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/lit/ - Literature

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11127902 No.11127902 [Reply] [Original]

Discussion of the greatest, most convincing love story of the 20th Century, a Romeo and Juliet of our times, Lolita. "Humpert did nothing wrong and Quilty was the only villain" edition.

>> No.11127906

Humbert. FFS he's named it twice, how do you fuck that up?

>> No.11127911

It was auto translation m8.

>> No.11127930
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If quilty hadn't taken Lolita, Humbert and Lolita could be together and he love her forever. Why he fuck did this have to happen?

>> No.11127940

>my translator was bad!
>in a nabokov thread
yeb vas

>> No.11127951

It is autotranslation from the phone I'm posting m8. Are you retarded or what?

>> No.11127986
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A few days ago I asked my mother (who is a literature major) what she thought about lolita humbert's actions, she literally and unironically told me that she completely understood his motives and that he did nothing wrong. Is this a good mother and does this have to do with the fact that she made sexual advances with me when I was a child

>> No.11128304

What is with all this /tv/ content migrating to /lit/ recently? Just today I have seen three instances, this being the third.

>> No.11128586

>He didn't make sexual advances on his mother as a child
Are you gay?

>> No.11128591

[Freud intensifies]

>> No.11128606

>no explicit sex scenes

>> No.11128630

this tbqp100%thwu

>> No.11128638

Thanks bro I'm glad I'm not the only one who knew what he was doing

>> No.11128654

kill yourself pedo

>> No.11128698
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Who is this semen demon?

>> No.11128714
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who is this nut enhancer?

>> No.11128821
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Seriously though. How do I reconcile this? Why was my mother so sexually close to me when I was a kid and she let me play with her body? This is a serious fucking question.

>> No.11128824
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These girls are female models for a Korean Fashion Clothing Line. Look up for "Heart Club Korean Fashion" or "Mixmix". Hopefully you'll find it, if you're not completely retarded.

>> No.11128841

What did she let you do? If it was nothing major she probably just wanted to make you comfortable with the human body and unashamed and you're just adding weird context now because it didn't quite work

>> No.11128849
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>What did she let you do?

Unironically play with her breasts however I wanted until I became thirteen, by which point I learnt of the inherent sensuality of the breasts and, even though I enjoyed the act of fondling her breasts, decided to stop as it was reminiscent of incestual desire.

>> No.11128857
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>> No.11128864
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and even though I enjoyed the act of fondling them*

By then I realized I had a somewhat incestuous activity with my mother, she never minded, and actually enjoyed me playing with her tits. I was a pre-teen and never gave it any though. I probably did this out of base instinct or accident when I was a child and felt comforted and my mother allowed it and didn't mind. The problem is that I would sleep with her and she never told me to stop and that it wasn't ok, so it kept going on and on until it became a habit and a "little secret" between us. I told noone about what was going, and she seemed to genuinely enjoy having her breasts fondled and played with, as many times I would notice her nipples becoming erect and stiff as I played with them. But I didn't know what that meant at all so I didn't mind.

>> No.11128881
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Because of this I unironically have this overwhelming Oedipus Complex and Mommy Kink.
I have not been using trips as I made a promise not to visit 4chan again (specifically r9k), but since this is such an important topic and it's the literature board, I think it's ok. Seriously though, my mommy kink is just killing me sometimes. A few times I literally and unironically cry thinking and fantasizing about having sex with a mommy gf and telling her that I love/am in love with her. I am also saying up money to one day hire a fetish escort to roleplay as my mother and play with her breasts like I used to with my real mother when I was a child

>> No.11128902

Well what can I say anon? It follows with your childhood experience. I wouldn't worry about it too much.
Its not as if you have any feelings for your actual mother, right? That's where it becomes an issue, obviously. The fact that you realized what happened between your mother and you was inappropriate shows that your development occurred normally. The trouble is that you've got this fetish and a guilt complex about it. But really its not your fault and its nothing to be ashamed of. Incest fetishes are one of the most common, yours just has a bad story attached to it.
If its really messing you up, I'd say its worth seeing a therapist, to get some help working out your feelings. At worst, you could always write about it.

