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11107849 No.11107849 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: post a dream you've had lately that's been troubling you and other anons will apply everyone's favorite pseudoscience to it to see what you're repressing (probably that you want to fuck your mother)

>> No.11107873

Aight I'll bite. Recurring dream where I'm going to fail a class if I can't find the Unabomber on my campus. ANALEYES ME DADDY

>> No.11107924

You probably agree with the unabomber on more than one thing and are "unable to find him" in the sense that you're struggling to rectify the fact that he's a murderer and the fact that you believe he was correct about a lot of things. In this case, class is a metaphor for your self, as you value both
Stab in the dark, this is a pseudoscience after all

>> No.11107945

Class is ur dad, unabomber is ur mom. U must fuck the unabomber (mom) to finally defeat your class (father) and take ur rightful place as the oedipus u wanna be. I tested ur dream 100 times in the lab and its the same result.

Now where is my ca$h?

>> No.11108065

So I've currently given up all porn and masturbation and about a week or so in, my dreams have gotten really fucked up. I will often dream that either my mother or a very pretty girl from my church will try to get me to break nofap by grabbing my dick or something, but I'll know it's not them in the dream. It'll be some literal semen demon or something.

>> No.11108095

been having these weird dreams where a girl (can only see her hair, body and mouth) go on a date but then ppl start chasing after us. we end up escaping and make out. then more ppl start chasing us and we end up somehow teleporting to a open field of land but soon as I rest because im tired. she walks away and im screaming come back. but she doesn't hear me. then i wake up

>> No.11108117

how can you apply freudian dream interpretation with no context? Also, call it pseudoscience all you want but modern neuroscience is showing that freud and jung were on the right track in terms of dream interpretation

>> No.11108118

Fucking hell. Guess I need to read Freud.

>> No.11108135
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I'm walking near the ocean,at night, accompanied by some old man and some girls and he accidental falls into the water from the rocks where we were standing. I jump into the water to help him but suddenly his dog wants to go swimming too, so he jumps into the water. The dream ends with me in the middle of the ocean, at night, looking for both the old man and the dog not knowing where they are.

>> No.11108137

I had a dream where I was in some sort of interactive music video. Toward the end there was this beautiful women with short silver hair, about my age (20's) she was wearing a grey cardigan, white shirt and jeans. She was laying on her side and I went up to her and ripped her clothing off, I then came before I even got it in, and as it happened I thought "Wow fucking really".
Woke up from the wet dream. What does it mean fellas?

>> No.11108174

I’ve been having a recurring dream where I’ve been carrying a stack of books barely balancing it before tripping and falling into darkness right before I wake.

I think it’s just latent anxiety about getting into a good school, and since I’ve been in the military I’ve been away from academics too long and I fear I’m not going to be able to academically compete with my peers.

I’ve also been retreating from a lot of social obligations lately to read, so it could also be symbolic of that.

>> No.11108176


I had an 80 page dream I novelized that I literally destroyed my life over. It's too late for analysis to be useful now, but I'll still post it if anyone will actually analyze it.

>> No.11108183

Yeah, I’m not sure why it has such a bad rap.
I mean there’s a marked difference between viewing dreams as a psychic manifestation and palm reading.

>> No.11108241 [DELETED] 
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I just go to the library once I finish a book.

>> No.11108267

I had a dream where my best friend who I talk to multiple times every day started dating my ex girlfriend who I'm seriously still not over even almost 2 years later and he and her were telling me about it and she was telling me how happy he made her and I just sat there feeling so powerless and sad and angry and I don't know how else to describe it but it was like something in Kafka where i just slinked back and felt hopeless.

>> No.11108290

I had a dream where I am fucking a girl who has a vagina on the end of her penis like shaft

not gay btw

>> No.11108319

Im really curious about it Anon. Did it actually end up being 80 pages? Please post it if you don't mind

>> No.11108331



>> No.11108403

Non the other anon, but I read the first chapter, not really my thing If I'm going to be honest. Seems really tropey, plain so far if that makes sense.

>> No.11108449


*shrug* It was a series of 4 dreams. I'm not trying to get literary feedback about it, I'm trying to get analysis of it. That's why I posted it in an analysis thread.

>> No.11110030

The man represents your self concept as a man and the dog represents your dick, you lost them both in the ocean of sexuality that is wet and wild as a woman.

>> No.11110036

Gayyy search your feelings you know it to be true

>> No.11110077

Basically i was trapped inside some kind of boarding school where the teachers were extremely abusive and the other students operated like gangs, one of which really had it out for me. After a while i tried to lead a mutiny but only two or three people actually followed me and they couldn't do shit before the rest of the staff showed up, kicked me into a corner and started electrocuting me and beating me until i died, it took a while and was genuinely distressing.

But it wasn't actually the real me, i woke up on board a space ship with my pony waifu by my side, we laid there and cuddled for a bit and it made me feel better.
As it turns out i was sent down to the school in order to help prime the world for invasion but failed, instead i just provided coordinates for orbital strike.

Last thing that happened was that i was with my sister onboard a transport shuttle, she was telling me that she had some good civilian work for me down on the planet. Which was a nice way of saying that i was being demoted.
We landed on what looked like a big construction site with heaps and heaps of containers and other such shit, although it was so high up that you couldn't see the planet's surface so i figured it was a space elevator. Then i saw my waifu waiting and began walking toward her and it ended.

Not even ashamed of this shit.
The only media i was consuming around the time of this dream were The Republic and pictures of my waifu.
Now go ahead and diagnose me with autism lad.

Also i had a dream where i fucked my mother.

>> No.11110078

But it is unsettling to me that i would be having such violent dreams.

>> No.11110137

I was walking on the street when a short-haired foreigner girl came to me and showed me a pdf book she had on her phone. Apparently she wanted me to print out the book for her. I told gave her directions to the nearest xerox location but it wouldn't do. She wanted the book and she asked me if I didn't have a personal printer. Looking into her eyes I saw there the high chance for a blowjob in the time it would take to print out that 300+ page book. But the problem was that the printer was at my parents' place and they were definitely going to come home. That's where it ended unfortunately.

>> No.11110139

I saw this girl I liked who didn't like me. She asked me which healthy food to eat for dinner and I replied "carrots." She then started yelling at me and telling me my opinion didn't matter.

>> No.11110146
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Your subconscious is trying to tell you to go easy on the carrots

>> No.11110149

I had a dream that somebody killed my girlfriend but I didn't want the police to think it was me so me and my dad went to bury her body somewhere and then the next day I walked to the shop with a baby elephant.

>> No.11110160

The girl is a representation of your mother. The request to print the book on your personal printer undoubtedly represents the role-reversal of the mother and child's relationship in which, usually, the child asks the mother for use of her personal printer. You not only want to fuck your mother, but you want to dominate her. You dirty pig.

