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File: 6 KB, 286x176, mrpeterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11129490 No.11129490[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a more comfy entertainer in all the world? I love listening to him effortlessly eviscerate pseuds and speak on psychology and literature. Nothing he says is original or profound but he articulates a lot of essential things in an engaging and irrefutable way.

>> No.11129497

Yeah, it's pretty hard to refute "wash your balls" so I guess you could say he's irrefutable

>> No.11129500

You've never listened to him.

>> No.11129502
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Is he the academic equivalent of

>> No.11129509

He isn't eviscerating anyone, he is genuinely trying to help people. I don't see a problem.

>> No.11129513

I know. I didn't mean it like that. I meant he eviscerates certain people's weak and fallacious arguments. Sorry.

>> No.11129515

>Jordan Peterson
>not the literal anti-christ

>> No.11129518


>> No.11129521
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>Is there a more comfy entertainer in all the world?

>> No.11129528

He's amusing but not comfy. And not as entertaining to me as Peterson.

>> No.11129532

Yeah if anyone he is eviscerating edgelords and crash cultists. Stay positive, do what is right, love virtue and flee vice.

>> No.11129575

name one essential thing he has articulated

>> No.11129583

If the guy on the right got a better haircut and squinted a little he'd look pretty good.

>> No.11129584

Clean your room

>> No.11129585

I'm not going to spend my time on that when literally any video of his will answer that.

>> No.11129595



>> No.11129601

I just saw this, and I'm infuriated.
Jordan Peterson is a hack bitchbaby.

>> No.11129610

>le deleted thread

>> No.11129611

>not literally satanic

>> No.11129615
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link to a video where Peterson tops something like this:

>> No.11129617

For anyone used to the orderly architecture of argument, Peterson's ideas slide about like mental porridge.

>> No.11129620

>le progress meme

>> No.11129622
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true, look for real craftsmen of the argument like molymeme

>> No.11129623

t. didn't watch it

>> No.11129626

>check new Joe podcast
>no Alex Jones
is there a worse feel

>> No.11129628

no shit

>> No.11129629

What's ironic is this is a fallacious statement. Guess you're not one of those "used to the orderly architecture of argument".

>> No.11129632

so why are you making a random, dismissive statement about it?

>> No.11129650

Even when Peterson's most obvious and minor defects are pointed out you can always count on his cult members to show up and attempt to defend his honor.

>> No.11129655

The guy on the right just needs a beard and a haircut.

>> No.11129658
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smegma pollutes the logos

>> No.11129672

Top kek

And oy vey!

>> No.11129680

he also dresses rather well, that aspect oftentimes seems to be overlooked

>> No.11129684

He DESTROYS libcucks on the reg

>> No.11129688
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>Watch as Nigel Farage OBLITERATES Russell Brand on immigration

>> No.11129720

I'm a fan of Peterson and I never understand why other people who are clearly fans never seem to take a joke about him well. You can think something is correct without getting hostile at people who joke. Not you specifically but the 'wash your balls' meme is hilarious.

>> No.11129721

No it's honestly not.

>> No.11129722

What a true example of a fine intellect.

>> No.11129725

You're lazy and intellectually timid. Don't blame me because you want your hand held.

>> No.11129731

I hate this black and white attitude of sanity vs. ideology. It just simply isn't true. Like just today at university I had a class on feminist epistemology (at least half the class are Catholic seminarians) and the guest lecturer, who is doing her PhD in feminist phenomenology, had a genuinely civil discussion with one of the young priests-to-be about the value of motherhood and commonality of Catholic and feminist goals--of creating a society built on love and not power, in which people can flourish as God intended (aka the new Jerusalem).

So if you think feminism is nothing but ideologue trash because Peterson and Alfsvoid told you so, stop being so simple fucking minded.

>> No.11129735


>> No.11129737

thank you

>> No.11129747

someone hasn't been washing their balls

>> No.11129764

I never have but that's beside the point.

>> No.11129830
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Tbqh I laughed when I first saw pic related, but then again any joke can be driven into the ground through sheer repetition.

