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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 4 KB, 275x183, downlcccoad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11099347 No.11099347 [Reply] [Original]

me? a sex pest?

>> No.11101593

I'm waiting for his excuse.
"I-I was molested when I was a kid! I couldn't help myself, so I should automatically be forgiven, right? I mean, I still oink out the proper leftist talking points. Listen! 'Trump is bad.' See, it's still the same ol' me."
Fuck almighty, when did writers become this pathetic?

>> No.11101601

Be Fax Priest.

>> No.11101631

>dude I was violado, that justifies my behavior lmao

>> No.11101638

dude you literally just provided valid excuses. We're all the product of our experiences and nature. If I have a terrifying experience with a spider the chemicals which compose me will make me afraid of spiders and this is OK. You might respond to this post with ridicule instead of a constructive response because the chemicals which compose you have been conditioned by the toxic society of this website to be constantly and belligerent and this is OK.

>> No.11101641

prime example for oversocialisation

>> No.11101644

>Shitty behavior is okay if you have previously been subjected to shitty behavior

>> No.11101648

I've never actually heard this man speak, but all the imitations of him on /lit/ make me think he must be incredibly annoying to listen to.

>> No.11101650
File: 66 KB, 960x640, Julia Galef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's a philosopher/author who you'd love to molest, /lit/? Pic related for me.

>> No.11101654

Yes you.

>> No.11101657

Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying.

>> No.11101664

How2get big brain?

>> No.11101674

It's just odd that people can expect human beings to behave in a different manner from that which they have been conditioned to behave in. Like I don't blame those Muslim refugees who raped German girls at Christmas for their actions because mistreatment of women is customary in Syria.

>> No.11101682

uhm anon EVERYONE has been exposed to shitty behavior. we've been absolutely swimming in it for a couple years now. the whole retarded dichotomy in american politics that has absolutely crippled government and stopped any kind of real political dialogue irl or on the internet is a prime example of why being shitty because you perceive to have been done shittily is the worst idea since jesus left chicago.

>> No.11101687
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11101693

>uhm anon EVERYONE has been exposed to shitty behavior
Yes, but obviously the majority of us have been taught good morals that prevent us from engaging in shitty activity. Otherwise we'd all be criminals.

>> No.11101702

good thing I got some good morals and never became a
>verbal sexual predator

diaz is going to be ruined. good. that's enough for me.

>> No.11101714

Yeah his prosecutors will lack understanding not only of the human male worldview but Diaz's individual situation.

>> No.11101715

Ipso facto it's possible to overcome shitty behavior you've been expose to in your past and nothing in >>11101593 is a valid excuse for future actions.

>> No.11101724

>it's possible to overcome shitty behavior you've been expose to in your past
only if you're shown 'proper' behaviour
>nothing in >>11101593 is a valid excuse for future actions
why? That is what Diaz has been conditioned to do (if he's guilty).

>> No.11101730
File: 465 KB, 800x1108, Mantegna - Vergine e Bambino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another thinly veiled burgerpolitics thread on the literature board

>> No.11101735

Because Diaz has had good behavior in front of him his entire life. If he is unable to see and understand what legally qualifies as "good" behavior, then he is not mentally fit to stand trial and should be committed to a psychiatric facility.

>> No.11101744

Junot is a human male who has clearly been shown by others that it is acceptable to gibe your fans a lil smooch. It's not his fault. It's just the way he's been conditioned.

>> No.11101750

the secular liberal standard of what constitutes 'acceptable behaviour' is set by fibromalgic jewish cat ladies and an increasingly deranged clique of elite coastal journalist gatekeepers who are likely all sex pests and hypocrites, anyways. What's so bad about embracing a deliberate, unabashed amoralism and ignoring the elite liberal busybodies? If it works for Trump it could work for me and you. For all you care, you might as well be God Himself and everyone else nothing but shadows on the wall.

