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11122222 No.11122222 [Reply] [Original]

Can anti-semites refute Sartre?

>> No.11122228

Honestly, why is anti-semitism still around when Sartre BTFO’d it in 1944?

>> No.11122240

Sarte would have agreed that it’s only fair that we set up a database with the names of women who have had abortions in which others could find the details about their aborted fetuses

>> No.11122255




Sartre admitted to doing almost no research on jews for this work.

>> No.11122264


>> No.11122297


>Can anti-semites refute Sartre?

If you throw a stone at every dog that barks, you never reach your destination.

>> No.11122309

>Linking the Occidental Observer

It’s like linking Jacobin Magazine for a nuanced critique of Paul Krugman.

>> No.11122351
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Sartre is one of those peoples whose physical appearance can unironically be used to analyze his thought processes and writings. This is a very bad thing.

>> No.11122372


Beauty is truth, truth beauty - that is all
Ye know on earth and all ye need to know

>> No.11122404

Do you have a better source or argument?

>> No.11122423

>the guy who became an "expert on judaism" via internet infographics and posts fake talmud quotes

>> No.11122464

No, it's not. The Occidental Observer is one of the best, most scholarly sites on the internet. The reason you are a) aware of it in the first place, and b) don't like it, is because you're a jew.

MacDonald's work existed before the inforgraph.

The jews and their lies, I tell ya.

>> No.11122482
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What's up Jean-Baptiste?
Reminder that you are a worm that came out of my ass.

>> No.11122507

>The Occidental Observer is one of the best, most scholarly sites on the internet.

“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words."

Anti-semites still using the same rhetorical moves seventy years later.

>> No.11122548

Yes that's why so many Jews are lawyers. Because they use words so responsibly.

>> No.11122568
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"[Anti-Semites] like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert."

>> No.11122572

You're the one using fake words and trying to deceive people into believing that 359 jewish expulsions has something to do with "antisemitism" instead of the obvious conclusion any idiot should reach, which is that what jews like you call "antisemitism" is a result of jewish behavior and a natural response to the problems your people have caused for others over the centuries.

>> No.11122612

359? i heard it was 837! these jews will stop at nothing to minimize their crimes.

>> No.11122620

>fake words
>Literally word per word what Sartre said

Also, what problems have the Jews caused? Why can't anti-semites spell them out without resorting to conspiracy theories?

>> No.11122624


>> No.11122660

they don't have a destination, only a strawman that they can't actually burn

>> No.11122664

Are you kidding? Listen dude, there is no race more destructive than jews, and the story of this nature of theirs was documented by the Egyptians, the Romans, and many others, including Europeans in the recent centuries since they were let out of the shtetl.

Be it using porn against the goyim, turning our media into an ethnic racket no one trusts anymore, pushing us into wars for Israel over the last couple decades, making our politicians beholden to their interests via AIPAC, attacking whites who express their own ethnic interests through the ADL and SPLC, down the fucking line, all they do is cause problems.

Jews are a human parasite. This is why they always and inevitably get get kicked out. Not because of antisemitism, because of their sick nature and behavior.

>> No.11122678

is there anything more reddit than just posting "cringe"

>> No.11122689


This nigga couldn't even see straight, much less think straight

>> No.11122699

If you knew Bible scholarship, you would know that there are barely any Ancient Egyptian sources that mention Jews, which is a big headache for Exodus scholars. What's your source of that claim?

Also, the Jews were utterly crushed by the Romans, who destroyed the Second Temple. Who is more destructive here?

The rest of your claims are just conspiracy theories with no hard evidence.

>> No.11122721

People conspire, understand? An inbred tribe like the jews conspire a lot. That's the conspiracy. The Jewish Word Congress and other entirely jewish outfits *shock* conspire. See how the language you use is manipulated? Start thinking for yourself and stop repeating shit you hear from jewish sources. The jews were called Hyksos and there were other sects there as well. Also jews had been infiltrating Rome for a long time and the Ashkenazi are to this day have Italian genetically because of it. Their temple was just destroyed for no reason, it came after long eras of conflict caused by jews. Jews are bad people, they are liars and obtain power by deceiving people.

>> No.11122727

>romans invade levant and impose their own rules and religion on the populace
>natives revolt

>> No.11122771

The Hyksos are widely agreed to be Canaanite, the sworn enemy of ancient Jewish people.

How can you blame the Jews for infiltrating Rome if the Romans took over Jerusalem and made it part of their empire in the first place?

The long era of conflict you mention was Jewish resistance to being forcefully assimilated into the Roman Empire.

>> No.11122791

the goy cries out in pain as he strikes you

>> No.11122808

Yes. Defending jews.

>> No.11122822
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We're not defending them we just want you to shut the fuck up about them. It's like you're constantly telling us about some rash you have, It probably exists but i don't need a play by play of it you massive waste of oxygen

>> No.11122834

>it probably exists
Not that guy and not an anti-semite but if you're gonna concede that far I don't see why you shouldn't become one

>> No.11122835

0.1 shekel has been deposited

>> No.11122852

All you're doing here is repeating jewish narratives to me and putting forth false information like that with the Hyksos, resulting from you not knowing the first thing about jews ("what have the jews ever done wrong?" doy), and, I'm guessing, Christcuckery, wherein you literally worship a jew and take the original jewish work of fiction at face value.

Jews are middle easterner parasites that have been moving from empire to empire since Sumerian times, taking over through subversion, destroying it, then getting kicked out or punished and making up fables on the way out about how they are the scapegoat or victim (exodus, Babylonian capture, muh temple and Titus, holocaust, etc.). This is how jews operate, they are delusional, inbred psychopaths.

All I can really do here is tell you that as such jews have been fabulating myths for millennia and presenting themselves as weak to gain favor and power, and shouldn't be trusted, by you or anyone else. That's just how it is. If you are white your main priority is to help the rest of us remove them from white nations.

>> No.11122858
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because the Anti-Semites on this site are a bunch of creepy faggots who obsess over genetics even though they probably have the worst ones in humanity and i just give them some benefit of the doubt so that they don't constantly post >6 gorillians and ignore my valid criticisms of them.
If you don't try to be objective they just act like children

>> No.11122859

Those types of posts are usually made by mulattos with no dog in the fight. Also, stop using the term 'antisemite.'

>> No.11122866

You keep little girl cartoons on your computer, no one expects you to be willing or able to confront reality in an honest manner.

>> No.11122871
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Anon this entire site was built for the sole purpose of posting little girl cartoons, the tearing away from the professional mannerisms is to be expected on 4chan

>> No.11122884

Is that how you justify your immaturity and unwillingness to confront hard truths about the world?

>> No.11122889
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>not being anti-semitic
pic related is you

>> No.11122897

Six million? How come Auschwich had its death count reduced by over two million, and the number six million is still a taboo worth punishing people(real) over?

>> No.11122899
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Maybe, but mind you you're on a site with some of the worst humanity has to offer so don't expect to find the mature adults on this site

>> No.11122903

Circumcision, blasphemy, revolutionary fetishism, nepotism, greed, dismantling local values and borders, opening gates to muslims...

>> No.11122907

>he still believes in the holohoax whatever the number
good goy

>> No.11122922

Revolting is always bad.
>God makes man
>haha lol revolt

Jews don't care about genocide:

>> No.11122923

I am not that way and I'm sure many others here are not as well. I don't care whether you choose to deal with your own failure or wallow in it, but I suggest not weighing in on topics pertaining to the jewish problem until you are ready to stop jacking off to cartoons, behave like socially responsible man, and not counter-signal others on a matter you at this point clearly have no understanding of. Just don't say anything at all.

>> No.11122930

>some of the worst humanity has to offer
Ahahahaha. JIDF are retarded, not in charge.

>> No.11122938

Jews committed one of if not the biggest genocides last century and nobody even knows about it because their kinsmen run the west's institutions, which they have used to indoctrinate whites about a genocide of them that probably never even happened. Jews are a sick and evil people who have to be kicked out of white countries asap.

>> No.11122942

you only need to have half a working brain to see the illogic of anti-semitism.

>> No.11122952

No, you only need to have basic sense of human morality to understand it. It's a moral response to immoral action. It's also tribalism.

You don't chastise your arm's movement as irrational, you observe it and see the reason that dictates its behavior.

Jews, stop being sinful, and nobody will hate you.

>> No.11122962

The only logic invovles accepting that jews have been disliked because of their behavior for thousands of years and have been kicked out of everywhere they've ever been because of that behavior. There is absolutely zero logic in believing that result is because of others or 'antisemitism.' It's absolutely absurd to believe such a thing, and the only reason people do is because jews have lied to them and portrayed themselves as the eternal scapegoat and victim.

>> No.11122981

Look, if you try to actually put the pieces of what anti-Semites are telling you it's contradictory
Tell me, why would jews make the communist party when they were also successful under capitalism? It's not logical for the group that supposedly conspiring together to have the benefit of directly opposite ideologies.
The entire jew conspiracy fall apart then. Also have you ever talked to a jew?

>> No.11123019

>Tell me, why would jews make the communist party when they were also successful under capitalism?
First of all, they did make the communist parties and they did lead the revolts. Secondly, the reasons for this are as follows: the jews were not in the state of monopoly over all media, like they are now, nor did they have control over most central banks in the world. Thirdly, this was a method of taking power from other jews. Fourthly, this was a method of rooting out religion and especially Christianity from the world, or so they thought.

>> No.11123021

>fifty posts in and no one has addressed Sartre's central claim that anti-semitism is how the Christian/Muslim bourgeois monopolize their national identity to only include them.

>> No.11123032

But according to the Rothschild conspiracy, the Jews began to control the banks in the 1760's, far before the first communist party.

>> No.11123039

Wouldn't communism eliminate not only Christianity but Judaism as well, considering its atheistic stance?

>> No.11123041

No, that's only in UK. USA, Germany, Austria, Ottoman Empire, Russia etc. were not under their rule. However, they did expand quite a bit under Great Britain.

>> No.11123043

Most Jews aren't Orthodox or even religious anyway, are they?

>> No.11123049

Yes. You underestimate jewish stubbornness - I think it's the defining trait.

Jews are under the same control grid they want us under, or they revolt from the main grid and repeat the process. I suggest reading Jewish Revolutionary Spirit by E. Michael Jones.

>> No.11123062
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>don't believe Jewish lies. Now listen to this jew
Make up your fucking mind already

>> No.11123073

"The Nuremburg Laws were taken from the Talmud"... that shit is crazy, this video got me thinking the first time I saw it

>> No.11123075
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>All jewish claims are lies
This isn't what I said. Not only that, I guided you towards E. Michael Jones who is definitely not jewish.
You might also want to read 200 years together by Nobel prize winner Solzhenitsyn.

