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/lit/ - Literature

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11118030 No.11118030 [Reply] [Original]

Rec me books about weirdos on the internet. Pic related was alright for a laugh at the Yudkowsky people. Is there one about furries/bronies?

>> No.11118057

I like this book because it propelled the meme that Yud was responsible for NRx which drove him nuts.

>> No.11118523

does this book mention salo-forum or frog twitter

>> No.11118930

why the edgy sticker over title and author? anyway, i never finished this book, i felt like he gave too much credit to Land because he is """cool""" and not enough to Moldbug, the beginning of the book was ok though, but then after a rant about how nihilism and how nothing matters the author decides in the next chapter to start sperging out about progressivism 101 which kind of felt weird as if i suddenly found a The Guardian article in the middle of the book that made no sense, i started reading Moldbug after that and hadn't yet gone back to this, i guess i will after reading go back to it after reading some more Moldbug and maybe Land's dark enlightenment stuff (what a retarded name)

i think there's not many books about internet culture, this one and kill all normies are the ones that get usually posted

>> No.11118942

kan has the worst title i've ever seen on a book

>> No.11118947

it was written as normie bait i guess, which kind of worked because the book while ok is no high theory, but it still gets promoted of if were zero books crown's jewel after fisher's capitalism realism. i wonder how bad are the rest of their books...

>> No.11118951

i think the book sucks and i don't even have to read it to say that

>> No.11118957


>> No.11118967

So, it conflates Moldbug with land, nrx and the alt right?
I was kind of interested but it looks like it's a piece of shit.
Also what do you mean by
>start sperging out about progressivism 101

>> No.11118976

>why the edgy sticker over title and author?
Something something William Blake. More interesting is that the author became trans this year as a reaction to Trump so now there's a new edition with another sticker over the original sticker.

>> No.11118980

>>start sperging out about progressivism 101

The author is a Dr. Who obsessed SJW who is in to poly shit and he injects random diatribes about these values into the book.The book could have been a lot better and there are hints of what it could be throughout, but by the authors own admission he rushed to finish on time to keep his promise to the patreon fans who funded the book. It is full "oh shit oh shit I need to make the deadline" mixed with conscious choices to appeal to his own audience.

>> No.11118996

>The author is a Dr. Who obsessed SJW who is in to poly shit
Jesus christ, can anyone who isn't a walking stereotype write this type of books/articles?

>> No.11119004

nilso loves this book

>> No.11119005

maybe that says sth about it

>> No.11119010

Why would anybody normal write a book about these topics?

>> No.11119013

>More interesting is that the author became trans this year as a reaction to Trump
wtf is this world

>> No.11119014

Yeah, definitely.
This is also why I've always disagreed with the concept of an ad hominem fallacy, especially if applied to groups: if in your group/tribe we can find an overabundance of people with certain undesirable characteristics, that to me says quite a lot about your group.

>> No.11119017

In their own words—"performing masculinity is untenable under Trump".

>> No.11119018

When you make something not just acceptable but desirable within a subculture, you shouldn't be surprised that people start behaving more and more in that way.

>> No.11119020
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fucking bigot

>> No.11119025

Well, it's not ad hominem if you actually express that connection.

>> No.11119029

Actual events: The author's trans and realized that in Trump's America she couldn't pretend to be a guy anymore.

There's also another author for the book, Jack Graham, who provided an extended essay on the Austrian school of economics. Honestly, I couldn't understand a word of it, but then, I don't know economics at all.

>> No.11119034

i'm still surprised he managed to write the decent part of the book, not that it's a great criticism of neoreaction, because it ignores all the parts where neoreaction actually fails and instead psychoanalyzes some of the underlying "pathologies". but at least it have some interesting diatribes about the nihilism surrounding Land

>> No.11119039

This is why, despite the fact that I think twitter is the worst social media out there in terms of consequences on intellectual spaces, I still think it does something very right.
If you take any other social media or pseudo- so (reddit, quora) you've no idea what the person who's talking about relationships, society, sexuality, mental health and so on is actually like.

With twitter, you just look at their profile pic and immediately reach the sane conclusion that you should not be taking advice on those topics from someone like that.

>> No.11119049

>Actual events: The author's trans and realized that in Trump's America she couldn't pretend to be a guy anymore.
Nope. Sandifer said they "never LIKED performing masculinity", but literally said that the solution of being a woman only occurred to her after Trump.

>> No.11119050

isn't twitter just zingers and smugness?

>> No.11119053
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>> No.11119055

Yes, and that's why it's so bad.

>> No.11119060

This is now a Nilso thread

>> No.11119062

t. nilso

>> No.11119064
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>> No.11119066


>> No.11119067


>> No.11119069
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t. Elizabeth

>> No.11119071

probably some retarded dr who thing.

>> No.11119077

And I say that as a fan!

>> No.11119080
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this explanation is 90% wrong

>> No.11119089

nilsos gay

>> No.11119097

This thread has become a Nilsoposter's sanctuary - Good!

>> No.11119098
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thoughts on /who/?

>> No.11119100
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I have spoken with the Nilso.

He says many things.

He speaks of the Great Journey of Life.

He speaks of Conquest.

He speaks of /who/ rising from its own ashes with Winnnnngs of Fire!

>> No.11119101

People like you killed /who/

>> No.11119102

i don't understand kids these days

>> No.11119104

We wouldn't need to Nilsopost if Nilso didn't exist.

>> No.11119106

Nilso doesn't exist. Like gender, he is a social construct.

>> No.11119107

>implying gender is a social construct
You're lucky Nilso isn't here to see this.

>> No.11119110

/who/ is the doctor who general on /tv/. It's currently banned from /tv/ due to a show hiatus, but that's not relevant.
/who/ has a cytube stream where users frequently watch videos together, doctor who or otherwise.
The stream has a chat, which requires people to post with names.
One of those users is Nilso. He is just a regular user of the stream, there isn't anything particularly special about him.
But he has a funny name, and it has become a meme purely because of that.
Among other things, this includes either pretending to be nilso or accusing other people of being nilso by using "t. nilso"

>> No.11119111

They kicked us out of /tv/ but we will always survive.

>> No.11119113
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>> No.11119117
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>I Nilsopost in /lit/! :OOO

>> No.11119126
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"Europe: A Prophecy" by William Blake.
It's probably just Muslim bait.

>> No.11119132

I always thought that was more Reddit. Twitter is zingers and faux outrage.

>> No.11119180


>> No.11119657

This book is shit and the author is a retard and no I'm not part of the modern rat Jew cult.

>> No.11119784
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>> No.11119823

What? the guy embarrassed himself by attacking the "alt-right" and losing.

>> No.11119865

the book isn't about the alt-right, it's about neoreaction, and the author doesn't accuse Yud of being right-wing, just autistic

the book is bad but for different reasons