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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 71 KB, 629x451, land of wolves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11099582 No.11099582 [Reply] [Original]

The absolute state of Junot Diaz rn

he's done for lads.


>> No.11099595

Huh, I never noticed before but he does give the impression of being that kind of guy.

>> No.11099600
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Imagine having such little respect for women that you retroactively get yourself raped as a child in order to justify forcibly kissing someone. Shame on him!

>> No.11099602

Can't think of a less interesting writer for this to happen to.

>> No.11099608
File: 287 KB, 2280x1519, junot_diaz_c_nina_subin_header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*
*whispers: vivimos en una sociedad into your ear*

>> No.11099619
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You mean shouts "RAPE"

>> No.11099633

/lit/ predicted this

>> No.11099640
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Lol @ these frauds

>> No.11099641

Damn son

>> No.11099668

There's been whispers about him for a while and everyone knew his books were autobiographical (same trick woody allen and louis ck and dozens of others pull). Most of what I read before was that he would sleep with anyone and cheated, hadn't heard the sex pest part until after the essay was published.

>> No.11099674


>> No.11099682

can't be wide-eyed at 26, 26 is old

>> No.11099687

That violación...

>> No.11099690
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His rape as a child caused him to ever be able to learn right from wrong though when it came to sexual interactions.

>> No.11099691

lmao speak for yourself nigga. 26 is still young nigga territory

>> No.11099693

Kek. Yet another feminist panderer turns out to be a slimy creep. I love watching neo-liberals eat one of their own.
>verbal sexual assault
I'm so glad people like this will never breed. That's the one good thing about modern feminism; it tells idiots that being a genetic dead end is a wonderful thing.

>> No.11099704

>twatters like this can water down any accusation to nothing by piling on with nonsense like this

>> No.11099709

please be kind, she was only 32 when that happened
(and verbal sexual assault isn't a thing? even in fringe groups afaik, verbally abusive and frightening/threatening sure)

>> No.11099727

He is a great artist and great artists can do no wrong. I stand by Junot.

>> No.11099734

You're pretty much dead after graduating college. The world no longer cares about you and the only expectation of you is to reproduce so that you can generate more people between the age ranges 0-22 to be marketed to

>> No.11099740
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>Verbal sexual assault
Is there a limit to just how much these people want to victimise themselves?

>> No.11099759

great artists earn their flavour by doing wrong... let us not steal that from them. decadence and sorrow.

>> No.11099762


>> No.11099772
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>tfw graduate in less than a week

>> No.11099775

>some twatter accuses a literally who

this plotline is cliche as hell

>> No.11099777

you obviously don't know what this word means

>> No.11099780

964388gte33-zinziclemmons chat history (pre-recreational shaming)

Jess: Hey, what was that status about? Why are you so excited?

zinny: OMG, OMG, OMFG! Jessica, you will never beleive what happened. You know I got Junot Diaz to come to the writers workshop? Well, right at the end, I was standing next to him thanking him for coming, and he held my hand, kissed me on the cheek, and said "It was my pleasure." OMFG, Junot Frickin Diaz kissed me on the cheek!!!! I've still got like a billion butterflies!!! x

Jess: NO Way??? srs? x

Zinny: Absolutely. I mean, F my signed book. I'm never washing my cheek again x

>> No.11099796

trips confirm

>> No.11099802

Care to elaborate? Or would you rather continue to act smug?

>> No.11099813

neoliberalism is an economic philosophy. basically deregulation, privatization, and market based solutions to social problems.

>> No.11099831

Yes and most of the people who are dogpiling on Junot are neo-liberals. I fail to see why you pulled the "ACKCHYUALLY" card.

>> No.11099849

Aww shit nigga. That was me. Guess my assumptions were correct

>> No.11099854

most of them are also lots of different things. but we are naming them by a shared characteristic that is the thing we are observing in them right now - not something incidental. their neoliberalism, if it is there at all, is not the subject of conversation.

>> No.11099867

as a writer in the scene. this is why I exclusively date 18 yr olds and bar sluts.

>> No.11099873

26, eh? That's borderline pedophilic!

>> No.11099877

That certainly seems a violacion of the student-teacher relacion.

>> No.11099883
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>> No.11099885

Why are Dominicans so rapey?

>> No.11099891

I've posted about it before as well. I was in an MFA where he came to speak and he tried the same shit with a friend of mine in the cohort.

>> No.11099895

I'm pretty sure they aren't neoliberals tough. People like Reagan and your Grandpa are neoliberals; these twitter people are developments from academic counterculture that began in the sixties. Maybe you can argue that they exist because of neoliberalism but their principles are pretty much entirely opposed to it.

>> No.11099899

Whatever. I just want to mock Junot and the idiots who are tearing him down. I didn't think a minor jab at neo-liberals would lead to this pointless conversation.

>> No.11099902

find your post in the archive

>> No.11099904

>how about you represent this "unzips dick"

>> No.11099925

They wouldn't identify as neo-liberal but they're helping keep neo-liberalism alive. They blindly support the democrat party and it is currently run by flaming neo-liberals.

>> No.11099931

underrated post

>> No.11099939

Could you post the full story?

>> No.11099947

who are you?

>> No.11099953

Le wide eyed didn know nuthin female

You basedboys dont fall for that shit right?

>> No.11099957

that's what I pretty much said nigger

>> No.11099958
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of course we don't we back based Diaz.

>> No.11099959
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Right, but it's Diaz, so this is pretty funny.

>> No.11099961

He's trash anyway but this #metoo garbage is getting faggier by the day.

>> No.11099963

They're really the unholy offspring of both movements.

>> No.11099973

>falling for the "sides" meme

Shills like Diaz are the reason this political climate exists in the first place, he's reaping what he's sowed.

>> No.11099976

I find it hilarious she's saying she was wide-eyed at the age of 26. Once you've been out of college for a couple of years you can't pretend you're an innocent little child who doesn't know how cruel the world can be. Although I'm not a basedboy. If you want to hear their opinion head over to reddit or twitter.

