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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 521 KB, 550x825, littlefreelibrary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11139863 No.11139863 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone seen these around, two of these have popped up pretty close to me.

>> No.11139870

So many things wrong with this.
>shit books
>why is this person even doing this

>> No.11139894
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>steal books

>> No.11139901

Actually how about giving me ideas on what I should put in there.

>> No.11139945
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here's a hint

>> No.11139961

supermarkets around me have set up trading spots. i love it.

>> No.11139968

you can't steal books explicitly there to be taken. It's like stealing free samples.

>> No.11139977

One time I found a nice copy of Island by Aldous Huxley in one of these. I just took it kek

>> No.11139981

Literally for what purpose? Toilet paper dispensary for the homeless?

>> No.11139982

Yeah, I put old copies of dianetics I get from charity shops there for giggles

>> No.11139983

i would probably dump a few shitty books i hate like still life with woodpecker or 2666

>> No.11139984

there are some in Austin. it's a feature of the hipster habitat

>> No.11139987

>I just took it kek
That's what it's there for! What is wrong with you people?
Are you all so fucking self-involved that the idea of a communal trading post is completely alien to you?

>> No.11139989
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>> No.11139996

I guess it is handy for people walking their dog if it shits on someone lawn they can use one of the books to pick it up and bin it.

>> No.11140001

Just got an idea to remove all the books and replace them with NatSoc literature. Not to redpill anyone but just to get the faggot who came up with the idea in trouble kek.

>> No.11140014

There are plenty of these in germany.
I throw a bunch of jewish intellectualist works (Erich Fromm, Sigmund Freud and so on) in there every now and then, because the germans need to read what we have written for them.

>> No.11140022

They're always filled with shit books, because anything good gets taken immediately and people just use it to dump their garbage to free up some shelf space in their homes.

>> No.11140024

>communal trading post
No it's a mini library, says so right on it.

>> No.11140026

Or their political or religious nonsense they want to push on people.

>> No.11140028

You take what you want to read and replace it when you're finished with it, or with a different one. That's what these things are. The "free library" is just a cheeky little name.

>> No.11140029

Oy veyyyyy

>> No.11140030

It's a sure sign your area is being gentrified by a bunch of fucking yuppies.

Set it on fire.

>> No.11140038
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>> No.11140041


>> No.11140043

what's it like being such insufferable, cynical cunts?

>> No.11140055

It's awful, they probably won't admit that though

>> No.11140061

if you do it right: a relief and constant subtle exultation. the cult of positivity is actually the cult of hell. purely contrived joy is a sure sign of degeneration.

>> No.11140066

there's three or four of these around my town, bumfuck wisconsin, pop. 2,000ish. it's just old ladies fucking with lawn art, which is a big thing out here for whatever reason.

>> No.11140072
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Sorry anons. I forgot the world is gumdrops and rainbows full of reasonable people. Pic related, it's a Little Free Library that was destroyed
by a drunk driver
>I’ve had books from the Library tossed into the street, or the entire Library’s contents cleared out, repeatedly…but I won’t let it discourage me. My Library is in an inner-city neighborhood

>> No.11140075

I'm depressed and alone.

>> No.11140079

yeah, you know what? You're right. Life is shit, so why even bother? Forget it. Just nuke everything.

>> No.11140083

There's one in my town that had Solzhenitsyn in it. It reeks of hipsterism but I like the romanticism of the idea regardless.

>> No.11140085

>bad things happen therefore life is completely shit

>> No.11140096

Behold! This is what the ire of the positivist begets you... The tarantala has unmasked himself! Beneath his "positivity" lies a sickly life-hating visage... one who can only tolerate life by ignorance and dissimulation. Woe to him, who seeks to condemn us... moralise at us for being "pessimists"! Let us make him now crawl back into his hole. Shoo shoo!

>> No.11140099

>A week ago was the first anniversary of my husband’s death. Phil died from brain cancer at 38
>To memorialize my soul mate and little Alexander’s daddy, the two of us constructed a Little Free Library that we placed in front of our home on his angelversary.
>Much to my surprise, and heartbreak, the box disappeared in less than 24 hours, taken by unknown individuals for reasons only they understand.

