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/lit/ - Literature

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11087828 No.11087828 [Reply] [Original]

>right well I had to go to the archive and dredge out the copypasta so I'll choose my own damn thread pic thank you very much

>what books defeated you?
>either too deep to process or too shallow to bother investing time in



NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:

Previous Threads:

>> No.11087831

>either too deep to process
>too shallow to bother investing time in
Children of Time

>> No.11087838

Lanfear best WoT girl

>> No.11087840

What are some fun, edgy space opera?

>> No.11087849

What did Lem and the Strugatskis write that's any good, beside Solaris and Roadside Picnic, respectively?

>> No.11087852

Right I see you lazy cunts just were hanging around waiting for me to do the hard work making the thread eh? bastardarses

>> No.11087867

i swear i've just woken up!

>> No.11087879
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Haven't came across her yet, but I already know for a fact that you're wrong.

>> No.11087883

The praxis

>> No.11087886

>Half 1
You're still a lazy bastard

>> No.11087895

i've cried myself into sleep tonight after that horrible CL semifinal
cut me some slack!

no you are in the wrong here

>> No.11087899

What is a good science fiction of fantasy book? (asking for a friend)

>> No.11087901

>Burkina Faso timezone
go back to your shitty Afro-futurism, West-Coaster

>> No.11088046

13th for Hackerson a fag

>> No.11088048
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Soon finished!

Free Dick (download): http://b-ok.xyz/s/?q=Flow+my+tears+the+policeman+said

>> No.11088052

Destination Void, due to the fucking lingo

Fuck Mark Lawrence and his edgy teen fans

>> No.11088055
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I'm in the right, you're the one who is wrong.

>> No.11088065

Brandon Sanderson

>> No.11088075

Hard to Be a God is decent, The Doomed City is great.

>> No.11088087
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i hope that one day you will see the error of your ways

>> No.11088090

There's 7 charts and two lists in the OP, start there.

>> No.11088096

Hard to be a God was made into a wonderful film though. I agree about the book, On the Silver Globe is a better novel. And, coincidentally, a slightly better film too.

>> No.11088100

U have to read "Los Altísimos" by hugo correa.
Ray say "the best science fiction boom ever maked"

>> No.11088143

I read The Great Hunt but just can't carry on with WoT, to answer your question OP.

What should I read: Asimov or Gibson?

>> No.11088177

Asimov: AIs are people too, and that's great.
Gibson: AIs are people too, and that's terrible.
You choose, anon.

>> No.11088185

Asimov you silly goose.

>> No.11088187

Charts are impersonal.

>> No.11088200

Read Dunsany, then Eddison, then Tolkien. That should be enough to set the groundwork for modern fantasy.

>> No.11088205

>Charts are impersonal
Well, so was your question. The charts is a great place to start, then you can ask the thread if you have more specific questions about a book.

>> No.11088211

This Asimov fellow sounds like a spastic.

>> No.11088282

At least he didn't squander his one good novel idea after 60 pages, unlike Gibson. Also, Neal Stephenson fans deserve to be shot on sight.

>> No.11088336

I like Asimov, Gibson and Stephenson. Now what?

>> No.11088348

Anathem is actually good. I can't say that about anything else of Stephenson's I've read, though.

>> No.11088387
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To the anon that shilled Life 3.0 in the last thread: it's probably the best rec I ever got on 4chan, outside the odd indie or unknown film and those pale in comparison. This shit is incredible.

>> No.11088412

Is it true that Jordan's wife used to beat him up and WoT was a desperate cry for help?

>> No.11088414

you'd think that considering how awful most of the female characters in that series are

>> No.11088453

I thought the Baroque Cycle was good and Anathem as well

>> No.11088460

I hate his stupid fucking beard too.

>> No.11088488

glad you like it.
I'm not the one that shilled it, nor have I read it, I just really like when people find something they can enjoy. Have a nice day!

>> No.11088492

You being one 50 page rabbit trail from death is not my problem.

>> No.11088499

Fuck, I loved Blindsight.
Any more books that try to build really "alien" alien encounters?
Doesn't have to be as crushingly nihilistic as Blindsight though.

>> No.11088623

How do I know when I have enough raw material and ideas and cool stuff to start cleaning it up and organizing it into an outline? I don't want some bare-bones, uninteresting, thin plot, but I also don't want to procrastinate and spend a decade with nothing but notebooks full of ideas nobody else can follow to show for it.

>> No.11088690
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Looking for some decent online sf/f zines/blogs, especially those that published regular short stories.
I follow a few on Twitter but it seems harder to find more than I would've thought.

