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File: 679 KB, 1600x765, HolyTrinity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11133000 No.11133000 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11133010

>no Kevin McDonald
Spotted the retarded moron

>> No.11133018

dont know who those crackers are but guy on the left has autistic downs syndrom

>> No.11133021

Follow your bliss anons.

>> No.11133023

The other two are wannabe Jungs.

>> No.11133060

wrong, the other two are in a completely different class of study, and Mircea is superior to Joseph anyhow

>> No.11133069


morcea doesnt deserve this treatment. first to get namedropped from jbp and now put with jung and campbell

>> No.11133071

Nah you're dumb.

>> No.11133083

Mircea and Joseph study comparative mythology, while Jung studies psychology.
everything jbp touches dies

>> No.11133088
File: 81 KB, 596x477, Joseph-Campbell-hero-cycle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what would eliade have thought of pic rel? is it too simplistic?

>> No.11133090

...of pseuds

>> No.11133093

Jung has the most powerful writings on comparative mythology of anyone.

>> No.11133101

>Mircea and Joseph study comparative mythology, while Jung studies psychology.
How are people on this board this dumb?

>> No.11133115

too simplistic, devoid of symbolism

>> No.11133120
File: 1.69 MB, 1654x1654, Antichrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Antichrist

>> No.11133131

Psychological analysis of myths is not comparative mythology.
Mircea explains in the second paragraph of his book Myth and Reality the difference between mythos and logos, which are different parts of the overall myth

>> No.11133157

Mircea is at best a decaf Guenon

>> No.11133169

please don't compare Traditionalist school to comparative myths.

>> No.11133312
File: 123 KB, 1140x640, 46088-xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The shamans play an essential role in the defense of the psychic integrity of the community. They are the antidemonic champions par excellence; they combat not only demons and illnesses but black magic. The warrior elements which have great importance in certain types of Asiatic shamanism (cuirass, lance, bow, sword, etc.) are explained by the requirements of combat against the demons, the true enemies of mankind. In a general sense, it can be said that the shaman defends life, health, fecundity, and the world of "light" against death, illnesses, sterility, misfortune, and the world of "darkness." It is difficult for us to imagine what such a champion could represent for an archaic society. But first of all, there is the certitude that humans are not alone in a strange world, surrounded by demons and "forces of evil." Aside from the gods and supernatural beings to whom one addresses prayers and offers sacrifices, there exist "specialists of the sacred," men capable of "seeing" the spirits, of climbing to Heaven and meeting the gods, of descending to Hell and combatting demons, illnesses, and death. The essential role of the shaman for the defense of the psychic integrity of the community is maintained chiefly by this trait: men are assured that one of their own kind is capable of aiding them in the critical circumstances provoked by the inhabitants of the invisible world. It is comforting and soothing to know that one member of the community is capable of seeing that which is hidden and invisible to others, and of reporting direct and precise information about the supernatural world.

>It is thanks to his capacity to travel into supernatural worlds and see superhuman beings (gods, demons) and spirits of the dead that the shaman is able to contribute in such a decisive manner to the knowledge of death. It is likely that many features of the "funereal geography," as well as certain themes of the mythology of death, are the result of the ecstatic experiences of the shamans . The lands which the shaman sees and the personages whom he meets in the course of his ecstatic journeys into the beyond are meticulously described by the shaman himself, during or after the trance. The unknown and terrifying world of death takes form: it organizes itself in conformity with specific types; it takes final shape as a structure; and, with time, it becomes familiar and acceptable. For their part, the residents of the world of the dead become visible; they assume countenances, take on personalities, even biographies. Little by little, the world of the dead becomes recognizable and death itself takes on value, above all as a rite of passage toward a spiritual mode of being. In the final account, the tales of the shamans' ecstatic journeys contribute to "spiritualizing" the world of the dead, all the while enriching it with images and prestigious figures.

utterly based.

>> No.11133331

What did Lobster Man say about Eliade?

>> No.11133396

>this is the guy who fucked his guru's daughter

>> No.11134056


good things, he makes use of and reference to eliade's eternal return and differentiation of sacred/profane space a lot in his lectures