>> No.11110171

I had a dream my mother was naked on top of me riding my dick, then I chopped off her head with dual scythes like a praying mantis. What does that mean?

>> No.11110188

I had a dream that bugs bunny sucked my cock

>> No.11110191

Bugs.. lay off the cock

>> No.11110197

Read Jung instead

>> No.11110214

i honestly just dream about talking to a girl who reciprocates feelings towards me and holding her hand and shit, its constant at this point and i get depressed thinking about it

>> No.11110232
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It's true

>> No.11110236
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Under attack by demons. Read pic.

>> No.11110265
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The only time I have masturbated thinking of my mother was when I was high out of my mind in a casino and I had lost all my money and I was getting bored of watching my friend do so well so I went to the bathroom and browsed through a couple of posts in /gif/ before realizing that I needed this fap to be entirely special, something which I hadn't done before and but so I resorted to the only thing that was still taboo for me. I hated myself when I got out after about 30 minutes and I had to tell my friend that I fell asleep sitting on the toilet.
I only smoked weed once since last July and I think I'm on the way of getting my life together. I do get shitfaced drunk occasionally but my dick doesn't work in that situation and I mostly just scream quotes from books and pretend I'm Socrates with every stranger I meet.

>> No.11110286
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I accept the decision to have my consciousness copied and uploaded to the supercomputer business executive of a stage, including theatre, fashion shows, and most things possible.. Its visual representation is my face, but with a pair of modified pink sunglasses meant for little girls, with a new matte pink frame with small outcroppings reminiscent of fins placed symmetrically and fashionably all along the rim and even the temple of the glasses. I’m given the same pair if I want to be the exact likeness of my supercomputer self, if I want to be recognised as the symbol of chique, hot, worthy of adoration. I realize that I will not be able to wear these simply because of how silly they look.. I leave the matinée, explaining that I am in a huge mall, and that this large opera hall is merely one ‘boutique’ moved into the spacious mall. I move a few stores downwards and enter what appears to be an ice cream parlor, or at least some kind of candy shop. In there, I get the gist of me giving sassy comments, being looked up at admiringly, basically being preened as I wait in line for whatever sweet thing. I then leave. I roam the mall and my own pride deflates. I wander around. I see a friend, a classmate. We talk, I attempt to convey the importance I carry in certain circles, but fail. Whatever. I begin heading back from where I came. I meet a former classmate as well, this time, I attempt to show him my position and my AI clone. However, I can not find it. I give up, and show him a random food court. He politely declines, noting my (faked) enthusiasm. As he leaves, I am miserable, but somewhat relieved. Tony Soprano is sitting by a table. He says he just woke up, and asks where he is. I tell him he’s in a mall in Europe, and he says “oh.”

I wake up.

Analeyes this retards

>> No.11110328

Ok, have fun with this one.

Me and my best friend are excavating a golden sarcophagus of a pope who only reigned in 1913, from a (non-existant) church around the beach where I used to go on holliday as a kid. I feel like I have to hurry up and get home because I keep getting visions of my pet snake (which I have for real) being suffocated in his tank by a huge pink, growing blob (exactly like in the movie, The Blob).

I leave my friend and start running, but somehow I end up by the Vatican and two other, older friends (with whom I lost contact a while ago and I don't really like anymore) are following my as if they want to help me or something. So we keep running until we reach a countryside road which splits up in a low and a high road. I took the former I think and they the latter (not sure, maybe the other way around).

After a while we met again at a field of grass and I'm surprised that Hathor, the Egyptian cow-goddess, isn't visible in the sky (because she's supposed to be the firmament or something).

Then we keep running in the fields untill we get to a wooden fence with plants growing besides it, bearing only rotten fruit. Along the fence groups of girls are foraging the rotten fruit. We keep going along the fence, ignoring them. The earth begin to curb here, turning into like a downward slope, while gravity is starting to pull us straight ahead, into the sky, while we go along, grasping the fence. In the end I let go and fall of the earth and wake up.

>> No.11110386
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>Just for reference, all the names are changed.

>Jane= Someone who I loved. Someone who actually made me feel good during the worst part of my life and made me realize I can be better than some shitty jaded asshole. She has left and gone North. I don't see her anymore.

>Ashley= Girl in my college class who invited me to sit with her group. Currently don't talk but will when next semester starts.

>All of the dream took place just after my last semester ended.

It starts out in chapters, as I come and go around for books. I collect a book here and there, one that pertains to writing, one for myself. As I comb chapters, I come across my brother and his friends. He eventually abandons them an roams with me for a bit. He does this because he doesn't want me to be seen with them? And I try to keep out of their way initially.It starts out in chapters, as I come and go around for books. I collect a book here and there, one that pertains to writing, one for myself. As I comb chapters, I come across my brother and his friends. He eventually abandons them an roams with me for a bit. He does this because he doesn't want me to be seen with them? And I try to keep out of their way initially.

Then I see Jane. Brother goes away and me and Jane go and talk. We walk around, but the talking isn't what it once was. It's not great. We continue onwards, entering a Starbucks like level of the book store. I'm still looking for the book I want. We hear on a television screen, some awards thing. Jane drags me along by the hand and goes to see what it is. It's some sort of Olympic type thing, but for teachers? Medals/awards are being handed out and Jane gets excited when one of his teachers is on there (a women). It was like seeing old Jane. We then continue on.

Eventually my dad shows up. He begins to walk with us and talk and talk and talk. I end up falling silent and Jane just engages with him. Dad says dumb shit as always and makes me want to apologize to Jane, but I never get the chance. he tries to avoid my father, and makes motions for me to get in between them. We end up walking him home on the snow Jane so desperate to get away from my father, tries to Jay walk across traffic and traffic lights.

Eventually we get him home, he opens the door, a smile on his face and yells out "I'm home!". I no longer want to be there. My dad presumably goes inside, while I just turn around and walk away. I walk in the snow by myself. I mull over, trying to convince myself that it's better this way. He was people who care about him now. But maybe I'm just thinking this so that I can give him an excuse if he ever asks. Eventually Jane catches up to me.


>> No.11110390

>and pretend I'm Socrates with every stranger I meet.

>> No.11110391
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It's outside a large house, still covered in snow. He begins to chew me out for leaving. Saying things I don't remember. (I should have written this part first). He says I don't help out in the conversation, or do my part? He chews me out again and again. People begin to come outside their homes to watch, they open windows and see the commotion. I hate that. I hate him for it. Eventually Ashley comes out, moving a shovel outside. Either Jane or I tells her to go inside (Jane?). Ashley sees me and waves "Hi Anon". I smile and wave back. She goes inside.

