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/lit/ - Literature

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11121009 No.11121009[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How /lit/ is your kin?

>tfw neither of my parents have a read a book this century

>> No.11121043

Zero /lit/ points for my parents.

My mother only reads the Bible and Bible related texts (not in a literary way though), and my father read 3 books, if that much, in the last 10 years. And I'm not even exaggerating.

>> No.11121052

My dad mostly reads non-fiction, he has a lot of books on the byzantine empire.

My mum reads very slowly, she's been a Mapp and Lucia book for months.

>> No.11121060

My brother reads.
Rest of my family are crab people.

>> No.11121077

My mom reads what every other middle-aged women read: Trashy smut novels.
I have never seen my dad read a single book in my entire life. He also dropped out of highschool.

>> No.11121083

Evidence /lit/ is made up of a bunch of overcompensaters.

>> No.11121086

My father read a lot about politics and economy whe he was younger.
Honestly he's very knowledgeable on the subject.
My mother reads the bible, used to read child's stories to me and is now reading them to my little brother.

I read and translate latin and greek texts for school. For enjoyment I read some of the books you memed me into and history mostly.

>> No.11121089

The United States of America, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.11121092

My mother has always been a fervent reader but since I've been alive her selection has been quite one dimensional. She is a devout Catholic and only reads various religious texts. My Dad is similar but reads biographies and LOTR as well.

>> No.11121099

I'm from Europe

>> No.11121101

I'm happy that, even though I, too, am American, I still enjoy reading. I'm honestly surprised my family of idiots somehow managed to produce quite a few book-lovers.

>> No.11121103

And I'm Brazilian. Let the man meme though.

>> No.11121109

Everyone in my family reads regularly and some write.

>> No.11121113

Based on boxes of old books, it seems like they used to read quite a bit. Now my dad just reads shit online and my mom reads a book once every few months for her book group. My sister reads popular books that have been adapted into movies like the girl on the train and gone girl.

>> No.11121114

Both parents are liberal intellectuals with a background in the classics. House is filled with books and they had me reading from a young age.

>> No.11121121

go away CIA

>> No.11121126

My sister is big into non-fiction, and especially like Eric Metaxas right now. Her husband minored in philosophy, and he and I are reading Kierkegaard together right now. My mother mostly reads murder mystery novels. My dad doesn't have the attention span to finish a full novel, but he reads a great deal of news and magazine articles.

>> No.11121127

Dad doesn't red. My mom used to read a lot of stuff but after buying an iPad a couple of years ago, she seems to have retreated into the abyss of news websites and can't bother reading novels anymore. Still, she was the one who got me into reading when I was a small kid, so she is pretty /lit/ in my book.

>> No.11121134


Further American suspects identified:

>> No.11121138

Wait, why didn't you quote my post as an American suspect, when I'm actually American?

>> No.11121152

Because our """"sniper"""" is a Grug.

>> No.11121167
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>mfw le américain

>> No.11121172

tfw one grandpa was a dilettante painter, other grandpa professional sculptor, mom dilettante sculptor, well-read on art but not lit, dad huge music nerd, also well read on lit, sister is the smartest female i know (srsly genius level, she got all the good genes reee) studies lit and linguistics
pretty content with the litness of my senpai desu

>> No.11121174
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>contributes less than the troll

You're not a further suspect. You have been openly identified

>> No.11121175

My dad used to read a lot of detective novels and books about sports. He liked Tom Wolfe and Kurt Vonnegut when he was younger, before I was born. He tried to read Infinite Jest for some reason a few years ago. He got about 100 pages in before giving it to me. Now he's old and can't see that well so listens to podcasts and audiobooks.

My mom was an English major in school and read a fair amount of classics back then. She liked Charles Dickens a lot but I'm not sure who else. Now she reads self help and hippie Christian type books. She spends most of her free time watching MSNBC and maintaining a popular anti-Trump twitter account.

>> No.11121179


>> No.11121182

Yeah, but you didn't identify which post was mine. I suspect you have no true ability to identify us mutts at all.