>> No.11088761

>what books defeated you?
>either too deep to process or too shallow to bother investing time in

Recently, The Quantum Thief beat me. I couldn't figure out what the fuck was going on and didn't have the enemy to invest myself. I'll try again another time. I got as far as the MC chasing a kid through the city.

As for shallow, it was by a small-time local author so I won't name her or the book. Also she gave me the book for free, so I maybe I shouldn't be so harsh, but damn this woman didn't research how the military works before she wrote the book. On top of all that it had the usual flaws of lazy sci-fi: a painfully obvious plot, magic technology that steps in when needed and then doesn't when inconvenient to the plot, grrrl powah MC, etc etc.

>> No.11088940

Roadside picnic

Fuck right off

>> No.11088960

Neuromancer becomes bland and forgettable the second they leave Japan. The Rhastas were funny and a nice change of pace, but weren't given enough focus.

>> No.11089046

I was talking about Neal.

>> No.11089157
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>BBC 2 adapting The City and the City with David Morrisey
Why didn't you tell me about this /sffg/? Now I want to reread it.

>> No.11089286

Is The Witcher literary fantasy or am I getting rused?

>> No.11089294

>Fantasy, as a belated version of romance, promises an absolute freedom from belatedness, from the anxieties of literary influence and origination, yet this promise is shadowed always by a psychic over-determination in the form itself of fantasy, that puts the stance of freedom into severe question.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.11089438

Please don't use that autistic shit.

>> No.11089511

I don't, I hated it.

>> No.11089602

Very pulpy.
Exposition by way of dialogue, like a quest in a videogame.
Shitty translation.


>> No.11089612

Fantasy insists upon itself

>> No.11089625

Download folder for the books in the sticky ?

>> No.11089833

Does not exist. You can probably find most from the links in the /lit/ sticky.

>> No.11089858
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glad you're enjoying it!
I'm not trying to turn /sffg/ into /sssfg/ but another fab science book from last year was pic related, not as bonkers as Life 3.0 but thoroughly enjoyable nonetheless. Fans of Watts must read: it's Blindsight meets Starfish not written by an angry liberal.

>> No.11089996

Good book
Ending was rushed and dissatisfying

>> No.11090015

I really liked the ending. Only bad part was the explanation for the whole thing, which made absolutely no sense. Should have just left it a mystery.

>> No.11090109

Why are big brand books like Star Wars (etc) always written by literally whos? I'm not really a fan of todays big names in SF&F but why aren't they offered the biggest franchises? Why isn't there a Star Wars book by GRRM, Brandon Sanderson or Stephen King out there?

>> No.11090137

Why would a good writer use someone else's world rather than create their own?

>> No.11090150

Why would a good game developer? Or a good comic book writer? Or a good movie studio? It happen all the time, except in literature.

>> No.11090187

Ask Dante

>> No.11090192

Those other media require teams of artists to create, also they have other qualities which can compensate for a lack of originality.

At any rate, tie-ins are a good way for new genre authors to grind out some income and experience.

>> No.11090225

Your comparing entire industries rather than the part of that industry that does the writing. And they aren't exactly free to do their own thing they have pressure and higher ups deciding what they do when compared to book writers. It would be interesting to ask them given no contracts what world would those people want to do? If you look at Indy studios which is the most free comparison it's not star wars is it?
Comics is an interest point that I will concede though. I suppose the prestige of doing a star wars / marvel comic is very attractive and there isn't exactly the same pull from those in literature.

>> No.11090248

If you are a good writer, why not write instead of spending years fleshing out a coherent world, alien species, motivations, magic systems, etc

>> No.11090249

Why not? Great writers take themes from mythology all the time

>> No.11090271

>If you look at Indy studios which is the most free comparison it's not star wars is it?
True, but they would never get the license anyway so that's a moot point. However, you've got a couple of good points.

>> No.11090301

>there isn't a single famous author who would take a million dollar book deal

>> No.11090334

Lol Watts wrote that Crisis novel, pretty shitty D-list version of what you're talking about but it happened.

>> No.11090347

I agree with both of these but of you aren't 100% behind how everything works you are better off creating your own world right?
Comics is the best comparison and the best that I know of do go to the existing worlds. It does seem to be the opposite of literature though I am not a comic expert by any means.
Maybe we are looking at the wrong existing worlds. It might be something other than star wars.
What's worth more your creative freedom or money? What's more valuable showing you can create and flesh out a world and create a great story in it or creating a great story in an existing world? What is more satisfying as a creator?
It's not all about money.

>> No.11090389
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so, any good?

>> No.11090405
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About to finish this book. My question is for anyone whose read the sequels. Are they as good as the first book Dune? I loved it very much even though the bad guys are a little to comically bad but whatever. Great book and I want more.
Or is it maybe a one hit wonder which Frank just expended upon?

