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11083774 No.11083774 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever written a heartfelt letter to someone? What did you say? Is it too cheesy to do in the modern age?

>> No.11083797

My cousin was going through a rough time a week before Christmas last year. She found out her BF cheated on her after a 4 year relationship. She is very beautiful, smart, independent. Unfortunately, this crushed her and I hand wrote her a letter, telling her she's a great person, and that I will always be there to help her if she ever needed anything.

tldr; don't write letters, the whole family will think you want to fuck your cousin, and you'll never speak to your family, besides your understanding brother in over 5 months.

>> No.11083798

Did you include a dick pic?

>> No.11083803

I've written emails that were more sincere than some conversations I had irl.

>> No.11083805

I refuse to believe people can be this stupid. 5 months?

>> No.11083809
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>tldr; don't write letters, the whole family will think you want to fuck your cousin, and you'll never speak to your family, besides your understanding brother in over 5 months.
kek, hows your relationship with your family now anon?

>> No.11083814

Sounds like you wanted to fuck your cousin desu

>> No.11083819

Even if you really were boning your cousin, that's such a mild form of incest that it barely even counts.

>> No.11083902

I write letters to the girl I love because she's over in Slovakia as a Fulbright scholar, we write mostly about our spiritual lives and our struggles since we talk about day to day minutia by other means. It's only cheesy if you make it so.

I also write letters in character to my buddy in Los Angeles to work through our ideas for screenplays and develop my own writing.

>> No.11083963

I just want a classy retro girlfriend who lives in a different city who I can write letters to like my mamma did to my pappa back in the day.

>> No.11084205
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I write letters to my boyfriend so he can look back on times in our life together at certain intervals, mostly important moments. It serves as a voice too, one which is preserved after I am long gone, and provides comfort.
I think I value writing him letters more than he values receiving them, but I think he will know their value one day.

Do it because you want to. Convey your feelings the way you think you should. Be authentic to yourself and the recipient, it doesn't matter if it's "cheesy" by some people's viewpoint, because there are others who cherish it deeply.

>> No.11084213

this is some hardcore bait

>> No.11084215
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a letter? no. an email? yes.

never got a response LOL

>> No.11084584

I have, or had maybe, a really close friend, we both had a deep love of books and perhaps through that a deep love of each other. We probably got too close, and connected, and now things have gone kind of sour. Not really sure what happened. I'm sad and miss her, and slightly am mad at her, but I still cherish our connection we had as one I've never quite experienced before.
A few months ago I resolved to give her a really nice edition of her favorite book for birthday, which is this week. Already bought it before things had gone sour, but I still want to give it to her. I was gonna leave it on her porch and am deciding if I should write her a letter or just a note that says Happy Birthday and the page number of her favorite line from the book
Or if I should even do it at all and just get rid of the book. I'm not hoping this gift is an invitation to restart what we once had, just something I had always planned on doing

>> No.11084594

Did it twice in highschool to girls I was in love with. Learned my lesson after that :-)

>> No.11084621

I once wrote a "thank you" letter to a professor of mine, saying how much I enjoyed the course.

That's about it.

>> No.11085947

Just my girlfriend. I'll always cherish our correspondance no matter what happens.

>> No.11086177

The first time I told my wife (who was my college girlfriend at the time) 'I love you' was in a letter that I sent to her when she was studying abroad in Oxford.

>> No.11086406

Nah but I wrote my ex a facebook message about why she's a fuckin cunt

>> No.11086443

Once, she cut off contact with me staright after

>> No.11086513


I'm 23 years old and I've probably written 20+.

First beginning in high school to my crush who later became my gf of 4+ years, then again to my writing teacher thanking her for everything she had given me during university, then again to my sister after I found out she was suffering from bulimia and suicidal, then again to my uncle and baby cousin when my aunt died, then maybe 5 or 6 to my current girlfriend of 2+ years, including several long handwritten poems

i'll occasionally write long postcards to my grandparents and great uncles so are close to death but i dread talking on the phone so i'd rather write than call them on their birthdays

>> No.11086752

>Have you...?
On many occasions.