>> No.11129894
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I put on a short clip of his about cleaning your room to a bunch of my uni mates, to motivate them to help tidy up our brokenhearted friend's room. It was pretty funny to watch four 20-something men instantly snap to attention at Peterson's voice and listen intently for the entire duration of the clip, without any prior knowledge of him or his work. There's certainly something fatherlike about the way he speaks, his somewhat eccentric voice, and how presents himself.
That said I watch him too and agree with a lot (not all) of his assessments, so I'm not really one to talk.

>> No.11129911


>> No.11129925

Pretty good post. Very succinct summary of Peterson

>> No.11129941

Says you faggot.

>> No.11129951

The catastrophic dangers of a nihilistic materialst world view.

>> No.11129961

>nihilistic materialst world view.
you mean capitalism?

>> No.11129970
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The Golden Child archetype

>> No.11129975

No he means positivism.

>> No.11129997

No material as in we are the just the atoms we're made of and nothing more.
Not material as in commodity driven. Although without a doubt man gets lost in the relentless, ever churning machine of capitalism but no more than any other system conceivable for a global population of our size. At least in my opinion.

>> No.11130059

Communism is both nihilistic and materialist.

>> No.11130082

No? Who the fuck told you that?
Materialism is the individual drive towards ownership and consumption of goods.
Communism is about relinquishing personal claim to share with your community.

>> No.11130094

I actually just washed my penis and I got to say, this is actually nice.
It has the same cathartic productivity enchanting effect as waking up early, if only to a lesser effect.

>> No.11130098

No, materialism is a type of monism that says that all that exists is matter. And communism is that to a t.
Not only that, but communists believe that, fundamentally, everything springs out from material conditions rather than from other stuff like ideas, spirituality, culture and so on. So that's another way in which communism is materialist.

>> No.11130099

Marx's doctrine is literally called Materialism, that is to say, man is shaped by his environment.
It's a refutation of Kant's Idealism.

>> No.11130102

>Materialism is the individual drive towards ownership and consumption of goods.
Wow, sure stinks of summerfag all of a sudden in this place.

>> No.11130105
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>> No.11130135

philosophy as entertainment is precisely the problem

>> No.11130136
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Clickbait third-party leeches are the scum of the earth

>> No.11130233
File: 29 KB, 594x307, DFwNJKkUAAAL_CL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big thonkangs were had

>> No.11130239
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This really captures it, essiently he's articulating the fear of the petty-bourgeois who are becoming self-conscious of their historically limited horizons under late stage capitalism. He's comforting basedboys by telling them they can eternally reproduce their basedboy lifestyle as long they propagate idealism but none the less they will be annihilated in a revolutionary manner.

>> No.11130243

>but none the less they will be annihilated in a revolutionary manner.

>> No.11130283

>implying communists, ancoms, antifa etc are not middle class young bourgeois faggots who would be instantly annihilated in a coletivistic revolution

>> No.11130295

They are not even aware of the nature of their own ideology. The absolute state of communists

>> No.11130314

There's seriously no lack of entertaining self-help gurus out there. And they ALL are worthless.

>> No.11130321
File: 35 KB, 638x559, 28577227_1585879564826872_4814013230433173504_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Believing in nothing, or the unknowability of all things.
>Believing in an external world which we can access indirectly via our senses and gain an understanding of through Natural Philosophy™.
>nihilistic materialist
>Believing in nothing but also something, or believing that you can't know anything but also that you can know a lot(?)
This isn't a real worldview. Peterson assumes that, because nihilists and materialists share some conclusions, their systems of thought are related somehow, but nothing could be further from the truth. He's railing against a nonexistent enemy.

>> No.11130331

Communism is diametrically opposed to nihilism. It prescribes a theory of justice, an explanation for human behavior, a historical narrative in which it fits, etc. Nihilism does none of these things.

>> No.11130377

queer theory is a religion based on victimhood and slave morality. when everything is deconstructed except for a vague notion of 'implicit bias' you have essentially defaced being and everything that makes life worth living. Leftists are ultimately bureaucratic minded and banal creatures, don't let the funny coloured hair and fancy new genders fool you. these people don't 'have sex', they fill out checklists, they virtue signal and engage performatively in shrill politically correct activities.