>> No.11123081
File: 2.05 MB, 924x10000, why do they persecute us so.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah man it was never the Jews' fault XD

>> No.11123090

No, you linked me a Rabbi. Rabbis are definitely jews

>> No.11123099

>1938-1945 Nazi Germany Jews Expelled
yeah i'm thinking this list might be bullshit

>> No.11123115

The other guy gave a good answer. It's also a generational thing. Beginning with the premise that some jews are communists and others are not so jews are individualists like Europeans is stupid. Jews do not 'believe' in things like idealistic white people do, they will believe in and promote whatever is good for jews in X time and place. That's all that matters: "is it good for the jews?" This is hyper-tribalism whites have a difficult time grasping but it's how they think.

>> No.11123130
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I also did that. One action by me does not remove all other actions. Also, jews are human enough to be irrational as well. Their humanity makes them susceptible to penalties and punishments, moral obligations and justice.

>> No.11123131

sartre was a historical illiterate

>> No.11123133
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Fyodor with some basic analysis... they are a nation within a nation, their motives have never been in line with the host nation

>> No.11123137 [DELETED] 

Haven't read the op books, but the actual reason. as cliche as it sounds for why people hate Jews is because of Christianity, at least from my experience. I remember my first memory about Jews is I asked who they were after seeing old testament stories on TV to my parents and they basically said they killed jesus and that was it even though the entire OT revolves around them. So, by instinct, most Western christians don't trust Jews at all because of what their parents tell them even though it was the Roman that killed Jesus, and they never move past this unless if their life changes in some way.

In my case, as I grew up, I befriended multiple Jews and they've been much friendlier to me than right wing people have, knew a furry that was originally liberal because gay 420 but then became right wing when liberals started helping out refugees who had their homes destroyed. He became a terrible person that had no respect for God, or religion, or people in general and trashtalked me behind my back on Twitter because I made a negative comment about gays to test his reaction to it. Those people can dish it but they can't take it.

To continue. I started to lose faith in Christianity though I've jumped back and forth from it after seeing how horrible the world is to a lot of people. Even though my parents said Jews were bad, they were into all kinds of degenerate shit like gambiling, cigs, and alcohol lots of Christians don't even take the religion seriously at all, and I became interested in what Jews thought and their criticisms of Christianity in how they see how the messiah is supposed to come anbd their view of God (which they see as a being beyong time and space) make sense to me compared to other religions.

It's kind of sad what happened to the Jews desu, they had their religion essentially stolen from them and practiced in what they considered the wrong ways, all while living in a land they didn't considered home and were stuffed in ghettos and not allowed to assimilate or return to their homeland.

All that being sad, I think my central point is that Christians, or the later paganistic Christians, started a big beef with Jews and the effects of that spread with Christians always talking behind the Jews back even after the Holocaust and people like Einstein, Bohr, and Issac Asimov, Nimoy, and Seinfeld showed up, and they grow up with these instinctive beliefs of Jews being bad simply for being different without ever having those beliefs seriously challenged. People like Hitler might have pretended to not be Christian but they grew up in a Catholic Christian lifestyle. It was policy back before WW2 for Catholics to spread anti-semitism to get Jews to convert, essentially blackmail if you think about it.

>> No.11123150

>It's kind of sad what happened to the Jews desu, they had their religion essentially stolen from them and practiced in what they considered the wrong ways, all while living in a land they didn't considered home and were stuffed in ghettos and not allowed to assimilate or return to their homeland.
oh my god nigga.... this has me crying. They are always the victim....

>> No.11123156

Yes. However, bodies have absorbed plenty of parasitic entities in the past. 20% of our genome comes from viruses, and most of bodies are symbiotic relationships between various cells. So if the jews would change their stance from opportunistic parasitism to mutually beneficial relationship, they would be as welcome as bees are to flowers.

>> No.11123159
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are you ruski? No complete English translation of that work exists.

>> No.11123163

>the actual reason. as cliche as it sounds for why people hate Jews is because of Christianity,
Not even close. Christianity is a jewish religion that was imposed by jews on non-jews because it weakens people and promotes universal beliefs in which jews can jew. I wish Christians hated jews, but they worship one.

>> No.11123168

But Jews are not a state within a state. They are a nation. They do not have their own government (you could argue Israel now, but their was no Israel in 1877), or sovereignty. If that's really a Dosto quote, he was talking out of his ass.

>> No.11123171

Nietzsche paved the way for this analysis. Christianity is an equalizing force that shares much of its morality with Judaism, a Slave Morality, the weakling, the money grabber, the slovenly is lauded as good.

>> No.11123175

they are an organized group that is highly nepotistic and they hold only their own group in esteem. The host nation is simply a means to an end.

>> No.11123183

Jews have formed a horrible, horrible and sinful state in Palestine. Not only does it manage to be dictatorial (towards Palestinians), it has the disgusting fate of being a democracy. It has high abortion numbers, the Sodom of today, Tel Aviv, it practices eugenics on Ethiopian jewish women (Ethiopian women are among the prettiest of all women imho, so this is even worse than you'd think), has mandatory and lengthy conscription etc.

There's an unofficial translation. 8ch /pdfs/ has it. Google doesn't show the results, (((mysteriously))).

I am a Finn, so I have a rich history with the Russians. Notably, they legalized my language and made economic reforms during their 100 year reign that make the 600 previous years under Sweden pale in comparison. Though that is not surprising - Swedes and Finns have hated one another for well over a thousand years. We burned Stockholm three times and our word for 'slave' doesn't come from Slav, it comes from 'Aryan'.

>> No.11123187

They aren't? Explain this, then.

>> No.11123188

but that still doesn't qualify as a "state." And they aren't organized, synagogues are decentralized. Catholic and Orthodox Christians would better qualify as "organized groups that are highly nepotistic that hold only their own group in esteem"

>> No.11123192 [DELETED] 


Having your entire culture taken from you even though you invented it and then be destroyed for it time and time again by people who don't even practice it right is awful.


You're retarded and don't know the history of Christianity. From the getgo, it was always a religion that was inevitable to split off from Judaism. It conflicts with some of the stuff the OT and Jewish law (the mitzvot iirc) says, Paul changed initiation by replacing circumsion with Baptism, and as the Catholic church came around, they started taking up tradtions like Saturnalia and reskinning them to draw in more followers, and they did this with several other cultures. Christianity is only Jewish in origin, in the fact the OT exists and its the same in origin to Europeans, Arabs, and Indians all having the same origin point

>Jews have formed a horrible, horrible and sinful state in Palestine.

Palestine uses hostages to get what they want from what I've heard and arabs use the chance at starting drama even though they treat your refugees like dogshit.

>> No.11123193

Jewish in-group identity and beliefs are best understood as being the opposite of that of their host. This is a strategy that has kept them from breeding out and ingrained in them a strong counter-identity to "the other" as a diaspora/parasite. That is really how they define themselves, in opposition, which is why they are in many ways a kind of "anti-people" who promote the inverse of whatever it is their host society seems as normal. That goes back a long way, but it also explains much about our present backwards culture under postwar jewish leadership in the west.

>> No.11123194

I would argue that Jews obsess over genetics which causes anti-semites to obsess over it. When something like 60% or more of the people that control our media and news are of one ethnic or religious minority I don’t think it’s unfair to be suspicious about that. I don’t hate Jewish people, it’s a tired defense but my best friend is Jewish, I hate nepotism and shady agendas. I don’t believe in secret cabals scheming to wipe out the goyim but I do believe in racism and discrimination.

>> No.11123201

>And they aren't organized
Jews aren't wandering gypsies who happen to accidentally change the laws of the host nation. The organization isn't in Synagogues, not anymore, it's in Media corporations, Universities, Think Tanks, and the endless litanies of Jewish institutions. ADL being the largest and most influential.

>> No.11123206

Indeed. I disagree that Christian morality is comparable to that of judaism, which is devoid of any semblance of morality, but it is certainly based around using the weak to overthrow the strong as the slave revolt Nietzsche mentioned.

>> No.11123209

but Finland still drastically lags behind Sweden and Norway on almost every development meter.

>> No.11123220

The sooner you transcend the jewish slave religion jews pushed on your ancestors the better off you'll be. It's obsolete and not the answer to the problems whites face at the hands of the same people who pieced it together from stolen myths then pushed it on the goyim.

>> No.11123229

>founded 2011 by a billionaire, has never done anything, has no jurisdiction over anything, doesn't make laws, doesn't even advocate policy
>literally only a charity that supports court cases against people who discriminate or commit hate crimes against Jews.

Neither of these come close to qualify as a state within a state.

>> No.11123235 [DELETED] 


Did you know that India, the place which is the origin point of Hinduism where lots of your larpers pretend is the origin point of paganism, is one of the most least anti-semetic places on the planet? The Jewish communities that have lived in India have faced little to no oppression in India despite it being the origin point for a lot of larpers beliefs. Anti semitism in Europe is from Christianity.

>> No.11123262

Honest, non-meme answer: because Anti-Semitism, like so many things in life, is not rooted in rational thought (this is where over-intellectualizing cucks like Sartre always get it wrong). Anti-Semitism is just a comfy spook for when things are bad; the temptation to use a scapegoat like the ebil joos in times of economic unrest are always there. If you want to eliminate Anti-Semitism, you have to eliminate the economic problems that give rise to it in the first place, not write a faggy book about it (which will never be read by Anti-Semites anyway).

>> No.11123270

No one thinks India is the origin point of paganism since it was Aryans who brought paganism to India in the first place. Your analysis is wrong otherwise, the jewish community in India is surely tiny, insignificant, and comprised of the lowest-tier non-Ashkenazi jews, and the issues jews have stem from their biology, their nature, which is hostile to everything it comes into contact with. Christianity is neither here nor there, they're just a twisted inbred cult that subverts and tries to destroy other people's shit and so they get rocked every so often.

>> No.11123272

>but it is certainly based around using the weak to overthrow the strong
Overthrow is the wrong word. Not only are Christians obliged to follow the rules, they are to surpass them. We are quite clearly ordered to be better than the pagans. If you are referring to 'the meek shall inherit the earth', it is one of the many cases of mistranslation / shortsighted reading. Not only isn't English capable of encompassing a language such as Greek, meek doesn't even come close.

