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11096853 No.11096853[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just finished reading the Unabomber manifesto and am looking for more anti society literature. Any recommendations?

>> No.11096861


>> No.11096863

Unabomber Manifesto is for plebs. Read Michelstaedter's Rhetoric and Persuasion, nigga was so woke he killed himself after writing

>> No.11096869

Check out anything by ellul. Anti-tech discourse is one of the few things that is still truly radical in modern society.

>> No.11096870

My Twisted World is the GOAT manifesto.

>> No.11096882

I hope you're enjoying success in life

>> No.11096926

Not very successful but I want to be even though I don’t have the drive

>> No.11096937

Do you agree with anti tech discourse? I agree it’s radical but I can’t see it as a main focus for any hate for me personally.

>> No.11096980

Then why do you want to read books which worsen your view on the world, decreasing your motivation?

>> No.11096983

why have viral marketers shilled this constantly? is it really just the tie in with that netflix documentary or is someone peddling hardcopies of this shit?

>> No.11096992
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Welcome to anarchy friend

>> No.11097242

Got any pdf or epub in english for it ?

>> No.11097291

After reading ISAIF, I checked out The Ego and it's Own, and also Walden.

>> No.11097304

Daily reminder than without any political action you're just a consumer pretending he isn't one

>> No.11097310

Is violence a political action?

>> No.11097335

my politics are so far gone from normal people though to the point that it's just unfeasible to get into it seriously. How can I be into politics when I support the re-establishment of the nobility, the dismantling of the technological society and an end to materialist discourse? You try talking about that to a normie. Not worth risking my career.

>> No.11097353


>> No.11097356
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>why do you want to be ignorant?

>> No.11097362

actually doing things in the world just leads to senseless guilt and pain

>> No.11097368

if the unibomber manifesto is the only source of your political conclusions, your POV is probably extremely limited.

>> No.11097378

Uncle Ted doesn't support the re-establishment of an aristocracy nor an end to materialist discourse.

>> No.11097380

dumb consumer

>> No.11097382

By doing stuff do you mean political activism?
Because there are plenty of things you can do without guilt. The most important is helping the less fortunate

>> No.11097386

>participating in goetia summoning ritual which sacrifices public attention to revive a dead north american god of Oil and Iron is meaningful
>making people not want to vote, pay taxes or disapprove of problematic public displays of indignation is not meaningful
this is why you are food, this compounded 350 million times engenders helplessness. There is no solution that follows the logic of the system at hand, Capital does not require humans, does not require consent, you cannot vote it out of existence. The only thing you can do is starve it and defang it, which won’t render it inert, but will prevent memory holing for the hosts who do dislodge the pneumatic anchor its plunged deep into the whole unconscious. Once faith in voting, in taxes, in markets and state power is questioned by even 1/4 of the population in unison, there is nothing that can stop a collision of inhuman and human interest. Public needs to be traumatized by police state and disillusioned, not taught to bargain with now docile, soon to be indomitable forces that can and will cannibalize us when they become more intelligent than us. Now is the time to do this, not 2100, not 2200 when it will be able to shut off our independent conscious centers of awareness. You won’t have a mind then, but now there is time to be a point of resistence and a vector for deconstrctive thought.

>> No.11097390

By doing things, I mean egoistic action.
I feel guilty when I succeed and weak when I fail.
>The most important is helping the less fortunate

>> No.11097394

>There is no solution that follows the logic of the system at hand
I never said you have to follow the logic of the system you dumb consumer

>> No.11097449

That is the system at hand democratic republics with “mixed markets” which are erring towards a bizarre hybrid of humanist welfare pacification and social darwinist selection machine hell scape. You are not thinking, and calling me a consumer, a term which was created for the purposes of shilling controlled burn acceleration of techno-capital is pathetic. Nothing the Left or Far Right has done works at all. If you’re advocating a march through institutions and some type of reformism this is absolutely suicidal and leads to placation immediately, the moment someone’s future interests are invested in the market arenas you can’t expect them to not be molded by info-tech and financial interests. Every single alternative candidate is vulnerable because the very nature of democracy is based in shilling, raising funds from people already hooked into the economic system, playing with rules legislated by owned puppets of the prevailing power and being against the aggregated will of every slumbering enslaved polity and constituency in your nation. There is no way that a communist party isn’t ruined by engineers or technocrats or union logic or elitist militarism (techno-military logic). You are not understanding how grave the diagnosis is, you have to stop paying taxes, stop voting and stop taking LEO’s and military seriously. Apathy, refusal to paricipate and not condemning tantrums from the more vitriolic demographics is what ruins the foundations of a system. A financial crash, or maybe somebody gets killed by police during a demonstration, things like this can smother the beast in its cradle. But if you remain willing to worship at the altar of equality, “choice” which is laughable in the context of people who can be bought off by their own diseased propensities (and deceived), you’ll only move the dialectic round again and produce a more vigorous form of the same system which is what China, Arab oil states, the US and every other “rebellion” or “revolution” has wrought.

