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File: 158 KB, 1080x1349, 1525957707920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11131587 No.11131587 [Reply] [Original]

What is some literature that admits that living like picrelated is a great thing? I don't mean every second of everyday, maybe just once every week or two.

>> No.11131602

Narcissus and Goldmund

>> No.11131604

GQ magazine

>> No.11131606

this, hesse is a hack

>> No.11131640

ive never seen this in real life. I see guys who are massive in the gym and bodybuild, but they work at like loews in the appliance aisle. Shit even Ronnie Coleman was a cop. And I've seen guys who have boats and audi R4s and Bentleys, but they are all hustlers who dont have the time to get shredded. I've seen guidos who spend their entire life savings on juice and trips to cabo and EDM festivals, but live in a condo and drive a hyundai thats been dropped an inch from the ground. As for the girls, "living" like that isnt true if you are a literal or figurative prostitute with a shelf life of 8 years max before you become a washed out party planner with bad plastic surgery.

Bump because I am interested, all I can think of is a critique like Less Than Zero or The Rules of Attraction, or a glorification of the Good Life in Thomas Mann like Buddenbrooks.

>> No.11131647

so much American in this post. The image actually HURTS him. That is amazing.

>> No.11131651

My Twisted World by Elliot Rodger

>> No.11131657
File: 131 KB, 750x749, 524db16decad04407be26a2e-750-749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this image is common in europe

>> No.11131662

Ayn Rand LOL

>> No.11131665


Oh come on, not only are you a typical deluded leftist "consuming is bad for your karma type" you have also swallowed the red pill meme that women have awful lives after the age of 30. Even incel blackpillers are not so willfully deluded about that.

>> No.11131667
File: 287 KB, 800x694, Youcandanceifyouwantto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thomas Mann like Buddenbrooks.

>> No.11131674

them just not spendin all their money & times for books. c'mon get away from you house and take a walk to club or smth. find a girl in the tinder. fuck her. made her pussy sweat. you'll enjoy it i can bet. do not spend your youth for books.

>> No.11131693

Lavish degenerate materialistic lifestyle is the american way. Europeans are superior. That's why east europe is so beautiful to me. They are humble, which is a think that thanks to the american mind virus is rare

>> No.11131695

He's a big Bollywood actor who definitely uses steroids and more than likely has had plastic surgery. He's about as natural as the tits on the girl in pink.

>> No.11131712

Europe = clubs, drugs, whores and muslems

America = clubs, drugs, whores and niggers

>> No.11131774

>hesse is a hack
Which is why he wrote one book and gave it five different covers. He was the grand master of hacks.

>> No.11131780

>They are humble, which is a think that thanks to the american mind virus is rare
What did he mean by this?

>> No.11131783

Damn krauts, stealing our jobs

>> No.11131818 [DELETED] 

this actually if that bodybuilder eventually carves a beautiful statue of one of these hot tub sluts

>> No.11131819

We are dealing with a philosopher of unlimited power

>> No.11131826

Reminder Germany literally has no minimum wage so totally worthless shit can be considered a job

>> No.11131834

this actually works if the roidmonkey eventually carves a beautiful statue of one of these hot tub sluts

>> No.11131837

not my diary desu.....

>> No.11131851

I read N&G like 25 years ago. Is that the one where he goes to the monastery and carves a bunch of stuff, including a giant edifice? I think he carved a Virgin Mary or something similar in the form of a slut he used to bang.

>> No.11131860

You're right. You can tell he has hemorrhoids from the expression on his face.

>> No.11131883

should've bought a bidet

>> No.11131905

It sometimes occurs during lifts.
I am not posting the pic on /lit/.

>> No.11131913

lmao I'm /fit/ and have never heard of this

>> No.11131918

Yes, you can also get it from laughing.

>> No.11131926

nah, they're pussies

>> No.11131941

yeah right hahahAURRGHH

>> No.11132359

looks like he has some synthol inserts

>> No.11132506

How did you find /lit/?

>> No.11132526

How do you think they live? It's just a guy and two girls posing for the camera. When they weren't posing for the camera what do you suppose they were talking about?