Correspondence, sweet nothings, invitations, condolences, reminiscences.

>Is it...?
No, not if it is an accurate testament to who you are or wish to be. That is to say, personable. It demands an effort, especially notable by today's standards, surpassing the convenience of calling or e-mailing. A letter shows its recipient that you have, at some length, been mindful of them; that you have deliberately chosen an affectionate way of reaching out to the recipient. The context may vary, of course. Letters aren't isolated to sincerity if a trip to the post office is a lesser, if not economically viable, expenditure for you than paying however much for Internet per month. But given our venue, you can afford Internet, and so that isn't a concern.

Letters are articles of sincerity. A phone call or an e-mail can be just as sincere too, but the point of a letter is to immediately convey that there is sincerity involved. If you believe that the recipient may think you to be pretentious for sending a letter, you shouldn't send one to that person; likewise, if your desire to write a letter is borne out of pretension then you shouldn't bother writing one. Send letters if you enjoy writing to others, and send them to people you think would enjoy reading them.

>> No.11086821

Yes I have, and it made her fall in love with me. It was more of a note, just a paragraph about what I appreciated about her as a person.

>> No.11086841


I started dating a girl who was supposed to go on a 1 yr working holiday. I fucked up and what was supposed to be a summer fling kind of destroyed me when she told me she loved me. I think I loved her too. The day before she left we had the talk and I told her that no long distance relationship works and jealousy would make us hurt each other instead of keeping a nice memory of what we had.

I wrote a letter to her as a keepsake for both of us. Whatever happened, we would always have a great summer and she would always be my first love.

I hadn't seen anyone cry so much, ever.

Maybe this faggot cried more though. You fucked up 'cus.

>> No.11086863

I have browsed 4chan for over a decade and this is the first moment I have ever experienced that eeriness of reading something that I myself could have written. The related experience itself is not unheard of, but how you communicated it sent a little tingle down my spine. Think I need to take a break from browsing.

I wish you all the best, anon.

>> No.11086875
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Does it only count as a letter if it’s mailed? If you hand it to a person is it just a note?

>> No.11086883


It happened to me a couple of times. With an old story I was story I found on 4chan that I was sure I had written until I found it all over the internet, and -I fucking hate myself for this- I retarded picture I found on /k/ that I was sure I made (and subsequently shitposted) myself.

Idk man, maybe we are a hivemind afterall.

Wish you the best 2

>> No.11086906

I've only ever fucked stupid whores from the internet who I've never seen afterwards. Every time I fall in love with a girl I actually know irl it's always a wretched, one-sided experience where I almost deliberately sabotage any chances I may have with them. There's probably something deeply wrong with me.

>> No.11086926

Reminds me of Raskolnikov, there's plenty of time for it to turn around for you, anon. Give into the suffering and work that it takes to love someone imperfect, and I'm sure you'll find happiness someday.

>> No.11086955


I used to be a supreme gentleman beta, so I know where you are coming from. I've crushed hard on highschool and college classmates, to the point of feeling angry and insulted when they got into relationships. After getting fit and getting a personality I found out that you can see through the games and understand that those crushes are not onesided, but unbalanced. They might like you, or need your approval or use you, but they know you like them. If you learn what exactly they are getting form you, you can use it to your advantage and actually have fun.

As long as you are not un-ironically autistic you are just probably socially awkward, inexperienced or ugly, all fixable to a degree, but those 'relationships' (the wretched, sabotaged, etc.) teach you more than a 10 year successful relationship.

That said, love, actually being blindsided by love that is reciprocated... that you can't sabotage. When it happens to you, you can't get rid of it.

I think I'm in love now, and I've been together with this girl for four years now. I'm manipulative, have trust issues, I'm really conservative and somewhat religious, I've listed pros and cons of the relationship, and I keep a word doc on my desktop where I write and date every time she pisses me off or I feel something wrong with us, just to remind myself that its not all happy moments... Yet every time she calls me to see if I got home OK, or worries about me eating too little or going to the gym too much, or forcing me to go to the doctor, or to come visit and take care of me cause I feel kinda maybe a little bit like catching a cold... that wipes my slate clean and I can't fool myself into not loving her.