>> No.11097490
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Renzo Novatore is peak anti-society
>Anarchy is not a social form, but a method of individualization. No society will concede to me more than a limited freedom and a well-being that it grants to each of its members. But I am not content with this and want more. I want all that I have the power to conquer. Every society seeks to confine me to the august limits of the permitted and the prohibited. But I do not acknowledge these limits, for nothing is forbidden and all is permitted to those who have the force and the valor.
> Consequently, anarchy, which is the natural liberty of the individual freed from the odious yoke of spiritual and material rulers, is not the construction of a new and suffocating society. It is a decisive fight against all societies-christian, democratic, socialist, communist, etc, etc. Anarchism is the eternal struggle of a small minority of aristocratic outsiders against all societies which follow one another on the stage of history.
Dude lived his philosophy to the letter, eventually he died in a hail of gunfire in a police ambush.

>> No.11097498

I'm not reading all of your inane ramblings you dumb consumer

>> No.11097503

Helping the less fortunate just allows them to breed and create more problems, put a bullet in their head and allow society to progress and not be weighed down by endless fools who are unable to even exist in life without failing, and whos children will be doomed the same

>> No.11097507
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>> No.11097517

careful with your blade their senpaisan, your parents might not be cool with you flinging around a weapon that sharp in their house

>> No.11097527

Yes it’s my opinion. Why do you feel guilty when you succeed?

>> No.11097546

helping the less fortunate is egotistic but in a good way. It's how moral capital is generated if you want to look at in in economic terms. Also similar to things like mountain torque in atmos science. Helping the weak shifts your state of mind in a way that makes you strong. Taking aid while weak does not necessarily make you more weak than you already were unless you abuse the charity. In this way there's an overall net positive in morality/moral strength being generated.

>> No.11098032

Post more, please.

>> No.11098045

Suicide is the opposite of woke, friend

>> No.11098258


>> No.11098261

Unironically this.

>> No.11098270

>goetia summoning ritual
Styx is that you?

>> No.11098341
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Pentti Linkola

>> No.11098369
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the bible: "And don't address anyone here on earth as 'Father,' for only God in heaven is your spiritual Father."


"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple."

>> No.11098657
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>> No.11098671

American society wouldn't be so bad if Americans weren't individualistic capitalist cuckolds.

>> No.11098766

>Not very successful but I want to be even though I don’t have the drive
hmmm me too damn what is it with us

>> No.11098911



>> No.11098993

Ishmael by Daniel Quinn
If you really felt that positively about the Unabomber's Manifesto, Ishmael will make you jizz your pants.

>> No.11099022

>no Camatte
Oh boy...

>> No.11099094

How good is this reading list? Seems interesting.

>> No.11099175

I love you Mr. woke.

>> No.11099189

Kill yourself first, worthless /pol/ack.

>> No.11099220

SIEGE by James Mason, literally says to just become a farmer and get off the grid

>> No.11099307

leftopia by m.a.v.v.

>> No.11099827

Then kill yourself

>> No.11099848

careful what you wish for

>> No.11100077

Thank you kind friend. I wish to you happiness in your future.

>> No.11100261

Do you have an epub of it? I found the pdf in the usual places, but only that.

>> No.11100624

it's value is in asking if we should rather than if we can, and why the answer to the second question often renders the first irrelevant

>> No.11100628

Did anyone read Vargs booklets?

>> No.11100635

my diary desu

>> No.11100645

uncle ted is that you?

>> No.11100661
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underrated classic of radical christian anarcho-agrarianism

>> No.11100680

>tfw you're seeding the ground for future based michelstaedter threads

this is good