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File: 12 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11100242 No.11100242 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /lit/, now that the dust has settled, who was in the right here?

>> No.11100256

Is there a reason why we don't just gas all post WWII "philosophers"?

>> No.11100271

Zizek is so /fa/

>> No.11100399
File: 27 KB, 480x360, 1525454224053s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one

>> No.11100409

What a great philosophy.

>> No.11100414

this is a prime example of toxic masculinity

>> No.11100692

this but unironically

>> No.11100792

yooo this nigga eatin two sammiches!

>> No.11100840

>The same rightists who decades ago were shouting, 'Better dead than red!' are now often heard mumbling, 'Better red than eating hamburgers.'

What did he mean by this?

>> No.11100856

this but ironically

>> No.11100861

He cute!

>> No.11100863

these but post-unironically

>> No.11100871


>> No.11100879

It's subjective destitution. *sniff* There is no inner symbolic meaning.

>> No.11100892
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>> No.11100915

holy shit is this legit?

>> No.11100926

Of course, Alex Jones is low key the perfect culimination of Deleuze's self-rhizomization

>> No.11100935

hahaha i got you. Now you're hotdogs are filled with dust

>> No.11100941

So is Alex Jones' perfect system Anarcho-Capitalist Communism?

>> No.11100948

No its post-industrial Christian-American Exceptionalism

>> No.11100953

Could you expound on this? I understand the concept of the rhizome but what does "self-rhizomization" mean?

>> No.11100954


scho you have to schee why the hot dogsch are a penish that you need to be fischted by

>> No.11100973

*sniffs* *pulls shirt* and scho on and scho on

>> No.11100974
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>> No.11100976


see for yourself

>> No.11100979

Its to resist conforming to the signification structures that capitalism attempts to label you with. Who is Alex Jones and what does he want? He's called everything from a white supremacist to a Christian evangelical to a conspiracy nut and he helps stoke every single one of those categories while consequetively defying them the next minute.
The rhizome is resistant to the fictions because its makes a mockery of them and in turn is rested only on the real itself.

>> No.11100984

So in other words, the ultimate post-irony?

>> No.11100986
File: 84 KB, 900x562, deleuze delighted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! Feed the beast

>> No.11101008
File: 562 KB, 840x455, 1510694361927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zizek hates the "Capitalism and Schizophrenia" books though, he's said if he gets in power they would be they first books he would burn.

>> No.11101009

Wait, why am I agreeing with Alex Jones over Slavoj Zizek? What the fuck is happening to me?

>> No.11101018

Of course he would, he knows its the one perspective that undermines his totalitarian communist project

>> No.11101019

Why/how would transgressively defying and thereby invalidating categories be anticapitalist?

>> No.11101022

Alex is legitimately highly intelligent. He puts on the whole crazy conspiracy act for shekels. He certainly believes the stuff he says, but he presents in such a way that he knows will generate controversy and therefore views which equals money. He's a smart goy

>> No.11101030
File: 19 KB, 485x161, ToErr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are, but with strict alignment to pre-industrial revolution ethics whereby the good of the operation is maintained in enactments inseparable from the community - though now modified to the global village. Our interwoven world being inescapably philosophical in wholes as opposed to the individual requires that gases be distributed equally to not just agents as we see them but agents speculated to be in the future inescapable of their desire for the byproducts of their executioners, namely that utter we so gloriously we suckle. The charming flatulence that we so are in need of for the levelling is distributed just so as to cause the effects needed to realign ourselves, though obviously is also a baby with bathwater scenario, though our pale babes bathe in milk. So yes, the final solution is taking place and the ends will be the ends for all lovers of truth in order that the herd flourishes and finally triumphs over the evil of the electric fence. Given that we enjoy the gassing or are in need of knowing enjoyment in this gasification of existence until all that is left is the putrid spectre haunting the faux-Eden Adam mouthbreather of classic inquiry, I relent to my sympathy of utilitarian distribution of mass suicide not being thoroughly engaged with as a well ordered system but instead a highly ecological regional selection process for eliminating love of truth by love of all beefdogs with fried onions and mustard a non-commitment, GF buns mandatory so as not to indited humanity as propogator of gases just as weather systems being god given don't align nationalistically, nor as is seen economically.