Eventually her roommates show up. It's three short, fat black/Indian women. Jane continues to chew me up, eventually picking up a snow shovel saying she will kick my ass or kill me? The three of them close in a bit. I pick up a snow shovel and tell them I will kick their asses. Every single fucking one. We all briefly stare one another down and then Jane swings his shovel at me, overhead. I block and its causes out shovels to break cleanly in half. His shovel end goes flying somewhere into the snow. Mine breaks cleanly in two, as if cut by a saw blade, and both pieces remain in my hands. He looks scared, like a child. His roommates look like guilty children.

I begin to dig into Jane. Yelling at him how he was no longer what he once was. He wasn't the Jane I once knew. How he was a cunt. Each time I spit something out at him, I tap my broken shovel handle into the snow, creating a round imprint. (Like pirates of the carribean? I even notice that I do it in the dream which is odd?). I yell at him that he isn't nice anymore, that he isn the Jane I grew up with, etc.

I then wake up.

Post waking up I imagine I go off into the snow to end the dream.


>> No.11110678

I was in a clothes shop and tried to pee inside socks in fitting rooms, then I found there a squat toilet and jerked off into it and my sperm came out with grains of salt.

>> No.11110695

I'm not troubled by my dreams because I'm not a gigantic moron who thinks dreams have meaning.

>> No.11110713

Nice blogpost but this is a thread about dreams

>> No.11110715

I’m climbing a mountain or some sort of cliff face. I’m on belay but somehow I’m belaying myself. I get scared and think about climbing back down, I look below me and start to try to find footholds down, but it’s much harder for me to climb down than it is for me to keep moving upwards. I’m very scared, I climb for a few more feet. I fall, but I catch myself on belay, I’m hanging in midair trying to get control of the rope, I am able to control it somewhat so I’m not free falling but there’s nowhere for me to grab or get any type of handhold. My arms get tired quickly and my hands slip and I end up falling to my death.

>> No.11110749

Post the full text in pastebin and a tl;dr here

>> No.11110751

I keep having dreams where i need to take care of stuff. Sometimes its a dog, in the most recent dream it was a baby.

>> No.11110773

My significant other cheats on me and she breaks up with me without telling me because she feels terrible. We get back together later and I discover she cheated on me. Instead of breaking up with her I obsessively grill her until I know all of the details of how she was seduced and I bode my time, then I recreate the exact same scenario down to saying the same things that were said, the same movements, in a similar setting, and time it so that she discovers it right at the end after I have completed the deed. Last image is her devastated face and then I wake up.

>> No.11110790

I'm in school, doing a test. I can't answer any of the questions and they keep changing as I'm reading them.
They seem to be a combination of math, science and logical questions.
Afterwards, I try to go home by walking, but I don't know how to reach it because every path I take has a barrier in it.
I end up just going in some general direction that feels like where home is.
It feels like I've been walking for ages and my legs are killing me.
I go through a muddy path and I suddenly have no pants as I look down.
Some kids make fun of me by calling me some name which I don't remember.
I try to escape and try to jump over puddles but the laughter doesn't stop.

I wake up sweaty and out of breath.

>> No.11110850
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A few nights ago I dreamed that I was in a light blue van pulled over to the side of a dirt road. There was an old fence made up of wooden stakes and barb wire lining the side of the road and on the other side of the fence was a vast, empty, field. I was pulled over because I was watching these two animals that were standing a few yards away from each other. The first animal was just a regular horse and the second was something that looked like pic related but smaller and it had a massive dick. The big dicked creature walked over to the horse and stood up on its back legs and pointed its big erect dong right at the horse's face. The big dicked creature has this really smug expression the whole time. Then the horse takes the dick in its mouth, bites down hard, and rips the tip off. The creature's dick starts spraying blood everywhere and the creature starts screaming. I looked back at the creature's face and it now had a human face but with all of the skin peeled off, and its face was now just a screaming, bloody, skull.

Then I woke up.

>> No.11110907
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I have a recurring theme in my dream where I'm in a horrible situation but I can type 'no-clip' into the console and fly away basically. A lot of dreams of mine have video game logic.

One dream I had I was using noclip to run away from a guy but he was also in noclip mode and he was really fast, kept killing me everytime I respawned.

Another one I had was I was being chased by everyone I knew irl, friends, family etc. Eventually there was a hill that wasn't climable, but alas I used noclip to run away.

I just find it strange that this specific element of a video game frequently comes up in my dreams, its weird. I haven't even played a game on a PC for almost a decade.

>> No.11110914

This was from like a year ago, but it was the most vivid dream I've ever heard and it was just during a quick nap in the middle of the day. It really fucked me up.

I was in my bathroom taking a shower (and I should note that it really was an exact recreation of my actual bathroom, had none of that slightly distorted dream shit). I tend to take pretty hot showers but at a certain point I began to realize that the water was coming out scalding hot. It didn't seem to hurt but I reached up to touch my face and realized it was horribly seared and blistered from the water. I immediately got out and went to the mirror and found that my face was in fact horribly blistered all over despite feeling no pain from it. I went to touch it and just from the lightest contact from my hand the skin began to peel and slide off in long, thick strands. That's when I start to really freak out as I could feel my heart vigorously pounding in my chest. I think to myself that my phone is in the living room, and I need to get it to call an ambulance, but as I turn my head I see my side profile out of the corner of my eye in the mirror, and realize that that the back of my skull is completely cracked open and my brain is sticking out, fully exposed. I then immediately faint and wake up on my couch in the living room, but this time everything is slightly off and I realize it's a false awakening. As soon I have that thought everything goes black and I hear some overwhelmingly loud swirling wind sound for a few seconds before I actually wake up on the couch in my living room.

Despite it being so brief it just felt so goddamn real. Had never had a dream like that before or since.

>> No.11110958

free associations please.

any memory , what about your friend? , what specific games do you remember?

>> No.11110996

niggas, freud himself said to one of surrealists that dream interpretation without free associations of the patient is bullshit. the one who interprets it will just appropriate the dream text into his schemes of understanding

>> No.11111011

A friend of mine had this:

She had a dream in which she saw/was a ball that kept getting bigger. The ball then tried to get through a door but couldn't fit.

This happen when she was around 7 or so and continued to happen

Her parents broke up at a young age and she's quite emotionally stunted (never had a relationship with a guy but has friends)

>> No.11111017

yeah, also is important to know the history of the subject, and what is bothering him/her.

This thread is pointless. But is a good writing exercise I guess.

>> No.11111034

Recurrent dream where I need to throw an object, say a ball, and have absolutely no strenght in my body. The object just falls a foot sway from me, softly.