>> No.11101755

can you shut up and stop ruining my thread

please appreciate that it looks like diaz is coyly tugging on his collar in the picture

>> No.11101757

When you let lower races of brown people into your society, you will get a small percentage who are able to present as white in order to receive benefits. But they are just acting, and their uncivilized nature eventually comes out.

This is why they all have to go back. They are no benefit to us and only do harm to our society.

>> No.11101763
File: 90 KB, 1150x768, Junot-Diaz-HABLA_MEN_14_774237_131104_HBO_Habla_2470-1150x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11101769

shut up
>all white people are good
White people, as any other people, are a product of what they have been taught by human society fused with the composition of chemicals that comprise their person.

>> No.11101773

What society has he spent the last 50 years of his life living in where they conditioned him to live like that? I think I'd want to live there, because it's certainly none that I can think of.

I don't even know the circumstances of what he's been accused of, I just know that the guy I'm arguing with is entirely wrong in asserting that it's okay for anyone to do anything as long as they were "conditioned" to do it.

>> No.11101780

Whites are more civilized than nonwhites for evolutionary reasons. People are not the same you filthy communist, stop listening to jews.

>> No.11101796

>What society has he spent the last 50 years of his life living in where they conditioned him to live like that? I think I'd want to live there, because it's certainly none that I can think of.
Let me just add that every experience is unique. Of two brothers who're raised in exactly the same way one might become a criminal and the other a policeman because they have unique experiences of the world and their persons are also unique.
>Whites are more civilized than nonwhites for evolutionary reasons. People are not the same you filthy communist, stop listening to jews.
Please stop listening to /pol/ unless you can articulate your 'evolutionary reasons' with scientific references.

>> No.11101807

second part of post is for >>11101780

>> No.11101812

>If I had the right to do to you what you've been doing to me then that gives me the right to do anything I want to anyone I want to do it to.
>How do you communicate to a whole group of people. You stand up and take the worst fear symbol there is. you say- there. now i got your fear. now I got your fear. and your fear is your power and your powers is your control. I'm the chief of this whole planet. I'm gonna rule this whole planet, through ATWA.

>> No.11101816


>> No.11101831

There's nearabouts an entire field of study to that called human biodiversity. There are a lot of things you don't know but it's not up to others to get you caught up.

>> No.11101846

Pathetic response.

>> No.11101861

>junot apologists say his behavior is okay because of how he come up and come from
literally he didn't do NOTHIN he's a good boy he was turning his life around

>> No.11101864

Isn't he an angelic POC? How dare these colonizers dare to criticize him?

>> No.11101868

nice job of not responding to my thesis

>> No.11101871

Sorry you're not as good as you thought you were at sounding smart on the internet.

>> No.11101877

>I can write the name of an entire genre of scientific research and use it to support my argument
This isn't /his/.

>> No.11101881

>junot apologists
You mean the ethnically interested, anti-white /lit/ squatters who don't read yet still come to this board.

>> No.11101885

you don't have a thesis. you have white guilt and a willingness to make excuses for a creep who mistreats women.

>> No.11101894

>dude my violación lmao

>> No.11101901
File: 83 KB, 996x502, junotbiiitchwhatchusay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck ever took this cretin seriously anyway? good riddance.

>> No.11101902

Your problem is approaching the discussion with an agenda. I truly don't know how you can disagree that individuals are shaped by their understanding of experiences. If I kick a dog then I expect the dog to be afraid of my shoe because he understands that it delivers him pain.

>> No.11101921

retard, it's OBVIOUS people are formed by their experiences. those experiences, however, should not automatically be excuses. especially not in this guy's case, because he knowingly tried to get ahead of criticism by being a #metoo voice. but his time ran out and now he's getting his. you're defending the indefensible, bud.

>> No.11101934

>he a good boy
reducing the agency of this man's actions to mere reactions to his own trauma. reducing a POC to the level of an insect. what incredible presumption.