Well, yes. We did spend 700 years under the Swedish colonial rule that taxed us heavily in food and men. They managed to kill a third of us twice to starvation, and who knows how many were lost on the battlefields. A fairly accurate comparison would be Ireland and Britain.
Curiously the racial hatred was associated with our language which is not Indo-European. The Germans of 1930s and 40s wrote a lot about this. They were baffled, as the SS officers had studied racial sciences in Sweden, and thought Finns would look like Mongolians. USA is the first country to classify Finns as racially European, however, before that Finns were barred from many bars and such just the same as Natives were. This history has resulted in our ability to get along with almost everybody, bar other Finns.

Where do the jews come along in our history? They genocided most Finnish tribes and nations in their social experiments under Soviet Union. In addition to that, "our" media copy-pastes American white guilt propaganda to us, to the great humor of everybody, and pushes for mass migration. Good thing we do lag behind in everything but tech.

>> No.11123277

But that's one of Sartre's points, that anti-semitism is fundamentally irrational. You should really give it a read anon. It's a damn good analysis, of not just anti-semitism, but hate in general.

>> No.11123284

>When Aryans push slave religion onto others it is good or acceptable
It really does take Christianity to turn humans moral, doesn't it? Tribalism is morally blind. Fun fact: most nations genocided by Soviet Union still live on as far as genes are concerned. It's the identity you should be preserving.

>> No.11123300

Indian jews were wealthy traders, and had enough of a population in port cities to survive for hundreds of years with their identity intact. They were never expelled nor did they destabilize hindu, and later, muslim rule.

also Hinduism is a synthetic religion of both native and Aryan gods (there is no Shiva or Kali in Aryan mythology), which means paganism in India predates the Aryans.

>> No.11123317

The Jews didn't hold power under the Soviet Union, which is obvious to anyone who can look up the names of the Soviet top brass. You just want to blame the Jews to divert the blame from ethnic Russians, who held the real power.

>> No.11123328
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Hate and anger are irrational. I have come to this conclusion through excessive hatred, leading to a spiritual experience.

Let's just say that challenging God on the grounds that "My hatred is at least targeting the right people and causes, unlike yours." isn't a smart thing to do... Though I got to experience life without anger for about a year and a half.

My "anti-semitism" isn't hatred, far from it. This is apparent once you learn that what is meant by 'semitism' is characterized by hatred. However, going against such hatred is done typically through indifference. This is irrational and evil, just as the hatred is.

You must understand that jews hate us enough to drink their own poison to sell it to us. In fact, they are the biggest users of abortion per Capita, to the point of a potential extinction - the ultra orthodox and other religious extremists have high birthrates, just as is with 'whites'. Although they encompass the racism they want us to be filled by (their nation is Apartheid of the worst kind), they are losing their majority-status in Israel. They are a democracy - just like us - and will face the same end if demographics are allowed to change. Jews do not have a healthy relationship with their sexuality, just as they do not want us to have. High rates of divorce, homosexuality, transgenderism... They even have a leech class of jews.
It is insanity to join the jew in their stupid war against the gentiles and themselves. Just as it is insanity to become a bully because you were bullied.

Anti-semitism is to love the jew enough to rid them of their evil ways. However, without the indifference to evil, and without absorbing and being corrupted by it, either. In essence, the ultimate form of "anti-semitism" is Christianity taken seriously.

>> No.11123341


Don't lie. It's not good for anybody. Least of all you.

>> No.11123372
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There is, of course, more to this.

>> No.11123408

The Havaara Agreement expulsion was suspended due to wartime contingencies.

>> No.11123410

Jews rock!

>> No.11123412

>And they aren't organized
Then how was Napoleon able to request a convening of the Sanhedrin?

>> No.11123414

It's the jews who use the weak to overthrow the strong, the weak are just patsies. Christianity, communism, the minoritarianism in the west, this is what these kikes do and have been doing for centuries.

>> No.11123420

>My "anti-semitism" isn't hatred, far from it.
Anyone that has trouble with this notion should read Henry Ford's take on this subject. He lacks vitriol and shows great compassion for Jews in general.

>> No.11123425


They can only bring up a conversation that ends in talking about the Bantu:Aryan parallel

>> No.11123430

>Tribalism is morally blind
Tribalism is the law of the land. If you're playing the individualist game like Europeans currently are, more tribal groups will take your shit, which is what is happening right now.

Indians are retarded and jews have manipulated them with ease, bit whoop. They still need to be kicked out of the west.

>which means paganism in India predates the Aryans.

>> No.11123434
File: 13 KB, 642x591, 1467988196166-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jew please, this isn't reddit, the jewish whitewashing don't fly.

>> No.11123438

>they are the biggest users of abortion per Capita
Not sure I buy this, sauce.

>> No.11123442
File: 132 KB, 2157x392, 1496815479607.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christianity is against revolts of all kind. If you are a slave, be a good slave - nay, be the best slave you can be. That's not exactly a recipe for revolt, now is it?
The ingredients for revolting are the apelike structures within us and our minds and impulses. It is the will to power we must conquer. Christians are not ordered to be weak. We are ordered to be cautious and not directly oppose evil. Evil doesn't work directly; if it did, we'd have laws preventing it. Christianity is not a revolution. Christianity is marriage. It is the culmination of your being, whoever you are, in the way that doesn't insult God / separate you from God.

Egalitarianism in the secular sense (and not in the ultimate form of dictatorship God has over all creation) is a western invention, a revolution against God by French philosophers, commoners and merchants. Jews merely adopted it as the best way to cause revolutions, which they love so much; enough to murder Christ and the prophets, going as far back as Abel.

>> No.11123451
File: 361 KB, 598x1308, autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be an autist somewhere else
this is less than a third of the results

>> No.11123464

Don't buy it. It seems I was misguided by a Jewess who had a blog once. Oh well.
However, this does not remove the fact that they are far below replacement rate, outside of the religious extremists.

Jews are going extinct, or at least the atheistic ones are. If we want to get rid of them, we need to survive their rule and live properly so that we get kids.

>> No.11123465

You're taking the word "revolt" too literally, it can mean simply using the weak to weaken the strong. I know you have to square this circle of worshipping a jew while being aware of the jew, but Christianity has caused more harm than good and is how we got to where we are now, with a secular form of Christianity that basically teaches the same values. Europeans did good things with Christianity and made it out own thing, but it does teach worship of the weak instead of the strong, and it is egalitarian because it is universalist, one under God, that tries to convert outgroups to it. The reason is because that system benefits jews, gives the a foot in the door, and took down Rome in the same way liberalism is taking down the west now by making the people weak and worshippers of weakness. Europeans need to get back to something that is particularist and unique to us so we can distinguish ourselves from the brown peasants invading us and stop following a semitic religion that teaches people to worship a kike.

>> No.11123466
File: 727 KB, 1097x552, 1496787774500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Routines, especially functional ones, are not a symptom of autism.

>> No.11123468

Don't know what that is and don't care. The bolsheviks were jews.

>> No.11123476

Don't be fooled by that. The jews aren't going anywhere and have been pulling this scam for thousands of years without going extinct, so there's no reason to think they will this time. The orthodox hatchery will just pump out more who will become secular anyway. Jews play the long game and waiting them out is a bad strategy compared to retaking power and purging and removing them.

>> No.11123487

>I know you have to square this circle of worshipping a jew while being aware of the jew
This isn't exactly a problem.
If you take "Jew" to mean someone who adheres to the Old Testament or the Old Covenant, they are committing mortal sin.
If you take Jew to mean the murderer of Christ.
If you take God to mean what the theology has it mean, it isn't a problem. If it exists, it can be good under God's influence.
Now, if you were to show me a sin committed by Christ, this would be a legitimate problem for his divinity. In order to make sure he shows an example to all mankind, he had to be an example of the worst of the worst - so that they too, could have hope and a model to live by.

>You're taking the word "revolt" too literally, it can mean simply using the weak to weaken the strong.
I seem to recall the Christendom culminating in Absolute Monarchy, and I consider the following age secular and a slow divorce process from Christianity. I do not think sin showcases strength or freedom, but the opposite. Being naive to remain 'innocent' is an excuse not permitted by Christianity, because we are ordered to be as cunning as the serpent.

>but Christianity has caused more harm than good
For what, exactly? The jews? By what metric? Economic?
>and is how we got to where we are now
No. That is strictly on the hands of the egalitarian philosophers who hated Christendom and killed the clergy and monarchy in France. You know, the nation that used to be the unquestioned powerhouse of culture, religion, military and economy in Europe? Equality meant more arms with guns and the ensuing age of conscription across Europe, and the removal of classes.
Class-mongrelization is a problem. We are not blessed with excuses to not act like good noblemen should, but we are cursed with the impulses of the lower classes.

>> No.11123489

>Routines, especially functional ones, are not a symptom of autism.
Shhheeeeeiiiiit. Does that mean I get left off of the short bus with you guys? I was enjoying the ride. The guys on the long bus are dicks.

>> No.11123494

>If you take
The fact that crypsis is an issue that they fail to account is proof of lack of good faith in their own defense. It should not be so hard to get them to take ownership over their own skin.

>> No.11123503

This is the easiest thing to say

>> No.11123507

Hocus pocus. Christianity stunted western civilization and it's a mistake to attribute things that were done by European Christians to Christianity when we probably could and would have done that and more without it.

You need to try and look at it from a jewish perspective. You take the notions of things like sin at face value instead of acknowledging the interests of the devisors in burdening people with these concepts and instilling in them the universalist ideas that allowed jews to come in and start gutting people.

It doesn't matter, Christianity is not coming back. I'm sure it will live on among whites for centuries to come but it is not the answer and we'd be best to put it behind us.

>> No.11123514
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If it wasn't for the open borders policy, we actually could outlive them, and that'd be that. However, because of the demographic issue looming over us, we actually can't.
I think we should study the 1953 Moscow coup over the jews. It is, after all, nothing but disaster for all if no sane person holds the reins. I'm not too worried by the foreigners, as they aren't a unified group. They aren't just Arabs, Turks, Somalis... They are all kinds of groups that hate one another far more than us. Their unifying factor is Islam. The goal of the demographic change was mongrelization, to get rid of national borders and to form a EU superstate to model the USA, which isn't happening. Instead, all groups form their little Chinatowns and ghettoes that become hotbeds for crime. USA is quite a bit different since the change is almost exclusively by Mexicans, who are staunch nationalists and will redraw the borders given the chance. Blacks form a steady 10-14% of the total population there, and they seem to be shifting towards the political right.