>> No.11086956

I've only ever written a hand-written correspondence to a female friend once. She was just a close friend who had recently moved up north and I was sending her something I had made but been unable to finish before she left. I just saw it as a silly way to be quaint among friends but she thought it was lovely and sent me one back.

I never replied to hers but think I still have it somewhere as it was quite sweet. She ended up moving back down and we got a flat together with another friend and we are closer friends than we were before the letter.

>> No.11086975

None of them were perfect or even that popular. It's just that there's a very specific type of girl that instantly drives me insane before I even realize what's going on by approaching me a certain way. I've inadvertently run into several of them throughout my life, and the intensity of my affinity for them has always been a complete disaster for me even though by all appearances we enjoyed each other's company.

I'm 26 but my last encounter with one of these sorts of girls a year ago ruined me to the point where I feel like a dying old man with nothing left to look forward or back to as I wither away.

The whole thing is entirely abnormal and feels like some sort of curse.

>> No.11086986

>I keep a word doc on my desktop where I write and date every time she pisses me off or I feel something wrong with us, just to remind myself that its not all happy moments...
The rest of the post seemed pretty sincere, so I'll give you a pass, what whats with spergs and keeping life destroying word documents on their pc's? This remind me of that other tard that comited social suicide whet the exel with all the pros and cons of dating his highschool classmates got leakedm

>> No.11087011


the file isn't named, it's protected with a shitty password and even then I'm the only one (other than her) that can read into it

example of an entry

>10/4 - 10:05 seen got home early

>> No.11087027

By one-sided, I mean the intensity of what I felt for them was unreasonable from the start to the point where I consciously understood there was no way they'd ever feel the same way about me. It wasn't an issue of social ineptitude or not seeing that there was some degree of mutual attraction, it was being overwhelmed by a total obsession with them and realizing I had to step back to retain even a small sliver of sanity even though I was in a position to take things further than they went.

It's a more esoteric issue than the run of the mill /r9k/ supreme gentleman image you've associated me with.

>> No.11087037

I think that until one finds a spouse, that there is a feeling of cursedness in regards to love, as each endeavor has so far ended with failure in terms of finding someone to spend their lives with. I may not share the same tendencies you have with women, but I have my own set of destructive ways I always ruin my affairs. I try to learn from past experiences, and hopefully it'll work out someday.

If it's something that possesses you, maybe consider voluntarily taking a period of a month or two and try to give up thinking about women in terms of love or dating, and to just live your life. I've had a positive experience with something similar, I found a great deal of personal growth.
>but I'm terribly drunk so who knows what to do

>> No.11087046

>By one-sided, I mean the intensity of what I felt for them was unreasonable from the start to the point where I consciously understood there was no way they'd ever feel the same way about me. It wasn't an issue of social ineptitude or not seeing that there was some degree of mutual attraction, it was being overwhelmed by a total obsession with them and realizing I had to step back to retain even a small sliver of sanity even though I was in a position to take things further than they went.

Went through the same.

Fun fact: it never goes away.

I had this one-itis. I was honest, told her how I felt and that I would keep my distance for it would not end well. Cut her off. She got ex-gf tier mad. Group hang outs were pretty much hanging out with both parties of a divorced couple. Basically went through a whole relationship without ever having one to the point where my best friend still doesn't believe me that nothing ever happened between us.

Four years later, in a happy relationship, and content with my life, I still enjoy when I hang out with my college mates and her, cause I know that the topic comes up, and even though she says she is 'happy for me' I know she is kind of hurting cause she is a past-her-prime roastie, and even then, I still feel like I need to fix her and help her. Weird.

>> No.11087109
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As an introvert, I feel a bit divided about this practice. By writing a heartfelt letter, you're programming yourself to expect a response, even though it's something you have no control over. You're also pressuring the other person to respond and they may feel guilty if they don't feel like it. It seems like a recipe for disappointment. But on the other hand, if it does turn out to be a good idea, then you don't want to miss out on the experience. How do you guys feel about this?