>> No.11111157

It all started when I was a kid playing my brother's pc. I played HL2 and Oblivion. I already played the shit out of Oblivion on xbox, so when I fucked around with the console it was like it opened up an entirely new, exciting game. Sounds silly, but I really enjoyed it, playing the game as I wasn't supposed to was as fun as playing the game as it should have been. It almost felt taboo or something, as if I was experiencing somethig few people do.

My experience with HL2 was slightly different. Using noclip in HL2 helped me realise how the game actually worked on a mechanical level. Valve were quite innovative with the use of skyboxes more or less being in the same map as the player, I found it interesting.

I have a memory of being chased by an enemy in Oblivion, and using noclip to go outside of the map to get away. I could see the enemy running against the wall to get me and I felt a satisfaction knowing there was nothing it could do to get me. Also when you noclip outside of a building, you can see inside as if the wall wasn't there anymore (as there was no texture for the other side of the wall, so nothing was there to impede your view more or less).

That was when I was around 14, which was almost ten years ago. Despite the fact I stopped playing PC games at around 15, those themes have been in my dreams ever since and continue to do so.

>> No.11111198

why did you stopped paying video games?

>helped me realise how the game actually worked on a mechanical level.

Why do you care about this technical details? is your job related to it?

>I was being chased by everyone I knew irl,

How did it feel in your dream?

>> No.11111257

i had a dream the other night about a bunch of young women talking while dressing and undressing in the locker room. one of them wants to write some trash ya fiction and she chooses to create two timelines in this book with very little difference between them. when asked why would she do this, she replied so that she could write double the amount of sex scenes

I've had, as I'm sure we all did, some really weird dreams in my life, but this is the first time I've had this type of weird. couldn't believe it when i woke up in the morning and this is just the parts I can recall, the discussion went on longer and there was a lot of nudity in the scene

>> No.11111297

I did still play video games, just on console (where you can't access the console). I was just emphasising that there was a brief several month period that has had this prolonged effect on me.

I don't have a career going for me atm, and I just happened upon finding out the details of the game without realising that I may be interested in the inner workings of it. I was exploring for the sake of exploring, giving in to curiosity.

I felt scared ofc. I wasn't worried about anything specific like losing my life, I just knew that I had to do anything to not let them catch me.

>> No.11111337

>I have a recurring theme in my dream where I'm in a horrible situation but I can type 'no-clip'

Same but for me is 'disconnect'. In my dreams i'm always trying to get to a place and i can't reach it and someone is always trying to murder me (usually a black guy that tries to steal my phone).

>> No.11111345

without getting into the argument "pc vs console" why dont you play in PC anymore?

>the chase.
think for a while, why would they chase you?. It seems like a methapor.

>> No.11111362

I used to have a similar recurrent dream about someone trying to steal my bike.

Eventually found out, it was something related to muh freedom. And the dreams stoped.

>> No.11111417

They're too expensive and I don't meed a high end computer. I'd only use it for games anyway. I'm fine with console.

Well, when I think of that dream I think of my brother for some reason. I've always suspected my family secretly resent me, so I see them chasing me as the amalgamation of their hatred of me.

>> No.11111509

In the end is your own interpretation that matters. So take this with skepticism.

When you sleep you want to rest. So if something bothers your rest the unconscious finds out something. In this case the "no clip". Is paradogical that at the same time is like telling "sleep but you have to face it tho."

So yeah, there is something you have to sort out. Maybe maybe, you have a vocation for something but there is something in the way, or there is an expectation from the people around you. There is no way I would know.

Hope it helps.

>> No.11111599



Some sort of Scythian from a parallel universe goes on an adventure. Her life is saved by a dragon who she subsequently kills, whose blood she drinks, giving her the power to walk between worlds. She goes to another world where blood sacrifice is common and destroys it because it annoys her. She goes to another world that's basically earth and destroys it on accident because she's trying to save it from demons. She goes to another world and a dragon puts a collar of sin around her neck that would destroy her unless she finds a way to repent/atone, which she sort of succeeds at, but then winds up in a space between worlds with a psychic link to some adventurers in another world, who she accidentally helps. Then she comes to our world and becomes me. That's the very bare bones.

>> No.11111686

A prophet preaches.
People make fun of him and kill him.
The prophet revives and continues to preach, people kill him and his disciples.
The prophet revives and transforms into a monster, kill many people and then become a man again.
Now people listen to him.

>> No.11111712

Psychoanalysis is the cancer of the west.

>> No.11111777
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Last night I dreamed, in the style of a musical comedy, that the skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus rex was reanimated and lived with a teenage girl and her family in a grassy and pleasant mountain town. In the end they somehow found a way to send him back to his time, but as a live dinosaur (accompanied by a bittersweet ending number). I woke up when the credits started rolling.

>> No.11111780

last night i dreamed my new-bought belt wouldn´t fit and as i checked irl i hat to shorten it, strange

>> No.11111853

I had the following dream: I am in schools with people I haven't seen in years, we are organizing a party. Then I see someone playing a game. I get drawn to a monitor and I see people getting skinned alive. Analyze me, please.

>> No.11112018
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>be me in room fucking some 10/10 blonde chick
>all of a sudden way later im friends with some sort of asian crime family?
>keep getting move style montages of them getting car bombed
>we're all trying to get out of town, I start walking with them down some stairs can see just stair fulls of our gang, tons of really hot asian chicks too
>wake up

>> No.11112041
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For the past couple weeks I’ve had really weird dreams. I’m not sure if they technically count as dreams because there’s no visual/audio imagery or anything, just this feeling of complete dread and horror that plagues my mind for all 3-4 hours of sleep I manage to get

>> No.11112056

>be me
>on a space station walking around with old guy who I must know really well
>we look out a window together and look at the solar system
>look at the moon which has weird purple abstract shapes all over
>I ask him what happened there he just glares at me for a second and doesnt say anything
>wake up

>> No.11112072

Demonic influence. Start praying before going to bed, get a crucifix and maybe some icons as well to put up around your sleeping area

>> No.11112117

I had a couple episodes of sleep paralysis revolving around a stray cat walking in circle around my bed since I moved from my parent's place.
It's not dreadful but definitely makes me anxious and compromises my sleep.

>> No.11112149
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>keep idols in your sleeping area to keep out demons

>> No.11112155
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>> No.11112179

The girl is your Anima. She shows you your inner self and wants you to listen to her and express (print) the self. You try to avoid the responsibility hoping someone else will take care of your duty, but she wants YOU to face it and seize it. You also know that doing that would give you great pleasure but apparently your relationship with your parents blocks you from expressing your Self.
How old are you? I'd guess you're in your teen years or your early twenties, in the process of emancipation from your childhood.