>> No.11090408

the first is the only good one. you can read the sequels but brace for disappointment. theres a massive drop in quality and both story telling and writing.

>> No.11090414

If you like Dune you might read up until God Emperor. After that there's really no point in continuing.

>> No.11090453

The sequels aren't as good, but I think reading up to God Emperor of Dune is worthwhile. The last two books, Heretics and Chapterhouse, are pretty bad.

>> No.11090465
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>> No.11090504

I lost it at "fat flying gingers".

This does speak truth though.

>> No.11090565

Follow up are there any sci fis as good as the first one? Or rather similar to that one?
I initally wanted to read hard sci fi but this fantasy esque one really capture me

>> No.11090603

The Golden Oecumene triliogy by John C. Write pretty good hardish scifi that is outlandish enough to satisfy your fantasy desires. Also the obvious suggestion of Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun, which he himself calls science fantasy.

>> No.11090608

There's always Book of the New Sun.

>> No.11090628

Hyperion Cantos is pretty good science-fantasy, with a tight underlying in more realistic sci-fi (although a real product of its time)

Write is also good, I recommend Count to a Trillion and the rest of its ilk, which I'm trawling through at the moment although I'm seriously swamped by its breadth.

>> No.11090638


I always fuck this fags name up. Wright*

>> No.11090642

Reminder to expect Daniel Black Book 4 in Fall.

>> No.11090676
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>That entire last 1/4th of Lake of the Long Sun


>> No.11090687

>Hyperion Cantos

I can't believe this book is still being shilled here. The Fall of Hyperion is the worst piece of shlock i've ever read in my life

>> No.11090694

Thank you very much. I only recently started reading again so I have to rely on people like you to give me pointers to quality books

>> No.11090695

The Book of the New Sun

It's not just a meme.

>> No.11090714

i'm gonna be the 4th person to shill book of the new sun, and its sequels

>> No.11090723

'Cause the parent media holding house or whatever wants a nice safe adaption that'll be in stores timely, and not some primadonna ARTEEEST messing up the canon or whatever.

>> No.11090728

I think ive heard of it before but ill definitely check it out now. Always good to know that I know what i can read next

>> No.11090891

Nobody here reads new books.

>> No.11090902

They do, but only smut-rpg

>> No.11090908

noone here reads books by an "omar" or women

>> No.11090941
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Big authors get royalties. Franchise writers get a paycheck.

Zahn is pretty good, though. Check out The Icarus Hunt.

>> No.11090942

This guy is right, Lanfear best girl.

On a different note, what should I read? Looking for something well written and "magickal" in the sense of The Last Unicorn, or Lud-In-The-Mist.

>> No.11090946

Why do people always post the board game cover rather than the book? Is it a meme?

>> No.11090948

Shadow of the Torturer.

>> No.11090986

>Drive an hour to the nearest Barnes and Noble to pick up the sequel
>They don't have a single Gene Wolfe book

>> No.11091051


>> No.11091440

What is this "ahhhhh" and picture supposed to convey?

>> No.11091469

Looks like stress

>> No.11091475

i think its an orgasm

>> No.11091478

It was amazing and I was completely enthralled! I ended up reading the whole thing in a day.

It was exciting to finally get the backstory about the Whorl too, even though it was pretty obvious to me. One thing I was not expecting was the Typhon namedrop, I thought this took place in a separate universe from BotNS

>> No.11091507
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I'm sorry I doubted you. I should have listened when you said Sandershit was awful.

I just got this book and I gave it a chance, since it has such overwhelmingly positive reviews. Made it to about page 100 and I'm officially dropping it.
The book fails on nearly every level.
>The characters are boring and one dimensional (token hero who is mysterious and somehow good at everything, token Mary Sue female character who has big dreams and an even bigger heart)
>The Matrix style attacking and running on the ceiling is cheesy as fuck
>The world isn't that unique or interesting (dude, like, there's really violent storms and shit) (dude, like, light is really powerful)
>The lore means nothing to me and I'm sure it will all be explained eventually but if you can't at least give me some bread crumbs to keep my interest as incentive to keep reading, then I'm not wasting my time

The great reviews of this baffle me. It's like we're reading two different books.
And I'm sure there are people who say "Stick with it, it gets good around page 700."
Fuck that. If you can't convince me a book is worth reading by page 100, you failed as a writer.

>> No.11091515

contemporary sci-fi/fantasy is a barren wasteland

>> No.11091548

Picked up 3-Body Problem as my pretty much first modern SCI-fi from several recommendations here
The 2nd and 3rd books was so much fun, you could really tell the author was an engineer
Looking to order some books for the summer, are there anything similar; as in starts of 'realistic' but gradually turns into a world constructed to convey some interesting ideas
The scope of time and just throwing science out the window is no matter, it worked for me, even if the characters was super-blunt

Ehhh, but I'dd really prefer a modern book. I've read all the classic science fiction, and it don't feel amazing to read about the author describing technologies we already have surpassed/approaching, even if it speaks volumes about his foresight.