>> No.11087114

Goofy little meme words like oneitis don't really do it justice and it's not something that can be generalized as being a typical experience. There's a very distinct recurring pattern to it. They always have roughly similar physical builds and personalities. Things always start and end roughly the same way, with these meetings always serving as omens of some larger personal catastrophe. I've come to see these girls as cheerful little harbingers of doom at this point. I never go looking for them, they just have a way of finding me.

It's no exaggeration when I say that encountering one of them gives me a sense of impending death; as though their very existence is the bane of my own. It's not a simple desire or affection, comparing it to being pulled in by a star's gravitational pull and desperately struggling not to be incinerated is more apt. I honestly believe there's something supernatural about this, and it'll eventually kill me in one way or another.

>> No.11087154

I've wrote out really long texts to girls I like. Then obsessively read it over before sending, move paragraphs around, edit it, then smoke cigarettes and pace around them room waiting for a reply.

>> No.11087180

I feel you. I want to write a letter that warrants no response, just something from my heart, but I feel like it's hard not to have some sort of hope or expectation of a response
I think I'm still gonna do it tho

>> No.11087202

Definitely got this impression from when he called her "beautiful, smart, independent"

>> No.11087238

You should do it whenever you feel it because of the modern age being so repressive of sincerity.

>> No.11087304

I think you misunderstood him. He keeps that document in order to convince himself that the girl isn't perfect, not out of resentment.

>> No.11087630
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This guy did.

>> No.11087755

if it's in an envelope, it's a letter

>> No.11087792

Wrote a letter to a girl I've liked, we've been together for three months now and still write to each other on the regular. It's kind of silly for we live in the same neighborhood and mostly just hand the letters to each other, but the contents are always way more sincere, heartfelt and thought out then texts or even conversations. If anything in our relationship bothers us we write about it rather then tell each other, it allows us to clear the air and sort things out very quickly and conflict-free. There is utility in writing letters apart from the sentimental or aesthetic aspect, at least in my case.

>> No.11088407

I wrote a letter to a German WHORE who I met on an airplane and reconnected with on another trip to Germany. The SLUT and I kissed so I sent her a letter and French album for Valentine's day. That CUNT said she was not ready for a relationship since she'd just gotten out of a "5 year long" one. VACATION BITCH then proceeded to admonish my emotional outburst and didn't respond when I said she's an emotionless German. Either way, not worth it, treat women like shit and they'll love you.

>> No.11088903

Anyone willing to post a letter they're happy with?

>> No.11088968

I sent all the letters I was happy with

>> No.11089004

Should have fucked her to cheer her up instead of writing cheesy letters

>> No.11089089

Sounds nice

>> No.11089098

I thought Elliot Rodgers died.

>> No.11089140

A sensitive person, even if they have to refuse for whatever reason, will be touched and will respond sensitively to anyone who makes a confession of love to them. The type of person that responds dismissively and contemptuously to such a thing is petty and vulgar minded. Even if your confession is overly emotional and needy, that is no reason to crush or humiliate someone.
DON'T be scandalised when vulgar, insensitive people respond to your sensitivity in a crass and vulgar way. DON'T give up your sensitivity and harden your heart out of bitterness - it will only make you miserable.

>> No.11089149

I wrote a love/I miss you letter to my then gf when she was studying abroad. I was so depressed since before she left, and her leaving (she went to Florence, I was supposed to go to Lyon, but her parents hate me so they didn't want to let her go if I were going to so I stayed) was almost unbearable.
Her resposne? She basically admitted to being a whore the whole time. Of course, permissible and blind me didn't understand a thing and continued to trust her until she came back to end-but-not-really-end things.
Apparently, she cried when she read my letter.