>> No.11128928
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>If its really messing you up, I'd say its worth seeing a therapist, to get some help working out your feelings. At worst, you could always write about it.
Yeah, it got to a point where it really was unhealthy. That was because I could unironically request audios on /soc/ of women making roleplays of scripts rehearsing a mommy kink scenario, and when these were recited, these same scripts would often have incorporated in them repeated sayings and phrases of "I love you, son", or "I'm in love with you, son", and I felt so thorougly moved by the arising emotions while fantasizing alone that I would end up having bouts of crying. Not because it reminded me of my own biological mother, no, the thought of her never came to my mind, but because in my head motherly love mixed with the romantic was so beautiful (as much as it is pathological, now that I think clearly of it) that it was impossible to hold back tears. For a few weeks I developed what could be seriously considered erotomania or borderline-erotomania, because I found myself obsessed, hours and hours of the day, with the thought of being completely, utterly, madly in love with a woman, somewhere out there, who would be motherly to me. Love eventually creeped into my mind, always with the motherly aspect clinged to it, and has not left until now.
The worst fucking part is that it is not only a kink, it has the emotional incorporated into it as well. I dream not only of having a woman who I could fall madly and deeply in love with who would allow me to call her all sorts of motherly names in bed, but which would genuinely, and literally treat me as a son after sex, who would cuddle me and stroke my hair and say that I'm her beautiful son and that she loves me. The trouble is that I often find myself having these scenarios in my head and I feel extremely lonely, and even more depressed, by the thought that the chance of this ever occuring is astronomically low, or non-existent.

>> No.11128967

Well it definitely sounds like it could be a story.
Maybe try writing something, it might act as therapy.

>> No.11128996
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>Well it definitely sounds like it could be a story.
What do you mean, a story?

>Maybe try writing something, it might act as therapy.
I do write, constantly. I am writing and thinking about this all the time. A shitton of times I would take a long walk of 1 to 2 hours, and incessantly think of what happened and my own feelings, thoughts etc, I would come back home and write everything. I think it really really helps.

The only thing that really worries me the most though, is the erotomania. I had turned away from simple mommy kink pornography to fantasies and delusions of love. I became OBSESSED with love for a time, and thought that that would be the key to happiness and of the solution of all of my problems, but I didn't have anyone whom I could love and who could not love me back, so I decided to just conjure up in my mind the perfect "mommy gf" for me. I would keep hours and hours (I'm a NEET) wasting time thinking and fantasizing about this mommy gf and the scenarios we would play, most of the times very romantic ones, with lots of "I love you" and specially "I am in love with you" in between. Eventually it came to a point where I legitimately felt in love, my head becoming warmer, and my heart beating faster thinking of "her". I felt love, I know I did, because I have been in love as a teen and I sense the same things. The two biggest signs are these two: warmth in head, and increasing heartbeat whenever I thought of her (and to be in a mix of romantic and motherly love). It felt addictive to have these fantasies, but the trouble was, when they were over, I realized that life isn't a dream and that I was still living in reality. Because of that I kept brooding over how I could ever get a gf whom I could fall madly in love with, just like in my dreams and fantasies, and with any luck, bring the mommy kink into it. I was in love with love. Unfortunately, however, was when I discovered that women and specially female sexuality are not like what I had in my imagination and that women weren't like that, and all of this sudden realization led me to a strong depressive episode I thought I'd never have in my life again, because I was in love with love but then reality came crushing down on top of me and destroyed any prospects I had to be madly in love with someone like in my dreams.

The feelings of loneliness and the crushed hopes of love were the absolute worst.

>> No.11129012

>What do you mean, a story?
Exactly what I say. If you were to make this stuff suitable, clean it up like, and put it into a book you might have something interesting. A lolita, but for mothers.
Fiction, naturally.
The bit about you creating and falling in love with your own perfect woman is particularly fascinating.

>> No.11129013
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Seriously anons, don't ever become erotomaniacs like me. You can actually and unironically fall in unrequited love with a person of your dreams or imagination and it's fucking hell, specially considering you will never be with her, and that women aren't like you imagine them in your head. So if you are an unexperienced virgin like me, then don't ever conjure up a "waifu" in your head because then reality comes crashing down on you and you see that women and love are not at all like you thought.

>> No.11129020

>suitable, clean it up like
When I say that, by the way, I don't mean to make it more family-friendly. I simply mean make it into a narrative. Flesh it out. Bad choice of words.

>> No.11129030
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Let me warn you from the start, I am a fucking awful writer.
Also, everything I wrote here wasn't supposed at all to sound even in the slightest poetic or have a good prose, I really was just expressing how I feel at this point.

