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11134399 No.11134399 [Reply] [Original]

ITT pseud concepts

I'll start: "Being"

>> No.11134414
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Just remember folks, concepts without intuitions are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind

>> No.11134417


>> No.11134508

kant was wrong about that

>> No.11134513


>> No.11134515


>> No.11134521

>the Other

>> No.11134522

Ah, I hate this one

>> No.11134524


>> No.11134534

I say this because they are almost always used by theorists outside of morality. as in, they are used to elicit a moral response from you without ever covering why they are morally wrong

>> No.11134538

durr u have to restate your framework everytime you write something

>> No.11134545

I'm talking about people who never did so in the first place. its just like when laypeople expect you to share their concerns on the get go

>> No.11134598

>the outside

>> No.11134607

Exploitation is a fundamental part of any natural process, both organinc and inorganic.

>> No.11134609

>cultural Marxism
>X-function instead of X

>> No.11134613

most things don't explode

>> No.11134618

nibba wut?

>> No.11134644
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>> No.11134775
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>> No.11134778


>> No.11134793

imagine unironically believing in diagrams

>> No.11135022

i know someone who says "othering" irl

>> No.11135028

i mean could be worse, "objectification" has been mainstream for 20-30 years and who tf knows what it actually means

>> No.11135037

ame here to post this based

>> No.11135063

>tabula rasa

>> No.11135080



I want to strangle whoever came up with this nonsense

>> No.11135128

>intuitions without concepts are blind
On the contrary, that's the only way to truly see

>> No.11135132

dude weed lmao

>> No.11135142

>the inner self

>> No.11135143

intoxicants are haram

>> No.11135224

t:the most evil man in history

>> No.11135232


>> No.11135260

Incorrect, not pseud:

Correct, pseud:

This has been a fucking garbage thread kys everyone.

>> No.11135278


Yeah, right.

>> No.11135295

The quintessential pseud concept, if there ever was one.

>> No.11135296


>> No.11135298

t. kissless virgin

>> No.11135324

t. lovesick fool

>> No.11135336


>> No.11135343
File: 59 KB, 400x188, 1512426423574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Objective Morality

>> No.11135353


>> No.11135630


>> No.11135640

Here's one

>> No.11135648
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>> No.11135649

lol bro everything is subjective, it's so obvious
I have never read a philosophy book in my life tho

>> No.11135654

>here's one hand here's another xdddddd

>> No.11135768

t. butthurt pseud

>> No.11135792

>Lol ur not as smart as me I read book!
It's kind of adorable that you're willing to treat basic ass "objective good vs objective evil" as though it was a complicated or controversial idea. I was raised Catholic, it's not that I'm unfamiliar with the arguments for objective Morality, it's that I haven't encountered one that isn't rooted in word games about pre-newtonian understandings of the world, or otherwise outright superstition.
It is extremely obvious, to the point of practically being self evident, that people experience reality subjectively. Unless you'd like to present an argument for why it isn't

>> No.11136580

my nigga

>> No.11136605

I have actually heard people irl use the word 'Spirit.' Took a lot of effort to not burst out laughing.

>> No.11136777
File: 198 KB, 1061x1500, 1dd76d916c438586008fe0a8b6efb44d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spirit is basically just the metaphysical qualities of a person, place, thing, idea, and perhaps an action. It's a lot less of a mouthful to say that people shake hands before and after wrestling matches "in the spirit of sportsmanship", than "for the purpose of reflecting, celebrating, or actualizing the metaphysical qualities of sportsmanship", and it's closer to what the wrestlers are consciously doing, "spirit" being both a literal shorthand and a mental shortcut to the gist of understanding what spirit actually is - which is all that anyone really ever needs to communicate the idea of spirit and have it be understood enough to work. All these words I'm using to try to push my understanding of the term are only an explanation of a common experience that someone could only not understand because he is living in a context that is disconnected from spirituality.

>> No.11136830

They presuppose very questionable notions of justice yet are treated like scientific facts. The postwar era really is a a disgusting place.

>> No.11136952

>the metaphysical qualities of sportsmanship

>> No.11136976

Everything ever penned by Alan Watts.

>> No.11136992

This tbqh

>> No.11137005

agree strongly

cultural marxism is difficult but i think its a valid concept

>> No.11137037

>being such a brainlet that you're tricked by an amphiboly
back to phil 101

>> No.11137149

>implying 99% of people don't use it as synonym for the supernatural religious soul.

>> No.11137681
File: 76 KB, 758x611, a cuca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew someone who would say "another-ing" at first I thought it was a weird slip but they kept saying it consistently and in different conjugations "another", "anothered"...
In mainstream circles people tend to use "other" as a term for social exclusion (usually cognitive) and I think it's as good as any other way to describe the phenomenon. There are definitely more interesting ways to apply it, though

this is a fault of the English language that doesn't have many words that carry aspect.

The "problem" of Alan Watts has never been conceptual. It's in the lack of rigor. His goal I don't think was ever to approach concepts academically but to create samples for soundcloud artists to use decades later.

>> No.11137700

>hasn't angered the transcendent other

>> No.11137715

How is that any different from the wholeness of being (experiencing)?

>> No.11138364


>> No.11139547


>> No.11140714
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>will to power

>> No.11142182

human condition

>> No.11142185

>found the marxist

>> No.11142213

pls be trolling