Consider the site you are on. Then consider "our" impact on the world. If this isn't God having humor on the sinful world and the kikes, I don't know what is. Demoralization only works so far.
4chan is
>The deathbed of popularity contests - fedoras, edginess, "USA! USA! USA!", cringe etc.
>The hotbed of hopes and dreams allegedly barred by 'the real world'
>The place where taboos do not exist, beyond child abuse (which is a jewish thing anyway)
We get to live the jewish power fantasy, without having to eat people, cut our genitals or any of that.

>> No.11123522

>Hocus pocus. Christianity stunted western civilization and it's a mistake to attribute things that were done by European Christians to Christianity when we probably could and would have done that and more without it.
Got any proof for that, or is it just empty accusations and power fantasies as per usual? You see, Christianity is dwindling, and I'm not seeing Europeans do the 'and more' part. Christianity is the best symbiotic spirit we have found, and I'm speaking strictly of the Catholic faiths, Orthodox and otherwise.
I agree on protestantism being a net negative, though it also functioned as a catalyst for literacy.

>> No.11123537

if anti-semitism is so stupid why are people anti-semitic? i mean shouldnt it be obvious its wrong? or like if anti-semites are all wrong why do they bother being anti-semitic? just seems weird, why bother

>> No.11123538

True! We need to name the jew and spread the good news.

>> No.11123548

Eugenics and high IQs are good, Judaism is bad. Not that complicated.

>> No.11123556

>We get to live the jewish power fantasy, without having to cut our genitals.
Shhheeeeiiiit again. It's too late for that on my account.

>> No.11123558

State mandated eugenics would always prioritize usefulness over IQ. If you want a high IQ population, you form a culture that makes sure it favors the intelligent on the reproduction side. So going back to monogamy would be a decent start.

>> No.11123559

Imagine. Your life has such a trauma already, and you don't even hate the ones who did it. Instead you act out their wishes against the rest of the world that didn't harm you.

>> No.11123570

We can't know otherwise because the original European customs and beliefs were destroyed by Christianity and specifically the jews who bribed Charlemagne to impose it. Christianity is not going to become a force against jewish power any time soon, but if you won't let it go, fine, take charge and become a leader within it and change it from within. I don't care what whites need to get them to realize the jew is their enemy and is acting against them, I just want the deed done and these kikes taken out.

>> No.11123588

>Judaism is bad.
>Not that complicated.
Just exactly what constitutes Judaism in your mind? Everyone has a different opinion.

>> No.11123597

>We can't know otherwise because the original European customs and beliefs were destroyed by Christianity
Not at all. Theology gives a clear reason as to why. God's nature is not against His Creation.
The symbolic representation is as follows: If God appears in a bush, it looks like the bush is burning, but it is not being devoured by the 'flames'.
This is typically sidestepped by claiming that Christianity 'stole' from the past cultures, when it in fact cultivated them and when those very same cultures continue their traditions. How can I steal my own heritage from my ancestors? Protestantism is, of course, a similar case with the iconoclasts, who did the damaging. They were considered - and are considered - heretics by the catholic churches. Germanic efficiency protocols wanted a similar fate as the jews had, to be enslaved by algorithms.

>> No.11123602

>Instead you act out their wishes
I am pretty much on the Henry Ford plan. Hate is not going to cut it. Hate falls short. Philadelphia will carry me much further. Do not underestimate my conviction based on my failure to embrace hatred. Love for my brothers will carry me through anything.

>> No.11123606

Good luck to you then. I hope you find your brothers.

>> No.11123635
File: 37 KB, 317x499, 51IDnv2oYIL._SX315_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this book anon. Anti-semitism is emotion-driven, which is very useful for quickly drawing a vote bank with a mob mentality.

>> No.11123652

>Anti-semitism is emotion-driven
You can chant this as much as you want - but that does not make it true. The mere fact that discussion of Jewry is so heavily discouraged piques the curiosity of many. You paint with a broad brush.

>> No.11123675

Well, America is heavily politicized and is the top of the world when it comes to emotional propaganda. So turn your gazes to Russian, Hungarian, Italian, ..., French anti-semitism, and you'll see something quite different.

>> No.11123680

1,53 m
p.s. nice digits

>> No.11123683

Lol antisemitism might be emotional for some people, but most others are convinced slowly - you don't just begin hating jews instantly

>> No.11123692
File: 3 KB, 125x103, yamaguchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, America is heavily politicized and is the top of the world when it comes to emotional propaganda.
It's obvious to you why this is true - right?

>> No.11123697

Quickly as in a matter of years, not decades like many other ideologies take to spread.

It's hard to deny that anti-semitism isn't powered by emotion when you say you hate the jews - which is a strong emotion after all.

>> No.11123704

>It's hard to deny that anti-semitism isn't powered by emotion
Can't I just want them to stop what they are doing? Why do you insist that I be fueled by hate?

>> No.11123706

Of course. My statement lays no blame. Actually, I can even give you the name responsible for this; Edward Bernays, Freud's nephew and the cultivator of mass psychology. Deadly weapon in any democracy, hence why democracy became 'the norm' and 'the best thing, like, ever' during 20th century.

>> No.11123717

that's covered in the book. Essentially, American ideology prizes the democracy of knowledge, which means no ones opinion is qualified over another. American Protestants and Catholics failed to produce a strong academic elitist tradition, which often acts as a buffer against populist misinformation in other countries. That has led to an excessively emotions-based political discourse as people are unprepared and unwilling to engage in rational debate, so they just fling emotional appeals at each other.

>> No.11123723

I wish that I could get a hold of one of the old citizenship handbooks. I have been told that prior to 1932 that the definition of "democracy" ended with something along the lines of "necessarily descending into mob rule".

>> No.11123733

but all evidence points to Jewish people doing nothing. Sure, maybe the Israeli state is a bad actor, but they have very little to do with, say, Mexican Jews, or Indian Jews, or American Jews that don't emigrate.

The only possible reason you would ignore reality in pursuit of some fantasy of blood libel is an emotional investment in the lie of Jewish maliciousness.

>> No.11123735

>but all evidence points to Jewish people doing nothing.
So how do they live? They get all their energy from rays of sunlight? Movement of the wind?

>> No.11123740
File: 2 KB, 96x125, circumcision.restraint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only possible reason you would ignore reality in pursuit of some fantasy of blood libel
Shots have already been fired. We are awaiting a watershed moment.

>> No.11123749

you posted this exact picture and phrase in the last thread

>> No.11123761

Not an argument. Circumcision is still an atrocity, regardless of the fact that a thread has expired. The defenders of such an evil practice are abominable. When the day comes, I imagine the defenders of people that engage in such barbarism against defenseless babies will regret their associations. Maybe they are too far gone.

>> No.11123777

But plenty of American Christians perform circumcision. Its hardly just a Jewish thing.

>> No.11123783

Stop lying.

>> No.11123791
File: 38 KB, 571x572, 15u9NBb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so attuned to conspiracy theories and yet miss the fact that the Russian media might have an agenda.

>> No.11123804 [DELETED] 

I left this website for a month and I've been back for a couple of days, it's kind of hard to realize how numbed I was to this kind of discussion. You people are like, insane.

You talk about the Jews being evil for not believing in jebus but then you talk like psychos.

>> No.11123805
File: 98 KB, 500x352, martin.schulz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But plenty of American Christians perform circumcision.
It was fostered by the Jews and now it has it's own momentum. There was never a reasonable cause for beginning the practice. How do you address Barbara Spectre and her open admission that she is working to disassemble Western Society through Multiculturalism in a longstanding tradition of Marxist division that by far pre-dates Marx in Jewish writing.

>> No.11123807

Stop deflecting. Fact is that Facebook banned a UK journalist for criticizing Israel.

>> No.11123810

>but then you talk like psychos
Agape is the most potent drug(friend). You should try it sometime.

>> No.11123812
File: 63 KB, 640x524, wpid-barbara-spectre-quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You people are like, insane.
Keep beating the drum. Maybe the pitch will shift or something.

>> No.11123814
File: 296 KB, 469x637, Abdullah_Öcalan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop deflecting
>ignores the fact the Russian media might have an agenda(this is actually deflecting!)

>> No.11123825

>>ignores the fact the Russian media might have an agenda(this is actually deflecting!)
I do not ignore it. So what if they have an agenda? It doesn't affect the fact of the matter here. "Having an agenda" is a Universal characteristic of man who is capable of thought.

>> No.11123829 [DELETED] 


Like, I really don't get it. A lot of you hate jews to the point where you make stuff that's obvious lies to spread your agenda like the talmud being an evil wizard book, to the point where it's so silly that you can't fully believe in it. Why do you want to destroy them to where you derive pleasure for it? What did a jew ever to do to you?

The way you think is alien to me.

>> No.11123831

the thread is still up you autistic faggot

>> No.11123834
File: 195 KB, 850x446, Arguing with the Noses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't understand it
You refuse to. Do you even have the agency to understand him?

>> No.11123835

Spectre is an extremely obscure philosopher who's first page of google images is entirely devoted to /pol/ memes. I highly doubt whatever she says is a commonly held belief anywhere.

>> No.11123838
File: 128 KB, 1267x825, explain this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11123842

This is a thread asking for anti-semites to refute Sartre. If you're not interested in seeing them do that I suggest not reading the thread. Idiot.

>> No.11123846

>one data point
>look its a trend!

>> No.11123849

first of all, why wouldn't a race which has been oppressed throughout history want to destroy its oppressor?
second, what is the problem with a Jewish person advocating states taking in refugees?

>> No.11123850
File: 331 KB, 671x580, german left.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it should be pretty easy.
I oppose Jews on the same basis that I oppose racists; both are forms of tribalism. Does Sartre try to defend tribalism, or does he try to convince us that Judaism is not a tribal religion?

>> No.11123859
File: 165 KB, 623x607, Ford on the Nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a trend. It's always been a trend with you. Get rid of your stripes, Tiger. Your methodology is predicted by algorithms.

>> No.11123862 [DELETED] 


because ur posts are just a bunch of /x/ tier ramblings about how the jews are keeping the mighty european man down and they're evil for not believing in Jesus and chipping off foreskin even though your side is the one that started world war two, bombed cities, destroyed all the art and infrastructure within them, and killed 20+ million people and broke so many families because of your greed and hypocrisy.


>> No.11123867
File: 11 KB, 236x344, 9709709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a trend. It's always been a trend with you. Get rid of your stripes, Tiger. Your methodology is predicted by algorithms.

