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File: 577 KB, 1930x1984, hunter-thompson-hat-e1490308161361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11133673 No.11133673 [Reply] [Original]

This man suicided, does this invalidate all of his works?

>> No.11133680

No if it anything it shows e believed what he preached. To be free and do what you want with your life

>> No.11133683
File: 326 KB, 615x461, Hunter-S-Thompson-drugs-drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11133735

all suicides go to hell for spurning God's greatest creation and their works ought to be banned for being the corrosive evil that they are

>> No.11133749

It was out of frustration, not depression

>> No.11133771

Why would it invalidate his works? That's a pretty bold claim

>> No.11133791
File: 222 KB, 696x900, Robert_E_Howard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but this man who an heroed invalidated his.

>> No.11133801

Indeed. His cahracter, "Conan the Barabarian" languishes in obscurity, his name only mentioned by scholars of pulp esoterica.

>> No.11133802

tfw Christ is in hell

>> No.11133820
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>> No.11133879

He was a drug user anyway, he was destined for hell to begin with.

>> No.11134573

“Then are you also without understanding? Do you not see that whatever goes into a person from outside cannot defile him, since it enters not his heart but his stomach, and is expelled?”

>> No.11134862

He wrote about politics and culture, not how to love life, so its seems irrelevant.

>> No.11134945

Which verse of the Bible says that?

>> No.11135053


>> No.11135103

it follows from that life is a gift from god and to take one's life is to reject that gift. not to mention that suicide, being self-murder, is a kind of murder. you are not to do harm, and that includes yourself


>Which verse of the Bible says that?
the bible is a collection of texts from different genres: it is not a list of dos and don'ts

>> No.11135760


>> No.11135878



>Ernest Hemingway - C
He was ill, he was depressed. He'd written his best stuff. We don't think too badly of him.

>Yukio Mishima - C+
Shows he was sincere. Sadly, it was also a bit lame and ridiculous. It achieved nothing.

>Sylvia Plath - D-
Pure selfishness - she had children to take care of. Plus a certain school of screeching misandrists have never ever ever shut up about it for one second ever since.

>Hunter S. Thompson - C
He didn't deprive us of any great works; it passes the Mishima Sincerity Test. I don't care one way or the other T.B.H.

>Virginia Woolf - A
Best thing she ever did, if woefully overdue.

>Seneca - A
OK, he was ordered to do it. But, like Erwin Rommel, he did it with dignity. Respect.

>David Foster What'sHisName - C-
Why, exactly? No-one really knows. Way to not make a clear statement, dude.

>> No.11135977


>> No.11135994
File: 52 KB, 800x755, wojakconfess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man molested children, does this invalidate all of his works?

No. The argument against the Donatists applies equally well to artists as it does to priests.

>> No.11136008

no. HST died like he lived. On his own terms.
It was sad, but if you think about it, it's the only way he could have died. If anything, it completely validates what he said.
Can you imagine him being some wrinkly asshole, being found half naked in a pool of his own vomit? Or just dying of heart failure in a hospital somewhere?
Some people need to die in certain ways, or it just hurts. Shotgun suicide was HST's way to die.

>> No.11136014


"Some die too early; some too late. I say, DIE AT THE RIGHT TIME!"

Good old Moustache Man.

>> No.11136016

no, he did it on purpose and not out of desperation.

>> No.11136036
File: 834 KB, 1200x900, weebpieta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw mister wakanda was quoting the neetch

>> No.11136096

>not out of desperation
Wrong. Read his son's memoir. In his later years he suffered regular seizures, incontinence, could barely walk and was eventually confined to a wheelchair, couldn't write because his brain was so burnt out from booze and cocaine. He was a wreck whose lifestyle caught up with him in a big way and he couldn't handle it. And so he died.

>> No.11136150

I feel sorry for him

>> No.11136175

Genuinely a good post.

>> No.11136186
File: 131 KB, 366x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, I didn’t want this feel.

>> No.11136188

>Virginia Woolf - A
>Best thing she ever did, if woefully overdue.
Fuck off, fascist

>> No.11136199
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I can't begrudge a man who knows when to die.

>> No.11136218

So did Jesus, does that invalidate his work?

>> No.11136235

I don't give a damn if an author killed himself. That doesn't change their writing.

>> No.11136243

>forgetting about Mainländer who hanged himself standing on a pile of his freshly pressed books


>> No.11136246

Rest In Peace, you glorious son of a bitch