>> No.11089153

Well then I’ve written lots of long notes (in freshman high school) but no letters

>> No.11089176

>She is very beautiful, smart, independent
>I will always be there to help her if she ever needed anything.
Oh no
>the whole family will think you want to fuck your cousi
I wonder why

>> No.11089182


>> No.11089188

This is literally every honest social interaction and that trepidation is why the world is obsessed with irony and sarcasm

>> No.11089219

Be sincere and it will be fine. What confuses people is when you try to overstrain your emotions and ramble on romantically, which makes it painful for everyone. Just be very sincere and state simply how you feel and what you want.

>> No.11089285

>I honestly believe there's something supernatural about this, and it'll eventually kill me in one way or another.

Actually, it could very well be supernatural. Femme fatales, nymphs, succubi, etc. - a recurring path in myth / allegory / lore.
I kind of know what you mean. I've felt a similar pull, but somehow I've escape being consumed by it. There are certain women that are disastrous to fall in love with, and yet they are especially alluring. One instant they seem to promise you the world, and the next crush you like a worm and move on to their next victim. Now it is very possible - and in my opinion highly likely - that this kind of women is followed by a specific kind of demon, and this demon uses them to ruin men's souls as well as the woman's own. Most people would reject this notion as superstitious, but you seem to have already realised that something like this may be true. This is indeed a spiritual problem, and as such requires a spiritual solution. As a Catholic I would naturally recommend praying to the Blessed Virgin Mary, but if you can't manage that then you should at the very least speak to your guardian angel and ask him to open your eyes and protect you the next time one of these seductresses appears.

>> No.11089319

Religious people are funny

>> No.11089335

Children find their parents funny when they speak about a layer of reality they haven't become acquainted with yet.

>> No.11089371

I wrote a letter to my therapist asking her if she would take my virginity as I thought it would be good for my personal development......or at least
show me her pussy.

It sounds crude but I worded it really well and quoted rambaud in it.
long story short, she refered me to some 50 year old polish guy

>> No.11089525

Oh yes, i did. Don't we all?

Here's a sample.

>On some days before the rain ends, there is sometimes a moment when you can see the sun piercing a rare drop of rain. A drop that got left behind. That refused to fall and die. For an instant, the shy sun smiles upon its watery skin. Full of life and light it floats in the air for a fleeting while. You can see it dancing in the breeze. Bending and floating and hovering. Trying to stay awake. Perhaps singing. Is that gleaming drop not our love? Is that not worth cherishing and protecting? Please come back, D, my tender sun, my floating light. I miss you.

Cheesy but honest!

I was 18 then. She was 20. I die of cringing whenever i read that letter. She fucked me over with another dude and never came back. I became a part time alcoholic.

I still love her, of course. Would love to see her face once again before i die.

>> No.11089530

Weeeew lad

>> No.11089546

just lol

>> No.11089590

This is what I meant a few posts back about overstraining your emotions and rambling romantically.

>Cheesy but honest!
This isn't really honest though. You were exaggerating / puffing up your feelings. And you're still doing it now which is why you cringe so much when you remember it. Calm down mate. Don't be so hard on yourself / on your emotions.

In Goethe's early work The Sorrow of Young Werther, the main character falls hopelessly in love with a woman. He can't be with her due to circumstances, and kills himself as a romantic gesture of undying love. This book became famous and inspired many young men to imitate Wether in killing themselves through torturing their emotions . . . Goethe later repudiated the book as "everything that is sick." I don't think that it's "everything sick". This kind of exaggerated romanticism comes from a good place, it's just that it's clogged up and begins to stink and fester.

>> No.11089615

btw I'm not saying you don't love her, I'm just saying that you're abusing your emotions in forcing yourself to love her more than you can.

>> No.11089651

>Calm down mate
I get it. Nobody likes exaggerated sentimentalism. I was once told by a girl - i don't like your "passion". I hated her then but now i don't know.

What's the point if you're not ready to die for someone? Isn't that the ideal? What would happen to soldiers in the armies if they didn't want to die protecting the people or things they love?

t.beensingle for 3 years now

>> No.11089654

I'm sorry man :/

I'm glad your brother understands. If it helps, I understand <3

>> No.11089672

Yeah to an old girlfriend; told her how much she meant to me and how instrumental she was in my faith.

