding' (to such a degree that they cannot handle it), but I guess time will tell
how do you see this happening? right-wing populists rising? do you see any promise in AfD, UKIP, FN, Fidesz-types properly changing our course?
nobody seems to be against uncontrolled (bio-)technological progress, but inventions like the iPhone was, for example, I claim, are far, far bigger proponents of this 'progress' than any political moves

>> No.11141347

>no MAD threat
please it's just a matter of when "religious extremist cult X" gets its hands on weapons-grade plutonium

>> No.11141348
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>> No.11141352

>weapons-grade plutonium
bio-weapons are the future MWDs, mark my words

>> No.11141362

>people one thought Joy Division was gerat

>> No.11141367

id say you’re a dumb midwit and you should read more; listen to professors and establishment wonks, ted talks and YT interviews less.

>> No.11141371
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Chinese scientists have begun isolating retroviruses with CRISPR cas-9

>> No.11141377

intelligent post

>> No.11141382

Literally who?

>> No.11141386

should go back while you still can of go read something since you talk like a vice intern

>> No.11141387

That's not MAD though, that would be one terrorist cell attacking a nation. There'd be nowhere for the nation to relatiate with nukes.

>> No.11141391

>I have my doubts whether we (western) europeans are still capable of 'exploding' (to such a degree that they cannot handle it), but I guess time will tell
when i say exploding i mean explode as in the status quo becomes unmaintainable when the current institutions stop working, all current big cities are pretty much turning into shitholes, the education system is a meme, and even the mainstream media that managed to keep a very nice and steady narrative for 80 years is crumbling

this doesn't mean necessarily that there will be any sort of effective reaction against it, just that things will get more and more inefficient

and if america looses its grip at some point, let's be honest, the rest of "western" armies are a joke, so western countries will be up for grabs

>> No.11141397
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Anyone else feel like the question of religion has been discarded because like it or not today you are forced to live as if god did not exist?

>> No.11141398

you can retaliate by bombing them with your own corpses, unless they have a vaccine

>> No.11141402

atheism is dying, anyway it was just late-stage protestantism

>> No.11141403

>you are forced to live as if god did not exist
projecting much?

>> No.11141408

how so? a buddhist can still light himself on fire, and a christian can still believe that salvation lies not in this world

>> No.11141415
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>atheism is dying
more like africans are increasingly becoming the mindslaves of arch pedophiles in Italy. And asian islanders have swarmed into a popular death cult.

>> No.11141423
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Just by virtue of posting on this specific website you are illustrating the diseased pliability of your "faith"

>> No.11141424

however you want to call it

>> No.11141431

>your "faith"
I have none, doesn't mean that one cannot have (and live) one

>> No.11141432

Are you high?

>> No.11141435
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What do you think?

>> No.11141438

Scary pics are forcing you to live as God doesn't exist?
I think you're just looking to blame something else for your own ungodly behaviour.

>> No.11141452

no they’re saying you post in the equivalent of pedophile neo-nazi beer hall w/gore pics that commits every single sin imaginable a thousand times over and encourages sinful thought but act as if you have faith in your moral codes. christianity is a moralistic religion much more so than the eastern faiths. that you engage with this vision machine libido trap means you’re a faithless heathen just like everyone else

>> No.11141460

It's one guy shitting up the place. As for the rest of your post, it's still projection.

>> No.11141462

you discovered that everybody is a sinner, good job

>> No.11141465
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Technology's predation of all our waking thoughts heralds the death of God

>> No.11141467

1. you're not forced to be here
2. not everyone is here
3. his claim wasn't about us but about people today

>> No.11141471


>> No.11141479
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Thanks bro i could not express it that well. Now lets watch as the pseudochristian disavows.

>> No.11141481

Go read Isaiah or Tobias or basically any of the prophets desu

>> No.11141491
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I doubt they mention computers at all

>> No.11141496

>posting on /lit/ makes you complicit of neo-nazi posting
hell no, you're just trying to scare off anons who want to talk about literature and not nefarious memes

>> No.11141504
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These past thousand years have been absolute garbage and nigger trash so what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.11141510

People used to read books now they talk about them across servers that are clogged 90% with codified perversion

>> No.11141511

not literature

>> No.11141516

What is this style of apologetics called?

>> No.11141519

more spooks

>> No.11141525

Just pirated this what should i expect?

>> No.11141530


>> No.11141531
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>> No.11141535

Death seed blind man's greed
Poets' starving children bleed
Nothing he's got he really needs
Twenty first century schizoid man

>> No.11141536


>> No.11141539


>> No.11141546

Why do you need your opponent to be christian?

>> No.11141548

More like we are forced to live like God was a hedonist

>> No.11141554

Whether they are christian or not they are disavowing their complicity with the worst content on this site

>> No.11141557


>> No.11141562

no matter how many times christian tryhards say this its still not true

>> No.11141565

This new scare strategy of yours is weak. Nobody really cares about your spooks mister meme poster.

>> No.11141568

fuck off moralfag

>> No.11141570

>scare strategy
Take your seroquel

>> No.11141574

>posting neo nazi memes and pedo pic is the only logical thing to do here

>> No.11141578

A moralfag is someone who defends morality i am just calling out hypocrisy

>> No.11141579

>whining about the best timeline ever
appreciate it while it lasts, we are probably the last generation to taste the sweet fruits of capitalism's magic

>> No.11141582

>calling out hypocrisy
that's being a moralfag, stupid

>> No.11141608
File: 17 KB, 300x300, uWx62iWzES-iABbvPeFE8hfcksH4OsbKH1Zys9XfdpY-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magic? You mean like harry potter?

>> No.11141636

That's pretty good I'm going to steal this and use it in my film.

>> No.11141687

Fuck off Obama no one wants to read your shitty books.

>> No.11141702

yes, ive exposed that christians are libidinous hypocrites who could never implement their beliefs and are basically biological robots in need of being included in the zeitgeist at all costs, even at risk of losing their place in heaven they would post multiple hours a day on a website for anime porn, pedophilia, and neo-nazi information warfare, and of course nihilist schizogenic memes
most content on the site is porn which is of a pedophilic nature and /pol/ has the most posts per hour, with the vast majority being insipid pack mentality vitriol being spewed beligerently at nothing in paticular colored by neo-nazi metaphysics

the site is cursed and unholy beyond anything else you are legally allowed to engage with, if you really wanted worse you would have to go to underworld depots/marketplaces which this place also quickly turns into hence FBI are here constantly to stop that behavior

>> No.11141710

I hate to break it to you but the fbi is actually here to promote this behavior. I don't know why.

>> No.11141712


>> No.11141719

>Don't come to /lit/ to post about literature, I need the board for propaganda

>> No.11141799

this is the first time the humanity can end due to a simple mistake and/or inaction.

>> No.11141904
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>> No.11141928

case in point

>> No.11141930

After reading this thread I can't decide if it's better to be schizo, retarded, autistic, or all 3.
At least I'm just a pseud.

>> No.11141982

Ok and how likely is that to happen before we run out of resources to feed the ever growing populations and 99% of humanity dies in an inferno of simultaneous global conflicts?

>> No.11142007
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What fucks me up is how unpopular intellectualism is nowadays (last 50 years or so). Mainstream/TV is just garbage. You might get a radio show where they invite a smart guy to get a couple of sentences, but nobody even cares.
Is there anything, even a Youtube channel, where people discuss current issues by actively thinking about them?