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/lit/ - Literature

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11126023 No.11126023[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>be 27 year old ugly beta loser nofriends autist with no friends or social experiences since school, no female attention ever, have never been to a pub, club, or party, and have no passions in life
>wake up at noon, get out of bed at 1.15
>binged yesterday on McDonalds, chocolate, ice cream; will give up junk food but not sure about McDonalds
>have told myself that today is the last day for coffee but not sure whether to make it a rule or whether the whole idea of rules is self-limiting motivational bullshit for brainlets
>go to gym (still weak but lift for volume and because I feel like a fat fuck)
>now 4 pm and going in to central London to walk around, feel sad about life, drink coffee, and maybe reward myself with one final McDonalds meal as a reward for giving up coffee and McDonalds
>Chads and Staceys EVERYWHERE, which is demoralising as fuck
>walked through a university area filled with young people in the prime of their lives
>sitting outside drinking coffee

>> No.11126025

fucking BASED

>> No.11126029

>be me

>> No.11126036

to be me or to not be me

>> No.11126059

Sorry anon but this isn't /r9k.
Do you want to ask what book should you read to get out of this situation?
My advice is to read "The philosophy of redemption" by bratz ^_^

>> No.11126065


>> No.11126084

Londonfrog strikes again

>> No.11126116
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>woke up naturally at 5:45a.m.
>did gladiator workout routine
>ate sensible breakfast of steel oats and black tea
>read for 2 hours
>no friends, no gf, zero ducks given
>quick shitpost before afternoon run and late afternoon reading before dinner

>> No.11126169


>> No.11126173

>all the things in OP except ugly
>social anxiety
should i just say fuck it and get on meds

>> No.11126175

fucking comfy

>> No.11126185

Londoncel is the most important literary figure of the 21st century

>> No.11126198
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how do we solve him?