>> No.11123868

>why wouldn't a race which has been oppressed throughout history want to destroy its oppressor
>What is the problem with a Jewish person advocating states take in refugees?
Can you seriously not see the irony of the post you typed out?

>> No.11123869

Fuck off kike

>> No.11123870

>first of all, why wouldn't a race which has been oppressed throughout history want to destroy its oppressor?
Then kill your rabbis for traumatizing you, and your sins for enslaving you.
>second, what is the problem with a Jewish person advocating states taking in refugees?
They should take refugees themselves first, yet they refuse; to keep the state of Israel a jewish state. Double standards and hypocrisy are not good examples.

>> No.11123879

Sartre says that you can't deny Jewish people the right to be tribal if they want to, because under a democratic state, everyone has that right.

Jewish people should have "his culture, his practices, including dietary and religious observances" respected as equal to any other.

It's a very simple recommendation but its clearly still controversial.

>> No.11123881 [DELETED] 


My best friend is jewish and you talking like a psycho is an attack against me. All you right wing people are all psychos who only care about power and don't care about things like friendship, you all throw each other on the bus all the time

Israel also has nuclear weapons and doesn't have to listen to your false messiah :^)

israel has taken in refugees

>> No.11123884

>Sartre says that you can't deny Jewish people the right to be tribal if they want to
So why not extend this right to others? Palestinians, for example.

>> No.11123890

>Sartre says that you can't deny Jewish people the right to be tribal if they want to, because under a democratic state, everyone has that right.
If everyone has that right, then implicitly people of a nation have the right to draw a tribal distinction between Jews and non-Jews; in defending tribalism his argument is self-defeating.
As for the comment on cultural practices, I see no reason why this is the case. I don't respect cultures that practice human sacrifice, why should I necessarily respect any other culture?

>> No.11123893
File: 130 KB, 993x768, 137548c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth shall set you free, slave.

>> No.11123894

They're two separate replies. Now send a proper response, butiful.
1. I'm not Jewish.
2. Not all Jews are Israelites.

>> No.11123899

>2. Not all Jews are Israelites.
Indeed. I find it curious they go on spreading to other peoples' nations and then attempt to change them to suit their tastes.

>> No.11123907

>other peoples' nations
You need to study the difference between states and nations. Also, how do you justify white colonialism if you have disdain for one race invading another's territory and then radically changing it to suit their tastes?
Jesus, am I actually spending time arguing with retards?

>> No.11123909

The Jews don't have the population share to ever make a dent in the majority's power. What Sartre is asking for is rationality from the majoritarian group to realize that the Jewish people can never really pose an existential threat for the majority no matter what they do. Instead of an irrational fear that an unsuppressed Jewish population will destroy society, also known as anti-semitism.

>> No.11123910

>You need to study the difference between states and nations.
Moving the goalpost and things of that sort.

>Also, how do you justify white colonialism if you have disdain for one race invading another's territory and then radically changing it to suit their tastes?
So which nation did Finland colonize and conquer, and alter to their tastes?

I'll refer you back to the kindergarten >>11123834

>> No.11123914

>The Jews don't have the population share to ever make a dent in the majority's power.
The deified majority, whom all can be taken from forever! Stop thinking like a parasite. The majority can be affected, especially if you control the input.
>Public education
>Mass media

>> No.11123921

>>Also, how do you justify white colonialism if you have disdain for one race invading another's territory and then radically changing it to suit their tastes? So which nation did Finland colonize and conquer, and alter to their tastes?
Wow you really are a retard. The point I am making is that whites spent the 18th and 19th centuries invading other people's territories, and yet somehow you seem to think that Jews are...worse?

>> No.11123922

>Moving the goalpost and things of that sort.

It's really not moving the goalpost if you miss an extremely important first week of Sociology 101 distinction. That seriously harms your claim to intellectual credibility.

>> No.11123923

The point I was making is that I'm a Finn. What does "White colonialism" have to do with us? We were colonial slaves of the Swedes, if anything.

>> No.11123925

>It's really not moving the goalpost if you miss an extremely important first week of Sociology 101 distinction
Other people have that land and its governance, and you and your ilk are trying to make it a den of evil. Why?

>> No.11123935

Presumably you're a member of the white race and you're attacking 'the Jews'. Well, 'the Jews' actually have better grounds to have prejudice against YOU than you do them.

>> No.11123942

>Presumably you're a member of the white race and you're attacking 'the Jews'.
What does any of that have to do with white colonialism, kike?

>> No.11123943

>Well, 'the Jews' actually have better grounds to have prejudice against YOU than you do them.
What has Finland done to the jews? You kikes lie to us through your newspapers even here.

>> No.11123944


Literally one google away was this scholarly article on the Finnish colonization and subjugation of the Sami in Finnish Lapland. Apparently they want reparations.

>> No.11123948
File: 481 KB, 1500x1121, h2_2008.7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Jews don't have the population share to ever make a dent in the majority's power.
Disagree with this. Any subset of a group can cause another group to gain or lose power, it's in flux.
>What Sartre is asking for is rationality from the majoritarian group to realize that the Jewish people can never really pose an existential threat for the majority no matter what they do.
Did I ever make the claim that they did?
>Instead of an irrational fear that an unsuppressed Jewish population will destroy society, also known as anti-semitism.
Is my claim that an unsuppressed Jewish population will destroy society? I'm only claiming that nepotism should be opposed by all people, regardless of which group is doing it, which necessitates opposing tribal groups within a nation.

>> No.11123949

They are also getting them. Unlike certain Palestinians. So what's the problem? It's between us and the Sami, who are our friends and neighbors.

>> No.11123950

>What does any of that have to do with white colonialism, kike?
lol. Okay, maybe your English is not so good. Let's think about it objectively. There are two groups of people -- people A and people B. People A has invaded a lot more territory than people B. So why do you suspect that people B is more likely to invade territory than people A if the evidence indicates the opposite?

>> No.11123956

What the hell are you talking about? There is no collective white race that practices x and shares guilt over it.

>> No.11123958

>We're not defending them we just want you to shut the fuck up about them.
I will shut my mouth the moment they abandon the propaganda organs of media and entertainment.

>> No.11123961

you're ruining the reputation of Finns

>> No.11123965

What nepotism? When do Jewish people favor other Jewish people, beyond what is ordinary for two people to like each other if they grew up in similar backgrounds. Do you have a source to back up this claim?

And c'mon that's not true. The number of Jewish people in France is less than one percent. They can't politically mobilize at all at any significant level of governance beyond their local communities.

>> No.11123970

First of all, "whites" are not currently attacking my nation, but jews are (with no applicable reason, it seems). Secondly, you know nothing about my opinions in regards to "whites", you just assume it. Heck, there can be no unitary opinion on "whites" more than there can be of "blacks" or "Asians". There are tons of nations, each to be judged by its deeds.

I don't exactly like Sweden or Swedes. However, I see that it is better to deal with it by trolling them online over an Ice hockey match than destroying their culture, ethnicity and history.

>> No.11123971

Literally moving the goalposts.

First you claim there's no colonial history in Finland, and now you say there is, but its all in the past now?

Friends generally don't ask a friend for reparations for how badly they've treated them. Those are more commonly known as victims.

>> No.11123978

>First you claim there's no colonial history in Finland
No 'white colonization'. Tribes moved around in the Ice age - you think I'm "responsible" and obliged to pay for that any more than every other person on the planet? Tough luck, because I don't buy it. Better focus on current events.

>Now the jew realizes that the uprooting program backfires horribly

>> No.11123982

How do you expect others to debate with you if they have to understand the world as you do? This discussion has finished. By the way, that last point, Swedes didn't try to exterminate the Finnish people.

>> No.11123983 [DELETED] 


if jews are conquering people they're doing a pretty bad job at it.

They keep getting purged by euirope and they haven't made any atrocity in like 2000 years like Turkey or Belgium

>> No.11123985
File: 24 KB, 270x280, statueofliberty-poem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Eliphus Levi writes on this topic. It is nothing new. Marxism is a misnomer that gives him too much credit. The D&C game is ancient. Even the "Melting Pot" poem on the Statue of Liberty was written by a Jew.

>> No.11123990

>How do you expect others to debate with you if they have to understand the world as you do?
No you.

I'll take your blame game more seriously when you go after the Turks, Arabs, Chinese and Jews. IF any white nation was still practicing colonialism, I'd understand your point. However, this isn't the case. Go defend Kurdistan or something.

>> No.11123994

Honestly, Finland has never had any problems with its small (less than 1500) Jewish population, and has never had large scale pogroms or anti-Jewish riots. So clearly, the Jewish conspiracy has never bothered to target Finland. So what's your deal?

>> No.11123996
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>what is the problem with a Jewish person advocating states taking in refugees?
Open Borders for Israel then?

>> No.11123998

They still own half the press, and push for EU, mass immigration, socialism, special rights for minorities, LGBTQ and all that filth here.

>> No.11124003

Plus, they murdered our Tsar and his family, genocided our cousin tribes in Soviet Union, tried to have us massacred -39...

>> No.11124006

Israel has almost 37,000 African refugees. They certainly do have a resettling program,

>> No.11124014

There is literally one thousand and five hundred of them in Finland, total. The population of Finland is five and a half million. Even if every single Jewish person voted to join the EU nothing would happen. See what Sartre means about anti-semitism being completely irrational?

>> No.11124016

>the only way to exercise political power is voting
i hope ur just pretending to be retarded

>> No.11124018

>Israel has almost 37,000 African refugees.
It is their advocacy. They can take them all. Besides they are looking to expel many of them.

>> No.11124029

didn't he say that if anti-semites didn't exist, Jews would invent them? or was it the other way around? The case of the Jew creating the Anti-semite is more correct. It's what Jews live for.

>> No.11124037

How else do they show power? They are not a majority of legislative officials, or the bureaucracy.

>> No.11124043

its the other way around. "If the Jew did not exist, the anti‐Semite would invent him"

>> No.11124056
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>Circumcision and other immorality and propagating them isn't a problem
>Hollywood remains within borders
>Attempted genocide means nothing
>Blasphemy means nothing
>Regicide means nothing
>Libya, Syria and the fate of the Axis means nothing
Thank God for Hitler; Jews didn't genocide my grandparents and I get to live!

All I want is a world where truth, beauty and freedom win. All of these are antisemitic, or so the jewish media tells me.

>> No.11124061

>If tribalists did not exist, then the anti-tribalist would invent him
really makes me think

>> No.11124065

Through mass psychology, which has been the main tool of control for just over a century by now.