>> No.11121183

Nah, I'm Brazilian and you quoted me. Where are you from, terrible Amerispotter litizen?

>> No.11121184

Mum reads a lot, but some of it's pseudy (e.g. a book called "The Tao of Pooh & The Te of Piglet" which explains Taoism using Winnie The Pooh and Piglet as examples). Dad practically never reads but that's because he's dyslexic. He did however somehow manage to read The Help a while ago.

>> No.11121187

Give me one good reason I shouldn't marry your sister

>> No.11121210

She's a goat.

>> No.11121213

greatest of all time?

>> No.11121215
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South Yanks

>> No.11121223

my mother is an avid reader of the NYT best-seller list. my father and his family do not read. My sister reads spy novels. My brother does not read

>> No.11121235

My dad is full on /lit/ has read all the philosophy and puts all pseuds in his pocket.
My mom reads woman book, even recommend me 100 YOS as I stated reading . Has good taste.

>> No.11121246

>has read all the philosophy

>> No.11121276
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And puts all pseuds in his pocket, don't forget that.

>> No.11121277

Tell me about it. I want to have my children read classics from a younger age. Do you find it has helped you?

>> No.11121278
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My Dad reads a lot, but aside from basic-Buddhist philosophy stuff he only reads science fiction novels and complains about the philosphy I read as "too wordy" or "hard to remember".
My mom only reads mystery novels and nonfiction books about veganism.
My sister used to read a lot of classic literature but regressed into reading mystery novels to be more like my mom.
At least when my folks buy me books they don't question them.

>> No.11121288

Let's be honest, Agatha Christie is more fun to read than the majority of dense classics and much quicker to burn through. I probably read at least five, one-day fun novels for every serious multi-week tome.

>> No.11121312

I'm not the guy you quoted but I honestly cannot read things like Agatha Christie anymore. It just feels like wasting time now, time that I'd prefer to spend with the great books.

>> No.11121327

Almost no one in my family reads. My aunt reads FotM YA, my little cousin reads YA and whatever else she finds interesting, my grandpa reads history books/gun shit. He owns a few atlases too.

>> No.11121331

My parents read and re-read the Bible, plus a ton of Biblical commentary (my dad is a retired pastor). My sister reads self-help shit. My gay brother reads biographies of the royal family. My rich brother reads pop-psych and history books. My chad brother doesn't read. I'm the only one in my family who reads the classics.

>> No.11121336

My dad reads history for the most part, mainly about the Greeks. My mom reads recent novels, mostly through the block's book club. My brother reads medical books (think The Emperor of All Maladies and other histories of medicinal progress or diseases) and my other brother reads 60s-70s New Yorker core

>> No.11121338

>Too dumb to express myself
Feels like shit

>> No.11121344

Both of my parents went to Oxford, and yet none of their children has been accepted there. However, with the arrogance of youth, I'm convinced that I'm more intelligent than them nonetheless.

>> No.11121353

My mums severely dyslexic and I dunno about my dad

My sister read a lot of high fantasy when she was a teen though which influenced me to pick up reading

>> No.11121354

Don't take it bad, anon, we're only messing with you. You're not even a native english speaker, are you?

>> No.11121361

My mom is pretty well read, she has a few full bookshelves. She reads lots of non fiction and bible related stuff. My dad doesn’t read much anymore but when he was younger he read a lot of fiction. A bunch of Stephen King, military and American stuff. His favorite book is East of Eden, I think. My brother is a barely literate dipshit who only reads when he’s in jail and switches ideologies every time he reads a holy book. Last fiction he read was Dharma Punx while locked up. My sister is younger but she supposedly likes Shakespeare and Lovecraft, she used to read those Warrior cat books.

>> No.11121364

I'm not.
But I listene to audio books in English since they are easy to find.
My understanding is great but when it comes to writeing I start to loose it.