>Is it too cheesy to do in the modern age?
Fuck no. Letters are always great. It means a lot to people. And girls really appreciate them.

>> No.11089697

You're half right. That kind of love is indeed the ideal. The problem is that you are so aware of that ideal, and want to live up to it so much, that you are exaggerating the love and emotion that you actually do have, which is a nuisance to yourself and to the one you love.
I'm definitely not saying that you should become hard-hearted and give up on loving. I'm saying that you should let your love develop naturally and not try to artificially increase it to Shakespearean heights before it's time. In fact, it's this mistaken notion of "ideal romantic love" that Shakespeare himself was criticising in Romeo & Juliet. Romeo's problem is not that he loves Juliet; it's that he's a kind of poet himself and wants to make his love into something fantastic and impossibly romantic, which ends up getting him killed.

>> No.11089715

>which ends up getting him killed.
And Juliet herself. This is why level-headed women - unlike Juliet who was something of a foolish romantic herself - are put off by your "passion". They are instinctively aware that it's not a real, organic love that would really protect them, but rather an insidious, exaggerated passion that is more likely to do them harm.

>> No.11089752

fucking shakespeare.... I wonder if he ever got rejected in his youth.

Anyway, thanks for making me think, kind anon. This is why /lit/ is a good board on some days.

>> No.11089753

>I was once told by a girl - i don't like your "passion". I hated her then but now i don't know.
The fact that you switched so quickly to hating her shows how much your "love" was really just exaggerated emotion. The kind of love that people want is not the slobbering romantic love that suffocates you, but the kind that truly looks after your happiness and well-being, that cares about your real needs and sufferings rather than your wild romantic ones.

>> No.11089767

>I wonder if he ever got rejected in his youth.
Probably yes he did. But by the time he wrote Romeo & Juliet he seems to have matured and realised his errors. He doesn't repudiate romantic love entirely; just that impossible exaggeration of it that youth are especially prone to. I think being prone to this kind of love is a good sign; it's a sign that you would be a faithful and devoted partner once you've matured.

>> No.11089851

My dearest,

I've missed you very, very much since that last night we were together, and will hold that night especially in my memories for years to come. I've been turning it over and over in my mind lately. I've read your letter at least four times, and will probably read it more times before I'm through. I've been sitting here, looking at your picture and getting more homesick every minute. I've wanted that picture more than anything else I know of, except of course you, yourself. I keep thinking of you darling. I keep wishing I could be home with you. I want to leave in the worst possible way so I could come home to see you, but things don't look too good on that subject. This war has spoiled a loot of things for everyone, I guess. I've never been so lonesome in my life as I am right now. I'm completely lost without you, darling. I never realized I could miss any one person so much. I just hope it won't be too much longer 'til I'm able to be with you again, and live a sane and normal life.

>> No.11089870

google says blink 182.
did they take it from a war letter?

Regardless, this is a good love letter. It's simple and honest.

>> No.11089965

Yes. My sister wrote me and her friend a letter telling me about some personal issues she was having and that her therapist and said that expressing her feelings and situation is healthy. I responded and we corresponded back and forth for a few months, even though we lived twenty minutes away from each other.

When my mom was terminally ill, I wrote my dad a letter thanking him for being such a strong pillar in our family. I didn't have the nerve to give it to him until after my mom and died, which worked out because between when I wrote the letter and when he got it, how he carried himself validated everything I had said in the letter even more and I couldn't NOT send it to him.

Also, once a year my great auntie sends me a letter telling us about her year and her side of the family, and I usually reply in kind.

Highly recommend writing letters regularly.

>> No.11089977


...and how was he?

>> No.11090164


>> No.11090290
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>The Sorrow of Young Werther
>tfw you'll never have a good friend like Wilhelm to correspond with

>> No.11091514

I wrote one for my best friend in boarding school. shit makes me cry just thinking about it

>> No.11092846

I wish my boyfriend were more like you. I guess not you specifically but more affectionate in the way you seem to be. I have written him a few times with no response in the mail, only over the phone. We text every day but I still wish he were more oriented toward sincere interaction. I love writing and philosophy and he loves cars and dropped out of high school. He's my first love so there's a bit of delusion to be expected but is he not the one for me? I wouldn't say it's a matter of intellect, just specific affinity for writing and conveying one's emotions more concretely, rather than through acts of kindness like it seems he does.
Anyway, yes I have written letters before but I'm still too afraid to be exceptionally sincere since nobody seems likely to return the favor.