>> No.11130394
File: 60 KB, 685x456, methode%2Fsundaytimes%2Fprodmigration%2Fweb%2Fbin%2Fbdbe2118-25ba-467f-9f20-d26563ac1b55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gee, I guess it's time to embrace futuristic hyperfascism or else perish under the homogenizing dead weight of a banal neoliberal intersectional-bureaucratic panopticon based around the ideology of woke consumerism.

>> No.11130426
File: 272 KB, 794x305, mel_around_J-ws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"nobody wants to abolish hierarchies"
>"we only want to abolish racial, gender, and economic hierarchies"
When Peterson is talking about hierarchies those are exactly the ones he's discussing, though often implicitly. Those are the only hierarchies that anyone in the political arena is talking seriously about, nobody's talking about the hierarchy of humans vs manlets, or the inane social ladder of box wine drinking sociality trannies and their ability to command oral during the flat's biweekly cocaine fueled orgy.

And calling huge chunks of the radical left marxists is true. The desire for equality of outcome, or "equity", is such a common thread on the left that I had a gay-latino-student-organizer tell us about how it's the main goal of the campus diversity office during my orientation. Almost all of them want the power of the state levied to flatten disparate outcomes between groups. "Equity" is communism holding a purse. Calling the identitarian left a bunch of postmodern neomarxists is pretty accurate, especially when painting with such a broad brush.

>> No.11130433

ok dude come back when you guys actually have guns lol

>> No.11130442

fucking leafs, jeez-louise
I swear I wanna punch one rn

>> No.11130446

the identitarian left, ie. all of the modern left, are worse than postmodern neomarxists, they are hyperrawlsian managerial shitlibs. at least Foucault had the decency to be a Nietszchean edgelord, these people are bureaucrats, totally blind to transcendental aesthetic experience, genius, history... they are only able to understand the world in terms of checklist items, percentages and 'microagressions'.

>> No.11130472
File: 24 KB, 480x710, communsim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>money can't make you happy, it's just a social construct of the bourgies

>> No.11130474

these 'marginalized folks' and 'queers' barely have inner lives at all, their existence is nothing but an endless riff on harry potter and intersectional managementspeak, an endless sequence of callouts and recriminations. and they want to drag YOU and the whole culture to their level of unlife. the question is, are you just gonna stand by and let them do it?


>> No.11130484

have you read marx? he fucking loved money

>> No.11130486

I only watch the videos of the non-mentally ill, thanks.

>> No.11130492

Fucking obviously. He was a bourgie exploiter to the very core.

>> No.11130510

modern leftism/feminism is a literal religion based on slave morality and celebrity worship

We Went to “Beyoncé Mass” and It Was Glorious

>> No.11130518

The notion of a Beyoncé mass ruffled some feathers, with conservative Christian voices mocking the idea or claiming the church was deifying Beyoncé—as if she’s not been deified already.

>tfw the queer inquisition comes after you for blaspheming beyonce

>> No.11130548

>totally blind to transcendental aesthetic experience, genius, history
Worse than that, they despise it. To them any excellence was stolen from someone else, they despise success and want everyone to be as weak and bland as they are. They are the democratic spirit of mediocrity made flesh.

> The worst and most dangerous thing of which a scholar is capable comes from the instinct of mediocrity which characterizes his species: from that jesuitism of mediocrity which instinctively works for the destruction of the uncommon man and tries to break or ‑ better still! ‑ relax every bent bow.

>> No.11130568

the worst thing is these 'folks' don't even have 'authentic' identities, only a series of labels assigned to them by the bureaucracy and mimetic affect patterns they got from twitter. it's like talking to clones of the same person over and over.

>> No.11130577


>> No.11130606

As a Marxist myself (for lack of a better word desu) I feel like excusing for such fucking idiots like contra and other "left" youtubers. This guys are the cancer of the left. One of these faggots called stalin a fascist the other day.