>> No.11121371

My mom's side of the family comes from landed gentry and my dad's side is illiterate (but extremely healthy) Virginia mountain-dwellers. Dad never read a book other than the Bible, mom has a library made up of fairy tales, pop-psych and pop-philosophy, and a lot of dictionaries. Also women's novels. Also Christian apologetic books. Pretty much all trash. She reads Facebook instead of books now. She's not stupid though, she was scouted in middle school to go to Duke University because she got a perfect score on the SAT or some shit.

>> No.11121381

>used to read those Warrior cat books
That’s a lie, once teenage girls start reading those things they never stop. She’s probably still reading them inbetween the occasional horror anthology or poetry collection.

>> No.11121391

>living entirely off the Bible
Plan to do that in my forties desu.

>> No.11121416

>liberal intellectuals
My condolences.
My dad consumes about 3 detective/spy novels a week. Mum reads junk on her tablet.
Fucking everyone keeps recommending me that fucking thing. My uncle, my dad, my aunt, etc.

>> No.11121443

They both read a lot

>> No.11121459

My dad is a famous diplomat from my country, now retired. I spent my childhood in Germany, South Africa, India, and Australia. He's more well read than I'll ever be it seems, and in multiple languages. He speaks 4 languages fluently and 2 more at a more basic level, so the whole ">reading translations" meme is especially funny when I look at his library.

>> No.11121466

my father reads a shitton but exclusively scifi and ww2, my mother reads a lot but not as much, and she reads people-oriented fiction

>> No.11121502
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Mom's got her Masters, so we always had good lit around the house, but now she reads pleb shit like Bill Bryson and Malcom Gladwell. She's really well read too; I guess that's just her preference. My Dad reads Clive Cussler and Micheal Criton novels, he's even worse; but he read me stuff every night so I probably wouldn't love reading without him.

Thanks Mom and Dad.

>> No.11121528

How do I get my brother into literature?
And what should a 14 year old read?
He uses the phone all the time and thinks reading is boring.
I tried to convince him to read LotR at least to see that reading can be fun but he declined.

>> No.11121530

Give him pulp sci fi and expand from that

>> No.11121566
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My mom rarely reads
My dad is always reading something, usually history or Catholic apologetics, rarely fiction
My brother reads fiction of all sorts

>> No.11121581

My mom read a lot of genre fiction. She taught me to read as soon as I was able, which mostly just made grade school boring because I was always ahead of the expected reading level. My dad mostly reads history.

>> No.11121615
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My father read a lot. He liked Stephen King, and anything kind of gory or disturbing, but he also read the newspaper every day, and if he finished the Sunday paper on Saturday, he would go out and buy a different paper. In the end he was almost homeless, but half of his possessions were what looked like supermarket paperbacks.

My mom is a consistent reader as well, lots of non fiction, lots of girl stuff, historical fiction. My grandfather probably reads more than 50 books a year, so my love of reading is in the blood.

I have two kids that are falling right into it too. My kindergartener is just now starting to be able to read full books all by herself, but from the time she was tiny she would stack and "read" all my hardbacks one by one and fall asleep in the pile. They're also really into comic books as well, which I never was, but anything to get them reading. The comic books for the toddler set I think we're super helpful in her learning to read. Plenty of context clues and onomatopoeia.

>> No.11121657

give him some pulp like the other dude said, but i'd recommend conan. don't know a lot of sci-fi but R.E.H. was pretty well read and put that to use in his stories

>> No.11121670
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Father used to read le Carré and the like, but nowadays pretty much only reads nonfiction, mainly business development books and corporate history. He likes that I read what he calls "difficult" books.

Mother hasn't read a book in over 30 years. Doesn't watch movies, doesn't watch television, doesn't care for music. Has no hobbies in particular. Spends her days tending to animals and plants.

My sister has 5 different hardcover editions of The Great Gatsby, but has never actually read it all the way through. She likes the idea of reading and having books on the shelf but can't actually complete even a literary work. And what she does read, she doesn't understand. She watches Audrey Hepburn films and claims to be cultured. I think the last book she claimed to finish was Freakonomics and that was 4 years ago. I gave her The Sun Also Rises for her birthday a few years ago, but she dropped it because the characters left Paris.