>> No.11140101

I was strongly considering putting one up, since I'm on a big corner lot and it'd be pretty comfy under the enormous oak tree on my corner, I think.

i bet it'd be mostly be the kids in the neighborhood using it so I'd try to keep it stocked with good kid's literature. But I've got a lot of other cheap good literature picked out I'd keep putting in.

I just worry it's going to be my little curated box of books more than anything tho. If somebody puts a shitty book in I'm just going to want to take it back out.

>> No.11140103

I just go to my regular big library (also free).

>> No.11140104

go away. what is wrong with you?

>> No.11140111

Shoo shoo, weak little one. Back to your cave now, goblin! That's it, in there!

>> No.11140114

You don't even know what the word means, retard.

>> No.11140119

my fedora just tipped itself

>> No.11140134

I saw one of these in the black part of DC. It was completely empty. What a surprise.

>> No.11140137

/lit/ truly is the funniest board

>> No.11140163

Probably true.

>> No.11140168

I was typing on the fly of my pants and only realised I had written "positivist" afterward, my friend. I noticed after I looked over my post that I had embarrassed myself. Let me provide an alternative "positivity-drone".

>> No.11140173

That's what you get Phil you dumb cunt.

>> No.11140191

I wish there was one nearby so I could dump some shit books I've gotten as gifts.

>> No.11140220


>> No.11140226

>If somebody puts a shitty book in I'm just going to want to take it back out.
You more than anybody need to put one of these up.

>> No.11140246

Just stuff as much smut in there as possible

>> No.11140262

this, putt Hogg there

>> No.11140276

I live near Stanford, and the boxes around it are chock full of unsellable niche textbooks and bird watching guides. They'd be full of philosophy and highbrow fiction were it not for the fucking invertebrates making the rounds of these things with their barcode scanners.

Also, there are no blacks in Palo Alto and Menlo Park.

>> No.11140373

Niggers take everything and tear up the good redpill books i put in them

>> No.11140384


>> No.11140395

Big if confirmed, this is like a block away from my cousins house.

>> No.11140476

first time i've ever heard of this.

>> No.11140486
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>> No.11140503

I'd like to put one up at my house, but I live on a busy street with no sidewalks, so it probably wouldn't get much use.

>> No.11140538

took the brackets off my local one to have as spares

>> No.11140618

I have one at my house, It's called my bookshelf. I let people I trust borrow my books, which is no one.

>> No.11140636
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>> No.11140648

I walked past one of those the other week and there was a pretty pristine copy of The Nix inside. I thought about swiping it because it's one of those books I'd like to read but probably will never buy. When I happened across it the other day the entire box was gone, so who knows what the fuck happened. Opportunity lost.

>> No.11140656

There's one by my house. I think it's a sweet idea but the books in it are trash.

>> No.11140665

Pretty sure these only exist so yuppie moms can get rid of children's books their kids are too old for.
It's either that or cookbooks and self-help bullshit.

>> No.11140675

do it nigger

>> No.11140830

Niggers will steal anything.

>> No.11141273

I've got a bunch of trash books as well as some diabetes manuals, i'm thinking of dumping them in these from now on.

>> No.11141323

>schopenhauer on women
>futa porn
>a book on nazi ufos
>prometheus rising

>> No.11141353

>I just took it kek
El loco absoluto...

>> No.11142968

There's a few in my neighborhood. We're a pretty mellow suburb (mostly eastern european families with some WASPs and some brown folk), so most of the stuff you see is kids books and/or romance novels read by wine moms, but there's the occasional gem. Picked up a paperback Don Quixote, some high-school lit, and a programming in C book. Left a duplicate copy of Catcher, some manga I outgrew, and a Tom Clancy that was gifted to me by a co-worker.

>> No.11142984

wow they have those in your city too? those have started poppin up around here, i think its a scheme by real estate developers tryna gentrify

>> No.11143005

>he thinks nogs won’t steal the most ridiculous shit you could imagine when they’re fiending
lol at you

>> No.11143010

>Implying poor people can't read.