>> No.11091556

But the interludes and such makes for really great "world-building" ;(
I really like all his books.

>> No.11091572

anon there's a reason he's the #1 new york times bestselling author

maybe you let yourself be influenced by the opinion of others too much

>> No.11091590

Where is the story going though? So far, I'm following a guy around in a paddy wagon and we are given no reason to care for him.

>> No.11091592

check out Daemon. I thought it was good as fuck

>> No.11091597

he turns into a God though

>> No.11091599

I think the book is alright, but isn't the NY Times list hand picked? It's just someone else's opinion as well.

>> No.11091651

kobolds have scales?

>> No.11091698

Nah, it's based on sales.

>> No.11091699

Depends it can be either and seems like there is freedom to choose.

>> No.11091706

It really is. I really can't think of any modern author who I'd class as a must read.

>> No.11091803
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>noone here reads books by an "omar" or women
Congratulations! This is the correct answer. Please pick a prize from the box.

>> No.11091831

kobolds don't exist so they can have whatever you want

>> No.11091835

I can only imagine how boring a person you are in real life. Sanderson's work appeals to pretty much anyone with an imagination.

>> No.11091849

It's not anywhere near as hard/plausible as 3BP but Count to a Trillion.

>> No.11091858

John C. Wright, China Mieville, Cixin Liu. Maybe N.K. Jemisin. I guess it depends on what you mean by "must read" though. Plenty of people hate and have hated Heinlein, Clarke, Herbert, etc. Complaining that there's not another Wolfe is silly; you're not always going to have someone of his caliber around. Also, not all of Wolfe's books are even particularly good.

>> No.11091867
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>> No.11091878

~ vampires in space ~
~ autistic aliens who want to kill normies ~

>> No.11091938
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/sffg/ I've been binge watching videos on relativity and time dilation. Give me some good /lit/kino that has relativity and time dilation themes and events. Good stuff, not just people getting older on spaceships

>> No.11091939

the forever war

>> No.11091944

read it loved it etc etc, also read hyperion (thats just straight up time fuckery though, not relativity iirc)

>> No.11092040

Sanderson is a great author and basically you're retarded.

>> No.11092348

>Sea of Rust - C. Robert Cargill
>Dreams Before the Start of Time - Anne Charnock
>American War -Omar El Akkad
>Spaceman of Bohemia - Jaroslav Kalfar
>Gather the Daughters - Jennie Melamed
>Borne - Jeff VanderMeer

Anybody read any of them? Sea of Rust and Spaceman of Bohemia both sound quite interesting to me.

>> No.11092437

sanderson is pleb tier. most people are plebs.

damn. i want a super duper treasure chest.

>> No.11092586

>Mary Sue
Does a single person who uses this term know what it's supposed to mean?

>> No.11092630
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>good /lit/kino that has relativity and time dilation themes and events. G

>> No.11092631

Nope. Apparently it now means "any character who demonstrates competence or excellence at anything." I get the impression that characters are bad unless they are some kind of bitter failure or else just a mediocre nobody. Heaven forbid you want to write about an exceptional person doing exceptional things, apparently that triggers some people.

>> No.11092638

I can't relate to people who know how to do things or don't have crippling social anxiety. It's bad writing if I can't relate to it.

>> No.11092641

I try to read at least one new SF&F book each year.

>> No.11092645

I know right? Kaladin is a skilled fighter and charismatic leader? Nobody could ever have those qualities! Obvious gary stu.

>> No.11092653

I've not read them personally but you could try The Wandering Earth and Invisible Planets if you liked 3BP. Both are sci-fi short story collections featuring Liu Cixin. Wandering Earth is only him, Invisible Planets is contemporary Chinese sci-fi.

>> No.11092689

Also, Wolfe's last book was released 2015 so he's contemporary.

>> No.11092800
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Holy shit fuck Melanie. I didn't realise it was possible to hate a character this much.

>> No.11092860

The show is already out. They changed some things, adding personal investment for the MC. It was alright.

>> No.11092861
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>Name a better series.
>You failed.

>> No.11092905

>female authors
this isnt the 80s anymore anon. women cant write anymore.

>> No.11092908

neither can men apparently

>> No.11092950

Genre fiction has no place on /lit/. Out! OUT!

>> No.11092961


>> No.11092979

>Literature has no place on /lit/

>> No.11093028

Yeah, we really need fewer threads like this and more threads like

>> No.11093030

Genre fiction is the only thing worth reading.