>> No.11132537

Think this a thoughtful post. I've never had the least envy for that kind of life. Imagining it depresses me, the hollow repetitiveness of it (reps) for one thing, the fact that what's being sold I find so ugly, if not repulsive.
Over here I read alot of books, write, work a highly skilled job alone nights, and after 3 years vcel met and began dating a very quiet, very skinny girl who I actually like. Together since GHD, but hung out for about a year before dating. Feels old school. No complaints.
>in b4 took the b8. it's all b8, lads-

>> No.11132549

Literature that glorifies that kind of lifestyle doesn't exist because people who live that kind of lifestyle don't need to justify themselves by writing books.

>> No.11132554


>> No.11132568

>as if they could
what kind of life? that's cute, anon. vaunt slavery.

>> No.11132569

This. Chads don’t write and read they live. We just write and read the echoes.

>> No.11132580

He was trying to explain how earlier he was playing PUBG and the other players were jealous that he was going to meet bikini models and then the models were like "yeah, whatever, what's PUBG?" and he tried to explain it awkwardly and they clearly weren't interested and he was like "ok well it was nice to meet you ladies" and they rolled their eyes and gavehim fakes smiles and said "you too" and then he walked to his leased BMW and drove home and at a stoplight he tweeted the day's photos out and pretended it was awesome but really he was just thinking that it was not a great experience and maybe if he had spent all those hours in the gym getting a high status job, maybe one in finance like his dad told him to, then maybe those girls would like him and then HE could blow THEM off, "haha yeah, that'd be great, you know what maybe I just will, someday they'll say 'I knew him when!' when I really make it," when he leaves the world behind, then he pulled into a parking spot and just sat in the car and wiped his eyes and said to himself "we're all gonna make it bro" and then buried his face in his hands and sobbed

>> No.11132585

>read the
because they can't do either (read or write) they shit talk a worn patois and blah blah blah

>> No.11132595

People who devote their lives to self-enjoyment like this can never fully conceal their misery. You see it in their eyes. Always chasing the next pleasure, lacking contentment. They are more interested in proving to others that they are happy, than in actually being happy. It's a worn happiness, like make-up.


Long ago, when the sage Yao governed the world, he made the world bright and gleeful; men delighted in their nature, and there was no calmness anywhere. When the tyrant Chieh governed the world, he made the world weary and vexed; men found bitterness in their nature and there was no contentment anywhere. To lack calmness, to lack contentment is to go against Virtue, and there has never been anyone in the world who could go against Virtue and survive for long.

>> No.11132610

OP, the man and the two women in the picture are most likely deeply depressed. They hide it well in their posts on Instagram but they have no core values in their life, which leads them to view the world as a meaningless stage in which disposable actors come and go at the whims of directors.

>> No.11132674

>Fucking slavs
You should move to Russia maybe, you'd like it.

>> No.11132689
File: 6 KB, 227x222, 1525313991905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the amount of ressentiment in this thread

>> No.11132691

>vaunt slavery

>> No.11132694

>having a bath in plain water (maybe manmade chemicals)
>in the sun
>with two women who smell of manmade chemicals
>neither of them read poetry softly to you
>they even got the one shitty towel wet already
>can't afford/find a less crowded marina to live this way in
if my face looked that breakable, i'd have done better for myself despite it, not compounded my problems