>> No.11112198
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It's probably your anima, follow her

>> No.11112223
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This is beautiful and remarkable!

>> No.11112266

I recently had a dream where I woke in my bed and felt kinda off I guess. I looked down and my hands and feet were twisting and I started thinking that I was turning into a monster. My mouth felt like it was filling up with something so I looked in the mirror and my tooth suddenly were very large and started looking like dog/wolf teeth. My cock got hard and then I woke up.

shit's been irking me for like a week

>> No.11112271

I'm always dreaming about failing college and having to repeat the year (i'm a neet irl), or a teacher from HS contacts me saying that my HS degree was "found to be fraudulent" and i have to repeat HS all over again. I always breakdown in despair and anxiety in these dreams and it ends up in a split second lucid dream where i get concious and try to wake up.

Also recently i've been dreaming about having to fight with 15+ males for a girl (last time was my mother, but it wasn't anything sexual, they just wanted to hurt her). It reminds me of the Odyssey,for in these dreams i'm normally walking randomly through the streets but suddenly i get teleported and i end up killing everyone with the help of a faceless friend.

>> No.11112280

I have recurring dreams where I'm in high school. I am attending remedial class before I can go back to college (I dropped out a while back). I usually go to the library. There is some sort of forbidden book section. All elegant gilded leatherback illuminated books. Some are Bibles. One contains some sort of nazi magic. I smoke a cigarette and the dream shifts. I am in nazi america. I force myself on a woman. I climax before entering. This causes some lucidity. I begin to time-travel. Trying to correct my mistakes in life but arriving too late. I eat some sort of magic mushroom and have slight visuals and a bad paranoid trip. Then I awaken.

>> No.11112302

What color is the cat? Is it possible you're simply anxious about your new house, that you still don't know? Maybe it has something to do with your future as well

>> No.11112305

demons. demons. all demons none of you are free from demons

>> No.11112320
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>try to rape a woman
>cum in your pants before you can stick it in
>she laughs, takes a picture and sends it to all her friends

>> No.11112363

Colorful spiders in their webs around my house, particularly in places where I am most vulnerable (bedroom, bathroom), eventually growing in size as I look at them, not attacking me, but sometimes attacking and killing other spiders after intruding onto foreign cobwebs. If one of them moves in my direction as if to attack me, I wake up, but I'll also just wake up if something happens, e.g. a spider kills another spider or a spider gets too large from my looking at it. A recurring theme as of lately, always in the morning. I don't have spiders in those places in actuality.

>> No.11112450

>a girl (can only see her hair, body and mouth)
partial objects

>but then ppl start chasing after us
the big other

>we end up somehow teleporting to a open field of land but soon as I rest because im tired
impotence in the face of sexual gratification

>she walks away and im screaming come back. but she doesn't hear me.
object petit a

you're either struggling to confront your feelings towards a girl you like because you're worried about the condemnation of others, or your father was incredibly strict and possessive over your mother, leading to your dangerous perception of women as being fickle, distrustful and in need of control or domination.

>I'm walking near the ocean
exploring the edges of the depths of the unconscious

>he accidentally falls into the water from the rocks where we were standing
the tragic descent into madness

>suddenly his dog wants to go swimming too, so he jumps into the water
companionship and vanity

you envy those who have lived lives of indulgence and debauchery, but you haven't the courage to break out of the social conditioning which stays your reserve and explore the darker aspects of your psyche.

>> No.11112735

I had a crazy dream, my gf and I were out by the chickens, the pen was surrounded by velocoraptors. The chickens were watching anime and she was upset with me that the chickens would watch that.
It started to get cold, I found out that the ice age was here and we needed to get to southern France to survive.
I had visions of Europe slowly freezing over, young men in burlap rolling barrels of food into their houses. Entire harbor towns filled with people. I went to see one of my classmates, He brought me to a where my math teacher was on a hill overlooking MT Silverstar and my campus. The owners of the house saw us as they backed out of their driveway. Their dogs came to us, they were more human than dog, humans in underwear with small characteristic of certain breeds. A pit bull with large human feet, a slim excited poodle woman, and a large imposing grey great dane of a man.
I went outside and watched the sky over the mountain changing with every blink to a new deep imposing color, blood red, then the color of the ocean at dusk, then a psychedelic yellow.
Then the ice winds came over the mountains and the dream was over.

>> No.11112786

I work at a golf course and outside there is this garden patio area with rows of hedges and a fountain in the middle. The dream I had was there at night, pitch black out and all, except I held a knife in my hand and was crouching through the hedges, like I was on the prowl. As I get closer to the fountain I peek my head around the last hedge and see a lamb drinking from the fountain. Then the landscape shifts to midday and it becomes the golf course, where I see people teeing off.

>> No.11112832

Dream that implanted itself in my head some year ago, go fish if you will:

I'm in bed and get woken by a knock on my front door, it's nothing, I go back to bed and before I can take my shirt and sweatpants off, my crush from high-school who drew a love heart with my name on it in my geography folder once opens my window from the outside in tennis gear and guides me almost silently off the verge into an Eden with lots of red roses where we pontificate with our eyes under a copy of the Trevi Fountain, I open my eyes to speak and my hands and then arms go through a trellis door, I feel a kiss on my skin which is entirely foreign and alien to what is ultimately virginal.

>> No.11112855

I have almost the same dream except in mine I'm a day from the deadline and have done no work and I'm being told to fuck off to the woods already by the new-st-paul.

>> No.11112922

Here is some weird dream I had a while back.

Don't know how but I was in a lecture being held by someone who I was 90% sure was Jordan Peterson and he was talking about history and the great man theory for some reason. He was curious to see what others made of it so I raised my hand. He asked something in the vein of "do you think the great man theory is real if so what makes people attracted to great men." My response was something in this vein: "Yes but not consistently but they tend to be more attractive than the impersonal systems people deal with generally."

Then the dream shifted to what I think was a really attractive nude Japanese chick. Quite busty, smooth sweaty skin. She asked: "but what makes this not great?" There was then some really weird overwhelming pleasure. Not sure what it was, to be honest.

I think my response was along the lines that it requires qualities of the superhuman, above mere skill and to have those actions leave some form of substantial historical legacy.

In another recent dream, I kidnapped an armed elderly Kissinger and John Major and interrogated them both. Think they were escorting some important humanoid alien and so I had to sneakily kidnap them for further interrogation in some subway system.

Another dream was also a tad surreal. Essentially I think it was some government or military meeting, and I was on the board and I tried to argue for some form of good legislation but was shut down by a usurper more or less. And I watched as the kingdom decline and died; surviving even after the death of the usurper. What was so weird was the imagery -the clothes looked like stuff you'd expect out of revelations and the Aztecs. : I also think there was some sexual stuff but I can't remember that much.