>> No.11093032
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>beloved character survives the mission but dies a stupid death on their way home
what books do this?

>> No.11093115

What about The Witcher?

>> No.11093138

Just read the Prince of Nothing trilogy.

Everyone was so unlikable and I just wanted them all to die. How do I erase this series entirely from my memory?

>> No.11093143

Fantasy (and literature in general) is like any other medium. The most popular stuff is just trash that's churned out to the masses.

>> No.11093153

You could also add Vandermeer or Swanwick.
Mieville isn't that great although his ideas are always in the right direction and I don't like his word choice too much, but my vocabulary isn't very big so it could be me.

>> No.11093227

not gonna lie some of these porn parodies are comedy gold.
i mean just look at this. its literally like watching seinfeld.

>> No.11093228

i watched like 10 mins, it was gay as fuck cheesy, switched off and watched Stalker again instead.

>> No.11093246

You have to overwrite the memory with the sequel series.

>> No.11093298


>> No.11093304

Whatever the last book in the First Law trilogy is called did it.

>> No.11093309

The Ten Thousand

>> No.11093471

Why is Nynaeve such a dumb cunt?

>> No.11093472

more like: why is everyone in this series a dumb cunt

>> No.11093497

She manages to be an even bigger dumb cunt.

>> No.11093528

All that braid tugging scrambled her neurons.

>> No.11093609

Library at Mount Char

>> No.11093642

"Well well well Kelhus, it seems you really are a...
Embarrassing really.
Jokes aside I started this and finished the first two books but now I'm pretty burned out.
I started it because I was told that the series has interesting ideas about how the world forms around the characters due to their philosophies and viewpoints. I also heard the the magic is supposed interesting and a little bit more meta but I haven't seen anything like that yet.

Is the third book good?
Akka teaches Kelhus the Gnosis here I've read. Is that part interesting?
Also the Annasurimbor is NOT my Emperor.

>> No.11093658

This general is full of a bunch of contrarians.

>> No.11093664

/sffg/ is pretty much the only place on /lit/ where people even have different opinions. if you want the hivemind you want >>>/outerlit/

>> No.11093749

She gets (slightly) better, and at least isn't the worst dumbest cunt (that'd be either Egwene or Elayne probably.)

>> No.11093788

I knew what "American War by Mohammed Sumdood" would be about before I googled it, and I was correct.

>> No.11093813
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Not a huge fan of Vandermeer but I understand people who are, as for Swanwick I don't read much fantasy but I've heard good things; you're probably right.

Mieville has great ideas, an interesting aesthetic sense, decent style, and is willing to take risks. I completely understand people not liking him but, again, an author doesn't need universal acclaim to be generally worth reading.

>> No.11093879

Finished The Blade Itself after having it sit on my shelf for months. Bit surprised about how Glokta's segment ended.

Fuck sake.

>> No.11093884

Don't talk shit about Nynaeve!

>> No.11093886

>I've read all the classic science fiction
I don't believe you

>> No.11093899

>Heaven forbid you want to write about an exceptional person doing exceptional things, apparently that triggers some people.
That's how comic books are written.

>> No.11093927

But she's a dumb cunt.

>> No.11093957

t. Egwene

>> No.11093961
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can't we agree that all main WoT girls except Min are trash?

>> No.11093993

She's a dumb cunt too. I haven't read far enough to see them hate each other, but I hope it results in mutual death.

>> No.11094009

My taste > Your taste

>> No.11094020
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Not quite

>> No.11094029

>an author doesn't need universal acclaim to be generally worth reading.
Yes, and especially since he's willing to take risks he's worth it.

>> No.11094039

Lanfear best girl

>> No.11094435
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What's good world building vs bad world building? How much do you need to show (show, don't tell!) the reader? What's the right balance of world building vs plot? I'm so confused, I see people jerk off to George R.R. Martin for his "brilliant world building" (which, to me, seems to usually be superfluous and bring plot to a halt) and then critique almost anything else of having too slow of pacing.

>> No.11094500

Dune is perfect world building. BotNS is great if oblique(that being the point) and Banks, as much as I dislike some of his writing, is great at serving details sparsely and well. For a shorthanded example, Leibowitz is excellent worldbuilding, as it's both misterious and opaque, while being clear and to the point where it needs to be.

>> No.11094560

ASoiaf is absolutely shit worldbuilding. How you take medieval Britain and make a confusing mess that is both dull and stops the story dead when expository puke commences. The Ironshits are the worst: how the fuck do you develop a searaiding culture on woodless islands Gurm you utter twat? The fat fuck only got the "lmao vikings from Orkney n shiet" and forgot the part where they crossed the North Sea on longboats made from Scandinavian wood

>> No.11094576

There's an easy way to make any plot seem nicely paced. Think of reading Joe Abercrombie, and all of the sudden every other book moves like Usain Bolt vs. a quadriplegic knocked out of his wheelchair.