>> No.11124067
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>How else do they show power? They are not a majority of legislative officials, or the bureaucracy.
Probably using blackmail tequniques like the Mossad agents that Weinstein hired. This would explain a lot of weird votes that are made by officials.

>> No.11124070

desu i don't know about finland's specific situation, it's possible that jews are like muslims and the cancer only metastasizes after you get a certain number of them. i just wanted to point out that "durr dey cant swing da vote by demselves so dey have no power" is probably one of the dumbest sentiments expressed on 4chan in the last 24 hours

>> No.11124071
File: 8 KB, 201x251, sartre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"...It is not by chance that the great outbursts of anti‐Semitic rage conceal a basic optimism. The anti‐Semite as cast his lot for Evil so as not to have to cast his lot for Good. The more one is absorbed in fighting Evil, he less one is tempted to place the Good in question. One does not need to talk about it, yet it is always understood in the discourse of the anti‐Semite and it remains understood in his thought. When he has fulfilled his mission as holy destroyer, the Lost Paradise will reconstitute itself. For the moment so many tasks confront the anti‐Semite that he does not have time to think about it. He is in the breach, fighting, and each of his outbursts of rage is a pretext to avoid the anguished search for the Good."

Sartre was breathtakingly accurate.

>> No.11124074

its obvious that nationalists just use the idea of the jew as a scapegoat to further their agenda.

How is being pro-white any less tribalist than being pro-Jewish.

>> No.11124076
File: 26 KB, 574x323, entspannung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"If the Jew did not exist, the anti‐Semite would invent him"
This is like saying that I would shit in my own milk if no one shit in it for me isn't it? I do not need a foil. I just want to be left alone.

>> No.11124079

Israel has no strategic interest in Finland dude. The delusion is outstanding. If Finland joined the EU and you're bitter about it, you better blame the Finns.

>> No.11124080

Imagine actually being that retarded

>> No.11124086

>Mossad agents that Weinstein hired
you mean Black Cube, the same company Trump hired to get dirt on Obama aides?

>> No.11124087

Jewish people are not a foil for Christians, they are a scapegoat to divert the blame from those actually in power, which is Sartre's point.

>> No.11124091

>Accuse the other of doing precisely what he's doing
Oldest tactic in the book.

>> No.11124092
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>How is being pro-white any less tribalist than being pro-Jewish.
So, is tribalism OK or not? If not then Jews need to detribalize. If it is then they need to deal with the repercussions of living amongst tribes that are foreign to their nature.

>> No.11124095

>haha you think you're right and other people are wrong stupid antisemites
holy shit btfo

>> No.11124108

>What nepotism?
At what point is overrepresentation in a field relative to population size no longer due to merit, and instead due to nepotism? If I show you that Jews are overrepresented significantly relative to the number of people who have a certain IQ within a field, is it ordinary networking for two people who grew up in similar backgrounds and like each other?
Epistemologically, how would you prove nepotism? Based on your answer I will use whatever method you say is appropriate to prove it to you, if I can. If there is no method to prove nepotism quantitatively that is sufficient for you, then the only recourse is a qualitative analysis. Jews call themselves a tribe and behave as such, to varying degrees based on sect. Can you explain to me how Judaism is not a tribal religion?
>And c'mon that's not true.
Again, this is an epistemological issue. How do you prove that one group does or does not have an impact on another group's power? Your claim uses the word "dent." What is a dent to you is not necessarily a dent to me. My qualitative claim remains; any subset can (note the word "can" here) cause another group to gain or lose power; power is always in flux.

>> No.11124116

>quoting Sartre
>in a debate Sartre thread
really off-topic right there

>> No.11124118

Jews are super cool but I think maybe blacks are cursed to eternal damnation

>> No.11124121
File: 109 KB, 500x442, goblin.bankers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Jews run the banks? They say that they do. If you speak ill of a banker then the assumption is that you are an anti-semite.

>> No.11124124

I think you need to examine your own logic. You are accusing Jews of being too insular and tribal and only looking out for their own interests, yet 99% of the time someone who says this is a "white" person concerned about "white genocide" and preserving "European heritage".

If you are anti-tribal, you should have no problem living in a multi-ethnic society side-by-side with detribalized Jews. If you are interested only in helping white culture/other white people, than you are just as tribal as what you accuse Jews of doing, and are a hypocrite.

So you tell me if tribalism is bad or not, your the one accusing people of it.

>> No.11124132
File: 54 KB, 720x480, tu quoque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should be able to pass our borders no more freely than anyone else, regardless of whatever Trump did or did not do. Any criminal acts that they commit should be prosecuted.

>> No.11124138

When have I said that it's off-topic?
I said that what Sartre accuses anti-semites of doing is precisely what Sartre does.

>> No.11124141

>side-by-side with detribalized Jews
I tried that. Detribalization of the Jews is a myth.

>> No.11124144

>If you are anti-tribal, you should have no problem living in a multi-ethnic society side-by-side with detribalized Jews.
Yeah, I would have no issue whatsoever with this.

>> No.11124160

>whats wrong with anti-semitism, its so logically consistent?

>> No.11124171

I'm not anti-semitic, but I strongly disagree.

Something about ex-intelligence agents from a foreign power operating on US soil through an unaccountable spy firm really does not sit well with me. When you can hire people to gather dirt on your political opponents like that, democracy is under serious threat

>> No.11124173
File: 85 KB, 300x300, patchouli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>different people have different arguments that contradict each other so all individual arguments are wrong

>> No.11124189

neither argument is very convincing. If you truly believe Jews are "too tribal", than your arguing all races/ethnicities should be forcibly re-segregated, which is totally impractical and difficult to enforce. If you believe Jews can integrate into society, than congratulations, because Jews are already mostly integrated anyway, and each generation is less religious than the previous one

>> No.11124194

>but I strongly disagree.
With what do you disagree? I think you misread.

>> No.11124197

>less religious
What does this have to do with the issue at hand? There are atheistic Jews that are fully tribal.

>> No.11124208

I don't think they should be able to pass through US borders freely or like a normal citizen. There should be extra restrictions or at least legal precautions, private military firms are not to be taken lightly. Look at blackwater or SCL group

>> No.11124223

I haven't read this, but I will if someone can explain in brief how my reservations with the Jewish religion are handled in it. I don't consider myself an anti-semite, not really, but I find their religion to be alarming. If you look at some of their core beliefs it's absolutely full of red flags that scream "not trustworthy".

I will list some of these traits:

>They believe they are God's chosen people
>Depending on the specific type of Jewish faith (Orthodox, etc.) this ranges from them literally thinking all other races exist to serve them and they will one day rule the world, to them simply thinking that God watches them as humanity's role model.
>They discourage converts because they want to safeguard the purity of their beliefs and people
>They discourage intermarriage to the point where they've literally evolved slightly into a unique race despite being spread over a geographically large area.
>Because their ideology is based around being the chosen people, one can expect them to be nepotistic. This is the charitable explanation for why they dominate certain industries; they may have gotten into the industries decades ago while they were small and undervalued, and once they started growing they bolstered the ranks with their community members. Understandable, and this is why they are dominant in the legal profession (Litigation was seen as dishonorable in the past, and Jews did it for lack of options. Later it became a main component of corporate law, and since only Jews had that expertise, it stayed that way.).
>I'm assuming ditto for Hollywood, though I know less about this.
>They seem to be an ideology completely wrapped up with the superiority of their people (Ironically), and because of that they're likely not very trustworthy when interacting with people outside their groups.

I could go on and on, but my post won't fit if I do. The tl;dr is that the religion has many traits that show it to be exclusively concerned with the advancement of their own people and the protection of their insularity, I know pretty much all groups can get tribal, but Judaism has it literally straight up on the books that these are their aims, it's not subtext or anything like that. I think that whatever nation they're in will always come second to their own people on their list of loyalties, and I'm wondering why it is wrong to ascertain this about their temperament. I certainly won't advocate for them being mistreated, but I also think that it's pretty obvious that they have some unique characteristics as a culture, and pointing out that they are ironically xenophobic and have a culture oriented around their own betterment to the exclusion of others seems to be a statement of fact.

I feel as though I'm borderline inviting someone to come at me with whataboutism, for example "Christianity is the same, all people do that!" but the critical difference I see is that Christianity and even Islam proselytize. Judiasm does not, and this is creepy.

>> No.11124276


>> No.11124289

You are an anti-semite but no he does not address your concerns. It's a phenomeological work so its concerned with how you experience the other and shit.

>they are god's chosen people etc.
Yeah but other nations don't have to serve them if they convert
I do think their strict conversion process (rabbi approval) is strange.
They were a 'unique race' before living in such diverse areas but the less common exogamy did maintain a similar dna i guess.
I am a Muslim so I dont think whataboutism is fruitful, I think its a lot more interesting to see how they diverge.
Nonetheless, where I think your paranoia is misguided is in not taking into account the great diversity within the tradition, whether it be intermarriage, faith in chosenness etc. The danger of the anti-semite is that it makes a Jew out of the 'Jew-no-more', so a lot of 2nd or 3rd generation catholics who had been marrying non-Jews were identified as Jews during the holocaust - and really what's interesting is some orthodox rabbis talk about this to explicitly say "they say 6 million! Most of those didn't even have Jewish mums!" And so on.
So you're missing the trees for the forest imo.
Why Judaism might be the one true religion is that it is the origin of our monotheism but I'm still not convinced by that. What if Plato was a monotheist?

>> No.11124290

Most of history is a chronicle of people trying to kick each other out of places. Perfectly gentile Europeans have killed millions of each other, over the course of thousands of years, in a fight sometimes over resources, sometimes over ideology. The anti-semite claims that there is something uniquely evil about Jews. But if one holds as a criterion of evil that many people have attempted to kick the group in question out of somewhere - well, few is the tribe or nation that would not fall under the dark judgment.

>> No.11124296

how anti semitism is still a thing?

>> No.11124308

See my original text:
>They should be able to pass our borders no more freely than anyone else
We do not disagree. If anything, they should be heavily regulated. As it is, they pass like the wind.

>> No.11124319

>But if one holds as a criterion of evil that many people have attempted to kick the group in question out of somewhere
So you agree that their presence among gentiles is inherently conflicting - just that there is no evil in it?

>> No.11124321

>how anti semitism is still a thing?
It is a reflection of the hate filled Jew.

>> No.11124379

>I haven't read this, but I will if someone can explain in brief how my reservations with the Jewish religion are handled in it. I don't consider myself an anti-semite, not really, but I find their religion to be alarming. If you look at some of their core beliefs it's absolutely full of red flags that scream "not trustworthy".