>> No.11099979
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more like he's raping what he's sowed.

>> No.11099982

lol the world no longer cares about u bc after college u become part of the world and no longer care about others too ha

>> No.11099983

exactly, live by outrage culture die by outrage culture, fuck diaz he let this genie out of the bottle

>> No.11099988


>> No.11099990

The real truth in that discussion is that now fourth rate female artists ponder to themselves whether their being rejected from the very top of the industry is misogyny or not and do so unironically. The thought that they might be fourth rate artists simply doesnt occur to them. But its actually even worse than that. Those fourth rate female artists even get to sit at a table they should never have sat at by their artistic merit, precisely because they are (attractive) females. So what is causing this situation is not misogyny but female privilege.

>> No.11099992

Holy fuck. And it got no replies.

>> No.11099999

I think she meant wide-eyed because he was famous and she was just a grad student, not that she was saying all 26 year olds are wide eyed and naive.

>> No.11100000
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>please be kind, she was only 32 when that happened

>> No.11100004

it got four

>> No.11100013
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nice quints

>> No.11100014


>> No.11100026

>betas getting rekt for being betas

>> No.11100028

Its almost like the kind of men who would attend the sort of bullshit event that discusses marxist equity demands are just doing it to get into womens pants...

>> No.11100045

Let's not kid ourselves, reaching the "top" of the industry as represented by publications such as the new yorker has less to do with artistic merit and more to do with social capital/hobnobbery. Some random bimbo crying misogyny at not getting published is pathetic too but the new yorker and similar "elite" publications aren't arbiters of high art or anything.

>> No.11100052

people love to say women only get published bc of their looks but let's be real, there aren't that many super models getting taken seriously in the lit world- it's all still the same old nepotism

>> No.11100054

now that diaz has adopted white cultural practices like "attending therapy" can he still be an authentic voice for marginalized identities?

was the whole "violacion" story a way to deflect from the #metoo storm he knew was coming?

>> No.11100070

oo oo, oo oo!


>> No.11100091

Those 'marginalized folks' have completely internalized post western therapeuthic culture of managerial liberal to the detriment of their 'authentic' cultures which are unfortunately too patriarcal and icky. 'Multiculturalism' is a code word for hyperRawlsian individualist liberal monoculture panoptickon that has reduced us all to interexchangable neurotic atomized monads

>> No.11100093

I really don't care about this. However, if the publishing industry/contemporary lit readers, who really emphasise diversity and the like, try to destroy the reputation of their favourite "latynx writer" (who atleast arguably brought something interesting to the table literature-wise) because this writer kissed one person and argued with another, they're going to have a hard time in the future.

What the fuck are all the hipster women going to do when all that is left for them to read are their own shitty romance novels, because the same women -- who eventually will run the entire publishing industry -- refuse to publish anything else in fear of being accused of perpetuating "misogynistic me-too acts and ideas" (ironically these "misogynistic" acts all exist in their romance novels, only in these novels they're far worse)?

Nothing good can ever come out of anything related to metoo.

>> No.11100096

Everytime you see someone use the word "neoliberal" to refer to sjws you can safely ignore him.

>> No.11100102

fuck off lasch

>> No.11100104

I applaud the takedown of someone as deserving as him but come on lad, just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they sexually assaulted you

>> No.11100107

idk bro the guys who own google are neoliberal as hell but also sjw, the neoliberals use identity politics and "human rights" as a sort of cultural imperialist battering ram to open new markets to consumer goods

>> No.11100114

SJW and 'identity politics' are disingenuous white dude speak for basic human decency and treating marginalized folks as humans

>> No.11100123
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>> No.11100126

Neo-liberal detected.

>> No.11100134

not necessarily considering the places most obsessed with sjw shit are also the whitest places, like if u see a white dude going on and on about how important diversity is you can be sure its a case of "doth protest too much" as his company is probably 60% white 40% asian 90% male, its like the more diversity theater you see the less diverse things actually are

>> No.11100139

social justice exists in all the west and it has nothing to do with fucking Ronald Reagan you fucking Wikipedia educated pseud. Stop using the term as a stand in for "everything I don't like about capitalism" you gigantic cocksucker
fuck off back to Tumblr

>> No.11100140

Reminds me that story about a python developer in a convention that made some jokes about dicks, and a woman (black) thought it was disrespecting, and through the usual twitter shitstorm managed to get him fired https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5399065

>> No.11100148

>being a dick to someone at a dinner party is now spoken about in the same tones as sexual assault
the absolute state of this culture

>> No.11100151

Man that really sucks for the maricon. Who will berate my college for not being mostly immigrants now?

>> No.11100161
File: 73 KB, 193x169, 1525365314561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

men suck

>> No.11100163

this thing got kicked off by a woman being forcibly kissed by him and even in this thread someone knows another person he tried that on, there's been whispers about diaz for years and I'm 100% sure worse things than yelling at women are going to be coming out

>> No.11100168

Five years from now looking at women for too much will be considered sexual assault. I'm calling it.

>> No.11100173

gotta admit tho that nerd culture was cringe worthy as hell, like how github (now a diversity woke silicon valley darling) used to make puns about "fork me" actually i think they still do but they try to downplay it, and those jokes about "fsck" are cringy shit only a white guy with a ponytail and a heavy metal t-shirt could chuck at, that said the lady at that conference was a professional victim, her career is basically to get hired at place and then bash them on diversity

oh did u see one of the top contributors to llvm just ragequit because they put a code of conduct requiring people to behave professionally, but i think the thing that put him over the edge was someone gave a summer intership scholarship to work on llvm that was reserved for underrepresented groups, so he resigned, lmao the funniest part is he is technically "hispanic" so he could have qualified for the internship (he's from spain, but americans dont care if u are rich or not just if you are the right identity, hence children of african oligarchs taking affirmative action slots at elite schools from the descendants of american slaves)

>> No.11100176

Houellebec was right

>> No.11100177

wait, your college isn't mostly immigrants? wtf college is this? must offer only liberal arts degrees or something i guess

>> No.11100178

lol i hate diaz's writing as much as anyone here would but it's kind of funny how little this is going to accomplish. diaz isn't some editor or the face of anything except his own moralizing self. he maybe won't tour his next book but he isn't going to lose his teaching job at mit or get his next book rejected -- he's already too big of a name. if anything i am hopeful this will unleash a punished diaz where he doesnt have to tip toe around his misogyny. most likey he will just apologize though. considering he didn't actually rape anyone this all seems silly.