>> No.11094621

Maybe they swam around raiding in the beginning, mostly stealing wood.

>> No.11094629

That sounds like a fun series.

>> No.11094657

Beyond the Black Rainbow is an absolute gem.

>> No.11094695

>reading unholy consult
>"her phallus"
>"her" erection
>gay rape
>"she" stood erect
>"her" man hands
>orifices everywhere
>"his" feminine cries inflamed their erections
what the actual fuck. is bakker a open closet fag or some shit?
At least the traps they had before used to hide their dick. Now you have erect penises everywhere

>> No.11094732

The whole Consult thing pretty damn edgy, but I guess it fits.

>> No.11094752

Have you read Malazan?

>> No.11094774
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It's like pottery.

>> No.11094846

Wew, I thought they were memeing about Bakker.

>> No.11094848

Malazan is deeply flawed as well.

It really depends on the individual.
Some people really like enormous exposition to the point where in my eyes it's almost like a wikipedia page on World of Warcraft. To me the characters are first and world building shouldn't get in the way of character progression/development or the plot.

>> No.11094975

>Witcher short stories are 10/10

Is there a more pleb-tier opinion?

>> No.11095027

If you like the author, he sometimes hangs around with the lesswrong.com crowd

>> No.11095101

and unfortunately the witcher books stop being about the witcher, which is horrific

>> No.11095114

This was very stupid and thus annoying.

>> No.11095168

jesus christ never post again i beg of you

>> No.11095224

>there is an entire site for grim derp

>> No.11095231

>The Mud, the Blood and the Years: Why “Grimdark” is the New “Sword and Sorcery”

>> No.11095255
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anyone read pic related?
The cyborg ninja spider bit got me interested.

>> No.11095435

Wasn't grime and derp used sarcastically? Are they embracing it now?

>> No.11095495

Recommend me some New Weird, please.

>> No.11095587

China Mieville's Perdido Street Station.
Vandermeer's Annihilation.
Swanwick's Iron Dragon's Daughter.

>> No.11095616

That's not how you spell Min, silly anon!

>> No.11095624
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What are some good books featuring cowboys or the old west?

>> No.11095633

Asimov's, Analog, Clarkesworld

>> No.11095666

Depends on the series and the author's individual style. I know that's hardly an answer at all, but it's a tricky topic.

>> No.11095682

Not fantasy but:
Blood Meridian
East of Eden
Riders of the Purple Sage
True Grit

>> No.11095743

looks like a "Legends of Tomorrow" episode....

>> No.11095939

I loved True Grit

>> No.11095940

What if it has cat girls

>> No.11096053

Thousandfold Thought is one of the gayest things I've ever read.

>> No.11096126

My friend and I just bought the mistborn series. What are we in for?

>> No.11096129

you got a problem with feminine penises, bigot?

>> No.11096144


>> No.11096171

Yes I do, faggot.

>> No.11096173
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>> No.11096174

I DNF'd that book

>> No.11096195

That's all ten thousand pages in one image

>> No.11096196

1st Book- Good
2nd Book- Eh
3rd Book- Good

>> No.11096211

It's a term from fanfiction, I assume anyone who uses it only thinks in fanfic terms. It's embarrassing really.

>> No.11096226 [SPOILER] 
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begone, normieme

any good hard compsci hard sci-fi?

>> No.11096228

Is Selene Lanfear? Because Selene is best girl.

>> No.11096250


>> No.11096411
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Here Anon. You are welcomed.

>> No.11096431

I liked it....

I didn't buy it though, reading is more fun when it's free.

>> No.11096467

So is there a reason ASIOAF or WoT aren't on the selected or flowchart lists?

Like they're not the best but they're still notable pieces of fiction, regardless of mainstream appeal

>> No.11096476

First Mistborn trilogy has a Gainax plot the second is even more anime somehow.

>> No.11096481

You realize that this general is like 30% of the board's traffic, right?

The "write what's on your mind" and "post your novel ideas" are literally just "babble so the board stays alive" threads, that's how little activity this board receives.

>> No.11096563
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>It's a Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser confront the Thieves' Guild episode

>> No.11096576

What author/franchise has the best depiction of warfare in the far future?

>> No.11096598

We like to dislike the things that other people like here.

>> No.11096600

>Harvey Weinstein threatened Lord of Rings director Peter Jackson that he would be replaced by Quentin Tarantino if he did not turn his vision for J.R.R. Tolkien’s book into one two-hour film.

