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/lit/ - Literature

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11124186 No.11124186[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is /lit/ like 3-4 times as fast now compared to only a year and 5 months ago?

>> No.11124434


>> No.11124449

the insurgency of reddit and pol

>> No.11124459

More people have started reading books

>> No.11124464
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>> No.11124495

>implying it is

>> No.11124501

post-ideological liberalism died and now things have meanings again

>> No.11124521


>> No.11124586
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Unfortunately these stats only started being collected ~a year ago. My guess is that the timeline is:
>2016 Election ---> /pol/tards create reddit colony
>Reddit colony swells beyond /pol/'s control
>The Democrat campaign starts focusing on 4chan as a hate site, with pepe being on the news and such
>Reddit colony starts reverse-colonizing /pol/
>these redditors begin crossboarding, but at this point mostly stick to shit boards such as /tv/, /v/, /pol/
>along comes Jordan Peterson
>post-modernism, Crime & Punishment, Nietzsche
>the reddit board formally known as /pol/ begins flooding /lit/ with questions about post modernism
>eventually discussion of peterson begins to be normalised beyond post-modernism bait threads
>mods are all but absent at this time, the cancer settles in
>jan 2018, 12 rules for pathetic children publishes
>big increase in peterson surrogate sons comes flooding back
>not until ~3 weeks ago do mods show up again and start enforcing the rules
Basically this board has been poz'd by /pol/'s reddit friends, who form an oily morass over several boards. This is why there has been a high confluence of /tv/ memes, /r9k/ shit, /pol/tardery, and other characteristically un-/lit/ content on the board of late. There is an idea that /lit/ is the "smart" board of 4chan, so the lost, unremarkable, untalented redditors which have descended like a plague of locusts onto this site think they're smart because they browse it. Like, there is some bizarre vicarious mechanism which makes them believe that being near people discussing hegel means they're discussing hegel. There was a thread a week ago or so which went along the lines of
>tfw here for 3 months, how long have you been here
and then practically every reply was saying the same number: 3 months. Since last november there has been a 20% increase in posting: 1/5th of the entirety of /lit/ is newfags, and god knows how many more have been here for only a year or so. The idea of 'lurkmoar' has practically disappeared from the lexicon. Basically, /lit/ has been ship-of-theseus'd by the rapid increase of users.
This place is fucked, terminally.

>> No.11124595
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they stayed

>> No.11124607

That merge is responsible for most of the shit quality posts on this board

>> No.11124610

Feels bad man
I've only been coming to lit for the past 3 or 4 years on and off, though the rest of 4chan for 10 years now
I honestly don't know where to go, everywhere else is just equally shit so just wallow in this filth forever

>> No.11124625
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>Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.
>takes time writing post, fixing errors, carefully picking pic
>solves captcha
>clicks post

>> No.11124635

Chapo trap tards, Western """philosophy""" fags and Americans need to leave.

>> No.11124672

This. It really started happening with the whole "JBP teaching class doing a wacky pose pic ONE CHANCE AT LIFE; THE EDUCATION WAS POSTMODERN" threads

>> No.11124694

>not filtering by last reply

>> No.11124727

/pol/ and /r9k/ hijacking the board with threads about teh j00z and >any books for tfw no gf

>> No.11124740
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Yep, this board is absolute shit, so why the fuck can't i stop coming here?

>> No.11124779

Cuz there's nowhere else to go bruv

>> No.11124848

Pewdiepie started doing book reviews

>> No.11124854

and me

>> No.11124873

probably because im here now

>> No.11124902

Because there aren't any replacements

>> No.11124910

presumably the normies that tried out /r/books but dont in fact read harry potter

>> No.11124943

Hey man I've been here for like 4-5 years.
Don't worry.
Nobody can ship of theseus us if we hold on.

>> No.11124948

Damn son

>> No.11124961

so if all that is true why is the board the best it's ever been?

>> No.11124978

agreed, /pol/'s influence actually made 4chan a LOT funnier - you can't argue with this even if You're With Her still.

>> No.11124981

Fuck man... this board was always shit but I’ve been here almost 5 years and it definitely has become a lot worse recently. What a lot of comparative newcomers to /lit/ don’t realize is that /pol/ shit used to be very rare on here, just a few stupid jokes at most, now it’s common to have /pol/-themed threads and to expect “cuck” or “kike” or “oy vey” antisemitism anytime you post something remotely related to a woman, a minority writer, or a Jew, as well as idiots who will genuinely start trying to “redpill” people about how blacks are inferior and Jews have a disproportionate influence over society.

>> No.11124987
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>> No.11124990

>and Jews have a disproportionate influence over society.
So the bible won't make me even more passive and submissive than l already am?

>> No.11124991

kek where's the argument?

>> No.11125003

Bullshit. Lit was terrible before the merge.

>> No.11125005

There is none, that's the point. It's an insult faggot.

>> No.11125026

name one hillary supporter with a good sense of humor

>> No.11125029

There was a huge drop in quality after the merge and if you didn't notice it you've got your head up your ass

>> No.11125164

I have been here for about a year, but I still only read manga.

>> No.11125169

and you

>> No.11125271

r/books is here now too since they realized how utterly shit Reddit is.

>> No.11125304

Influx of identity politics debaters and Jordan Peterson fanboys. I'd also wager all the kiddies who come here expecting "4chan's smartest board" to engage with them intellectually, but they either shit up the place or join the flow and realize this place is no smarter than any other board, it just has a more intellectual topic.

>> No.11125360

Anyone else think the mods have gotten overkill? I got a warning for an in-thread post that was just a joke suggestion to a book request (think rec’d a related movie instead.) I’ve also noticed the speed of the board accelerate dramatically in the past few weeks.

>> No.11125378


>> No.11125385

incel invasion

>> No.11125463

Personally I used to be only an occasional poster on /lit/. I got tired of all the /pol/tards and shitposting on /tv/. I've grown out of anime for the most part, so no more /a/. I hardly play video games anymore so no more /v/. Started reading more last year and now I'm here.

>> No.11125482

You could always post on Reddit. Do you like Harry Potter and Douglas Adams? Do you like philosophy classics like The God Delusion?

>> No.11125492

bc of the tumblr/insta lit humour account

>> No.11125499

All me