I don't think you know much about Judaism. I don't really either but I've put some actual time and research into it because I like to see both sides arguments of a conflict.

>>They believe they are God's chosen people

So do muslims and christians

>>Depending on the specific type of Jewish faith (Orthodox, etc.) this ranges from them literally thinking all other races exist to serve them and they will one day rule the world, to them simply thinking that God watches them as humanity's role model.

I've talked to several Orthodox and nobody apart from a tiny minority that would be considered insane in the Western world actually believe that other civilizations in the world should be outright servants.

>>They discourage converts because they want to safeguard the purity of their beliefs and people

The jews discourage converts because they take the religion seriously and their European history is being shoved into ghettos and purged for 1000 years because they didn't believe in Jesus. Christianity and Islam have over a billion people each and have dozens of nations that belong to it. Judaism doesn't have that many people and Israel has only existed for a few decades and the future is uncertain with how unstable the Middle East is. Converting to Judaism isn't something you take casually at all.

>They discourage intermarriage to the point where they've literally evolved slightly into a unique race despite being spread over a geographically large area.

50%+ of Jews in the US iirc are now intermarried and there are several bloodlines.

>Because their ideology is based around being the chosen people, one can expect them to be nepotistic. This is the charitable explanation for why they dominate certain industries;

The jews tend to get into certain white collar industries because their culture is completely obsessed with education whereas others aren't.

>> No.11124425

Ugh I know right, like seriously!??!


>> No.11124455

>The jews tend to get into certain white collar industries because their culture is completely obsessed with education whereas others aren't.
Except they're not even remotely equally dominant in every academic branch.
They however are extremely over-represented among journalists.

>> No.11124476

They are over-represented in the most desirable, powerful jobs that most people would like to work.

Guess why? It's because we're more intelligent. It's no use hating the jews for simply getting on with things and achieving their goals. I'm latino but even I can see why jews get into positions of power: it's because they works their butts off. Seriously guys, you should stop hating / envying the jews and take a leaf out of their book instead.

>> No.11124485

>so do Muslims and Christians
Not by birth rite.
>I've talked to...
Chief Rabbis have made such claims publicly. Your average religious Jewish person does not think of such things but you underestimate the influence rabbis have on a community. Better question to ask yourself is, if a rabbi were to say such a thing, how many religious Jews would have the courage to disagree?
>obsessed with education
Are you referring to religious or nonreligious Jews? Religious Jews are obsessed with a Talmudic education, sending young men to yeshiva to get doctorates in such studies by a young age. Certainly, the concept of education isn't terribly important outside of that (the community very nearly does not seem to care about the outside world except when doing business). For nonreligious, they are college going but I don't understand where you're getting the impression they are education obsessed. Higher average IQ?

>> No.11125365

>there is no race more destructive than jews
But who are they destroying? Whenever I examine the data, it seems to be useless people I never cared about in the first place. No one well-adjusted and deserving is being ruined by Jews today.

>> No.11125370

Even if true, jews are a desert race who don't belong in our countries.

>> No.11125406

You don't matter and nobody cares about what you think. We're talking about macro concepts here, keep your anecdotes to yourself.

Anyway, came here to post this data:


>> No.11125441
File: 897 KB, 983x858, 543-546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're talking about macro concepts here
You're talking about social issues of the lowest common denominator. No one cares about YOU, and that's why you're getting screwed over and whining incessantly.

>> No.11125480

You can't into big scale shit, which is why you relate everything to you personally. That makes you the antithesis of the type who becomes jew-wise, the selfish to the socially/politically conscious white man.

>> No.11125541

Why don't you answer the question from before instead of acting like a raging Christian hick? Who are they *really* destroying? I've only posted twice in the thread, so you acting like you know me is retarded.

>> No.11125556

Jews are the central group promoting mass immigration into white countries. They are whites' enemies so are trying to destroy us, try to keep up, or better, just stay out of discussions on the JQ altogether.

>> No.11125566
File: 36 KB, 500x749, the culture of critique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.11125569

>Jews are the central group promoting mass immigration into white countries.
No, that would be democratic globalists, who aren't all Jews.

>> No.11125602

You are a low-information individual or a jew. The international jew leads the global system in whose interests it works. The others are shabbos goyim who do their bidding.

>> No.11125673

>You are a low-information individual or a jew.
That is real fucking rich. So according to you, grasping the "macro concept" here — which would be democratic globalism, the encompassing ideology, rather than a race whose members consist of people possessing varying ideologies — comes from ignorance or Jewishness, even though only minutes ago you were insulting me for not being capable of grasping such concepts. Wonderful.

>The international jew leads the global system in whose interests it works.
The "global system" was devised by white Americans, and it is not wholly democratic. Do you think it was Jews who made all the advances in transportation and communication methods? Solely the Jews who were responsible for the industrialization and computerization of society? There are many Jews who are taking advantage of the democratic sectors of society, but they do not have full control of the system by any means, and never did, which means they were not the only perpetrators of globalism. And if you think that is the case, that they ALWAYS controlled whites from the very beginning, and tricked them since the dawn of civilization to pursue greater power and dominion over others, and the whole enterprise was a conspiracy in order to kill "your" people... well, there is no refuting a sickness of the eye (Christianity), as Nietzsche said.

>> No.11125675

>Jews are successful because of their higher average IQ
>Jews try to disctredit the concept of IQ
Why is this?

>> No.11125681


>> No.11125934


>Not by birth rite.

You can convert to Judaism, one of the books in the Old Testament, Ruth, is about converting.

>Chief Rabbis have made such claims publicly. Your average religious Jewish person does not think of such things but you underestimate the influence rabbis have on a community. Better question to ask yourself is, if a rabbi were to say such a thing, how many religious Jews would have the courage to disagree?

I don't deny it doesn't exist somewhere because there are lunatics in every stripe of people, but the amount of people who actually believe this in proportion are like serious ethnic neo pagans in America.

>Are you referring to religious or nonreligious Jews? Religious Jews are obsessed with a Talmudic education, sending young men to yeshiva to get doctorates in such studies by a young age. Certainly, the concept of education isn't terribly important outside of that (the community very nearly does not seem to care about the outside world except when doing business).

Orthodox Jews also tend to be poor or make average income in the USA, the poorest town in the USA is Orthodox Jewish.

> For nonreligious, they are college going but I don't understand where you're getting the impression they are education obsessed. Higher average IQ?

Because I've actually talked to them and they're usually interested in film and literature as far as art mediums go where as most americans care about tv and video games. The majority of Jews will spend their time learning things that are actually productive like learning a new instrument where as your average irishman will be spending his time getting drunk while not caring about the future of his family and the consequences of his actions. I know this from life experience, honestly.

You don't have proof on this apart from selected internet quotes, many of which are forged.

>> No.11125965

>The "global system" was devised by white Americans,

It was devised by jews, who after using the British empire as their vessel made America that after WWII.

You should try to be less self-righteous in your ignorance and stop trying to speak about the jewish problem until you actually understand it. You'll have less embarrassing interactions like this one.

>> No.11125967

There is no question about mass immigration being a result of jewish actions.

>> No.11125974

>It was devised by jews
Unless you can provide proof, there is no rational reason for thinking this. It's not like Jews are the only people to ever try and create a united world order, unless you can give me undeniable evidence that men like Alexander the Great and Napoleon were Jewish.

>> No.11125993

We know this, it's not something that is in question. Please, educate yourself on the jewish problem before jumping into these discussions, you only waste others' time and bog down threads.

>> No.11126012

If it's known then you should have no problem posting proof.

>> No.11126042

This is a matter of you being unwilling to broach a topic for which there is no lack of information, or more likely you being a jew. Jews are a rootless group who lack national ties and control the institutions promoting the jewish globalism currently weakening western nations and trying to replace whites. There's no doubt about this.

>> No.11126061

So you have nothing.

>> No.11126088

Western institutions are controlled by jews promoting globalism. The proof is all down the line, and expecting someone to compile that for you is unreasonable, which is of course why you're asking. You are a jew, as such you are dishonest. And it's this dishonesty that accounts for why you will soon be expelled again. Just remember that when your children as you watch your children pay the price.

>> No.11126183

I'm asking for proof or a rational argument that demonstrates that whites have never attempted to create a united world order power in history. I provided two names, one Greek and another French, who did attempt that and were highly successful during their careers and influential on a historical scale. You have so far provided nothing which suggests that whites have never been concerned about achieving a global empire or are incapable of such.

If this is the case, then any assertions based on the premise that globalism is of a purely Jewish design or with the intention of accusing Jews of being purely responsible for globalism cannot be held true, no matter what the percentage of Jews in positions of power is or the percentage of lobbyists for democratic globalism are Jews is.

Putting up the strawman that I am Jewish (I'm not) and fighting that isn't how you win people over on a literature board. Posing a rational argument is. And at base, your entire approach appears very irrational and sketchy.

>> No.11126285

'Whites' are not a group you retarded mongrel. Romans are no more, hellenic empire is no more. What are you crying about? Some sins that never happened? Cry about your lost genital integrity and go for those who have actually hurt you.

>> No.11126310

The problem with 'anti-semitism' is that the opposition to a political agenda shared by a group of jews suddenly becomes the greatest sin ever conducted.
>I want to change this banking system to not be exploitative
>I want to get rid of globalism
>I want to curb down on immigration
>I want to ban genital mutilation

If jews weren't so keen on being the willing meat shields of every actual sin on the planet, perhaps they wouldn't be "oppressed".

>> No.11126359

This is a complex topic you aren't going to be able to understand until you have a firmer grasp of the jewish question. The jews have been embedding themselves in white societies for millennia and propagating empire and expansion through various means, including universal ideologies like Christianity, and whites have because of that influence adopted in a lot of ways a universal way of thinking as a result. I don't know about Alexander but Napoleon was influenced by jews and is said to have liberated them. But with regard to jewish globalism, which many whites have indeed again adopted the pseudo-religious and moral undertones of beit by spreading liberal values from the left or democracy from the neocon right, it is ultimately working in the interests of jews and against the interests of whites. The goal is to erode white nations demographically and weaken them politically, and coalesce control around international jewish-run institutions, and the present model is a mirror image of what the jews created when they took over Russia and established the Soviet Union. They see the nation, nationalism, and homogenous national populations as their enemies, which is the ultimate difference.

>> No.11126470
File: 79 KB, 210x300, 1dfdf31acb602904031c6f908fbbb22d119c96df7a2501c99abaab2a37b2f404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We spend a good chunk of our time agonizing over the actions of anti-white whites, so racial self-hatred is nothing new to us.