>> No.11143011

I've seen one at the opening of a hiking trail.
Didn't have a screen on it and not until now have I realized how filthy the books must be.

>> No.11143012

He stole a balloon on free balloon day.

>> No.11144204


>> No.11144226

this is the sort of shit that gave phil brain cancer

>> No.11144227


>> No.11144509

Are minorities scared of books?

>> No.11144662

"Poor people" don't read because reading is for bitch-ass house "poor people"

>> No.11145837

Because fuck literature amirite?

>> No.11145930

I really doubt your alt-right wank fantasies count as "literature".

>> No.11147461

There are one of those in my town. There is never anything interesting, though. Children's books mostly.

>> No.11147581

Unabomber's Manifesto

>> No.11147627

You just have bad luck. I've seen a lot of classics in these things and picked up a couple books that I'd only heard of once, if ever, that looked interesting.

>> No.11147632

Don't you just love it when someone on /lit/ can't form a sentence well enough to make it remotely understandable?

>> No.11148560

Saw one of those when i lived in SF

>> No.11149102

>mostly bad things happen, but every now and then a decent thing happens so therefore life isn't complete shit

That fucking state of natalists

>> No.11149119

>They'd be full of philosophy and highbrow fiction were it not for the fucking invertebrates making the rounds of these things with their barcode scanners.

God that makes me angry just to think about.

>> No.11149133

There was something like this at my college. The books were garbage and they were stolen in half a semester.

>> No.11149149

I steal them. I have to teach them the follies of moral relativism somehow

>> No.11149151

this would be good with a lock and key, and only people who sign up with the person who made the box can get a key. Then get a minimum of like 20-30 people and rotate the books.

>> No.11149433

life isnt about happiness, fucking weak idiots

>> No.11149721

I've seen a few. It seems to me that they are more of a fashion statement or virtue signal than an actual useful custom.

>> No.11149730

normally my books sit on my shelf
i don't really care if people read them or throw them away, they're doing no good in my house aside from making me look like a pseud

>> No.11149733

Man yall cracka ass wypipo is crazy putting shit up so we's can rob it 'n shit.

>> No.11150296

>people actually believe this


>> No.11150310
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>> No.11150740

We had one in my university. It was a pretty cInool idea, this non profit company went around and exchanged books in many bookcases they had installed throughout the country. I got a great pocket book this way and some nice technical manuals. I also left many things there.
In truth, however, it sucked. It was most often filled with technical books about fringe subjects which did not apply for our courses, such a 600 page 30cm × 40cm vaccine manual, shitty books or piles of magazines nobody cared about, and any good book put there disappeared within the same day.

>> No.11150763

so it did it's job very well, you're just salty that you didn't get the best books.

>> No.11150915

Pretty bad desu, hardly ever feel happy. Pretty shit existance overall.

>> No.11150932

How is it a virtue signal in any way?

>> No.11150996

Nah, I got a great book from there for free, why would I hate it?
Imo it didn't work out because most things there ended irrelevant for everyone. Who, in an engineering university, would want a 20 year old personal bible filled with annotations from some girl's cathechesis? Or a medicine book about procedures for childbirth from 1968? Or perhaps a catalog about early 2000s business office interior design, which looks as if it came out of a claustrophobic matrix reboot?
If nobody's taking anything because everything is worthless, nobody will put anything back, and the shelf ends up stagnant without any good content until someone donates something.

>> No.11151348

There is one in my town. I was very excited to check it out. It was full of diet, cook books, self help, and literally dictionaries. Like niggers were just too dumb to realize they could steal a book without putting something in its place.

>> No.11151360

We should just cram these things with Submission by Houellebecq.

>> No.11151432

Alright fucko. You better stop shitting on fedoras right this instant. I just found out the other day I can not only pull of a fedora but I look sexy doing it.
I don't want you fucking memeos confusing my post-ironic fedora for an ironic meme accessory. It's 2018 give it a rest.