>> No.11130612
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it's like the early 20th century all over again, you can either let the corrosive forces of modernity, technological dehumanization and mass society overwhelm you and destroy everything you ever found meaningful or you can try and figure out a way to harness them and transcend your limitations.

>> No.11130629

>Communism is about relinquishing personal claim to share with your community

so why the fuck would you want it?

>> No.11130637

I just find leftist youtubers insufferable, the right being represented by idiots and zionist shills like Peterson, Harris and Shapiro you'd think they would come up with something, but no, it's just ressentiment and apologetics for the libshit bureaucracy disguised as critique. Even as a rightist, I can't help but regard old uncle Joe, Vladimir Illich, Mao and Castro with admiration. they knew how to Ride le Tiger(tm).

>> No.11130645

the modern left is not about private property, but about psychopolitics, you must become 'woke' and check your privilege, your consumption habits must be instrumental towards 'social progress' as defined by NYC media hacks.

>> No.11130655

after listening to dozens of this guys videos on youtube I am amazed how some people can say so much with so little while others can say so little with so much (peterson is in the latter category)

>> No.11130665

Kanye West, Peter Thiel, Cody Wilson, Donald J Trump, that's what true reactionary praxis looks like 2018 AD.

>> No.11130697

political and intellectual youtubers are insufferable because they only say things that are too shitty to be put into books

>> No.11130708

What are 4chan posters?

>> No.11130718

*lets this thread stay up*
*deletes sadler thread before it can even get 2 replies*

>> No.11130720
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>> No.11130725

>Even as a rightist, I can't help but regard old uncle Joe, Vladimir Illich, Mao and Castro with admiration. they knew how to Ride le Tiger(tm).
Even as someone from former commieblock, kill yourself you fucking retard.

>> No.11130731

>I can't help but regard old uncle Joe, Vladimir Illich, Mao and Castro with admiration. they knew how to Ride le Tiger(tm).
They are the best rappresentation for the left to me. That's why I hate idiots like contra and all the hacks spawned by adorno and co.
Problem is that most of the people on youtube, college ecc. would rather fall for meme tribalism than having actual discussion.
It's not about values but about what brand of ideology they wear. Great Marxist such as the one you mentioned and especially Lenin were intellectuals and man of the people at the same time. None of these elitist snobbery of rich kids high on focault.

>> No.11130739

>educate yourself

>> No.11130741

shut up subhuman. they were heroes. Without them you country would be 3rd world.

>> No.11130811

objectively false

>> No.11130828

Mainly, I just feel tremendously disappointed by the modern world, What about the old promises of the internet, the idea that you could become someone else entirely? Modern 'progressivism' is all about dour bureaucratic sterility, I went from hanging out with trannies, edgelords and other degenerates to 'ironically' memeing for Trump to an atomized post college drop out existence as a conspicuous 'white dude' with zero prospects for advancement.

>> No.11130849
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Alexander Zinoviev was right about Stalin, and that's coming from a former dissident. The USSR's demise was the greatest tragedy of the 20th century.

>> No.11130860

>rich kids high on Foucault

You wish, they are rich kids high on bell hooks, twitter and vox.com. Foucault could teach them a lot when it comes to panopticism. Intersectionality is a fundamentally therapeuthic and ahistorical ideology for middle managers and hack journalists.

>> No.11130871

This shit is helerious

>> No.11130949

It's because he's fooling you, and you're all fooled because you're fools. How is that not obvious? I suppose the clever bit is that he's also fooled himself.

>> No.11130968

Good man

>> No.11130991

this baka

>> No.11131171
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What the fuck am I reading

>> No.11131199

when he started relating to the pepe frog, i stopped paying attention to him. While I do agree with him on many points, it’s his attention-whoring that made me dislike him.

>> No.11131239
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*Impedes your journey*

>> No.11131323

his whole thing is Crowley. Dou what thou wilt does not mean "do what you want"
wilt = collective Will

Do what you were made to do, i.e your sole purpose for humanity's sake. this does not mean mere reproduction.

>> No.11131355
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>your sole purpose for humanity's sake.
Sounds mad spooky