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/lit/ - Literature

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11121004 No.11121004 [Reply] [Original]

what is essential to read before i read this?

>> No.11121123

I'm curious about which translation to get myself.

>> No.11121168

T Gs

>> No.11122465

My diary, desu.

>> No.11122481

This attitude is retarded. Just read it. What you don’t understand, jot down and research. You live in the internet era for christ’s sake.

>> No.11122486 [SPOILER] 
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The entire western cannon
Maybe you should try Google

>> No.11122529


>> No.11122538
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about as end game as it gets

>> No.11122633


Lenin? Or Kermit in the chair? Gonna say nah to either

>> No.11122749
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Everything before, but also nothing

>> No.11122758

Peterson wishes he were Lenin. Imagine how many neetbucks he could net with Lenin's peak audience.

>> No.11122857

1. Platonic Dialogues
At LEAST Sophist

2. Aristotle Metaphysics and Physics Book (4)

3. Brentano's On the Several Senses of Being in Aristotle
This is the work that inspired Heidegger to do philosophy in the first place and I highly recommend it

4. Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. Being and Time would not exist without this book. I guess you could get away with reading the Prolegomena and the Transcendental Aesthetic, but it's not like it's a fucking coincidence that Heidegger published a book on Kant two years after the publication of BT. You should not be doing philosophy in the first place if you have not read this book.

5. Husserl Ideas I (and II maybe)
A lot of the questions Heidegger is trying to answer are in this book. It's a hard read though, try Zahavi to get a sense of it

Also forget the continental vs. analytic meme, it's an antiquated model that more or less was caused by two different spheres not reading each others work. Heidegger and Husserl reads like gibberish at first but they are far more structured than you'd first perceive.

>> No.11122877

Just use Hubert Dreyfus' course on archive.org

It's first philosophy so you can read it from scratch and it's not nearly as bad as everyone makes it out to be