>> No.11112945

I dreamt last night that a dog bit my dick off and it turned into a piece of fried chicken

>> No.11113070

>pseudoscience the thread

kys larpers >>>/x/

>> No.11113119

I was at some bar/venue talking to random people when I had the inclination that I was dreaming. I hit a wall as I tried to focus on the awareness of being in a dream.

I go lucid and look around to get a bearing of what is going on and to see how the environment is contrasted to its waking life parallel. I walk outside which is more of a chance of context with the 'logic' of 'going outside' constructed at the moment of the desire.

I'm walking out onto a bridge revealing a medieval castle that doesn't match the space I just left and I suddenly notice a giant attacking the castle. I dissociate enough where I'm sort of editing what's happening from a third person perspective for a while until I'm back in the linear progression of the dream and notice that the castle is overlooking a sea and there are hundreds more giants charging at the castle.

I'm freaking out a bit but even more so at the red sky, after which I'm out in the sea among the charging giants and telling myself to not panic. I maintain a sense of calm and have some sort of control or connection to the siege and am willing them towards attacking the castle.

I'm alone in this shallow sea when from somewhere between the castle and the horizon behind it enormous pages rise up over and beyond me in endless procession. Now I'm really telling myself to stay calm. I'm trying to figure out what these pages are saying, what is happening, what it means, and even have a moment where I'm sort of zooming in on the page as something that crosses the experience I'm having with how we can look at texts in computer screens. I'm too confused to really focus and read anything too definite and see myself "flipping" through the pages flying over me.

Woke up.

>> No.11113347

Recurring nightmare: I am kidnapped and forced to work in some sweatshop scenario. I run away back home and discover it was my mother who sold me out and now everyone is out to bring me back to the sweatshop.

>> No.11113819

i have all sorts of different dreams, but theres one i have around every six months that ive had since before my parenta divorced (around 2003)
>standing alone in a dark room
>wandering around, almost pitch black
>wake up in the dream, realize im just sleeping in bed
>begin freaking out and crying, call my mother to help me
>she says ‘HOLD ON A SECOND’ but never comes
>i go to her room, crying
>what looks like one of the biker fish from the salty spitoon episode of spongebob with small black eyes and a bunch of spikes in the back is standing in my parents room
>begin screaming and crying, saying ‘Mom, don’t go! Where are you? Where are you?”
>the monster says ‘what do you mean? im right here!”
>i cry and cry and soon the monster starts crying to, and starts saying ‘she’ll be right back’
>wake up violently

i was in a daycare as a kid if that helps

>> No.11113905


Yeah, I was reading Joseph Campbell at the time, so maybe that's the reason for the imagery.
But still, what does it mean? That if I keep ignoring women, I'll fall of the face of the earth?

>> No.11113907

That was a dream

>> No.11113957
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I have a few that I have enough idea about
>dreamed I was on a cruise ship in my own private room, watchng 3 beautiful girls passionately fingering each other
>Dreamed that I was an excorcist traveling through the bayous of Lousianna, coming into a house with no furniture but with a hooded man staring in the corner. I come closer to him and as he turns around, he has no face and for some reason I break the wall of the dream and think I'm going to have a heart attack and die from the dream

One last one
>Dreamed I was part of an elaborate dungeon delving video game that went from hack and slash IG fun through amazing intricate palaces and crypts to becoming a more modern game featuring me in the middle of a survival horror game somewhere in the Midwest during mid fall.

Psychoanalyze me , pseuds

>> No.11113966

I got it - you're a massive faggot who needs to stop reading so much news and history. Get laid and stop watching anime

>> No.11113998

I had company over, and when my wife and I were showing them our new house, one of the guests discovered a hidden room. In that room was a bunch of tools and generically "indigenous" artwork, but hidden under a workbench in that room were three cages. One contained a skinned dog, still alive; the second contained a dead human corpse; and the third contained a bunch of cotton batting out of which a small dog emerged, but ran away.
After that, strange things started coming out of random spots in the house; for instance, my mother's black lab broke out of a storage container in my closet.

This was my dream last night and I don't know what the fuck.

>> No.11114016

I often dream that I am driving a car and falling asleep. I try to stay awake and my head and eyelids and body are heavy and I try to wrench myself out of it so I don't crash and kill myself or someone else. I usually end up jerking awake in real life with my heart pounding. It's very upsetting.

>> No.11114028

Actually had a dream about fucking my mother. Anyone seen The Fall, the British crime show? It was basically the scene where Jamie Dornan was fucking his wife, choking her, while she has this grimace on her face saying "fuck me" in a really unpleasant, grating voice. In the dream, I'm Jamie Dornan, my mom is his wife.

I'm pretty distressed about this tbph. I don't know if I should tell my therapist about it.

>> No.11114044

Some recent ones I had:

>Lost my shoes and so had to go to university wearing flip-flops with long pants which humiliated me.
>Lost a book in a supermarket and while I was looking around for it I bumped into Ryan Reynolds, who was about twice as tall as me, and I said to him "Woah Ryan Reynolds you're huge!" and then kept searching for my book. (I'm over 6 foot tall so this isn't some manlet projection).
>I was walking down a street when I came across Jordan Peterson in the middle of the street, drinking bubble-wand fluid from the bottle and then blowing bubbles out of his mouth while sensuously swaying his body forward and back. In the dream I contemplated asking for his autograph but then decided not to, at which point I turned off the street down a bush trail, but soon I realised that Peterson and his family were following me. I woke up after like a real-time hour of being followed by Peterson through the woods.
>I was in an Orthodox Church and the priest kept confiscating my headphones because I was listening to music during the Mass. This happened about three separate times before I finally gave up on being a Christian and left the Church. After I left I started walking up the street when I came across two men in the middle of the street swaying back and forth as though they were getting ready to jump in front of a car. I asked them what they were doing and they said, "We're waiting for an ambulance." I told them good luck and kept on going, at which point the buildings faded away and I was lost in a dark forest during a storm, and I could see a spooky looking manner in the distance. I started getting more and more scared as I ran through the mud and then suddenly just as a turned a corner I saw a man in a rainjacket hiding among the trees who I had seen in a dream the night before, in exactly the same forest. Then I woke up.

So dudes, what's wrong with me?

>> No.11114085

>all of a sudden way later im friends with some sort of asian crime family?
I don't know why this is so funny but it is. Thank you friend :)

>> No.11114090

During my dreams I'm usually resting in bed, is something broken?

>> No.11114235

You're on this board too much holy shit, Jbp showing up in your dreams is not sure good sign

>> No.11114248

My analysis is that you use too much fleshlight. Get some real pussy for once, virgin anon.

