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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 419 KB, 599x599, Mo7PEro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11093532 No.11093532 [Reply] [Original]

Could somebody compile me a list of fit-literature? Something along the lines of 15-30 non normie books.

Id assume it would have stoic and "far-right" extremism in it.

>> No.11093534

Suck my asshole hair

>> No.11093539
File: 69 KB, 640x640, DXY9BMVXUAIo7TI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, u!

>> No.11093541

This has to be satire

>> No.11093545
File: 417 KB, 666x1000, 9780520274334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arete: Greek Sports From Ancient Sources

>> No.11093548

Why do you want such recommendations, and what do you hope to achieve by reading them? You seem to want confirmation of your own thoughts instead of challenges to them. Why do you want to read things that conform to your own biases?

>> No.11093563
File: 43 KB, 308x462, unnamed (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greek Athletics and the Genesis of Sport by David Sansone

>> No.11093565

>Why do you want to read on topics that interest you?

>> No.11093577

lol faggot

>> No.11093587

That very well might be the motivation behind the post, but considering the frequency of such posts, assuming that OP isn't just looking for a pat on the back isn't far-fetched. Perhaps, however, OP really is just interested in those topics out of purely "neutral" academic motivations.

haha yeah

>> No.11093603
File: 29 KB, 344x348, leeman-pose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a career out of sports yet im still in the early phases where im developing my character and attitude. Just because I feel like i need to do weightlifting dosent mean im the stereotypical meat head. A real man not only possesses physical might but also mental.

>> No.11093621

False requirement. There is no need to be dispassionate or unemotional about a topic to study it. A desire to study a genre already implies an emotional interest.

>> No.11093662

Fair enough. Perhaps I'm just worried that the OP is at risk of tumbling down a hill of ideology instead of surveying the literature from a steady ledge. Surmising intentions can be difficult.

I'm not presuming you're a meathead. Keep digging deeper, but try to keep in mind your biases. Fitness doesn't need to be stoic or right-leaning. In fact, I'd argue, if you were to look into the history of fitness education, at least in the US, you'd notice a shift away from "conservative" classical models of the body toward more "liberal" takes on well-being. If you hope to be well-informed, then seeking out a totality of understanding and recognizing trends of though would be better than immersing yourself solely in certain texts.

>> No.11093680
File: 347 KB, 1202x1600, Mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How has no one posted Mishima in this thread yet?

>> No.11093688
File: 150 KB, 815x1000, rubens achilles dipped in styx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start with the greeks

>> No.11093702
File: 57 KB, 385x960, black sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good joke.

Im looking for something similar to this picture but with a hardcore mindset twist.

>> No.11093717

>Good joke.
Plato is literally in that picture you responded with you silly tourist. And Hitler studied them too. Only a certified brainlet would skip the Greeks.

>> No.11093743

Absolute pseud-core
Go right to Rene guenon, he has what you are looking for

>> No.11093860
File: 3.81 MB, 6161x5009, 1524401366273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This? What else? Im looking into Seneca the younger atm.

>> No.11093878
File: 3.46 MB, 3200x2418, nazisme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11093889

But i dont speak french and i dislike christianity.

>> No.11093896

>iron pill
>meme charts
>libtard btfo!!!! “Right extremism”
I’m glad more people are reading and getting into literature that challenges conventional beliefs. But Christ dude you have to stop drinking the 4chan coolade. This is a site for loosers and autists who are to confrontational and contrarian to browse normal sites. Stop taking this websites advise seriously.

But to answer your question you could read works like Ashtavakra gita if you like guenon. Also that chart is shit, do your own research and find out where you want to start.

>> No.11093965

Mishima- Sun and steel
Cicero- On Duties
Seneca- On the shortness of life
Marcus Aurelius
Clausewitz- On War
Some Epic Poem of you choice
Of course Plato and Aristotle

>> No.11093979

Iron and the Soul by Henry Rollins is a good essay about weightlifting

>> No.11093987
File: 663 KB, 1215x3031, 8916616F-8F2B-4168-A65C-DE4BC6EB8734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just smeared shit all over the iron pill list
I hope you watch your children embarrass themselves on stage

>> No.11094182

both of u are mentally disturbed cucks

>> No.11094187


>> No.11094188

checks all of OP's boxes including (larping) as a far right extremist

Sun and Steel definitely goes on OPs list

>> No.11094261

Just telling you how it is.