>> No.11093988

Is it even possible for a roastie as dumb as this to exist?

2/10 made me reply

>> No.11094191

I want to fuck your cousin 2bh

>> No.11094463

>I wish my boyfriend were more like you.
ok! you made me smile there, kind anon.

You sound like a very intelligent and sweet person(if not a fucking larper). I am not going to make you sad but i'll paraphrase Orwell - Life on a balance will always lean toward loss and disappointment. Nobody escapes this.

And yes, two different people can live very happily and peacefully. There is no rulebook of love, young one. Anyone who tells you otherwise has never seen true love. Have some Melville on young love ....

Now first I feel, what all may ween,
That soon or late, if faded e'en,
One's sex asserts itself. Desire,
The dear desire through love to sway,
Is like the Geysers that aspire—
Through cold obstruction win their fervid way.

>> No.11094633

I put a letter in this guy's mailbox at 2:00AM back when I was a junior in high school. I was head over heels in love with him and I told him how much I wished we could be together but never will be because of how different we were. Thankfully I made it anonymous and had it typed out as opposed to handwritten. The next morning he tweeted a picture of it with a caption saying "lol whoever wrote this is a fucking weirdo please stay away from me"

Not gonna lie. My self esteem tanked and it took me about 3 years to recover. Life isn't a romantic Hollywood movie. Don't ever make the mistake of thinking that it is.

>> No.11096086

I wrote an epistle to a friend. It's one of the best things I've ever written and dare I say, read. I intend to publish it in the future.

>> No.11096092

Oh no, it's far more wonderful and interesting than that.

>> No.11096100

Women can't be damaged emotionally, nor can they be attached to a man.

>> No.11096142

That's what that age is for, but love is still sublime.

Look at Keats' letter to Fanny Brawne:

My dearest Girl,

This moment I have set myself to copy some verses out fair. I cannot proceed with any degree of content. I must write you a line or two and see if that will assist in dismissing you from my Mind for ever so short a time. Upon my Soul I can think of nothing else — The time is passed when I had power to advise and warn you against the unpromising morning of my Life — My love has made me selfish. I cannot exist without you — I am forgetful of every thing but seeing you again — my Life seems to stop there — I see no further. You have absorb’d me. I have a sensation at the present moment as though I was dissolving—I should be exquisitely miserable without the hope of soon seeing you. I should be afraid to separate myself far from you. My sweet Fanny, will your heart never change? My love, will it? I have no limit now to my love — Your note came in just here — I cannot be happier away from you — ’T is richer than an Argosy of Pearles. Do not threat me even in jest. I have been astonished that Men could die Martyrs for religion — I have shudder’d at it — I shudder no more. I could be martyr’d for my Religion — Love is my religion — I could die for that — I could die for you. My Creed is Love and you are its only tenet — You have ravish’d me away by a Power I cannot resist; and yet I could resist till I saw you; and even since I have seen you I have endeavoured often “to reason against the reasons of my Love.” I can do that no more — the pain would be too great — My Love is selfish. I cannot breathe without you.

Yours for ever

John Keats

I think it a completely acceptable a notion that if you live fully and earnestly, you'll come across someone who appreciates grand romantic notions, if you do too. I wrote a letter to my best friend when he was heartbroken. We're both the sort of soppy cunts that appreciate that sort of thing and whether or not it was good, he appreciated further still that I should allow myself to appear so vulnerable to him and we are still best friends.

>> No.11096172
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>Life isn't a romantic Hollywood movie.
Don't fucking remind me. The "healthy" way to love is fucking boring.
Anyway I think what you did was sweet anon, sorry the person you loved didn't understand.

>> No.11096185

This is beautiful.