>> No.11100182

he's trying to blame his misogyny on the fact that "he too was raped", that 'violacion' story looks coldly calculated now

>> No.11100186

It's not bait. He posts the same stuff all the time.

>> No.11100193

>"basic human decency" asserted as meaning "whatever my opinion is" without any sort of philosophical rigor
Every fucking time lads

>> No.11100201

If he assaulted you fair enough, but nothing that girl is talking about constitutes anything close to assault. She wants #metoo recognition because a celeb was mean to her once

>> No.11100210

Just watch as Diaz embraces his misogyny and publicly shapeshifts into the Dominican Houellebecq

>> No.11100211

but was he even

>> No.11100216

sweet digits

>> No.11100228

The standard language of social justice wasn't made up by academics, it is a great collective work based on the struggles and lived experiences of all marginalized folks throughout history who have now found a common language through the internet. All women. All queers and all people of color. Just because you are a sheltered white dude philosophy undergrad (your reading list is likely not diverse at all to boot) doesn't give you a right to dismiss people's lived experiences.

>> No.11100245
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>wasn't made up by academics

>> No.11100266

whew, gotta pick up some of his books

>> No.11100277

Anybody else think feminist are playing the long game
>get rid of white males
>praise poc males
>poc males get comfortable
>slowly get rid of poc males
>praise poc females
>poc females get comfortable
>get rid of poc females
>praise lgbtq
>lgbtq get comfortable
>praise white females
>humanity saved!

>> No.11100283

>lol i have no idea what assault means under the law

Thanks for playing.

>> No.11100292
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WOW! Hot a what baabhabhiat

>> No.11100298
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>> No.11100308

Verbal assault is a meme invented by emotionally sensitive dweebs who can't handle heated debates

>> No.11100313

>All queers
I know this is bait but it got me

>> No.11100322
File: 9 KB, 249x246, 28535007_2219021218111613_786658893_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be small spanish spic
>be ignored by roasties whole life
>in turn, forced to develop a skill
>become writer
>suddenly roasties be mirin
>try to get with the kinds of girls that never found you attractive before
>they oblige you
>"Wait, what do you mean you are only talking to me because I'm 26 and still kinda hot? I thought you told me you liked my writing?! RAPE!"

Wish I could make myself gay desu

>> No.11100334

I should have said, all queers except self hating white queer uncle toms who identify with normativity and privilege

>> No.11100339

This is really bad, and I don't understand the excesive use of spanish.

>> No.11100359

>abloo bloo my ancestors lost :'(
Also, why would I read "diverse" shit when it's inferior to the writings of white men?

>> No.11100370

decent satire

>> No.11100383


>> No.11100402

>wide eyed 26 yo
The absolute state of adults

>> No.11100436
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>> No.11100463
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stop being a bad goy
end of story

>> No.11100475

It starts out strong and ends weak

>> No.11100488

I see his taste in women is just as shitty as his writing. Move along.

>> No.11100489

this cunt is going to fuck up this whole thing

>> No.11100490


>> No.11100496

tbf let's put this in context, this woman he kissed was raised in swarthmore pa where the median income is $100,000+
junot was some spic from parlin, new jersey

>> No.11100497

>Monica Byrne

Take a look at these hands
Take a look at these hands
The hand speaks
The hand of a government man
Well I'm a tumblr xD

>> No.11100518
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When Ye' said "CLASSICISM IS THE NEW RACISM" I felt that.

>> No.11100523

oh please, he's been famous and rich for at least a decade at that point

>> No.11100526

classicism is the new racism nigga

>> No.11100534

It's actually pretty impressive how famous he's managed to remain: in a 22 year career he's published one novel, two short story collections, a handful of essays, and one children's book.

>> No.11100540


>> No.11100547

Here's what it's all really about.

>> No.11100552
File: 92 KB, 911x153, modernphilosophy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get me back to the greeks the ancient ones obviously

>> No.11100554

so what you're saying is if you were born in a third world country in a single parent household and were raped as a child, once you achieve monetary success your victimization no longer trumps that of being a black woman raised in a wealthy 90 percent white suburb to a rich mommy and daddy?

>> No.11100563

Like pottery.

>> No.11100580

and he's only about 150 years late to the party

>> No.11100584

ummm, yes sweetie. now tone down your misogyny please

>> No.11100589

Hey I'm a Marxist too, but you would have to be blind to deny the reality of white supremacy and white privilege, and I am saying this as a white dude

>> No.11100597

lol there's no sexual assault pass you get for having enough bad things happen to you or being born in a certain amount of oppression

>> No.11100599

just cuz some poor guy from the hood gets rich doesnt give him the right to rape at will sorry

>> No.11100603

Because think about it. Why would a super model want to be the queen of the lit world? A super model level attractive woman can easily obtain much bigger rewards with much less effort.

>> No.11100610
File: 54 KB, 500x354, so-sorry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you would have to be blind to deny the reality of white supremacy and white privilege, and I am saying this as a white dude

>> No.11100615

i dont like diaz's work, this is just an opportunity to spark class warfare between the bourgeois. that being said, kissing someone and yelling rape at someone isn't sexual assault.

>> No.11100616

reminder: the mild discomfort you feel when you hear social justice discourse and are told to examine your privilege is not even one millionth of what your marginalized comrades go through every. fucking. single. day.