>> No.11114814

The dream is so complicated that it's impossible to tell its meaning without your free associations and your experiences.
Who are you and what were you doing during the period you had the dream? What were/are you struggling with, or what absorbs your thoughts (even sub-consciously)? Which parts of the dream remind you of what in your real life?
Some parts are highly symbolic at surface, like the pope that only reigned in 1913, which is the year before the start of ww1.
I haven't read Campbell, so I don't know if and how that would help.

>> No.11114825

The house is your mind as a whole and the hidden room is your unconscious. There's something you try to hide from yourself and are afraid/hope other people will find out.

>> No.11114836

What do you use your car for? It is possible you don't want to do the thing or go to the place you usually use your car to go. Or maybe driving is a metaphor for going on with life, idk.

>> No.11114849

>I was in an Orthodox Church and the priest kept confiscating my headphones because I was listening to music during the Mass. This happened about three separate times before I finally gave up on being a Christian and left the Church. After I left I started walking up the street when I came across two men in the middle of the street swaying back and forth as though they were getting ready to jump in front of a car. I asked them what they were doing and they said, "We're waiting for an ambulance." I told them good luck and kept on going, at which point the buildings faded away and I was lost in a dark forest during a storm, and I could see a spooky looking manner in the distance. I started getting more and more scared as I ran through the mud and then suddenly just as a turned a corner I saw a man in a rainjacket hiding among the trees who I had seen in a dream the night before, in exactly the same forest. Then I woke up.
This is literally your unconscious telling you to listen to your religious necessities or you will be lost

>> No.11115076

It does that a fair bit I think. A few months back after a night out I let a friend crash at my place and in the morning he said that I had been mumbling "Christianity is the way of the future" in my sleep. Freaky shit lmao

>> No.11115088

I hope you don't take dreams too seriously

>> No.11115098


>> No.11115105

I'm agnostic, but I agree, if everyone was Christian the world might be actually salvagable.
Unfortunately most people don't ever integrate a decent moral code (or "proper" way of acting) without it.

>> No.11115126

Not really. The only thing they reveal to me is what's swirling around in my subconscious
Yup. No clue if that's actually possible. But I have hope that as technocracy slowly starts to take hold, people will learn to see the necessity of being apart from the world. And maybe then Christianity will rise once agian.

>> No.11115329

I poured some olive oil on my hair, thinking it was a healthy thing to do. I feel really confused about it.

>> No.11115599

I have recurring dream locations.
Large off-white Baroque building, looks to be 3-5 stories. Non-euclidean internal structure.
Reminds me of my hometown's old High School building that's not in use anymore. In my dreams I'm often here without knowing why, in the presence of dream characters that are not recurring.
Perhaps I miss going to school? But I don't feel fondness in my memories my education. What I do think about a lot is reliving my life starting from the time I entered school with my current memories/knowledge intact. So maybe a desire to re-do things "correctly" or to take advantage of past opportunities now gone.

>Steep hill side dense suburban neighborhood
I grew up on a geographically steep location where you could oversee most of the city. In my dreams this particular location appears as a much more green and beautifully floral version of the neighborhood I grew up in. The dream version has tighter but cleaner roads. I'm often riding a bike in my dreams when in this location. I don't have a bike anymore in real life, not for a few years. I would like to ride a bike again, I suppose, but it doesn't consciously feel like a strong desire.
This dream location has been part of a more nightmarish dream at least once where I was in some kind of danger so I went into a super market at the bottom of the hill.
I don't miss the neighborhood in real life, but I do long to live in the country side where I think I would see more green.

>> No.11115687

I ha done of the most bizarre dreams in months yet anons. Let me break it down for you: Dream roughly begins with me inside a school bus with several strangers in a dense sub-urban environment (like one of those Japanese sub-urbs). Anyway, I was compelled to drive the bus to an airport where my parents would be waiting for me for some reason. Turns out my elder brother and younger brother were in the bus as well and they were dozing off in the back. As I made my way through the streets, I passed a ridiculously tall, black building which as far as I was concerned was of the tallest one in the area. I remember the road right after passing the building winded and branched so ridiculously that I nearly missed a few of the roads leading to the airport. However, in my rush, I took a wrong turn somewhere and ended in a maze-like dead end. I got out and approached the wall at the end and it opened up to a figure of a clown that was both intimidating and perplexed. I ran past him and before I knew it, he was standing right behind the black building! I approached the building after I got away from the clown sneaked inside. At the lowermost floor, there seemed to be a sore of nudist exhibition with groups of people posing in unnatural poses with golden light shining throughout the room. I was then that I realized that I have left my brothers inside the bus and rand back out to find them, but both the bus and they were gone. I sought help by trying to find someone in the black building, and found a man on the counter, who was dressed like a nut-cracker soldier. He said an old-Indian guy had my brothers and the other members from the bus hostage on one of the levels of the building. Turns out most of the building floors were that of a giant casino, with multiple games that I had to pass through to reach the intended level that I wanted to go. I almost died on some of the games where I had to leap from floating platforms to reach the level above, When I reached the top, somehow my father was there and he was discussing with the old Indian man about the ransom. He gave him almost everything he had, and the guy lead us to another room. Inside, my brothers were half-naked and had their heads burnt red with peeling skin and smoking with chains on their necks, lead on by another man. They had their jaws hanging open and seemed to not be able to respond to anything we said. They seemed to point to me and wanted to utter a word of blame, but I could not make it out. As I attempted to scream, I was jolted awake from my bed. It felt so real that I pondered contacting my brothers right that very moment. So, yeah. Anyone want to do the honors on this messed up dream?

>> No.11116458

BRB grabbing dream journalq

>> No.11116736

I'm pretty sure I don't want to fuck my mother. But I have had those dreams in the past. Does this mean anything other than the obvious?

>> No.11116948

i would hang out with you anon

>> No.11117074

there is numerous occult symbolism in that dream. interesting

>> No.11117100

Is it possible for a full glowing forest of female fairies and elves to be my anima?

>> No.11117200

One that I had often was leaving my hometown with a boat but I never have enough time to get anywhere because boats are slow and dreams end quickly.

Then those ended and I started just walking. Now, this actually turned out to be pretty cool. Teleport or narrowing the distances down considerably seems to work for me often in these versions (less so with boats). I've headed in pretty much all 4 cardinal directions in my dreas of these, though I often head towards Jerusalem, Egypt, North Africa, or South America through Spain. Rarely does for example the direction of Russia, Asia, northwestern Europe or North America pique my interest. Surprisingly in these dreams I often see landscapes in ways that seem actually more vivid and beautiful than what actual real landscapes look like. I also conjure up various shit like parachutes to drop off hills or small boats to get through rivers which makes the whole thing even more beautiful. Often the time does not seem to be linear, I will arrive to towns where it might look like a 15 century European town or a village BC or a colonial outpost in South America. Sometimes I will be on a cool adventure like digging up some old archeological finds in Egypt, or entering an old church or somehow gaining "prophetic" insight into various dream locations in the Holy Land.

