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/lit/ - Literature

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11115744 No.11115744 [Reply] [Original]

Theoretically, if I wanted to read a book from the 40k universe, what should I start with? Ideally it shouldn't really be part of a series, as in It should be a contained story, but I'm willing to read whatever.
Any recommendations?

>> No.11115795


>> No.11115798

Post this in sffg dude

>> No.11115804

3 Horus Heresy books (123 in the black library) and flight of the eisenstein. If you want to pirate the whole black library just go with abnett past that, and there is a series about a commissar that i cant remember

>> No.11115810
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post this in the /sffg/ thread or go to
they have daily 40k threads u wanker

>> No.11115840

This >>11115798
and this >>11115804
and this >>11115810

Although I do find it interesting that 40K is one of the only straight pulp franchises that /lit/ doesn't straight up hate.

I've been a /lit/izen for a long time and I personally love the series. My best guess is that it knows it's place as strictly pulp and doesn't take itself to seriously while also having a large mythopoeic structure as it's narrative core.

>> No.11115888


I know you said no series, but the first 3 books of Horus Heresy are essential to understanding the universe.

>> No.11116306

oh, sorry, bit of a newfag on /lit/
Will consider it, thanks. 3 books or 1 book is fine, I just don't want to read like 50 books.

>> No.11117381
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Eisenhorn trilogy

>> No.11117872

Commissar Cain

I read them as a teenager and thought they were pretty good.

You might be talking about Gaunt's Ghosts, which I also enjoyed as a teenager

>> No.11117894

>anything beyond ravenor
no thanks

>> No.11117898

I would recommend the first book of the Last Chancers series. That is one of the best 40k books I've ever read.

Don't read the rest of the series, though.

>> No.11117916
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here babe

>> No.11117971
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>doesn't want to read 50 books