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/lit/ - Literature

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11118242 No.11118242[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The bar is open till 2AM. Full bar, wide selection of cocktails. Have a drink, make some friends. Leave your problems at the door, they'll be there when you get back.

>> No.11118249

nobody likes me and i want to die

too filled with anxiety to visit the bar a block from me

>> No.11118250

Sometimes when I take adderall and get a solid eight to ten hours of studying/work done in a day I feel as if I'm committing the intellectual version of gluttony and that God will punish me for stuffing my mind without care.

>> No.11118253

You can do better Anon.
Thread bad no post

>> No.11118258
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My foolish parents will probably need me to assist them as they grow old while I'm trying to save for my own retirement and my children's college education. I imagine my wife would not be thrilled to support my aging parents either.

>> No.11118261

get a prescription for propanalol. It's like xanax without the blackouts, brain fog, and embarassing behaviour. It does nothing to your state of mind, it just cuts off the connection between your internal anxiety and adrenaline related physical symptoms like blushing, palpitations, and twitching, which makes everything a hell of a lot easier to deal with and improves your outward social fluency immensely.

>> No.11118265

college stinks, but you gotta do it
> watching citizen Kane right now, pretty good

>> No.11118267
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gosen was seeking to understand zen and came into the frog and feels bar. the bartender was a wise and enlightened master.

gosen said, i do not see any peanuts here.

what did the bartender say?

>> No.11118272


Shower before you go down there but don't dress up. As a newcomer, find a seat that is at least one seat away from the nearest patron. Have cash. If Ameriburger, place twenty on bar and wait for bartender. Do not engage with bartender until engaged with. Do not fidget with cash. Do not fidget in general. When engaged by bartender, say hello. Ask if there are any specials. Order beer special if there are. If not, simply order your drink of choice. Do not move your money, they will move it for you. Tip one dollar for each draught or bottle beer or glass of wine. Tip generously if you believe you will return. Your subsequent service may be faster if you tip generously.

>> No.11118276


We just got sued by some fuck who said he had a peanut allergy. Sorry, bud. We got chips and pretzels if you want them.

>> No.11118279

Seriously, fuck off

>> No.11118281

college is great, what are you talking about lad

>> No.11118287

t b h even if it does reduce board quality, you can't just send people to /r9k. That's a death sentence for real life troubled human beings. At least here they don't get their delusions affirmed by people farther gone than they are.

>> No.11118291


You know, expressing your feelings in a healthy way is basically the heart of /lit/. There's a reason why barroom drama is an entire subgenre, and an on again off again popular one at that.

>> No.11118305


Yes, I had a similar feel the other night. My wife's father is going through chemo and my mother in law has not worked for 23 years. We have our own house but my first thought was if my father in law died that we would be obligated to take her in but that would totally fuck up my savings and other plans. I felt guilty about that thought but have gone back and forth on what I think.

Here, let me back you up on your next one.

>> No.11118309

This is catholic vs protestant culture in a nutshell. For some reason protestants, particularly anglos have no sense of loyalty. Nothing scummier than letting your parents die in poverty assuming you have the means to help, no matter how irresponsible they were.

>> No.11118313

Those who complain about >tfw no gf, are unaware that >tf when gf brings its own set of problems and anxieties. The virginal robot has only his loneliness to deal with, while a partner has to shoulder another's baggage along with his own.

>> No.11118319

writing something about a pathetic piece of shit who fucks art hoes all day and him and them are all depressed for some reason and all that
it's called suicidal thots

>> No.11118329


I have no problems with the idea of supporting your elders, but just remember there are parents who take advantage of their kids too.

>> No.11118337


No offense, brother, but that sounds like the pitch for a Lars von Trier flick. He's a little heavy handed, you know? That Melancholia thing he made, it was a little too much for me. Made me think the guy's got no humor in him.

>> No.11118338
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I'm bisexual. I hate myself because of it.

>> No.11118341

certainly, and of course you don't have to look up to them or anything, but I think that pretty much the only thing that would justify letting them rot would be physical abuse.

>> No.11118350

I hated myself for a long time because I'm only attracted to fat women, but I've sort of come around to the knowledge that it's not that hard to marry someone you're not physically attracted to, and I'll be a lot happier that way.

>> No.11118355

Gotta prejudice that altering mind w drugs for function is fundamentally self-destructive. Whatdoyouthinkaboutthat

>> No.11118358


Well, bud, the staff at this iteration of the bar does not care about what two consenting adults do. You will certainly face derision in the face of a segment of the public, but then again there are not many people I can't say that about. We don't turn anybody away though. Somebody will hate you for you, no need to do it for them.

>> No.11118364
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good afternoon everybody

>> No.11118366


>> No.11118370
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>> No.11118377

What's been going down, Norm?

>> No.11118381

My ass on this barstool.

>> No.11118386


Same shit, different day. Your usual?

>> No.11118432

I'm trying to be more fashionable but it's expensive
Shirts are like $20 even in thrift stores

>> No.11118441

That's the thing, though. My current girlfriend is everything I've wanted in a girlfriend, she's probably the best I've ever had, but I'm just not attracted to her. I'm attracted to other women of course but liking men feels like a betrayal, like I've misled her and everyone around me or something.

I don't know what I'm saying. I'm a little drunk.

Anyone got any books for this feel

>> No.11118442

i'll admit it's been a couple years since i've been in a thrift shop, but when i was in college i used to cop second-rate brooks brothers shirts for $4-5

>> No.11118451

I'm so lonely fuck
I have this weird thing in my life, where every time I get close to a girl, as in get together, usually days after we end up being further apart than before we had gotten together
It always happens, really like being with girl, we talk a lot, then we end up kissing or sleeping together, then we stop talking as much and they forget it even happened

>> No.11118458


Decent collared shirts are timeless and though /fa/ knows way more about this than me, nobody ever gives me shit for having a clean white Arrow under my vest. I actually find that following basic rules of taste and then not giving a fuck about what other people think after that makes me feel pretty good.

>> No.11118460

see, thats what i was hoping for, but a fucking flannel shirt is like $25, maybe it's because i'm in Manhattan

>> No.11118466

>maybe it's because i'm in Manhattan
yeah that's definitely it lmao
try ebay

>> No.11118468


We at the FnF fully support getting loaded if it means having an honest conversation with yourself. We especially condone such behavior if it leads to you having an honest conversation with your partner. If she feels really strongly about you, she might just give you some insight about yourself.

Real talk though, bud- best have an endgame in mind if you think this person is the one. If you can't be with them for the rest of your life, the whole monogamy thing is just going to serve you badly.

>> No.11118475
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>Frog and Feels

>The Wojak Arms

>> No.11118477

Johnnie Walker Black on the rocks, please.

Found out the guy I liked for the past year got a girlfriend. I thought we had something, but I guess not. They're on vacation in California right now and seeing their Instagram posts together make me want to slam a whole bottle. I think I've given up on love at this point. This cycle always repeats itself. I'm gonna drown my sorrows in whiskey and Pynchon.

>> No.11118479

Gimmie an Old Fashioned. You're the only barman in town who makes them without the goddamn rind in it.

>> No.11118498


You got it. We got Red and Blue too. I got rid of my social media, myself. Too much work. Too much bullshit, really. Everybody else out there posting the highlights of their lives and I'm here gaining weight. Fuck it.