So, yes, we are doing our part, the gassing has well begun and none the wiser, Capital slyly winking to us cooks - or us self-styled cookers of the books. Capital is no laughing gas, though fart jokes are biologically or innately funny, yet their overabundance is akin to Nazis torture whereby tickling induces - this time fart joke induces on mass scale - an apoplectic fit of despairing toasts to good health.

>> No.11101031

Well Zizek in this clip represents the monster of capitalism and since capitalism is never wrong we might conclude that the devoured hotdogs were in the wrong.

>> No.11101034

But Zizeks point is that you can't escape this narrative. You can only critique and recognise it. Jones is an excelent example of staying within ideology with his unironic supporting of Trump and being a bigger degenerate than liberals and so on

>> No.11101038

Of course he does, D&G btfo Lacan and he's a butthurt lacanian

>> No.11101039

Because you are who you are and Capitalism will go where Capitalism goes. The only point at which Capitalism has an active ability to control our own interior minds is when we reify our minds as commodified representations. You do more to defy Capitalism by saying you are pro-Capitalism in ironic jest than you do by buying an Anti-Capitalist t-shirt

Zizek understands this well himself

>> No.11101040

>and so on
Zizek plz we know it's you

>> No.11101043

responding with pseudish effortpost to memey single lines should be punished with the death penalty

>> No.11101048

He likes Deleuze, just not AO and Plateaus.

>> No.11101049

No,no... I'm diabetic. *sniff* I go to sleep at this hour. It's definitely not me.

>> No.11101053

>You do more to defy Capitalism by saying you are pro-Capitalism in ironic jest than you do by buying an Anti-Capitalist t-shirt
I'm not arguing against that. If the only way you represent yourself is with commodities then you're certainly not going to be anticapitalist. But how would an ironic pro-capitalist be anymore anticapitalist than an unironic anticapitalist if neither are representing their identity through commodities? The whole transgressive angle really only seems to ring true if you're talking about 80 iq antifa who go out and buy che shirts.

>> No.11101054
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A clever maneuver to try disable Deleuze. HOWEVER

>> No.11101056

I said D&G

>> No.11101062

Those weren't the only books they wrote though

>> No.11101063

Every representation is already a commodity. This is the logic of the market. The mass produced t-shirt is only the most vulgar form, merely stating you are against Capitalism is already indulging in the product of Anti-Capitalism. You are always a consumer

>> No.11101066

He's show is an act. He is mostly just conservative in a social way but he is a socialist.

>> No.11101074

Not that there's really a feasible way to be entirely anticapitalist within capitalism, but I just don't see how being ironically capitalist would be anymore harmful to capitalism than being unironically anticapitalist or anything else for that matter.

>> No.11101088
File: 1.92 MB, 1280x720, Yum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a CND value that I hold that doesn't support the death penalty but supports mass suicide whereby happiness-utility is increased to a max and then severed in as equally as can be distributed ten minute misconducts without the team - tribe - incurring the loss of a player. We support the human sacrifice to Capital in as equal a measure as should be, and I hope to spread my message beyond our boarders.

>> No.11101096

good luck with anybody taking you seriously when you write like a clueless undergrad lol

>> No.11101097
File: 14 KB, 224x216, da24fc5fd8175f328f13609e9a1c6df8fe22f3d3fb01c495f5410cb02a41c2d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh effortposting

>> No.11101108
File: 295 KB, 700x704, 1505916253667.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh muh

>> No.11101110

This post sucks and that movie sucked too, shitty snowtrain class-apocalypse masturbatory aid; and the movie sucked too.

>> No.11101117

shoo goon go away!

>> No.11101125


>> No.11101137

this is such a disturbing gif to use offhandedly, 4chan has the most bizarre misinterpretation of aesthetics and intent, although post-ironic theory permits this kind of repurposing, this particular sequence in the show is meant to evoke disturbed states and to suggest depersonalized psychosis.

>> No.11101142

it doesn't matter what the intent was in the show and i didn't mean it as a laugh gif

>> No.11101143

Kek zizek's a pretty funny guy. Only commie I like

>> No.11101154
File: 319 KB, 803x688, Langaugegames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cluelessity of presence bares only the mystery. Here the speculator enacts a milking machine technique whereby utters are dehumanized, though obviously this term is unsuitable. The mystery is suckled, as were the breasts of Liberity during the French revolution. I however pull away to expose only the lack of utters and the presence of a prostate with a propensity to engorge and need prodding while the testicles are cupped - and given the lucky circumstance of a third individual, the shaft is engaged either by hand or tittiefucking. The clothing is not important, but the black and white patches do seem to produce a mist over the operation that makes the watcher think of the evidence mounting against of for mass suicide.

