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11127647 No.11127647[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did they write anything of merit?

>> No.11128097

The New Atheists are little more than mouthpieces for American Imperialism and not at all worth anyone's time, even ironically.

When Hitchens was sober long enough to write anything other than dog-whistle Islamophobic screeds he was palatable. Except for his pieces on Mother Theresa, which were effectively vivisected by Simon Leys.
Harris and Dawkins were proto-Petersons: academics who caught the slightest whiff of popular culture and became one-note hacks.
Dennett at least had the decency to stay in his own lane and shirk the book tours and late night talk shows that Harris and Dawkins still desperately cling to for relevance.

>> No.11128408

>dog-whistle Islamophobic screeds
I stopped reading there.

>> No.11128448

dawkins and dennett are influential figures in their own fields, hitchens' political stuff is pretty good, harris is "eh".

>> No.11128458

Compatibilism is ok
Important in his field
Never liked him
Braindead moron

>> No.11128467
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Hitchens was pretty good as a journalist. Dennett does the only decent academic work out of all of them as far as atheism is concerned, but it's nothing much but a rapidly approaching historical artifact in my opinion. He seems to be used more as a dartboard for physicalist critique than anything else. Dawkins and Harris are literally retard tier.

>> No.11128479

>important in his field
if you dont know, dont open your retarded mouth

>> No.11128483

his work on genetics was important

>> No.11129287

What should i read instead of them?

>> No.11129291

Logic and theism

>> No.11129314

I don't know about Dennet but Dawkins is/was completely irrelevant. Even speaking of decades ago, still irrelevant.

>> No.11129343

JL Mackie - 'The Miracle of Theism'
Jordan Sobel - 'Logic and Theism'
Nicholas Everitt - 'The Non-Existence of God'

>> No.11129376

no such thing

>> No.11129874


The man literally spent the last decade of his life cheering on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and saying we weren't doing enough to antagonize Muslims. The barest minimum of googling will demonstrate this. He became a soused-up neoconservative who impressed teenage atheists because he could advocate for imperialism and Western Exceptionalism with four-syllable words and a soothing accent.

>> No.11129976

Which one of those is Sam Harris?

>> No.11130217

The edgiest one.

>> No.11130257


Why is this man such a fucking meme?

I feel guilty for watching him because he's so goddamn compelling.

>> No.11130676

WTF I suddenly love neoconservatives!

>> No.11130693


Thank heavens he left behind Stefan Molyneux, right?

Just imagine—if Christopher Hitchens were alive now, he'd have to think twice before answering the question, "do you support U.S. President Donald Trump?"

>> No.11130706

critical support for islamists in their struggle against western managerial shitlib hegemony is the only tru reactionary position. remember, to leftists, the ideal muslim is a blue bearded genderqueer hijabi whom takes 102120810 dicks everynight.

>> No.11130716

if you want to see an hour and a half of him getting dunked on by a D tier athiest then have at it

>> No.11131554

The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.

>> No.11131624

I would not call Sam Harris an academic, he is more of a publicist. Does he actually have any publications in decent academic journals in his field of expertise?

>> No.11131698

as a popularizer, yes

>> No.11131721

Who is an A-tier atheist?

>> No.11131739

What was meant by SAMs comment??

>> No.11131746


>> No.11131766

I unironically support islamists in a few countries. Strong men like Qaddafi and Assad are better if available but western leaders have been stupid enough to turn on them. It's only muslims present in the west that needs to get out.

>> No.11132390
File: 1.34 MB, 3024x4032, 3da04235-bb81-4ee6-a883-f7d16faac70d-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dawkins is/was completely irrelevant.
>In July 2017, The Selfish Gene was listed as the most influential science book of all time in a poll to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Royal Society science book prize.
the fucking state of you people
also there is no god, get the fuck over it

>> No.11132428
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Don't care about this dumb thread but that OP picture has my laughing so hard I'm crying.