>> No.11100617

Don't tease me anon

>> No.11100620
File: 5 KB, 201x250, soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reminder: the mild discomfort you feel when you hear social justice discourse and are told to examine your privilege is not even one millionth of what your marginalized comrades go through every. fucking. single. day.

>> No.11100631

At least you’re trying.

>> No.11100633
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>> No.11100639

>not even one millionth of what your marginalized comrades go through every. fucking. single. day.
you have to be subtler with your baits on 4chan, my friendo

>> No.11100641

is it possible to make a living as a writer if i refuse to be social like Pynchon in this era?

>> No.11100654

most writers pay the bills working as professors if they aren't rich in some other way already, didn't even Pynchon marry rich later in his life?
"In the early 1990s, Pynchon married his literary agent, Melanie Jackson—a great-granddaughter of Theodore Roosevelt and a granddaughter of Robert H. Jackson, U.S. Supreme Court Justice and Nuremberg trials prosecutor—and fathered a son, Jackson, in 1991."

>> No.11100660
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>> No.11100671

I'm trying to picture the cornering and forcing. With that wording, it couldn't have been a delightful peck on the cheek.

He would have been plotting his ghastly unconsensual kiss, stalking her around the room for a good thirty minutes awaiting his opportunity.

He would have snuck up beside her, grabbed her head with both hands, and starting pulling her face towards his salivating, mustachioed mouth.

She would have resisted, pulled back against him, placed her hands atop his to pull his grip off.

He overpowered her, pulled her face all the way towards his pursed lips, and made a smooching smack of the lips as his mouth made contact with her face.

She would have dropped to the floor crying, her innocence stolen. The guests would have stood in stunned silence as the smooching sound reverberated around the room.

Oh what a dreadful beast. He deserves chemical castration.

>> No.11100672

he's not wrong though

>> No.11100678


>> No.11100687

Where are you living?

>> No.11100694

I bet I'm the only guy on this board who can say he has slept with a girl exactly half his age.

>> No.11100701

>wide eyed 26 year old

>> No.11100710

have you ever taken even a minute to listen to what marginalized people have to say? aren't the statistics on pay disparities, household worth, media representation, health both mental and physical, hate crimes, sexual harrassment enough evidence that you as a white dude have it easy and objectively benefit from the suffering of others? I think you are just not used to feeling uncomfortable

>> No.11100711

im 26 y/o male whats good bitch nigga

>> No.11100716

If the girl regrets it later, then it's rape.

>> No.11100720

>I was a wide eyed 26 year old

Why do people desperately cling to adolescence these days?

>> No.11100722

feminists will eventually come around to the catholic teachings on sexuality

>> No.11100725
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Not that I disagree but pic related.

>> No.11100739

we should all make an effort to center social justice thinking in every aspect of our everyday lives and social interactions, the way we consume media and literature. it isn't that hard people. marginalized folks already go through this every single day and unlike you they have no other choice.

>> No.11100745

My life isn't good enough to care about being relatively better-off than anyone else.

>> No.11100751

Wait till you get a little older. 26 is young.

>> No.11100756

I bet my life you won't tell us how old she was

>> No.11100760

Young but not naive. Id say the cutoff for that is 21-22. ffs people had like 8 kids by the time they were 26 not that long ago.

>> No.11100762

that's because you are sheltered. just try and imagine how much worse your life would be ceteris paribus if you were trans, queer, female or a person of color.

>> No.11100763 [DELETED] 
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6IX 9INE gets soooo much hate because of his rape case. Convicted of three counts with the same girl.

He was 17, she was 13. He says she told him she was 19... I wanna believe him, but when you're 17, you can tell a 13yo girl isn't 19. But then he was technically a minor too, so, I guess that's why he's not locked up rn.

>> No.11100771

There's more important things to care about than lives and bodies, you sentimental piece of shit.

>> No.11100772

if anything the problem is 'normal' white people aren't taking enough responsibility for the suffering caused by the system of white supremacy they are all complicit in. and that means you too.

>> No.11100774

scummmmmmmmmmmmmmm gangggggg


>> No.11100778

point is people usully complaining are middle class college educated thinking that only because they're black/whatever makes their lifes worse than a poor white blue collar

>> No.11100782

The sad part about /lit/ is that these accusations will make a lot of you like Diaz even though he's still the same bad writer you've always criticized.

>> No.11100783

hey, how about this? white people endure struggles too.

yes, let me repeat that for you.

WHITE people endure and suffer struggles too.

i'm entitled to my pain, you mestizo-maimed subhuman.

>> No.11100793

>tfw Weininger, Dworkin, Solanas and Houellebecq were all %100 right about gender relations and human sexuality

>> No.11100803

>I wanna believe him, but when you're 17, you can tell a 13yo girl isn't 19
Black and Hispanic girls look they're 20 when they're 9. Anyone who doesn't given him plausible deniability probably lives in the middle of nowhere

>> No.11100806

69 was arrested and charged when he was 18.


>> No.11100813

Why include Dworkin?

>> No.11100815

people of color and other marginalized folks face specific struggles associated with racism and white supremacy regardless of their social class or background. middle class PoC still suffer from mortgage discrimination, employment and wage discrimination and are more likely to be murdered by police. they still suffer from an alienating cultural atmosphere disproportionately centred on white people, white feelings and white pain.

>> No.11100818

"white people" is a social construct

>> No.11100835

so make art out of the oppression and marginalization. make art, produce art, create art that captures the pain and struggle of being a person of color. the complaining and the whining on social media are tiresome and boring because it's everywhere and any fool with a phone can put in their opinion having suffered only superficially these kinds of issues. this is not real pain. this is not loneliness, death. these are inconveniences. so write about them if they're so wondrously destructive and depressing. write about them. make me feel.

>> No.11100836

even if whiteness is a social construct, it doesn't mean its effects aren't very real. It's easy for you to dismiss it because you benefit from it.

>> No.11100842

>so make art out of the oppression and marginalization. make art, produce art, create art that captures the pain and struggle of being a person of color.
/lit/ would just dismiss it out of hand, anyways.