>> No.11126473

Whites did become a group though, and it isn't a coincidence this group came to be during the heyday of colonial slavery and genocide(s). That this group still perseveres and feels threatened by 'multiculturalism' and 'globalism'.

>> No.11126500

>Whites did become a group though
>and it isn't a coincidence this group came to be during the heyday of colonial slavery and genocide
What about the Irish, the Hungarian, the Finn, the Bosnian, the Serb, the Austrian, the German, the Estonian, the Greek, the Slav..? The hell are you talking about?

>> No.11126506

>That this group still perseveres and feels threatened by 'multiculturalism' and 'globalism'.
Finns feel threatened by it. Germans feel threatened by it. Poles feel threatened by it. Etc.
Stop using false labels.

>> No.11126515

It's complex, but not complicated. However, you don't give a shit what I think, so I won't waste my time explaining how simple it really is.

>The jews have been embedding themselves in white societies for millennia and propagating empire and expansion through various means
Okay. And what's wrong with that? What's wrong with desiring power? Do you really think in your revolt you aren't desiring it too?

>it is ultimately working in the interests of jews and against the interests of whites.
I want you to tell me why you think that is the case. Give me a rational argument to support this claim. Because from what I can see, there are still plenty of whites who are living well today, at all levels of wealth, who are by no means living against their wills or having their dreams shaped by the Jewish media. We have far too much literature, art, and participants in the cultures generated by these, restricting the influence of said media. And none of these are at threat yet — the political institutions prevent them from being truly under threat. Their only real threat is internal, our own incapacity to create children and preserve ourselves into the next generation.

>> No.11126522

>Okay. And what's wrong with that? What's wrong with desiring power?
Alone, nothing. Generally speaking, other people having power would save me work. With jews, it's the opposite.

>> No.11126535

>cherrypicking: extreme edition

>> No.11126549

>other people having power would save me work
So you're really just concerned with getting free shit?

>> No.11126558 [DELETED] 


You shouldn't waste time debating with these kind of people. They're not out to actually debate and learn. They have a set mindset and are out to win and achieve an endorphin rush even if what they're doing is psychotic. The best thing to do is play it at their own game and show no kind of weakness towards these kind of people. They think like animals, so you have to respond like animals. They're like terrorists.

>> No.11126594

>So you're really just concerned with getting free shit?
No. I just prefer having less mosquitoes, ads, uncivilized people...

>> No.11126612

Are we going to pretend converts are considered truly Jewish? According to Jewish law a half-Jewish person, whose Jewish lineage comes from the fathers side is not considred Jewish. Conversion to Judaism is mostly used for the sake of a gentile husband wanting to marry a Jewish girl, so that her parents will be okay with it.

>amount of people who actually believe in this
No, I'm not talking about a small cranny of individuals, I am talking about highly respected rabbis who espouse such beliefs. It's not like neo pagans in the US at all.

>average income
Not a very good standard to measure their success by. Just look at Brooklyn, where the common sentiment is, they keep their declared average income low in order to qualify for benefits.

It's cool that you've had good experiences with Jewish people. I agree that they tend to engage more with the arts than your average person. Generally this is secular Jews, however. Some of the claims you are making, however, cannot be made simply by spending time with Jewish people. They would not discuss such matters with you as it is not your business.

>> No.11126623

>What's wrong with desiring power?
Nothing at all. The issue is an alien presence using whites to advance its own interests, and the necessity for whites to wake up to this reality and remove the perpetrator.

>Give me a rational argument to support this claim
I already did. But here it is again: jews are a rootless people who do not see themselves as part of a nation and thus have no affinity toward it or its people, and see it instead as an impediment, something to be overcome in their pursuit of global power. The nation, however, is a defense barrier for the white population it belongs to and is supposed to serve, that is, unless the elite class can be financially and morally coerced to go against it and promote policies that weaken it, which is the case in the west, where generations of whites have allowed jews to expand their power within our nations and accept moral rationalizations for destroying their own nations for jewish international interests. This is why we've been taking out Israel's enemies for nearly 20 years now. The jew is a parasite, it has infected us.

>> No.11126676

>The issue is an alien presence using whites to advance its own interests, and the necessity for whites to wake up to this reality and remove the perpetrator.
>he watched They Live and took it seriously
The anon whose post is now gone was right. It's pointless to debate with you idiots.

>> No.11126692


>Are we going to pretend converts are considered truly Jewish?

Yes, Judaism is a contract with God, once you sign it, you are Jewish. This pact passes down matrilineally. Your biases against Judaism sound like somebody whose learnt about Judaism from /pol/ rather than actually reading the OT and talking to jewish people.

>, I am talking about highly respected rabbis who espouse such beliefs.

I think there's like one rabbi high up that believes that but as far as neopagans go, varg's pretty respected in the black metal scene, he has millions of fans and hundreds of thousands of subscribers that watch his videos, but most neopagans are hippies, and most people in America aren't neopagan at all.

>Not a very good standard to measure their success by. Just look at Brooklyn, where the common sentiment is, they keep their declared average income low in order to qualify for benefits.

I said that the poorest areas in the US are Orthodox Jewish which, as you said in an earlier post, were people who used their culture of education to learn the Torah and Talmud rather than shit that will actually help you irl like the less religious Jews. Brooklyn is filled with hipsters, I'm talking about actual Orthodox areas


> Generally this is secular Jews, however. Some of the claims you are making, however, cannot be made simply by spending time with Jewish people. They would not discuss such matters with you as it is not your business.

I do not believe that Jews are a hivemind out to get me, a Black Irish person. I have done nothing to the Jews and the Jews have done nothing to me as a person, if anything, some of them actually helped and motivated me in some situations. I also don't believe they have the power to fight against Europe/Germany for what they did even if they wanted too. People say money matters but a person that gets scapegoated a lot like soros doesn't care about Israel and money is just an abstract tool that has no weight compared to real physical force.

>> No.11126795

My man you shouldn't bring up /pol/ to discredit if you're going to use varg to make a point. I cannot speak to anything on Varg but I guess in your mind he is comparable to a chief rabbi? I'm not sure how that helps your point though because, as you said, most people in America do not listen to varg or even know of his existence. But we're talking about religious Jews who would know and listen to chief rabbis of Israel...not a great comparison. I HOPE you are right and it's a bizarre example of a guy who just happened to come to a position of prominence (quite different than popularity btw, whereas a youtuber may have millions of views, a rabbi of this stature has to rise within a structure that provides him with legitimized influence in the eyes of adherents).

Link is interesting. It says nothing of their quality of life, stated occupations, and confirms that 40% receive benefits though. Not a strong case against those who would argue that they declare lower income to receive such benefits.

When you say black Irish do you mean Spanish-invaded Irish or do you mean a person of African descent living in Ireland? (if the latter is the case you're either an incredible troll or do not even realize you're inadvertently proving /pol/posters right.) I am assuming the latter because most Irish people who descend from the Spanish would simply associate as Irish. Despite your unique perspective, Irish people are probably some of the least qualified people in Europe to be talking about Jews or people of any other culture, frankly. You've had very little exposure to them historically and you're an incredibly homogeneous society even today. Your comment about Brooklyn shows how little you know about the ethnic makeup of communities where Jewish people represent a majority or approach a plurality (pretty important to know at least a bit about New York or Israel if you want to claim that you've interacted with Jewish people) especially about recent arrests of Orthodox leaders running the local governance of their area thuggishly.

>> No.11126820

Produce and argument, keep your mouth shut, or leave and post somewhere where talk of the jewish problem is forbidden. We expect the white commentariate here to be informed and capable of a level of discourse above whiny attempts to shut down speech about jews, which is the only thing your post here conveys.

>> No.11126917

>Produce an argument
I produced many. It's obviously pointless, like all conversations with little folks and Christians tend to be. You are steadfast in your sentiment and that's about the end of the matter. Truth has nothing to do with either side here.

>keep your mouth shut
I know yours hangs open 24/7, but I don't open mine when typing.

>> No.11127064

Defending jews is akin to Stockholm syndrome. If they had Yakuza ruling them, they'd defend them as well.

>> No.11127291

>Truth has nothing to do with either side here.
The truth is readily apparent and available, you just refuse to devote time to learning about it and choose to pretend others are wrong so to not upset the worldview you're comfortable with.

There really is no excuse for young white men these days. You have to be stupid or willfully blind.

>> No.11127729

h-hell a-are o-o-other people!!!

>> No.11128598


>> No.11128604


>> No.11128692

>the heyday of colonial slavery
A lot of which was based out of Holland immediately after Jews were expelled from Spain.

>> No.11129040 [DELETED] 

>the right hates Judaism, the synagogue of satan
>the left hates Israel, the state satan
The Jews' time is almost up in America

>> No.11129044

>the right hates Judaism, the synagogue of satan
>the left hates Israel, the state of satan
The Jews' time is almost up in America

>> No.11129095

That's why they're pushing mass immigration so hard now, trying to run out the clock and make whites worry about others instead of them.

>> No.11129235

>anyone who doesn't respect what I respect is the mythological other

*emphasis on mythological*

>> No.11129252

Well said. It is unfortunate how many of these irresponsibles find their way here.

>> No.11129257

Brilliantly true. I have yet to have a single conversation with an anti-Semite which would prove otherwise.

>> No.11129273

Why is it so upsetting for you that people want to have their own culture that is not directed by a propaganda machine that is peopled by a splinter minority? Why should the majority population not be able to direct its own destiny?

>> No.11129311

>so trapped by an ideological framework he can't ask a question which is not extant within its matrix

>> No.11129319

It is called "staying on topic".

>> No.11129377

It's called a leading question. Your question presupposes I accept your premises.

I do not.

>> No.11129430

>It's called a leading question.
Yes, it is.
>Your question presupposes I accept your premises.
No it does not. It presupposes that I accept the premise.

>> No.11129435


"I am not an enemy of the Jews at all and never have been. But as you say, its 40-century existence proves that this tribe has exceptional vitality, which would not help, during the course of its history, taking the form of various Status in Statu .... how can they fail to find themselves, even if only partially, at variance with the indigenuous population – the Russian tribe?"[123]

Actual quote. Can't find any source on the one you posted.

>> No.11129458


>Google doesn't show the results (((mysteriously))).


Literally second search result.

>> No.11129718

Now I know why I never liked Satre.
I don't even hate da jews but imagine fucking writing a whole book defending the most tribalist and nepotist hated ethnic group in the history of mankind.

>> No.11130595