Thanks. CND is with you.

>> No.11101157

good god your writing really is horrible. at least girardfag is interesting

>> No.11101171

>that switch to first person

>> No.11101211

We need a third hotdog.

>> No.11101225

it's a shame how such a profound thinker became a literal meme. you leftists are shameful.

if zizek was a based 14/88 white identitarian then we'd give him the proper respect he deserves

>> No.11101230

You totally misunderstand the purpose. If you want to fight capitalism then fight capitalism, that is easy. What the rhizome offers is protecting yourself from Capitalism itself

>> No.11101239
File: 56 KB, 680x395, Taoism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been exposed! I am both a horrible writer and not interesting! I shall only succeed in producing masturbatory works of which I suckle each black gate. And I want more of myself. More! Give me more of me! Such gifts are beautiful, such play of cup and ball made to cure society of its evil as Decarrots saith: talking with the tool of thought, I produce a thousand joys, a thousand ills. This is in which mode I condemn you with my cockpositive divining stick leading my mouth downwards, downwards to the black dragon I must suckle, yea suckle-suckle.

>> No.11101254
File: 1.45 MB, 3264x2448, BC49C639-5A3C-40F3-9288-301A8C65AEB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I meme him beacuse I love him. Memes are the most sincere form of flattery.

>> No.11101257

>I shall

Stopped reading here

>> No.11101261
File: 36 KB, 600x600, 562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah lets ignore all the trump and hitler memes that are everywhere

>> No.11101264

Thanks. Every (you) helps.

>> No.11101275

>profound thinkers

>> No.11101302

evola memes then

>> No.11101304

>profound thinker

>> No.11101312

Okay name a right wing profound thinker that doesn't have any memes

>> No.11101313

>evola memes

>> No.11101320
File: 40 KB, 154x234, Taylor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11101334
File: 13 KB, 620x402, pjt-slavoj_zizek-2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Charles Taylor
>right wing
>Canadian Communitarian
>right wing

>> No.11101354

>white supremacist
>Christian evangelical
>conspiracy nut
I don't see how these are supposed to be mutually exclusive?

>> No.11101370
File: 794 KB, 1032x1400, Stylin_1902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stand a resolute CND.

>> No.11101375

It's called Catholicism.

>> No.11101377

Not the point retard. Catch up

>> No.11101396

This demonstrates well how the perverse know better than anyone the extent of their perversion. He acknowledges that before the fall of Man, simple heterosexual intercourse would have been stripped of all our base eroticism and shame, while also holding no improper place in the minds of men and women. It simply would have been contained to its function, enjoyed for what it was, but not even considered beyond its natural bounds. He is trying to reach heaven by burrowing through hell. He knows this, and yet still he tries. I pity him.

>> No.11101402

The fuck is a CND? Two sentence maximum and keep the schizotypal metaphors to the minimum, please.

>> No.11101405

A meme is simply an icon or hero. We have simply lost our ability to be sincere about it, and so must couch everything in self-deprecation.

>> No.11101420
File: 103 KB, 1200x1200, 1525293864220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>punished with the penalty
>responding with to
>single. plurals.

>> No.11101426

>not realizing self-deprecation and irony provide the most authentic human approach offered in more than a century

>> No.11101461
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, Rorty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too busy waiting on translations to post my displeasure with my own unknownness, that which is object-other within ourselves. Please be more kind to discussion at hand rather than posting these disenfranchised elucidations of my overwrought and sinuous placations of a most humble master of Commie jokes and Progressive Conservative aesthetics such that Manitoba farmers rejoice at the thought of his honorary citizenship. Please be less enchanted by the sounds of me jerking off to a statue.

>> No.11101470

>>responding with to

this is perfectly acceptable stupid frogshit

>> No.11101476

Okay, that makes more sense

>> No.11101497

Not only did you post three (3) sentences, it's full schizo and I still don't know what CND is. The fuck man, take what they prescribe you.

>> No.11101519


We're not going to take it by twisted sister is the next song on my list pal!

>> No.11101660
File: 73 KB, 600x563, 1525293671108.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>punished with the penalty
>single. plurals.
>perfectly. acceptable.
>responding with to

>> No.11101666

i feel like philosofers shouldn’t be allowed to eat idk why

>> No.11101764