>> No.11100843

Who cares? These things get too much attention anyway. And often decades after the assault, if it even was an assault. It's sad that a single woman can without witnesses ruin someone's career by saying he "forcibly kissed her". It's entirely possible he hasn't even touched her.

>> No.11100845

is that what the professors tell you at Stanford, Marteen? is that what you read in your Chicano/Chicana/Chicanx studies? that whiteness, this idea of whiteness, this construct of illusion and imagination, actually grants tangible benefits? is that what the professors at Stanford and UC Berkeley brainwash into?

>> No.11100850

> I did gave her a beso forzado to this negra sensual but can you culparme, bros? Her culo is very grande and her mouth seems like it can hold my pito inside it. Overall no regrets, this negra was asking for it.

>> No.11100852

i dont live in the united shits of ameriturd

>> No.11100859

>Black and Hispanic girls look they're 20 when they're 9.
So do anglo-saxon girls, but it all depends on the person, not on their cultural background.

>> No.11100868

racism and white supremacy are a thing in Europe, you know. You can be safe to know Media and the literally canon will centre on the experiences of people who look like you, and employers, bosses and police will always assume the best of you.

>> No.11100872

Great numbers there, anon

>> No.11100874

oh and what even is this board, this /lit/? a collection of failures and losers with inconsequential opinions. i like the fact that they regard writers like joyce and melville highly, but it's so easily seen that they're prejudiced toward that certain niche of white writers. there is no diversity here in the works they revere, or there is a minimal amount at best. i know we have people of color here, but the charts contain mainly books by white authors; the threads are mainly about white philosophers and writers. forget this place, forget this board. just make something out of it. write a cien anos de soledad; write the short stories of borges; write an invisible man, a beloved.

>> No.11100875

i'm a dirty commie and let me tell you liberals get the bullet too is not a fucking meme. maybe not literally but surely metaphorically
in my country blue collar worker are turning to hard right because the left slashed welfare and worker's right while pushing irrelevant idpol bs
literally the same thing happened in USA with the rust belt and trump.
there is nothing worse for a white father than hearing "why are you complaining you're white loool" while struggling to make ends meet because his job got shipped to asia and immigrants saturate the welfare

>> No.11100878

> I wish I could sodomizarla every day of the semana, oh bros, I wish you could see her culo gigante, it really is an obra maestra. Suck my pito, you puta! Swallow my leche!

>> No.11100889

I am Junot Diaz! I've won premios, give me what I want, perra! Oh yes perra, I love you perra!

>> No.11100891

I want to destroy my computer and study logic in the wilderness until I die.

>> No.11100893

what you’re referring to as white supremacy, is in fact, white/anglo saxon supremacy, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, anglo saxons plus white supremacy.

>> No.11100902

you have the luxury of doing so because you are white and middle class

>> No.11100904

t. Diaz

>> No.11100907


>> No.11100911

yes and i'm sure your tongue and oral faculties and larynx have the "privilege" and ability and means to pronounce out this acronym that you've ingrained into the roots and canals of your brain.


white anglo-saxon protestant.

the bane of your existence. your soul-sighing destruction. your feverish tempest. you hate the name with an odious and rancorous passion. every moment it leaves your lips you spit in revulsion.

>> No.11100917

I have a lingering suspicion many of the 'people of color' in here are either concern trolling white dudes or asian/south americans who are either white identifying or white passing descendants of colonial elites. I don't think many PoC or Queer/ trans people could tolerate a site so full of entitlement and supremacy

>> No.11100929

"People of color" is a retarded term anyway.

>> No.11100932
File: 1.19 MB, 1642x672, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys he may have metoo'd, but look at his childhood:


>Very well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink, he would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Some times he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy, the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical, summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds, pretty standard really. At the age of 12 I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen, a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum, it's breathtaking, I suggest you try it.

>> No.11100937

it's about emphasizing the common experience of systemic racism

>> No.11100938

>I was violado therefore I can violar other personas.

>> No.11100942

Impossible. No cares about writers anymore, it's all about pushing a narrative to a target demographic. Diaz barely writes and what he does write is meh at best. Yet he's famous and rich.

Sorry bro, if you want to make it you better get on twitter now.

>> No.11100950

Is he really rich? How do you know this?

>> No.11100964

My mom, who has only read NYT pleb best sellers for the last 30 years:

>Anon, its so nice that all these black girls are getting books, but they are so boring, and they are all the same, and their books dont mean much if they end up getting rich...

>> No.11100978

yeah, but what people don't have a skin color? who are these transparent evil men?

>> No.11100981

except asians of course. fuckin asian privileged. We should make them pick cotton for a decade in order to get them on our side.

>> No.11100990

what I really dislike about identity politics is the way it acts as a levelling force and turns people into self righteous middle class neurotics only distinguishable by their sexuality and exterior characterics. the liberal ideal of equality and individual freedom/self expression ends up cycling back to totalitarian uniformity

>> No.11101003

nonwhite is a negative definition, PoC a positive one.

>> No.11101015

You are correct but the order is wrong. They are already attacking lgbtq.

>> No.11101020

Not that I don't want to see this mudblood burn, but this is literally nothing and this stupid fat bitch should shut up.

>> No.11101029

the endgoal is a world of self hating paranoid monads constantly doublechecking themselves about everything

>> No.11101085

All sex is rape.

>> No.11101098

>half white
No such thing, once you're out you're out.

>> No.11101101
File: 147 KB, 728x1012, 1508962636801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best post in the thread
lit really does need practice responding to these kind of widely held opinions and saying '>abloo bloo my ancestors lost' in real life doesn't really work

>> No.11101105

how is attending therapy 'white'? it's common as fuck in latin america to attend therapy, i'd even say more common than in the US especially for males.

>> No.11101112

What else did the jew tell you to believe , dancing brown monkey?