>> No.11132699

Chick on the rights thigh looks odd

>> No.11132796

OP's pic reminds me: I am a virgin. I will die a virgin. My death will be a death that would have been considered sad if it had occurred perhaps fifteen years before. There will be grief, but all the agonies that my progenitors might pass into (and they are the only people in this entire world who even know of my existence) will be underpinned by this indomitable truth: it is a mercy that he is gone. The quantity of my existence stands only as a component for perpetuating the tortuous quality of the cheap jest that constitutes its vapid manifestation. My virginity has become the gorgon against which all my faculties rise only to be turned to stone; but this is no silent stone, this is not the stone of Plotinus that stands as the antithesis of the Intellectual Principle--for while yet stone I still feel the mind's unscrupulous lacerations and all that grieves the very fibers of its being. The spirit is dimmed each time a girl passes before the mechanism of sight that some pitiless god has glued to my body. Even the ugly, unshaven, modernity enthralled women with clowns' hair and bodies desecrated with tattoos which map out upon fastfood fed bodies the vapid cliches that coagulate to form their mind, even these paralyze the life in me. Masturbation has become merely the corpse of a habit that no longer instills pleasure, no longer even succeeds in distracting, but is only the dull libidinal twitch of a mind faced with the irrepressible impossibility of its reality, while lacking the courage to galvanize itself towards rectification. In the end I do not seek repentance. The decimated husk of my ego drifts towards the only gray shore its virginity-shackled mind can still vaguely form, still vaguely know as whisper or faint wriggling worm in an unclear wound--worm's whisper out of a wound that clears: Death. Here is the Telos to which the entirety of my Dasein has been speeding. Here I shall sink at last, unrequited, into the tentacles of Annihilation's amnesia. My humiliation slowly becomes seething hatred for all who embody that element of the opposite sex, and my soul's relentless cry for something beyond suicide slowly twists itself into ever more feverish fetishes that the internet can happily supply an outlet for. At last, the inconsequential blip that referenced Myself whenever it imagined 'I Am' shall find, not rest, but an end to the sequence of caustic images that only ever taunted it into further depths of Hell's sardonic pitch. No prostitute can relieve me of my virginity, for it has become a magnificently metaphysical lesion that I lack the medicine or Savior's name to remove and, like that man at the pool of Bethesda, take up my carpet and walk into the world again

>> No.11132801

It probably is nice to live like that for a while. But very very few people do OP.

Most people have to work hard as hell to achieve wealth, and when they achieve the wealth, they have to work twice as hard again just to maintain their wealth over a long period of time.

The people in that picture are probably trust-fund babbies who are getting money from their parents, who did all the work.

>> No.11132818
File: 28 KB, 570x356, kilmer phillip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry anon...

>> No.11132855
File: 124 KB, 981x500, Chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You talkin' shit over here bros? You got a problem with poetry. You think this shittalking is easy like I don't dig these aces out of the pack without knowing a bit of magic motherfuckers? You better start laying down the law about poetry before all the princes arrive with their wizards and gremlins and pressgang you fucking laze-about pieces of shit to service my alterkeepers and hangers-on. Poetry at the service of this fuckers command right here, and I'm getting tired of edgy pandering and navelgazing and knowing thyself autofellatio academic professors of this or that truth that hasn't a fucking thing to do with this here statue of a man! Wooooooo! Nature, let me tell you about this stoned immaculate boy, let me tell you about this nature!

>> No.11132861

i unironically love that movie

>> No.11133039 [SPOILER] 
File: 207 KB, 800x1194, 1526000930434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eurofags are really cute

>> No.11133043

Ahh...a fellow patrician.

>> No.11133056

Men of Macedon, we’re going home.

>> No.11133061

Eastern Europe is the most degenerate, corrupt and materialist part of the continent. You don’t know what you are talking about.

>> No.11133074

>consuming is good for you
Lmao no

>> No.11133079

b-but /pol/ told me Poland was going to save western civilization

>> No.11133081

Well son, /pol/ is wrong again...

>> No.11133492
File: 87 KB, 702x1024, 1510449734810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polan will rise

>> No.11134010

Russia isn't European

>> No.11134383


>> No.11134398

Haha this

>> No.11134425

Actually close to the truth. Very few of the people in Op's post are actually leading a happy life. It's non stop keeping up appearances; trying to live the high's. These people go near suicidal every evening they have to spend alone at home.

>> No.11134446
File: 214 KB, 1024x1119, 6804794_f1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aristocratic life is the best life
so many disgusting slaves ITT with their ressentiment and twisted morality

>> No.11134464

>What is some literature that admits that living like picrelated is a great thing?
And by "living like picrelated" I suppose you mean excessive steroid use? I doubt you'd find steroid propaganda in book form, best find a forum with a pusher doing his rounds.

>> No.11134496

That's not the aristocratic life. Aristocrats are well-educated and ugly.