>> No.11101955

>me? a sexo pesto?

>> No.11102000

dude they're not excuses. The experiences are the CAUSE of his actions. He is a victim of his experiences as we all are when we do literally anything.

>> No.11102006

>dude you literally just provided valid excuses. We're all the product of our experiences and nature.

>dude they're not excuses
trips ignored, anon btfo forever.

>> No.11102011

No, jews have merely exported their victim narrative to low-intelligence non-whites like yourself, who are too stupid to realize and accept that you come from dysfunctional races and are not deserving of living in civilized white countries.

>> No.11102024

shutup retard. anon defending diaz is hwite af, guaranteed.

>> No.11102037

nice sources once again.
yes I am.

>> No.11102041

why are you still here. you were btfo forever. tell me more about your "thesis."

>> No.11102061

oh sorry where exactly was a btfo'd forever?
>tell me more about your "thesis."
I've essentially written it. Nobody can be guilty of anything because: 1, every 'criminal' is a victim of his understanding of experiences which he does not choose, and 2, because every experience is unique so no two people can have the same concept of justice or indeed law.

>> No.11102071
File: 10 KB, 323x325, wojakareyoutrynatrickme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh sorry where exactly was a btfo'd forever?
right here: >>11102006

>Nobody can be guilty of anything
wait a miiiinute...

>> No.11102072

You're not alone. I had a huge crush on her back on her Pigliucci days, when I was very much into analytic philosophy.

>> No.11102077

go on

>> No.11102080
File: 1.15 MB, 680x1671, itwasmerelyanact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon defends junot with retarded thesis at beginning of thread
>gets btfo
>i was just trolling bro!

>> No.11102084

This is like a 90 IQ schizo's warped interpretation of libertarianism. Or something. Whatever it is, it's retarded.

>> No.11102092

I didn't say that I was trolling.
Yet you can't articulate a coherent response.

>> No.11102118

she kind of looks like jenna haze......

>> No.11102162

>sex pest

holy shit lmao phrase of the year

>> No.11102171

no she looks like amia moretti

>> No.11102173

it's a british phrase, very useful

>> No.11102317

>nobody can be guilty of anything
Define guilty / guilt. Is it personally-acknowledged moral culpability? Is it responsibility for wrongdoing? Or is it the establishment of fact that one has transgressed the rules? You seem to be banking on definition 2, but it is not the only definition that applies. Philosophically speaking, you're just making a deterministic argument--no one is responsible for anything because we are just biochemical lumps reacting to impulses. But even within that framework, one can still be guilty under definition 3 of guilt. Even if a criminal isn't responsible, he can still be held liable and punished by society. Justice is not natural law, but it is a condition for society.

>> No.11102334

But his understanding of experiences is essential to him and not seperate from him; so therefore if his understanding of experiences incurs the guilt, then he too incures the guilt.

>> No.11102339


>> No.11102345

I mean guilt as in legal guilt.
>Justice is not natural law, but it is a condition for society.
Natural law is universally acceptable. E.g. defending yourself from an attack is okay. But justice is subjective. States having different laws for their nations demonstrates this. Isn't therefore a male acting impulsively on his sex drive acceptable? It's acceptable in some Muslim states but women in western states are protected by the unnatural, fake concept of justice.

>> No.11102362

>comparing the justice of Muslim states to Western law
No. Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. I hate people who view justice subjectively as a kind of moral relativism. You're condoning beheading, rape, misogyny, and any other kind of reprehensible, immoral acts you can think of under the presumption that all forms of justice are equally valid or acceptable, to which I say fuck off. Subjective morality is bullshit and there needs to be universal, objective laws in place. Just because some backwards, antiquated Muslim country allows their men to rape women does not grant it any validity or sense of morality. It is wrong, it is disgusting, and you are awful.

>> No.11102364

>baby's first determinism

>> No.11102372

ok well that's your opinion

>> No.11102388

Yes, what a wonderful response.