>> No.11101118

nice binary get

>> No.11101127

How much do you want to bet she flirted with him over drinks and they were alone at night after drinking, she had made excessive eye contact with him, was dressed in a provocative manner, was sitting close to him and he had shown signs of sexual interest the entire time they were together. Its almost as if women don't realize that sex can start for men at any point during courtship and that incels and more aggressive betas will jump the gun. If you can read between the lines when socializing, you're never more than 2-3 steps away from fucking when there is opposite sex interactions. The first leap is alcohol, extended eye contact and light physical contact, if you cross this boundary, phallic thought is overriding sterile platonic sociality.

>> No.11101152

this thread really does have a lot of dubs

>> No.11101159
File: 2.57 MB, 3952x5048, 1510581397034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the jewish publishing industry promotes hacks like Diaz and intentionally excludes white men, while sucking in dough-eyed white girls who bought into feminist nonsense only to become bait for these jews and their brown pets. IN the institutions WE built no less. If you're white and this doesn't piss you off, you aren't wired right.

We have to get rid of these jews, white people. There is no other way and situations like this one will only continue to become worse and more numerous.

>> No.11101175

>cien anos de soledad

>> No.11101184

Sounds like the dude is just a psycho. People are saying he was raped in the ass as a kid.

>> No.11101206

That sounds pretty fun desu. I'd read that.

>> No.11101209

>implying white isn't a color (again)

>> No.11101212

>One Hundred Anuses of Solitude

>> No.11101222

Based anti-Jew poster.

>> No.11101226

goes to show the kind of people who write condescending lectures like that never practice what they preach

>> No.11101231

Oh its that guy? Unstable and low conscientiousness is more likely than psycho, my point still stands. Women purposefully put themselves in positions to be propositioned and given sexual attention and then do nothing to read the signs along the way

>> No.11101274
File: 360 KB, 828x979, hypergamy-chart-expectation-1-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you're talking about is female hypergamy that occurs naturally unless pair-bonding measures are put in place. Jewish feminism, family breakdown, and white women entering the workplace cause them to revert to a more primitive model of reproduction. When white men were in control of our society there were checks against that, but as jews were allowed to obtain power they steadily broke this down, because it's bad for whites and thus good for jews.

>> No.11101279

you're like a man trying to move into the forest to protest urbanization and the expansion of the suburbs

>> No.11101283

that's dumb

if primitively only the MOST attractive men got to reproduce, then after tens of thousands of years how are ugly men still the majority

>> No.11101291

attractive parents doesn't necessarily make attractive childs
t. ugly son of beautiful parents

>> No.11101293

Now this is neoliberalism

>> No.11101295

Because it's not really about male attractiveness, but status and power, which women care as much if not more about.

>> No.11101298


Like clockwork! Look at that infographic! I bet your girlfriend is proud of you, anon. :D

>> No.11101307

that might happen once in a while but statistically over whole populations and long periods of time it wouldn't, if "sexual selection" was really as strict and all-encompassing as evopsych larpers would have you believe

>> No.11101314

Between him and the "basic human decency" poster it seems like we have a full house of /lit/'s one-trick ponies.

>> No.11101316

There are also ugly women.

>> No.11101317

true, true.

>> No.11101323

Including the jewish thread-monitors that try to keep people from talking about jews. Facts are the facts.

>> No.11101325

I know what hypergamy is, it isn't "judaic" because its found in societies that aren't influenced by Jews like SE Asia, Polynesia, Africa, S America. Its significantly less common among more masculine races but where it is found, it tends to be dealt with violently and with repressive social programming like Islam. The almost certain causal factor is technology which creates higher iq, deracinated, atomized populations that tend towards sociopathic hypergamous, polygynous and transient sexuality
a few things: there are environmental factors that depress fitness and have a deleterious effect through pleiotropy, for instance the advent of agriculture effectively lowered height and robustness by a considerable amount. Further still there is always room for some of the middling betas to breed, since alpha males tend to be eliminated by extreme competition and social upheaval and because they frequently breed with lower fitness females to maximize dispersal of their lineage you will have millions of Han who are the descendents of Ghengis Khan, an undoubtedly superior specimen in physical and spiritual terms to the hordes of undistinguished, nebbish insects crawling across China today. Finally, ugliness has accelerated with time in many populations as the more rarefied and sensitive constitutions of the beautiful frequently mutate or go extinct. Additionally cuckholdry and a difference in rates of fecundity can effectively negate some of the benefits of alpha males breeding disproportionately more than betas. Its complex but the most attractive men historically are responsible for most of the humans alive today. There are vastly more mtDNA lineages than Y-Chrosomal Haplogroups and this is because of hypergamy and lower survival rates of males, especially alphas in disadvantageous positions and the general beta population

>> No.11101345

at the very least he won half a million from getting the genius grant in 2012, he also has a teaching job at MIT (which pays on average 185,900 a year, he likely makes more), and I'm pretty sure he gets paid for most if not all of those talks he does at colleges

>> No.11101353

No one said hypergamy is "judaic," but that jews promote things that weaken white society and as a result create conditions that encourage and reward white women for engaging in hypergamy. All women are hypergamous by nature, but that instinct is regulated unless a hostile foreign race is in charge.

>> No.11101366

this is the fault of the reign of terror the iowa writing workshop (with a few other schools behind it, notably columbus but their output is a little less boring) and part of the larger scourge of mostly only already well off or connected people being able to devote themselves to creative work

>> No.11101367

tbhh i am dissapointed in you for not living up to my mental image of the PoC as a noble savage living in a natural state of alterity and natural wisdom

>> No.11101369

western europe is unique in this way, as it is the only place with natural monogamy

>> No.11101387

have fun writing your fanfic, even if she was some film noir seductress word is he's been pulling stuff like this and worse for years on dozens of women every chance he got

>> No.11101407

>you have to respect other cultures!!!
>also oppressing women is universally wrong god said it
imagine the dissonance when 'minority cultures' commit all of the same sins the 'leading white culture' does yet you're supposed to explain it away as their nature-gifted expression of themselves as a people as opposed to white people's corruption of virtue

anglos are fucked in the head

>> No.11101479

does being a hugely successful author score you so little pussy these days you have to settle for 26 year old roasties? yikes/

>> No.11101501

>I was violado give me a break, bros.