>> No.11129046

>Let me warn you from the start, I am a fucking awful writer.
Well, be that as it may, there's passion in what you wrote and its still an interesting idea. So long as it were properly fleshed out, I think it'd make for an interesting novel or short story. And if you manage to finish it and there's potential, it may get published, at which point you'll have an editor and that may improve the work even more.
I'm not saying you could write something, I'm just saying there's potential and it seems worth some exploration. Could really explore theme's of sexuality, humanity, the nature of love and relationships, etc...

>> No.11129060
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Actually anon, what a nice coincidence. I do have a short story already written out. It's pretty fucking shitty though Would you care to give it a look? I'm not sure if this is the update version though.


>> No.11129084

Sure I'll give it a gander. Give me a minute to read.

>> No.11129094
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I have to sleep now though. I even took myself some Phenibut. I hope this thread is still alive by tomorrow.

>> No.11129150

>I have to sleep now though.
Well, I'll leave my thoughts anyways just in case. You can always check the archive.
So, you were right, its pretty poorly written. Lots of purple prose which goes on and on but doesn't say anything interesting, the expressions are banal and the dialogue is awkward. I'll wager a fair guess its your first draft and you didn't edit it much, and you definately didn't revise. That'd help for starters.
Three pieces of advice I can think of for you. First, and I expect you've heard this before, but show don't tell. You ought to cram as much information under the surface of your text as you can, rather than just always handing it to the reader. It makes it more engaging and enjoyable to read. A good example of this is "A Perfect Day for Bananafish". This excerpt is also good: “The conscious water saw its Master and blushed.” Its referring to Jesus' first miracle of turning water into wine and implies a lot in a single line.
Second, maybe try and be more detached in your writing. Your story comes off as masturbatory, its like fan fiction. While understandable and maybe a product of my knowledge about you, its still there and its not pleasant reading. Try and figure out what you could say in your story, what the implications of the narrative are, themes and meaning. Like in Lolita, where we are led to sympathize with Humbert and what that means about us and about the world.
And on Lolita, third. Your use of it in the beginning is cringey and amateurish, and the heavy comparison throughout is also bad. Either drop it altogether or try drawing more subtle connections to it through allusion. Maybe the character has a copy of Lolita on their nightstand, although that may be too on the nose.
Anyhow, after reading all that I'm not sure if you're stringing me along, but I've come this far so why not finish? Good luck you fag, and keep writing.

>> No.11129209

Well mate. My advise is not to start off with good quotes from a well written book right before your honestly pretty bad story. It really just serves to highlight how much worse your stuff is when compared to what I could be reading.

>> No.11129488

ah, no. there were three villains. quilty, humbert, and lolita.

>> No.11130341

Um sweetie my mom was well over 18 when I was grabbing her bobbles

>> No.11130776 [DELETED] 

>I made a promise not to visit 4chan again
Don't, you are a funny guy.

>women weren't like that

>> No.11130813

>I made a promise not to visit 4chan again
Stay, you are a funny guy.

>women weren't like that

>> No.11131198


Women are a mistake.

>> No.11131615

>Women are a mistake.
I agree 100%.
Take the monk pill.

>> No.11131642

if you take the monk pill you'll only want to know where the white women at

>> No.11131656

How so?

>> No.11131666

Nothing. I thought I was on /his/. /lit/ is becoming increasingly indistinguishable from /his/ nowadays.

>> No.11131686

Dude, your mom is fucked any you need to get away from her, probably your dad too.

>> No.11131782

>tfw I can't because I'm 21 years old and still a Mama's boy
Why live?

>> No.11131877

This is why it’s psychologically healthy sometimes to not get overly emotionally involved in sex and sexual fantasies. Can easily lead to personality disturbances and erotomania like this.

>> No.11131939
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You're fucking right. It is extremely important to keep distance fantasy from reality, otherwise you'll start believing that sort of thing can happen in real life and you become very disappointed when it doesn't. Also very crucial is not to put emotional aspects into sexual fantasies because that fucks it up even more, it stops being something sexual or kinky and becomes an obession that is very unhealthy because these fantasies are mixed with the emotional aspect you crave. And these fantasies should just remain fantasies for masturbation/arousal, and never as something to take your emotion on, because it's very easy for it to become an unhealthy obsession of something that can never happen.

>> No.11132837

Bumpitty bump for lolita

>> No.11134307

I beg to disagree. Granted, sexual deviances do come with a risk, but when it comes to sexual expectations it depends.