Like I said, stop drinking the 4chan coolade. This site isn’t going to help you become anything but mentally disturbed. Have fun with your meme pills

>> No.11094357


La Creaturenas are bullying me.

>> No.11094388

That’s right anon, if you read the specific combination of books found in all the meme charts on /lit/, Odin himself will decend from Valhalla and grant you enough aryan power to btfo all the Jews and finally lose your virginity.

Fucking retard

>> No.11094392

We can't give you what you are looking for, try /pol/.
They have what you need.

>> No.11094469


Why are you upset, retard?

>> No.11094484

I'm not, if it's dicks up your ass you are looking for you don't go to the library, do you ?


>> No.11094496

There you go anon, three hug boxes just for you, where they cater to your special brand of autism

>> No.11094501



>> No.11094529

Amazing arguement, see you on le day of the rope my bazed /fitizen/

>> No.11094541

deadlifts are so dumb

>> No.11094559

you're not gonna make it. literature is wasted on you

>> No.11094588

>i dislike christianity.
Not gona make it.

>> No.11094706

>Can you recommend me some books?
>why the fuck are you libcucks recommending me books lol wtf
this would be funny if it wasn't so sad

>> No.11094743

>shilling for a semite religion/political system

>> No.11094843

Mishima is the most solid advice you can get on your question

>> No.11094881

Daily reminder that this list is literal shilling. Everything but The Way of Men is published by the same small company that wants to hock their products to 4chan.

>> No.11095443

>the wasp question
christians aren't gonna make it let alone prots
You want to read the Centurion Method, it's a might is right applied to mythology and working out book. If you just want the workout stuff go to like page 150 or so

>> No.11095459

Eugen Sandow's Strength and How to Obtain It is obligatory

>> No.11095481

it's arktos, and as far as i know that specific evola book and savitri devi aren't published by them. Funny enough those are the best books there

>> No.11095684

>Epic Poem
Iliad is the correct answer. Odyssey isn't /fitlit/ the same way the Iliad is. Nor is Hesiod.etc

>> No.11095969

Odyssey is like the end of your life after Iliad, if you want to take that approach, while Hesiod is like the campfire tales you tell when you go /out/

>> No.11095976
File: 21 KB, 175x169, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks interesting so far I hope its not a bunch of jumbo. Im disorientated so im going to sleep and read it in the morning.

>> No.11095981

>this fat steroid abusing criminal faggot

download FM 7-22 Army Physical Readiness Training. read all of it. then do what it says to the letter.

>> No.11095985

Andre Gide's work Corydon is exactly what you need in your life.

>> No.11096041
File: 123 KB, 960x636, 4f382ed9-d078-4bda-811b-0ea11e856b50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FM 7-22 Army Physical Readiness Training

The army is focused on running marathons which you can do with subpar diets meaning it is not a feat of strength.


>thinking doing baby tier callisthenics is fit

Yeah so i just watched it and you have a mental disorder. Coming at me so rude when you have 0% knowledge what youre talking about. Fucking retard anybody with half a brain can do the shit necessary to be in the special forces. And like I said im into weightlifting which means i must break world/national records if i want to get anywhere meaning i have to suffer more than others hence why im asking for non libcuck books. Is it that difficult to understand?

>> No.11096112

sorry there cutie pie, i read your OP where you were asking specifically for fitness literature. i didn't know you meant works to satisfy your fetish for greasy oily grunting manflesh.

>> No.11096127

inferiority complex spotted.