>> No.11101617



>> No.11101706

>forcibly kiss me
I mean, is this really so bad?

>> No.11101746

>be American
>try to kiss a girl
>get socially ostracized as a rapist

What the fuck? This country needs to control its women.

>> No.11101751

the forced kiss is apparently the tip of the iceberg w/ his behavior to fans and students, expect more to come out in the next few days

>> No.11101771

American = white person. This foreign pervert is brown.

>> No.11101779

I can't wait for the post war liberal narrative to collapse under the weight of its own contradictions. if even MLK is a sex pest and all narratives even progressive ones have been discredited by their own inherent logics, what now? Maybe nothing is true and everything is permitted and we can go back to worshipping Hitler because literally nothing matters anymore.

>> No.11101801

for what it's worth people are pushing back on the "verbal sexual assault" being not a real thing (verbal harassment, yes) and are annoyed that that woman is using having an uncomfortable argument with diaz as an excuse to sell books/get attention and tie herself with the actual sexual assault of other women

>> No.11101803

>Loves Diaz
>Gets offended when Love is reciprocated
Mummy's little faggot

>> No.11101813

The jewish facade is coming down across the west, just like it did in the jewish-controlled Soviet Union. Jews may be able to force on whites these hypermoral and egalitarian/utopian systems and castrate heretics for a generation or so, but it always wears off and then jews get purged and kicked out.

We've seen this movie before, folks.

>> No.11101905

>Thinking this A-maricón or any of his batty whore accusers would survive a day outside of their hyper protective ivory tower bubbles

Chupame la pinga, goblino

>> No.11101918

Leave /lit/ now, shitskin. We're a white board.

>> No.11101942

>Only speaks in shitty island pidgin
>His race never established a foothold on the European continent
>Only connection to Roman Empire is larping
>”Let me tel you who’s white”


>> No.11101952

no, we're not

>> No.11101957
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>> No.11101958

I had never heard of Diaz until this story (im not American).
Is he actually a big name in the literary world / pop culture / social media ect?

Is the fallout of these accusations actually going to amount to anything, or is it just going to satiate the bloodlust of a couple crazies on twitter?

>> No.11101973

>verbal sexual assault

>> No.11101985

>The standard language of social justice wasn't made up by academics, it is a great collective work based on the struggles and lived experiences of all marginalized folks throughout history who have now found a common language through the internet.
This is bait but retards actually think like this so I'll respond anyway
Saying this is akin to saying "no we haven't given any sort of rigorous thought into what we're saying but it's The People's Truth(tm) so it's correct" which if you can't parse out why that's a pants on head stupid opinion to have you'll never make it

>> No.11102027

>Recently, my friends and readers have helped me confront some of the pecadillos I've committed in the past. Through them, I've gained new vistas for the understanding of the hurt I've unfortunately caused some of the mujeres fuertes to whom I've slipped my chorizo flaco.

>These thoughtful, wonderful perspectives have moved me to make another confession: when I was a young boy, a chico of only eight años, I was raped.

>I still remember the day of my fateful violación. Playing escondidas with mis hermanos, crouched in an old woodshed, barefoot and wearing only an old pair of loose-fitting pantalones. I wanted more than anything for Diego not to find me, but alas, I was only too successful.

>Tío José was a big man, although he had plenty of muscle under his grasa. I think he must have been poco tipsy, and perhaps looking for his favorite burro, who was known to occasionally rummage in the shed for hongos. I heard him push on the door, and hid in a dark corner still afraid of little Diego. "¿Ey cabrón, tu quieres un juego? Jajajaja" ¿Qué?

>I at first felt only relieved. Tío José had, after all, made me cartonería for my last birthday. He was wearing the same white, sleeveless undershirt as always, although his powerful, hairy shoulders seemed oddly tense. He unzipped his torn jeans; a thick, brown bicho tumbled out. I remember being amazed at how much more grande it was than my own small pene; so much ¡más largo y grueso!

>Without a word he turned me around and pulled down mis pantalones just a few inches. I still remember the feeling of his great tronco, moreno with the hot sun of a thousand generations of living in mi tierra, as he thrust it deep inside mi culo. ¡Ay papi! I cried as this strange culebra pulled in and out of my tight young puerta de mierda.

>¡Tonto del culo! yelled mi tío as he suddenly thrust his great asta deep. Suddenly he seemed to change; stuffing himself back into his jeans, he stumbled out of the shed. Of course mi culo was mas devastado, and I couldn't stop the horchata de hombre from flowing out not matter how tightly I clinched mi ano. ¡Ay caramba! I whimpered in desesperación. How could I ever tell abuela?

>> No.11102044

jajaja primo posto

>> No.11102059

Im addicted to porn

>> No.11102075

Read this

>> No.11102178


Was just listening to that song

>> No.11102221
File: 91 KB, 618x1148, 232412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminism is turning out to be quite the weapon against jews and non-whites.

>> No.11102231

>Verbal awxual assault
Women are a mistake

>> No.11102247

Wow learning the Jews did this has made me instantly stop being addicted to porn because I hate Jews so much and don’t want anything to do with anything they’ve meddled in. Thanks, gonna email this to all my contacts now! We need to spread the word!

>> No.11102262

The end goal is converting men into slave pet sperm launchers while amazon women control production and government

>> No.11102264

maybe he was just doing a european greeting

>> No.11102266

>women control production and government

it wont last, nothing to fear

>> No.11102298

You are an OG upon reaching 25, fool

>> No.11102315
File: 23 KB, 640x186, god_i_wish_that_were_me_by_vbictor98-db5lveo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine how much worse your life would be ceteris paribus if you were trans, queer, female or a person of color.

You mean so that the same measurements for quality in art wouldn't be applied to me and I could garner more attention for my work because muh oppression?
I'm down.

Where do you faggots come from anyway?