Let me ask you this. Do you really believe that the justice systems of countries that allow men to rape women are as equally valid as the justice system of the US?

>> No.11102403

>justice system
The difference between the US and the Middle Eastern States we're talking about can be measured in prison population. You can't make laws to change nature.

>> No.11102423

Laws are not made to change nature: they are made to control it. They are made for and intended to curb our primitive impulses to steal, rape, assault, and kill. They are checks upon our base biological instincts and urges. They instill fear in us, which imposes order and organization.

I mean Jesus Christ, societies exist so that groups of people can live in relative peace, safety, and comfort. You cannot have a functioning, healthy society where humans are allowed to give in to their natural inclinations. It would all collapse.

>> No.11102457

>societies exist so that groups of people can live in relative peace, safety, and comfort
you're talking about laws.
>You cannot have a functioning, healthy society where humans are allowed to give in to their natural inclinations.
Would you call our society 'healthy'? Take us, for example: two presumably young men currently not participating in society but choosing instead to have meaningless debates to ease our boredom. Granted, we're safe and our next meal is guaranteed. But how valuable are those things if we have to resort to porn and cheap dopamine hits to live in sanity?

>> No.11102645

I'm not the guy you are arguing with, but I advise you to speak for yourself. I'd really rather live here than in the middle east. I think the US justice system is flawed, but better than Syria's or Iran's.

More to the point, to your original question >>11102345
>"isn't therefore a male acting impulsively on his sex drive acceptable"
I say no, not if it harms an innocent person, leaving them with psychological damage. I intend to make my stand there to avoid slippery slope arguments like "what if the man just wants a kiss, and in return he will be saved from a lifetime of sexual torment, in exchange for a woman's brief discomfort." Also, regarding
>"unnatural, fake concept of justice"
I don't know what you mean by unnatural, but wild animals have concepts of justice. Certain penguin species are monogamous for life, and will exile "cheaters." Ravens band together to kill thieving raven individuals. It seems that morality and the practice of justice is shared among many animal cousins, and to call justice "artificial" or "fake," as if we invented it out of thin air, is to be a human-chauvinist.

>> No.11102650

The guy is a bad apple. Good people deal better with this shit.

>> No.11102772
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>Bisexual is gay erasure
Thats a funny way of saying
>I'm so alienated from any real form of culture of community so I attach myself to stupid identities, then use that identity as a platform to attack people minding their own business and once I've thoroughly isolated myself from society by constantly acting like an awful human being, I can safely invent a narrative of social persecution against me

Sort of reminds me of this POC community picnic I crashed last week. They had wings and beans and rice and some really top notch food in general, so I was really loading up my plate, but some stuck-up cunt noticed the blue of my eyes and decided to try calling me out by saying "I didn't realize you were a POC anon", as if that pale ass bitch has any right pretending she's got shit all for colour. Anyways one of the organizers of the event came up to me and started getting in my face asking if I "self identified as a person of colour". Well I figured fine, you got me, but that I could maybe charm my way into some free food, so I said "hell no my nigga, but I sure af self identify as hungry", then I raised my hand to go in for the high-five, but she just sort of stood there glaring at me mutely with all the repressed angst that's generated by three and a half years of being willingly infantilized by various college classes and leadership retreats and other dumb shit like that. Then she said, softly but firmly, "you can take this food, but you got to go, this is a space for POCs only". At this point a couple of wanna-be spics sitting at one of the table had turned around and were also glaring at me, ninguna de ellos hablan español, pequeños maricónes, pero bien. For a fleeting instant I felt like I could really understand what it was like to be a jew in 1930s Germany, or a black in America ever, but then I realized I was a white man and that all these fags combined couldn't lift 100lbs between them. Slowly I took a bite of chicken leg, stared them in the eyes, drank in their hatred, and walked away.