The two most beautiful dreams that stand out for me are entering a church-like building and hearing a choir of what could only be angels and getting visions of space, particular patterns of matter, religious imagery and somehow a feeling of understanding being given to me until I woke up and couldn't understand anything anymore.

The second most beautiful was a travel that seemed to take place across Europe, Africa and South America with absolutely ridiculously vivid and beautiful landscapes. I think I actually cried in the dream at how beautiful it was because reality actually doesn't seem to compare. Maybe that's how paradise looks like, it just seemed like the light was more beautiful, the trees were more beautiful, the hills were more beautiful, the running water was more beautiful, it's a bit hard to describe. And along me there were others travelling and there was a feeling of peaceful exploration that I enjoyed very much.

I'm 27 now and those two dreams are the ones that I'd say stand out to me. Probably the only two where the dream seemed better and more vivid than reality.

>> No.11117272

Pretend you're Diogenes and start masturbating in public instead.

>> No.11118180


Does that make it more interpretable?

>> No.11118810

Naw, more than likely it's just regular dreams.

I'd say it more suggests that your lonely and subconsciously your looking for a partner, rather than wanting to fuck your mother. You brain sorts through potential options/partners hence your mother being one.

I assume these dreams happened when you were feeling lonley and desperate?

>> No.11118819

I have been dreaming recurrently that I'm smoking cigarettes.

I think it's because i quit smoking few months ago and really miss it

>> No.11118821

i won't even put in writing the fucked dreams i have. i already know what they mean and how fucked up i am

>> No.11118824

W-what's wrong with wearing flip flops and long pants?

>> No.11118828

I wanted to help but you guys write so much i have no patience to read it sorry

>> No.11118830

I have this dream where I'm in analysis, and my analyst turns out to be none other than the famous Doctor Freud himself. As I sit there in his office, I feel, I'm not sure how to describe it but here's this sense of being "revealed", all my inner secrets made public. I'm ashamed and very terrified. Dr Freud is insisting that he will end our therapeutic relationship and he is very angry, and has a threatening presence about him. It seems that somehow he has learned about my antipathy towards (certain -- not all!) white christian hating jews. As he becomes more and more insistent about my... wretchedness?, I'm completely overtaken by the sense that, it's hard to describe, that he's going to "get me" somehow. That specific phrase just seems to be part of it. It's very strange because, despite being a man of small stature, a bookish and elderly jew, and myself a very athletic and powerful aryan man, in his prime years, with great muscles and a highly aesthetic physique, I nevertheless feel myself cowering. Receding back into myself in fear and supplication. He seems very angry and I feel absolutely defenseless. I feel as though I'm naked. It's in this moment that he tells me that he is having an affair with my mother and cuckolding my poor father. Inevitably I awake at this point, in a panic, heart racing and I'm unable to go back to sleep even though it might be just slightly past midnight.

I've been having this dream repeatedly for about a year now. Every couple of weeks or so. I'm not sure it might be related, but I should mention that during this time, I've had no erotic contact with women whatsoever. And it's probably completely unrelated, but I will admit that -- while it started out as mere curiosity, I have been spending a steadily increasing about of time browsing pol before bed in the evening. Not sure what to make of it.

>> No.11118831

I keep dreaming that I'm going out to get groceries, and I borrow my friend's car to drive there, but every time I grab his keys and go out my front door, it's in fact my Mom's car. Anyways I pick up a girl I know from work to help me go shopping. After we finish, we're driving home from the supermarket, there's a queue of cars at the traffic lights, and I go to brake. However, no matter how hard I put my foot down, my Mom's car isn't braking hard enough and I'm just closing in, my co-worker starts stressing out and tells me to "BRAKE BRAKE BRAKE!" but it keeps going, I yell "my mate's shitty fucking car won't brake" and then I shunt the back of the car in front of me. I instantly wake up.

>> No.11118838

I used to have these horrible fucking dreams where I'd bareback my brother. I'd actually wake up with a boner. I almost went to a therapist about it once because they were disturbing me so much, so glad they stopped.

>> No.11118864

I think it's because you mom taught you what love and pleasure is when you were a baby, now you look for that love and tenderness in the women you want to get sexually/romanticly involver with, but actually you want to fuck your mom. You probably want to kill your dad too since he is the one who actually fucked your mom

idk I just came up with this theory

>> No.11118886

Bookmarking this thread, will post dream in morning

>> No.11118911

what does my brother have to do with this

>> No.11119172

Well this is a few years since, but this was a recurring dream every night for about a month or two.

Warning: this is extremely fucked up and I've really being trying to figure out what this could mean lately but I can't seem to find a plausible solution.

In this dream I would always somehow break like a leg or an arm or something, sometimes unintentional like accidentally tripping down a flight of stairs etc. or alternatively it was often intentional, like someone bashes me up. Anyway, I wake up (still in dream, not awake in real life or anything) and there's this girl my age under the bedsheets with me in the hospital bed. Both of us have no clothes on but you can't see because of the sheets. The hospital room is crowded with people but no one gives a shit. Then later when my arm or leg recovers from being broken after however long it takes the exact same thing happens again, except I break my bones a slightly different way. This goes in a cycle on and on until i wake up in real life.

Here's some context. It's always the same girl. It's a girl that I knew at the time but it definitely wasn't the girl I had a major crush on so I don't know what the fuck is going on there. I have never broken a bone in my life so it's not like i have bone breaking ptsd or anything. Also I was 12 when I was having these dreams.

>> No.11119531

Last night I dreamed that I saw a place on the street with eyes around the threshold and I was supposed to enter into a spiritual experience, but instead when I got inside I was going through endless doors that all lead me to fancy and clean bathrooms.

>> No.11119789

I don't know, but Jung has argued for fairies and wood creatures in fairy tales to be representative of the Anima, often a 'bad' one. But I don't know what bad means in this context.

>> No.11119809

I had a dream where my dead grandfather lost his mind but he got a visit from a white house official because of something important he did in the past. During the visit we got attacked by some terrorist group that entered the building. I picked up a sniper rifle on a stabilizer, aimed and tried to shoot. But i couldnt pull the trigger because it was too heavy, it was as if i was afraid pulling it harder might lead to a huge blowback(or whatever its called).
So that last part bothers me because it seems like being afraid to try things.

>> No.11119902

Maybe you were afraid of your bone-rs, if you were undergoing puberty.