>> No.11102328

I really do want to know, when you FOLKS talk about TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHITE PRIVILEGE what, in your head, does that look like?
How should one take responsibility for a vague concept they had no hand in creating?

>> No.11102337

"¡Ay caramba" is a Mexican expression, this nigga's Dominican.

>> No.11102352

sometimes when im really tired at work and somebody starts talking to me about the news n shit i get paranoid that i'll forget to act "woke" and ill say some insane shit like "trump's not that bad" or "just throwing more money at minority schools isnt going to improve performance since the poorest performing schools in the state already spend significantly more per student than the best performing schools"

>> No.11102355
File: 57 KB, 511x493, 4C378C76-C97E-4402-B694-51116CE37E8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>verbal sexual assault

>> No.11102369

>you would have to be blind to deny the reality legitamcy of white supremacy and white privilege

wot is white feelings.

>> No.11102371

>wide eyed at 26
women are old as fuck at 26

>> No.11102379

oh shut up

>> No.11102382

They have victim and oppressor classes; here woman is victim and man is oppressor. At essence, in-and-of-itself, these classes are victims or oppressors, so any act, indeed every act they partake in, is an act of victimisation and oppression. Words are sexual assault, gaze is sexual assault, disagreement is sexual assault, and so on.

>> No.11102383

sup roastie how's it hangin

>> No.11102386

I can smell the roast beef from here

>> No.11102453

Weak diversion attempt, rabbi.

>> No.11102459

When will it be ok to call black people niggers again?

>> No.11102471

missing david copperfield

>> No.11102476

The truth is you can call black people niggers at anytime, no one is actually stopping you.

Next 6'5" 220lb gigganigga you see, call him a nigger since you feel tough saying tough online.

>> No.11102516

>They are already attacking lgbtq.
How so? I'm curious.

>> No.11102540

>being this quick to jump to conclusions
The point is I think being called a queer is offensive. Just because white girls and universities start calling things queer isn't going to change my mind on that. But yeah go ahead and assume that everyone has to be fine with the word queer being applied to them because some Ivy league fuckwits decided it was ok.
TERFS hate transbians
Gays hate Bis
Bisexual is gay erasure

>> No.11102550

when they use it to refer to themselves as a term of empowerment, as queers do. and they already do call each other nigga to celebrate the ingroup. however nobody says niggER unless it's in literature or a direct quote. same like nobody says kike irl. get mad and mumble slurs quietly to yourself polbaiter.

>> No.11102557

>when they use it to refer to themselves as a term of empowerment, as queers do. and they already do call each other nigga to celebrate the ingroup
This is racist af and you don't even understand why just lmao dude

>> No.11102562

Care to extrapolate? Do POC not call each other nigga?

>> No.11102568

holy shit this thread is a clusterfuck

>> No.11102572

No anon, not every minority agrees with each other. A lot of people actually don't like using words like nigger or queer. They actually are all autonomous beings. If you've never heard of a black person complaining about the how often nigger is used then you might be underaged or non American.

>> No.11102580

I call my niggas niggas all day long nigga you need to go outside or get off the internet or something nigga, goddamn.

>> No.11102593

why the fuck are all these half-witted ivory tower SJW anons weighing in on junot diaz? is liberal arts this mentally deficient?

>that argument
>some black people disagree with the usage of the word nigga
>some gay people disagree with the usage of the word queer
>therefore ANY usage of either is wrong and racist af
how much did you pay for your college education anon

>> No.11102597

Drop the bomb Donald, there's no way back but all the way.

>> No.11102615

Sorry anon maybe I just think naming a class queer studies is fucking dumb or using a slur as idpol is stupid.

>> No.11102621

I'm very conflicted about the #metoo movement because I do believe it's important to at the very least listen to the victims but the fact that virtually all the accused are liberal is making it obvious that the movement was hijacked by the establishment to make the left look immoral and hypocritical. I'm sure many if not most of the accused are guilty but it's still obvious they were hunted primarily for their political beliefs and not because of their misconduct.

>> No.11102628

>Wide-eyed 26 yo
>26 years old

>> No.11102631

there is a whole subset of nogs and spics who have absolutely no problem calling each other nigs and spics nor do they typically, though this varies among them, mind their white friends calling then nogs and spics. nigs have a higher tolerance for bantz nd talking general nonsense than most other races save for the Irish. They’re a remarkably flexible people, comes from having low cognitive needs and relatively primal drives. Personally find them to be wittier than the average white prole, Jews and Irish again the only races who seem to trade in playful verbal displays, Italians in their own less self-consciously intelligent way are like this too. Slave races have their own virtues which go with their chronic inborn inferiority.

>> No.11102661
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>He shouted the word rape

>> No.11102686

To be fair they were playing charades and she was just not getting any of the hints

>> No.11102695


>> No.11102794


>> No.11102796


I'm thinking Arby's

>> No.11102848

He won a few major murrican awards and had a couple of bestsellers. He's shit but the kind of shit that's taken seriously by normies.

>> No.11102877

I wish he had taken the salinger or pynchon hermit route instead of what happened, but maybe DFW got out of the game at the right time for his reputation. There's been weird performative stuff for the last few years about hating him and and his books because lame guys who won't text you back :( worship him, but the unsavory stuff written about and hinted at in the bio has barely been touched.

>> No.11103078

What the fuck are you talking about? You're a non-white, aren't you?

>> No.11103350

I am a “white” person who grew up in Asia. Let’s talk about how only people of color are discriminated against. Discrimination happens to all people and who is discriminated against seems to be region specific.

>> No.11103608

Who do I root for in this situation lol?

>> No.11103998

lol he is a stereotypical spic

>> No.11104267

Seguro que solo dominas un idioma, y ni eso. ¡Aquí llega el salvador de la raza aria!

>> No.11104271
File: 38 KB, 540x540, smiley_face_yellow_laughing_emoticon_round_sticker-r94e94a29e7184a02bf471178a2284598_v9waf_8byvr_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to whom I've slipped my chorizo flaco.