Later that afternoon I was railing lines with some domini-niggers and african immigrants, and we were all laughing about some traffic accident one of them had seen earlier, where some bitches head got cut clean off and flew through the second story window of some poor saps apartment. That's when it struck me. America is a stupid country full of uptight people. It doesn't matter what colour they are, as soon as you get a generation or two removed from whatever motherland, people here turn into stuck up whiny ass bitches. This is especially the case with the bitches. My pet theory is that they just aren't getting fucked right. American men are too busy trying to make sure they're consenting to work their pussies. Not that those miserable hoes are making it easy. Point is, I don't know who the guy in the OP is, or why anybody cares, but good for him. It's about time somebody started kissing these women.

>> No.11102795

>That's when it struck me. America is a stupid country full of uptight people.
How long did it take you to mine this little grain of Attic salt?

>> No.11102849

nigga u wonky

>> No.11102875

I think it was during black history month. There were a couple talks going on at the local (self styled) hyper-progressive left wing college about black power or something. Dark intellectual man talking about AAV and "black feelings", how white ppl would never understand, and similar stuff like that, and I remember thinking to myself "my god, these niggas have recreated the greco-roman mystery cults, how glorious". Then some student stood up meekly during the Q&A and asked about how to deal with insecurity during inter racial dating since he was a black man with a white gf. Now if /pol/ has taught me one thing in life, it's that this dude should definitely not be the one feeling insecure about that sort of stuff, but okay. As soon as the words "interracial relationship" had left his mouth the whole room kind of broke into nervous giggling, which was sort of strange for a room full of middle aged academics. The speaker thought for a while, then said with a solemn seriousness that I didn't think could possibly exist in the modern world, that he didn't think that it was possible for ppl of two different races to have a meaningful relationship of any kind, and that the student asking that question was probably being used for nefarious sexual reasons (because if sex is anything to these Americans, it's nefarious). This was quickly drowned out in a clamor of people snapping their fingers (clapping is white supremacy? I still don't get that one) and hooting.

Personally I can't wait to get out of this country. I've been all over the world, but nowhere else is quite so hypocritical and neurotic as here.

>> No.11102888

Oh, I had a suspicion that you weren't American, because this is something every American learns by the age of eight, that is, if they have enough self-consciousness to earn the appellation of "human."

>> No.11102909
File: 149 KB, 1893x1060, thisnilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good post.

>> No.11102974

i'm mildly amused, but totally aware that your target audience for this drivel is /pol/

>> No.11103002

Pretty sure /pol/ falls under the
>I'm so alienated from any real form of culture of community so I attach myself to stupid identities, then use that identity as a platform to attack people minding their own business and once I've thoroughly isolated myself from society by constantly acting like an awful human being, I can safely invent a narrative of social persecution against me

>> No.11103011

>I said "hell no my nigga, but I sure af self identify as hungry", then I raised my hand to go in for the high-five, but she just sort of stood there glaring at me

>> No.11103030
File: 72 KB, 1438x861, baitvsbait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baiting /pol/ to talk about how real the white genocide is

>> No.11103048

*opens plastic bag full of 5oy and starts eating it by the handfuls*

>> No.11103061

I can do that too.
(of you) *opens plastic bag full of nothing and suffocates himself with it because he is isolated from society due to the inherent unpopularity of his infantile views*

>> No.11103139

What if I want 2 isolate myself from the monoculture at all costs? Im going to be lonely anyways, nothing unusual about it, millions of people are lonely and miserable, suburban fetanyl cattle in flyover country, yes, but specially the woke crowd the people who take liberal media seriously, hell even the liberal journalist elite themselves, they are miserable . The past and everything good about it has been swept away by the ZOG panopticon monoculture. Their figureheads are probably more miserable than I am and hypocrite sex pests to boot. read this:

We're a society of neurotics hooked up to the multiscreen Skinner box. Even the president is just another screen addict living only for the image. It's like a video game. I'm not even a 'real' nazi I just feel like punk rock, turning my very existence into an act of defiance in a society that has recuperated all other forms of defiance. I want something that feels real. I want to abandon myself to the free play of images and Grand Guignol simulation. It's the sheer bureaucratic sterility of it all that gets me, everywhere you go feels like automatons spouting woke madlibs. Where's the danger? Where's the truth? I'm shaving my head and carving the swastika into my forehead with a red hot dagger. Meditating on the archetypes on the Fuhrer and the Black Sun. I'm mainlining Evil from now on

>> No.11103150

your opinions are retarded, but your prose is enjoyable

>> No.11103166

>I want something that feels real.
*browses an imageboard all day*
If you really want to rebel then disconnect yourself from popular culture which includes 4chan.

>> No.11103167
File: 87 KB, 882x552, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post yfw white genocide = 12% increase in the non-latino white population from 2000 to 2010

>> No.11103182
File: 129 KB, 625x626, baitnoregrets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw your redpills took over

>> No.11103186
File: 311 KB, 951x1380, 1352282506864782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a special satisfaction in finding out someone you've personally hated since forever is objectively awful.

>> No.11103205

I read the NYT, Vox, CNN, Huffpo, the guardian all the liberal publications obsessively, I listen to NPR, I follow progressive voices on twitter sometimes I feel like i'm 'woke', but then the archetypes kick in, i start seein runes and I realise I gotta do something to fight the tyranny of the NYT managerial shitlib gynocrats. I'm not so much a right winger as I am an anti-leftist, I support President Trump, because we got a common enemy, these people want to destroy me, only an enemy would want to destroy you, it's a sorry day when your only allies are Donald Trump and /pol/ but what am I to do? I'm fighting for survival out here.

>> No.11103210

take it easy kanye get back on your meds

and report to the kremlin already, your transmission is overdue

>> No.11103219
File: 39 KB, 645x503, 1454191371025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some neckbeard posting from his parents' basement, eating mom-provided tendies while eternally plugged into the screen
>fighting for survival

>> No.11103227

Saw that tweet from ZInzi Clemmons in the afternoon, and I said "bazinga" out-loud. This is my life now.

>> No.11103233

>“What really struck me was how quickly his veneer of progressivism and geniality fell away; how easily he slid into bullying and misogyny when the endless waves of praise and adoration ceased for a second,” she wrote.

Who could have foreseen such a thing?

>> No.11103242

Kanye knows what's up. and Peter Thiel, he's my man. it's not about left vs right, it's not about black vs white, it's about breaking out of your programming. That's the first thing you notice about those people, how humourless and malicious they are, driven only by the impulse to destroy you and everything you hold dear.

>> No.11103248
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>dat violacion do

>> No.11104060

Holy shit, male feminists turns out to be a rapist?!?! First Sam Kriss, now this!

>> No.11104251

If only this were true.

>> No.11104256
File: 38 KB, 480x640, 1518757551641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is old sam these days

>> No.11104287

Kriss is also yet another kike, ftr.

>> No.11104308

>and report to the kremlin already

how does this reddit/buzzfeed-tier bluepill oversocialization ever even make it to 4chan? did you come here because samantha bee told you about us?

>> No.11104314

how does this breitbart/stormfront-tier redpill oversocialization ever even make it to 4chan? did you come here because r/the_donald told you about us?

>> No.11104321

>breitbart/stormfront-tier redpill oversocialization


>> No.11104333
File: 183 KB, 633x1055, ericgarlandkanye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a joke, ya big dummy.

i mean, *I* was making a joke. democrat propagandists actually mean it seriously.


>> No.11104341

i've never read anything by this guy, is he any good? i don't plan on reading his books, i'm just curious.

>> No.11104343

if get robbed by an immigrant am I allowed to be racist?