My brother has read some Osho and 50 Cent's book. That's it. Calls me dour for reading books about war crime and other "dark" subjects.

>> No.11121671

>Father was a degenerate scumbag. Don't even know if he lives. I know that he was a metallurgical engineer and played the piano excellently though. Good genes for intellect.
>Mum hasn't really read a book since uni. Too busy now.
>I like being pretty smarr due to my genes but the mental illness that comes with it (father was psychotic and mum is depressed), not so much. But, it's better than bejng dull and comfortable in that.
Excuse the blog post.

>> No.11121681

*even a short literary work


>> No.11121739

Dad doesn't really read. He has a couple of Eastern Philosophy and History-related books he delves into every now and again, but that's it. He's tried reading some of my university essays, but he says he spends more time in the dictionary than with the text.
I don't think my stepmom reads, but we don't speak the same language, so who knows?

Mom reads mostly mainstream fiction (mystery, romance, etc.) and environmental non-fic.
Stepdad reads mostly a mix of legal thrillers and fantasy; he's already read most of the /lit/ classics, so for the most part now, he mostly just reads for relaxation, rather than for a brainbashing.

I don't really know if/what my stepsisters read, but my blood sister's taking a lot of recommendations from me: recently: Sebald, Aurelius, Calvino, DFW - mixed with her usual slew of art history and anthropological stuff.

>> No.11121749

Mother is barely literate.
Father doesn't even read the newspaper.
Sisters are bimbos which only read what was in the school's curriculum.
All of them have anti-intelectual tendencies.

>> No.11121753

Patrician desu

>> No.11121795
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>Dad: philosophy undergrad, then continued on to become an ER doctor in Montreal. He cheated on my mom and became a cuckold with an sjw wife. He gave me a speech on white privilege recently and Ive decided Im done with him.
>Mom: Nurse in Montreal. Her Dad killed himself when she was young. Her grandpa killed himself before she was born. Her Sisters husband killed himself recently. She now works in a state mental hospital and has become /pol/. Her boyfriend threatened to kill me and so I had to move away.

>> No.11121797

Good luck not killing yourself, btw

>> No.11121806

My dad has a shitload of books, mostly non-fiction (95% history and politics) and genre fiction, mostly sci-fi and crime. At least 4 huge bookshelfs and 5 minor ones as far as i recall.
My mom has about 6 chick-lit books scattered around hre house from her 30's i assume since i've never seen her touch one.

>> No.11121820
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>Mom's dad was a history teacher who literally beat his kids into reading the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire
>The belt left its mark as she went to college for a degree in archaeology
>Dad was the nerd of the family, writing and directing plays in high school while burning through all religious literature from Paradise Lost to the Book of Mormon
>Got a degree in English and Theater, specializing in Shakespeare
>Spends his days reading the greats and analyzing plays for his job as a professor of theater
>Fiance is a specialist in ancient languages who reads poetry, philosophy, and 19th century literature when she isn't reading 20th BC literature

It's a well-/lit/ life for me

>> No.11121850

>Her dad killed himself
>Her grandpa killed himself
>Her sisters husband killed himself


>> No.11121857

Don't go scratching that itch before you write something decent.

>> No.11121860

Well, he is neither interested in fantasy nor sci-fi but he is heavily into politics and pretty smart, just not much of a reader.
Also I struggle to gift him a book I haven't read yet. He is planning to study law when finishing school, so maybe he would like something about lawyers? Is this even a thing?
However I have almost no clue about genre fiction.

>> No.11121863

My dad is an English/History teacher. He thought me to read at a young age, and made sure to teach me science and stuff like Roman numerals really early (so I was always interested in learning extra stuff) it's a pity he lives in a different country to me now, but he still teaches
My mum has a PhD of Ancient History and teaches also, also is fluent in Latin. She has all the Greeks so whenever I want to borrow a book I don't have she most likely has it

>> No.11121865

tell his faggot ass to read Crime and Punishment

>> No.11121955
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Jelly desu