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/lit/ - Literature

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11103231 No.11103231[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is /lit/ really that stupid?

>> No.11103235

>/lit/ is one person

Why is this so hard to understand?

>> No.11103236

because one fits comfier with their worldview and theyve never thought to challenge their own ideology.

>> No.11103238

it´s the opinion of the majority

>> No.11103241

why does /pol/ spend its friday nights on /lit/?

>> No.11103243

Not a conspiracy if it's true

>> No.11103253
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found the brainlet. where´s my reward?

>> No.11103256
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>> No.11103261
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can´t be bait if it´s true

>> No.11103273

Because cultural Marxism is a stupid fucking brainlet tier conspiracy theory made by the natsocs to get the communist boogyman out. When you look at it the two groups that supposable form "cultural Marxists" are post-modernists and Marists, who in academia are at complete odds with one another.
Whats contradictory about that? Post-modernists reject grand narratives. And guess what? Marxism is literally, a grand narrative that states capitalism is just the bourgeois vs worker class. It's in complete contradiction and way, way more complicated than it seems from /pol/'s totally deceptive perspective.

>> No.11103278

funny how there´s more proof about cultural marxism than the whole jewish thing, lit is pretty pathetic

>> No.11103286

Er... yes it can.

>> No.11103305

I like the term 'Cultural Marxism' because it pisses off all the right people.Anyone with half a brain can tell the cultural marxists in the lgbtsjw community are pushing a totalitarian religion based on political correctness and victimhood and aiming in the last instance at the systematic sexualisation and normalisation of children.

>> No.11103310

/lit/ doesn't believe in either of those /pol/ fantasies. They're discussed ironically so that the visitors from /pol/, too dense to detect the irony, feel confident enough to share their opinions and expose themselves as the idiots they are.

>> No.11103322


>> No.11103411

>funny how there´s more proof about cultural marxism than the whole jewish thing, /pol/ is pretty pathetic

>> No.11103413

>t. pedo

>> No.11103447
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REAL "cultural marxism" is just non-marxists giving lip service to marx while doing everything in their power to halt class consciousness, effectively balkanizing the left wing.

what you call "cultural marxism" is ironically what's preventing marxists from having a real political platform

>> No.11103452

Cultural Marxism is just identity politics under a different name and has nothing to do with marxism or postmodernism like /pol/ believes.

>> No.11103455

>deny Cultural Marxism
Im denying saying that fucking pantsonhead retarded oxymoronic term, because what you mean by saying "cultural marxism" is not reffering to a bunch of materialists who bitch about exploitation and only talk about dialectic,when you say "cultural marxism" youre reffering to a bunch of retard arts majors who bitch about not being handed money for free to the point theyre coordinating a protest about it on theyre $1200 branded laptop while drinking $7 lattes from styrofoam cups that they proceed to toss on the ground while theyre busy texting on their new $850 name brand cell phone, which they then use to make a video of the street cleaner yelling at him calling him a worthless faggot which he'll then post on twttier to try and get patreon donations for a lawsuit to the sanitation company that never happens

>> No.11103470

yeah i know, true marxists don´t care about sjws

>> No.11103530

Its literally one guy that spams the JQ shit. None of us are that fucking stupid. His autistic tics are easily detectable in his posts.

>> No.11103622
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It's almost like jews are ... *shock* ... conspiring.

How surprising that a small tribe would conspire to increase the power of their group.

>> No.11103626

Yup, it's just one guy, goyim.

>> No.11103636

don't forget like 10% of the nytimes is owned by that rich ass mexican fucker who had his crony privatize the telecom system and give it all to him

>> No.11103641

And here he is.

>> No.11103654

> / pols / tards actually believe that the corrosion and destruction of the traditional values and institutions is due to a secret marxist / jew conspiracy, igoring completely the fact that the change in our ways of living is a product of the current economic system and the technology it brings.