>A new book by British film writer Ian Nathan, Anything You Can Imagine: Peter Jackson & The Making of Middle-Earth, reveals that Weinstein thought the New Zealand director had “wasted” $12m in developing a two-movie script.

good lord.

>> No.11096613

I guess that explains the 27 part Hobbit movie series

>> No.11096703

So Weinstein was /ourjew/?

>> No.11096745

Just finished the 2nd book of The Three Body Problem and it was great. Please tell me the last one is good at least.

>> No.11096854

Good stuff. I don't know how things are nowadays but when it came out a fantasy book that ended on the last page was a revolutionary act.

I think the author maybe took the wrong lessons away from his early success, but that doesn't make the first Mistborn less worth reading.

>> No.11096871

What sci-fic and fantasy will make me a better person after reading it?

>> No.11096927
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It's different... Abstract

>> No.11096952


>> No.11097001

First good was good but personally I thought the last two books were boring as fuck and rather shit.

>> No.11097060
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Halfway through this. Why didn't you faggots tell me that it was scary? Fuck.

>> No.11097306

>dk holmberg writing multiple series with female protagonists

whats his issue

>> No.11097309

I've never read any sci fi or fantasy before, but I want to read some to learn how to world build effectively. Who are considered the best at world building?

>> No.11097328

at one point in a writers career they get this sudden idea that they cant be real authors if they cant write a story with a main female pov convincingly. most authors just ignore this as fleeting insecurity. weak willed idiots give in.

>> No.11097339

Fantasy then Tolkien will always get a mention. More modern then the Wheel of Time series. Sci-fi is a bit trickier.

>> No.11097341

read the warhammer 40k books. they arent all good. most of them are terrible actually. but worldbuilding they do without equals.

>> No.11097377

Both ASOIAF and Star Wars ripped off Dune pretty heavily so Herbert must have done something right

>> No.11097383

All I've ever read of Asimov are his short stories.
How is his Foundation series?

>> No.11097391

I've been looking for a book about Octopodes .
how detailed is that one?

>> No.11097434

george rr martin, tolkien, hyperion, book of the new sun

>> No.11097447

Unironically Brandon "Anime" Sanderson.

>> No.11097455

Just finished Children of Dune, what a fucking ride. Were the subtle pedo intentional or was Herbert a cryptoped?

>> No.11097493

If you have any interest in sci-fi it's a must read series.

>> No.11097567

Probably intentional; the childrens' sexuality is supposed to be creepy.

>> No.11097609
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WoT has an okay argument because Nineties but if someone needs a chart to find ASoIaF then we should just direct them to pic related because they aren't human.

>> No.11097659

is Lord Dunsany a good entry level author? I asked for recommendations similar to dark souls and was told the world building is similar, but I've read about 3 stories from Time and the Gods and kinda unimpressed. I've also been recommended Gene Wolfe-book of the new sun and soldier of the mist but he seems a bit advanced to just jump into.

>> No.11097689

Everything about Leto and Ghanima is supposed to be creepy, it's one of the major points of the book and it works really well. When Leto meets that outlaw Fremen near Jacurutu he's scared shitless because he thought the kid was a kind of malevolent desert spirit

>> No.11097692

Read 5th head of Cerberus first. Also, Canticle for Leibowitz is a must.

>> No.11097735

Yeah, you're getting memed on if someone recommended Wolfe as entry-level to a /v/ crossboarder.

I haven't read Dunsany yet but I've only ever heard of him in the context of forefather of fantasy fiction. I would think the older literary style would again be tough for a /v/ guy (meaning no offense).
>Earthsea series by LeGuin
>The Dying Earth collection of short stories by Jack Vance
I would guess LeGuin would be a solid pick here because the protag and plot has more of a comic book/vidya level of complexity. The Vance recommendation is more hopeful rather than a perfect fit, as I'm the (sometimes) resident shill.

>> No.11097748

Absolutely terrible.

>> No.11097817
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>Stop having consciousness

>> No.11097891

they recommended him more as someone who is dark souls esque, not as someone entry level.
I will check out your recs bro, thank you. feel free to respond further with any thoughts

>> No.11098050

Why would they be on selected? ASOIAF is unfinished, WoT is almost unfinished and neither is that good. They're on the general flowchart because they're notable.

>> No.11098060

Isn't Dark Souls difficult and unforgiving?

>> No.11098091

Anything interesting looking coming out this month? March and April didn't really have anything that caught my attention.

>> No.11098199
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this was really enjoyable

>> No.11098286

whats the ideal sci fi/fantasy book for someone with a cuck fetish?

>> No.11098295

>The characters are boring and one dimensional (token hero who is mysterious and somehow good at everything, token Mary Sue female character who has big dreams and an even bigger heart)

Not true, in each book both of them find their limits as people and grow through them. The guy is good at few specific things and the girl is good at stuff thanks to abusive childhood.

