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File: 5 KB, 462x242, acceleration-equation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11122394 No.11122394 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /b/

I have been lurking here for about a year and you guys seem to love NIck Land. so i looked into him, and he seems like a cool guy who takes amphetamines and doesn't afraid of anything...

all joking aside, where should I start if I want to have a grasp of modern no 'hurr durr start with the greeks' pls, i don't have time to read 6000 years of chronological philosophy. FYI my only other philosophy reading has been chinese. recently Han Fei Tzu, but in the past Lao Tzu, and Sun Tzu.

tl;dr how do I understand the arguments surrounding accelerationism w.o starting with the greeks?

pic related, its what showed up on google when I searched for the formula for acceleration.

>> No.11122403

modern accelerationism* I don't know why that got cut out.

>> No.11122408

Take everything bad Marxism says about capitalist society and make that a goal

>> No.11122425

for me was the CCRU archives

good luck man
eventually you will want to read the greeks and all that, even if it is just a little

>> No.11122446

Thanks for your opinion ;)
what's that, hashtag accelerate? people tweet about this esoteric shit? guess i'm not alone..

yes, I have seen CCRI mentioned in several articles, didn't think of checking out their archives. Just a quick Q were they part of the philosophy or a comp. sci department?
and yes, I've got Theban plays collecting dust on the shelf right next to Oxford edition of complete works of WIlliam Sh... RIght after I finish all my 1940s era scifi !

>> No.11122461
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If you're not willing to read Plato and Aristotle you will never fucking make it. All of philosophy is written as response to Plato. Start with the Greeks is not a meme. Now go read the Illiad and enjoy

>> No.11122469

Marxism is probably the most direct entry point.
Then Freud, then Deleuze and Guattari

>> No.11122473
File: 55 KB, 445x445, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11122475

>reading Marx before Hegel
>reading Hegel before Kant
>reading Kant before Plato
You just can't avoid it. Put in the effort or don't at all.

>> No.11122476

I second this

>> No.11122514
File: 77 KB, 645x729, 80c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, yeah yeah yeah i'll get there, only so many hours in the day famalams... Lost my copy of theban plays, was gonna take a pic of my 'will get to it' stack that has several greeks and shakepeare on it.. Much more into early atomic era scifi, and early 1700s era poetry for now.

I don't want to be an honerary humanities of philosophy master, Accelerationism just seems cool as fuck..

Why can't it be a left wing thing? why does it have to be 'all the bad of capitalism' ? why can't the globalism agents create a singularity to take over the world with? maybe I should start with the greeks for that answer. ;)

>> No.11122532
File: 2.23 MB, 3264x2448, 1525123896430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11122547

Jesus Christ, why do people read this shit?

>> No.11122559

OP here, yeah, maybe i'll just start with the Greeks then....

also, isn't it illegal to photocopy from that publication? ;)

>> No.11122583

God are you fucking dumb.

>> No.11122586


>> No.11122605

yah i was a /b/tard circa 2007ish and took a few years off, now I won't go near it. just /lit/ /pol/ and /out/ for me.
intentionally dumb question is intentionally dumb

>> No.11122609
File: 2.31 MB, 3264x2448, 1525122264325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's what Gnon would want

>> No.11122655

Definitely read the Greeks. Don't read Nick Land. It's certainly a waste of time.

>> No.11122716
File: 1.02 MB, 822x604, soyboygay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, the old 'doesn't afraid of anything' meme... Back in the days when 4chan admitted Hitler killed Jews.
The meme was 'Hitler is a cool guy, he kills jews and doesn't afraid of anything" which turned into "X was a cool guy, he Y and doesn't afraid of anything"
Times were simpler back then.


>> No.11123148

Just read some of Plato's dialogues and a few of Aristotle's work you lazy jackass
>I don't want to be an honerary humanities of philosophy master, Accelerationism just seems cool as fuck..
You're only in it for accelerationism? Not perspective? Fuck off

>> No.11123289

this. Op has tumblr-tier surface level interest and will give up before he grasps anything.

>> No.11124224

Start with Plato

>> No.11125292

you communicate through cliches and memes. you are an idiot, and you should go back to playing video games.