>> No.11134518

>mistakes aristocracy with parvenu

>> No.11134533
File: 227 KB, 707x1129, greek_statue_by_manichysteriastock-d50k9ke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that he intended rich, powerfull and good looking as the definition of a true aristocrat

>> No.11134655

Germany has a minimum wage though. It's about 8€/h

>> No.11134680
File: 559 KB, 1800x2700, ride-the-tiger-9780892811250_hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11134688
File: 941 KB, 1956x2940, Nitzsche_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aristocrats of the """soul"""
nietzsche is keking so hard now

>There is only nobility of birth, only nobility of blood. When one speaks of "aristocrats of the spirit," reasons are usually not lacking for concealing something. As is well known, it is a favorite term among ambitious Jews. For spirit alone does not make noble. Rather, there must be something to ennoble the spirit. What then is required? Blood.

>> No.11134703


>you have also swallowed the red pill meme that women have awful lives after the age of 3

Whoa there, slow down cowboy

>> No.11134708

I laugh my ass off everytime I see this 5'3" hairlet who flunked out of cadet training write shit like this
then I laugh even harder when fags take it seriously

>> No.11134725

No one is like that though. Most rich/powerful/good looking people in any combination or arrangement are extremely slavish. All 3 together never happens anyway.

>> No.11134733

first: insulting someone on a personal level doesn't make his argument wrong
second: he was 5'8, which at the time was not above average

>> No.11134734

>first: insulting someone on a personal level doesn't make his argument wrong
not in Nietzsche's framework

>> No.11134740

The ubermansh is and ideal combination of genes (health, intelligence, strenght, good looks) and environment (money, education, status).
It is very rare for someone to be like that, but it is possible.

>> No.11134741

>Reminder that he intended rich, powerfull and good looking as the definition of a true aristocrat
No, the definition of a 'true aristocrat' is a guy who got granted some real estate for exceptional wartime service.

(Aristocrats don't exist today because war is now more about logistics than leadership.)

>> No.11134746
File: 66 KB, 702x800, 1523901141551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The ubermansh is and ideal combination of genes (health, intelligence, strenght, good looks) and environment (money, education, status).

>> No.11134754

your argument?

>> No.11134757
File: 37 KB, 586x578, 1509662083975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your argument?

>> No.11134774

kys subhuman

>> No.11134786
File: 50 KB, 550x543, 1519391621655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kys subhuman

>> No.11134798

[citation needed]

>> No.11134822
File: 1.09 MB, 5616x3744, 50 - HGUk5BG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.11134825

Here is the citation brainlet

Will to power aphorism 960

>From now on there will be more favorable preconditions for more comprehensive forms of dominion, whose like has never yet existed. And even this is not the most important thing; the possibility has been established for the production of international racial unions whose task will be to rear a master race, the future "masters of the earth"; a new, tremendous aristocracy, based on the severest self-legislation, in which the will of philosophical men of power and artist-tyrants will be made to endure for millennia -- a higher kind of man who, thanks to their superiority in will, knowledge, riches, and influence, employ democratic Europe as their most pliant and supple instrument for getting hold of the destinies of the earth, so as to work as artists upon "man" himself. Enough: the time is coming when politics will have a different meaning.

>> No.11134828

at least we know your retardation is genuine

>> No.11134834
File: 233 KB, 960x960, 1519851623489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11134847

Back to your wheelchair, Giulio.

>> No.11134858


>Bollywood actor

The fact that he stands at 4 inches erect and that his balls have probably withered to the size of peas due to the roids gives me great consolation as I sit here in my shitty studio apartment.

>> No.11134872

That roid monkey isn't gonna live a very great life ten years from when that picture's taken, when his body starts to shut down. I'm not gonna pretend I don't want to fuck those two women, though. I feel sorry for the guy, not for his current state, but because he's likely filled with vanity, and when his physique starts to fail, I doubt he'll find enough depth in his thoughts to keep living a very satisfying life afterwards.

>> No.11134907


Just world fallacy

>> No.11134921

This is false, he's likely filled with deep wells of insecurity which is calmed by his physique. Although you are right, once this source of external validation starts to go if he hasn't evolved/replaced this then he'll fall into a horrible part of his life.

>> No.11135057

Vanity and insecurity aren't mutually exclusive, it might just means he draws pride from his looks and commercial success, which may very well be related to making up for some insecurity.

>> No.11135264

i can smell your envy fags and it is disgusting

>> No.11135395
File: 57 KB, 645x773, 1524170805383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11135426

Why are you on /lit/? Your reading comprehension is clearly too low for you to actually understand any books you might try to read.