>> No.11104349

uh buddy i wasn't a "big dummy" to think it wasn't a joke. someone else who believes in that shit replied to me with typically weak lefty-bants

>> No.11104361

ok sorry i called you a dummy, you're not a dummy.


fuddy duddy

>> No.11104388
File: 1022 KB, 702x6708, SamKriss_for_Slate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the deep state #metoo'd Sam Kriss after this extremely prescient and still relevant article


>> No.11104462
File: 37 KB, 500x499, 50386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bittersweet feel.

>> No.11104621

With a face like that, is it really a surprise that he'd resort to rape?

>> No.11104676
File: 22 KB, 267x320, 1520688907481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>it's another thinly veiled burgerpolitics thread on the literature board
you fucking idiot

>> No.11104703

I wish the deep state was coordinating the meetooing of these jewish gatekeepers.

>> No.11104872

>Mestizos are White

>> No.11105021

lol this guy looks like if snoop dogg and vsauce had a baby

>> No.11105032

Warrior races such as Nahuatls, Queuchuas and Mapuches were actually Aryan tribes that came to the New World in Quetzalcoatl/Viracocha's Kon Tiki Viking expedition and later bred with fellow aryan Visigoth Conquistadors from Iberia. the racial corruption in HispanoAmerica is due to Marrano influences. read Miguel Serrano

>> No.11105077

Australia says no to disagreement-rape:

>> No.11105084

Aryans came into existence ~3500BC on the Pontiac Steppe. Try again.

>> No.11106892


>> No.11106899

if they were aryans they would have had the chariot but latinos never figured out how to invent a wheel

>> No.11107012
File: 75 KB, 845x403, 1471800137925-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, there was something else going on a long time ago in the new world, and all the evidence points to an older civilization. Too many strange things like the Cloud People, or how when Pizarro rolled up on Peru and asked the indios about the pyramids there, they literally told him white people with red beards built them long before then sailed east.

Connecting the dots requires basic common sense anyway, look how unintelligent and unproductive the people in these countries are today, they weren't building magnificent pyramids.

>> No.11107030

yes buddy. You guys post these examples as though they're ridiculous but really they exemplify my point.

>> No.11107051


>> No.11107077

Lot of baggage with that term, but more or less. Plato talked about it and anyone who has looked into ancient history knows there was a lot more going on than the common narrative states.

>> No.11107262

Is he actually incredibly popular and influential, or is this just another blip or fringe story?

Im not American, and I only lurk /lit/ occasionally.

>> No.11107353

>"I-I was molested when I was a kid!

he already wrote an essay about his molestation, it was probably a preemptive excuse

>> No.11107355


>> No.11107360

and it was such a flimsy excuse even the nytimes write up scoffed at it calling it a "preemptive strike" or something lol

>> No.11107385

I dont understand

>> No.11108395

lel, somebody posted that his molestation story was going to be cover for his inevitable #MeToo a while back,

>> No.11108400

no, he's irrelevant

>> No.11108582
File: 10 KB, 500x379, 1525462318432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold my beer.

>> No.11108588

what's this?

>> No.11108608

if i had to guess i'd say the car that drunk kennedy asshole drove into a river in some massachussetts town named after a genocided indian tribe that he never served anytime for even tho it was obviously manslaughter, but thats just a guess

>> No.11108625



>> No.11108629

he pulled a kevin spacey

>> No.11108677
File: 24 KB, 230x350, 1525462318434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Lion of the Senate. The proper leftist talking points cover a multitude of sins.

>> No.11108684

holy shit i was right, god damn my intuition is on FIRE, iq fags get on my level

>> No.11108709

oh wow, didn't realize there were pictures, I thought that was going to be something about a writer.

>> No.11109056

>"I take responsibility for my past"
>"that is the reason I made the decision to tell the story of my rape and its damaging aftermath"
Lol what a cunt. Some anon called it, that his confessional was an attempted preemptive strike against #metoo