>The Matrix style attacking and running on the ceiling is cheesy as fuck
What is bad about that?
>The world isn't that unique or interesting
It's pretty interesting.

I found that all three main characters were in an interesting enough situations to explore (struggle in the face of desperation/betraying the person you respect/ introducing honor in a warmonger society) and imho it has some of the hypest shit in any media. The books are not perfect and by no means a required reading but they have a lot of good about them. And of course you shouldn't read something you don't enjoy.

>> No.11098297

Demon Cycle by Peter V. Brett

>> No.11098321


>> No.11098397

>start having consciousness

still better than "space vampires" posting

>> No.11098404

It's interesting, in a conversational fun-fact kind of way. It certainly includes a lot of physiology and zoology of octopuses, but alongside it there's hearty of intelligence (it's quantification, meaning etc), consciousness, and lots of cheery anecdotes from the author (a professional diver/biologist). Overall I wouldn't say it's too detailed about octopuses throughout, but I recommend it nonetheless.

>> No.11098418

It's about cucks

>> No.11098421



>> No.11098429

be specific

>> No.11098446

Yeah the third book is great, definitely worth a read.

>> No.11098463

I really like China Mieville's worldbuilding. I think it's easily the best aspect of his writing. Lots of unique stuff, lots of stuff that's teased that you want to know more about. That's where GRRM has gone wrong in my opinion, especially since AFFC. He just can't help himself working on fleshing out the world rather than just writing the books.

Thunderer by Felix Gilman

The Half Made World, also by Felix Gilman
The Dark Tower (at least the first 3-4 books are good)

>> No.11098469

Most fantasy readers have read ASOIAF due to the TV series, it doesn't need to be recommended.

WOT is a bit shit and is also a massive seller so again, doesn't really need to be recommended.

>> No.11098842

>A mashup of Dune and Starship Troopers fights against generic fantasy races in space
Yeah, great worldbuilding right there.

>> No.11099082

I am being specific

>> No.11099238

I can't believe WoW has been delayed again in favor of Fire and Blood god dammit George...

>> No.11099363

He's trolling at this point

>> No.11099652

but does his communism show?

>> No.11100143
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Has anyone read pic related? would you recommend it?

>> No.11100149

main character gets cucked hard by his best friend who betrayed him

>> No.11100166

He's not only not working on WoW, he's probably already burned all of his notes. Probably ate a fat, greasy, double-decker blue cheese and bacon burger while he did it.

>> No.11100231

Doesn't he also get raped? Then the anti-hero gets raped too.
Most people get raped now that I think about it.

>> No.11100237

yea he "falls" for her after she gets raped too
what a shitty book

>> No.11100255


>> No.11100269

Not but it sounds pretty bonkers. Tell us how it goes if you read it.

>> No.11100281

Oh fuck, I forgot the author ditched the romance with the healer girl in favour of the crazy dyke, because subverting expectations is 10/10 writing.

>> No.11100291

I dropped the series pretty fast when I realized that the muzzie invaders aren't all going to be killed

>> No.11100293

Has anyone read Alastair Reynolds?
I tried to read Revenger but it struck me as space steampunk wank so I dropped it

>> No.11100340


>> No.11100440

Not her, but appreciative I am.

>> No.11100504

Three-Body Problem desu. Shit gets real, then shit get's even more real.

>> No.11100689

Healer girl falls for that muslim dude too iirc

>> No.11100755

Think it's the only book I've seen Will Wight directly shill for, got to read it on principle.

>> No.11100828

the next book is supposed to come out in around ~2 months
can't wait desu

>> No.11101120

didn't like him
strikes me as an author you enjoy when you're new to the genre, and haven't heard all the cliches and concepts before

>> No.11101359

>starting Accelerando
>they're talking about using a genetic algorithm to patent every permutation of a base idea
Jesus Christ I hate capitalism

>> No.11101397

patents have nothing to do with capitalism idiot
patents & copyrights are fucking communism

>> No.11101404

Where would one find free forgotten realms books online?

>> No.11101406

>patents are communism
I thought /lit/ was supposed to be educated

>> No.11101409
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Which WoT girl makes the best gf and why is it Lanfear?

>> No.11101480

I read Patrick Rothfuss's books what feels like ten years ago. When the fuck is the third one coming out?

>> No.11101493

Hello friend I think you misunderstand what capitalism and communism are.

>> No.11101503

Never hopefully. I want everyone who enjoys that hack to suffer.

>> No.11101560

Forget about it anon, read something else and post about it instead.

>> No.11101589

I don't even know what books you guys are talking about but damn that sounds shitty

>> No.11101609

New Thread On Time

>> No.11102039
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>> No.11102907