>> No.11096190

>projecting so hard you see yourself in others comments on 4chan

>> No.11097639

the least normie fit lit you could read anon is an exercise physiology or kinesiology book. i would recommend essentials of exercise physiology (:

>> No.11097654
File: 38 KB, 346x499, rustandbone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great collection of rough canadian short stories

>> No.11097681

Why is Nietzsche on that list? He has little in common with the others, especially Plato and Hitler.

>> No.11097709

Why do retards keep posting this picture

>> No.11097769

As soon as you stop being a faggot and realize that being a man has nothing to do with ideology you won't need a book to tell you how to lift weights or structure your workouts.
But I'm actually surprised no one has mentioned or discussed the Greek studies in this thread. Which again, you don't need to be a "far-right" loon to even use them.
8.5/10, David Sansone actually has some credit in this field (he studies ancient Greece)
God fucking DAMN. This is pure peak fucking psued, right to the very core. None of these have any relation to another at all.
Consider reading more before ever posting again.
I don't even speak French but looking at the titles on that graphic i'm able to see you're just another pseud
The OG iron pill list is still 6/10

Jesus the absolute state of /pol/ ideologies. Imagine being so engrossed in bullshit that every prospect of your life is something to do with what another retard told you in an obscure post on an Bangladeshi farming forum. Lifting is far-right now? Holy shit, this is further beyond down-syndrome.

>> No.11098431

> Lifting is far-right now? Holy shit, this is further beyond down-syndrome.

Ok guess i should read harry potter instead then...

>> No.11100456
File: 137 KB, 650x464, workout-clean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very interested in this project as well. Here are a smattering of my list in a vague order in how to read them -- try to stay to this order.

The poems can be read in more or less any order whenever you want.

Books, or Aphorisms:
The Old Man and the Sea, Hemmingway
Enchiridion, Epictetus
'On reading and books', Schopenhauer (not /fitlit/ necessarily, but a very good work for anyone who reads).
Meditations, Aurelius
The Iliad, Homer
Discourses, Epictetus
Macbeth, Shakespeare
Bhavagad Gita
The Republic, Plato
Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Nietzsche
Sun and Steel, Mishima
Ethics, Spinoza
Being and Time, Heidegger

Preparedness, Markham
Comrades, Hovey
Invictus, Henely
If, Kipling
Self-Pity, D. H. Lawrence
The Oak, Tennsyon
The Charge of the Light Brigade, Tennyson
Law of the Yukon, Service
The Men that Don't Fit In, Service
Rhyme of the Restless Ones, Service
Casabianca, Felicia Hemans
Character of a Happy Life, Wotton

Some Holderlin, Schiller, or Goethe could probably help you along.

This list is fairly good; I would recommend almost all of them.

And an emphasis on Mishima's Sun and Steel; I would say its an 'intermediate' book if you're new to philosophy.etc, but it's a good place to start /fitlit/ if you have a philosophy background.

I'm interested; I'll add it to the list.

I wholly agree.

This guy actually knows his stuff. Listen to him.

>> No.11100460
File: 97 KB, 650x464, fitlit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, wrong picture.

>> No.11100516
File: 1.38 MB, 3672x3024, StartWithGreeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not OP, but is this pic legit? For starting with the greeks

>> No.11100525

Not OP but thnx for the recommends. Ill check these out.

>> No.11100575

Fairly legit. I wouldn't worry about about the red links. You could also probably play around with 'The First Philosophers' while you're doing other readings as well.

I'm glad to be of help. If you're doing the poetry, the works of Robert W. Service would be really fun ones to start with.

>> No.11100592
File: 318 KB, 645x512, 1525441886438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Il try to digest most of this by the end of summer or the year.

>> No.11100609

Thanx for the response man. Appreciated. Also don't really know what you mean by the red links? Not seeing em. Might be right in front of me lol. Ill keep the Robert W. Service works in mind.

>> No.11100679

Oh, they might be orange - I'm slightly colourblind.
I mean, 'The Trojan War: A New History'; 'Greek and Roman Theatre'; 'Greek Epic Fragments'

>> No.11100702

Ah i see. No worries. But thanks. Ill check those three out just to see. Appreciate the response man.