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/lit/ - Literature

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11138593 No.11138593 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ how do I get started in philosophy?

I've tried listening to History of philosophy without any gaps, but it's so boring I can't listen to it any more.

I don't know where or how to start reading philosophy.

Things to keep in mind
>I'm a brainlet
>I'm 30
>I enjoy reading, but nothing too complicated (mainly biographies of important people in history).

>> No.11138597

what in your 30 years of life has motivated you to read philosophy. and then just read articles on the subject. Histories of philosophy are a waste of time

>> No.11138599

>I've tried listening to History of philosophy without any gaps, but it's so boring I can't listen to it any more.
Not to be mean but if you find that boring you are going to find actual philosophy ten times as boring.

>> No.11138608

>what in your 30 years of life has motivated you to read philosophy

I don't know if this is a /lit/ meme or not, but unironically Stefan Molyneux got me interested.

Thanks for the insight, are you saying there's no such thing as interesting philosophy? I think the problem with I had with HoPWaG is his horrible droning voice and horrific intro music.

>> No.11138801

I started with the Greeks and found it mildly interesting, although it's certainly not for everyone.

>> No.11138841

>are you saying there's no such thing as interesting philosophy
The question is whether or not philosophy is interesting, it's is philosophy interesting to you. Philosophy is hard work. It takes a lot of time and care to read (and reread many parts many times of) a philosophical text. It will be far more difficult to read texts then to listen to that podcast regardless of how much you dislike his voice or the music.
If the contents of philosophy aren't interesting enough for you that a very accessible podcast is to burdensome then I can't imagine you would enjoy (especially considering you say you don't read complicated things) a series of long, dry, difficult texts on the exact same thing the podcast is about. Maybe you could enjoy more literary things like Plato.

>> No.11138846

What books in particular?

>> No.11138851

>how do I get started in philosophy?

>> No.11138860

Edit: The question is not whether

>> No.11138877


I find it interesting when Molyneux talks about it. So I think I could get into reading it.

>> No.11138902

But what philosophy that he espouses interests you the most? It is his philosophy of race? libertarian politics? gender?

>> No.11138908

I want to understand what virtue is and how to acquire it.

>> No.11139054

>inb4 reddit
This is a pretty solid run down on the very basics of virtue ethics. Depending on how you want to precede you could move onto Anscombe or MacIntyre, being the two earliest and most important figures in the 20th century revival of virtue ethics. If you want to get into the Greek's I would suggest reading a modern work of scholarship on them first. You will misunderstand almost everything you read from them in regards to ethics.

>> No.11139060


>> No.11139395

Thanks, I'll read thru this.

>> No.11139407
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You have to go back. There should be a filter that removes things like this.

>> No.11139424
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>Hey /lit/ how do I get started in philosophy?
is this bait?

>> No.11139494

just start reading plato, that's literally all

>> No.11139504

Start with the Greeks you dumb faggot.

>> No.11139507

Why is this a question start with the Greeks you fisherman

>> No.11139508

this desu

>> No.11139548
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then just do some research on the concepts you find most interesting. google the specific terminology he uses and go from there.

dont start with the greeks without intent. you wont get as much as if you know what to look for.

after this maybe read anything by Nietzsche (most of it's very accessible, I reccommend "Beyond Good and Evil") and Sartre's "Existentialism is a Humanism"

>> No.11139551

>after this maybe read anything by Nietzsche (most of it's very accessible, I reccommend "Beyond Good and Evil") and Sartre's "Existentialism is a Humanism"
best be trolling

>> No.11140033

anthony kenny's history of philosophy, 20 bucks only
if u really lazy get some of the "philosophy of X" series, they have lik 30 parts, all about pop culture