>> No.11137042

Doesnt sound alpha. Its like you people have never experienced self esteem and alpha state. I'm not saying I live it 100%, but you can definitely be happy to just be alive and look good and have money. Bitches would be like "whats PUBG?" and he's like "give me a kiss and I'll tell you" and then he starts talking about how good he is at PUBG and what a cool concept it is as he gets head from the other bitch and rubs the first girl's fake tits with a curious glee. He knows they're fake but that his 8 inch dick is real.
When he goes home to play PUBG he feels a bit of a burn when his headphones rub on his marginally sunburned skin. His gf (3rd girl) gets him some lotion. He dies in PUBG and gets fucking pissed off for a while. His gf doesn't excite him much anymore, so they watch some tv show while eating some cherries and he casually fondles her ass and imagines fucking that mulatto bitch from the show. Blondes are so tiring. He goes to bed and feels the freshness of the sheets, and plans a way of breaking up with his girlfriend. Should he even talk about it, or just kinda tell her through text and leave her stuff somewhere? Gotta park the car inside or she might key the paint and that'd fuck up the lease agreement. It's good that he has an acquaintance who can repaint it in the original color at a discount. He decides to leave the car parked outside as it's more convenient for driving back and forth to the set of the new movie he's filming and how he can afford hundreds of new cars just like that. He can't count exactly how many, but he's glad he's financially smart enough to not actually buy cars. The new studio contract is alright, his agent tried but that other famous actors' is better. He gets 12% royalties. Imagine that, FUCKING 12%. Anyway, life is good. That cute makeup department girl who drools over me will like the tan. She's about 7/10 with makeup..never fucked her...I wonder why. She's a brunette...Well, there will be time for that..tomorrow..

>> No.11137062

he didn’t flunk out of cadet training he was an excellent cavalryman who injured himself after a loss of concentration and he wasn’t 5’3 you hateful treeman

>> No.11137098

worth mentioning that there is a whole preamble cut out here

“There is only nobility of birth, only nobility of blood. (I am not speaking of the little word “von” or Almanache de Gotha: parenthesis for asses.) When one speaks...

The Will to Power, 942 (1885)

this implies that people who are born into titles are not necessarily aristocrats and neither are those who are slavish but assume themselves to be superior because of their moralism and struggle, which Jewish Zionists had claimed many times during his period. This would apply to the wealthy today and also to blacks especially that claim this kind of nobility

>> No.11137127


If you are dissatisfied with your life, and you think that alphas live like this:
then you are delusional. This is utter nonsense. Even the chadiest Chad does not live like this. If you are comparing yourself to this standard, its a recipe for depression.

PLEASE just buck up, gather your confidence, and tackle life one small problem at a time. Don't put yourself down because you aren't living this caricature of "success". No one is like that.

>> No.11137266

It is possible. Why are you being a crab barrel little fag? Like I said, I don't always live it, and nobody can have great days 100% of the time. But there are good looking people with big dicks and chiseled bodies out there. I have that. There are people who get rich. Life can be fun. I am not saying it's realistic to go from 0 to 100 in 1 year. But the goal is possible. I have felt alpha state, I have felt that nothing bad will affect me because I have high value and self esteem. I have days where I skip workouts and girls turn me down and I feel like a nobody. But it's possible. You, the person reading this, you deserve happiness. You have to put in the work though. To become Chad you have to BE Chad. Firefighters fight fire, that's why they're firefighters. They can go a lifetime of not being firefighters, but when they get the job and are putting out the fire, they're real. You can be Chad, you just have to be honest- the only thing that makes Chad a Chad, is being Chad. Not "oh chad would do x and never do y". No, Chad is Chad. You CAN be a fucking hot guy with self esteem and a big dick. Shit, my dick was less than 7.5 inches and it's 8 after jelqing. You CAN improve your facial features too. You can have what Chad has, and that's what makes him Chad. Just be real. Go and put in the work and get what you want, and ENJOY it.

If not, that's cool too. Stay in your head and read books about other people too in their head to have fun.

>> No.11137277

>chad chad chad chad chad
how horrifying to organize your mind around this

>> No.11137303

Yeah well thats the way I am m8. Too bad you've never felt high self esteem

>> No.11137306

why do you think the only way to feel high self-esteem is to live the american hedonist lifestyle (so-called "chad life")?

>> No.11137326

>I don't mean every second of everyday, maybe just once every week or two.
Everybody generally does that already I thought. Maybe not to such a great extent as your pic, but I personally go out to drink and socialize with friends and enjoy myself a few times a month at least.

So you want literature advocating for the lifestyle of hedonism in small doses or something?

>> No.11137342

i'm pretty sure he is referring specifically to the extreme case: expensive yachts, expensive sunglasses, fucking hot women, drinking expensive liquor

generally just the kind of thing you see people like the guy in the OP's pic trying to push on their instagrams nowadays

>> No.11137353

I didnt say that. To have high self esteem consistently you need to have high physical value consistently. I dont say you have to do x or y lifestyle. Just stop coping and be real. Life doesn't have to be fundamentally suffering and being in your own head all the time. Life can be fun and good, if you seek it.

>> No.11137373

>To have high self esteem consistently you need to have high physical value consistently
i'm just amazed at how transparent your discourse is and how you can't see it isn't even yours, but merely a dumbed-down retread of handed-down discourses that are themselves fraudulent.

life can be fun and good, and sociable and enriching, but it doesn't need to have anything to do with stupid reddit concepts invented by people who are depressed that they can't realize their empty self-imposed objective

>> No.11137397


>> No.11137472

Ok bro believe what u want. Anyone who has ever felt a taste of having high self esteem will know I'm right. That feeling of being awesome, of girls getting wet just looking at you and literally trying to pick YOU up off the street, of people trying to please you, of whipping your cock out in full confidence, it's intoxicating, knowing nobody can tell u shit

I'm not saying this is the be all end all, but not being Chad is like being crippled. Something is missing.

>> No.11137481

>You can have what Chad has
yeah but eventually youll be dead and it wont matter

>> No.11137501

>being in your own head all the time
This is what means being a human anon.
We live in a world of fantasies all the time, (because reality is full of pain/suffering/boredom) this is what you do when you remember the past or think about future possibilities and when you read a book or watch movies. It is constant escapism (even "Chad" & "Stasy" do this).

>> No.11137525

*eternal return*

>> No.11137534

your house is built on sand

if your "self esteem" is built on physical strength and attractiveness, you will naturally lose it as you grow older

at this rate, you will despair and lose your soul, then go to hell for living like a dog when God made you to be a man

>> No.11137543


>> No.11137547

no one actually belives that shit even nietzsche wasnt that dumb

>> No.11137565

is it better with intelligence and knownledge, when you get old you lose those too anon

>god made you

>> No.11137571

what do you believe in anon?
Illuminate us

>> No.11137574

>but they are all hustlers who don’t have time to get shredded

Fatty detected. If you have time to sit down, you have time to get shredded.

>> No.11137575

you live once, then you die, and then

>> No.11137586

Henry Miller
He loved and hated decadence at the same time

>> No.11137590

>is it better with intelligence and knownledge, when you get old you lose those too anon

No, that would be building your house on sand too, because - like you say - it will be lost.
The only solid foundation is God. If your life isn't built upon this eternal foundation, then you're just building sand castles that will be swept away by the tide.
>Unless the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it. Unless the Lord keep the city, he watcheth in vain that keepeth it.

>> No.11137591

Once you've lived it up like that for an indeterminate amount of time, you realize how vacuous and fleeting the pleasure really is. Sure we all daydream about driving a McLaren around and being an ultra-successful rugby player / renowned philosopher, but none of that is really noteworthy at the superficial level: you're just lusting for recognition and probably acceptance as well. I think everybody needs a phase of shameless hedonism in their younger years to grasp how necessary restraint can be.

>> No.11137622 [DELETED] 

I'd agree save for the unnecessary generalizations.

>> No.11137650

>having to use torches at your nationalist rally because the city workers are too dumb to figure out how to change the bulbs on the street lights

>> No.11137676

Only thing I'd change out in retrospect is a 67 shelby 500 over a mcclaren: dark blue with white stripes.

>> No.11137703

>doing steroids in the sun on a plastic boat
that's wasted opium and books money with added cancer.

>> No.11138525

any post-modern bullshit