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File: 588 KB, 750x485, FCA1728A-2F20-4BCD-86E8-91EED784D0BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11089216 No.11089216 [Reply] [Original]

Books to help me stay positive and makes me wanna stay on earth for longer? Hinduism and Buddhism has helped me TONS.

>> No.11089228

>Hinduism and Buddhism has helped me TONS.
Apparently not, since you're still looking for reasons not to kys.

>> No.11089238

I’m just looking for positive reading material, I don’t want to kill myself.
Most of my library has to do with lots of negative shit.

>> No.11089300

sorrows of young werther

>> No.11089323

>wanting to stay on earth
what a shit Buddhist you are

>> No.11089338

the discworld series

>> No.11089340

Gotta make the energy go round

>> No.11089348

this post has helped me TONS

>> No.11089353

Nigga think b4 u speek

>> No.11089365

>makes me wanna stay on earth for longer? Hinduism and Buddhism has helped me TONS.
Weren't they supposed to help you leave?

>> No.11089367
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bad vibes man, gotta stay POSITIVE

>> No.11089390
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Buddhism has helped me TONS my dude!

>> No.11089392

Defecate on a paper plate and eat it for dinner.

>> No.11089406


>> No.11089427
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/pol/ has helped me TONS my dude! MAGA

>> No.11089441

Trump is a zionist shill and the picture you posted are a bunch of confirmed redditors. Fuck off.

>> No.11089446

>implying i was not mocking your bourgeois cultural dilletantism
Anyway at least we have a new meme now

>> No.11089455

/pol/ is reddit though so I can't understand your objection?? the board is as removed from the general userbase of 4chan as /b/ is

>> No.11089466

This: /pol/, /b/ and /r9k/ are normie cancer magnets.

>> No.11089477

Lin Jutang

>> No.11089478

>leaving out /a/, /tv/, /co/ and /sp/

>> No.11089481

feel the hate

>> No.11089493

I agree except for /a/ which is true 4chan even though i hate the board and anime

>> No.11089498

idk about /co/ as I never go there, but rest of those boards are the heart of 4chan though
if you don't like them wtf are you even doing here go back to tumblr

>> No.11089515
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/tv/ is the meme engine now

>> No.11089524
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he cute

>> No.11089538


>> No.11090859

Read this OP, it's Hindu


>> No.11090997

Thank you fren

>> No.11091214

Unironically Nietzsche. I find him a good complement to reading mystical and religious works. Gotta integrate your opposites bro.

>> No.11091258

Listen Little Man by Willhelm Reich
Theres a great excerpt at listenlittleman . com

Also have a look at the essays self reliance and the american scholar by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

"A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the luster of the firmament of bards and sages. Yet he dismisses without notice his thought, because it is his. In every work of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts:[152] they come back to us with a certain alienated majesty. Great works of art have no more affecting lesson for us than this. They teach us to abide by our spontaneous impression with good-humored inflexibility then most when[153] the whole cry of voices is on the other side. Else, to-morrow a stranger will say with masterly good sense precisely what we have thought and felt all the time, and we shall be forced to take with shame our own opinion from another." - Self Reliance

"The world—this shadow of the soul, or other me, lies wide around. Its attractions are the keys which unlock my thoughts and make me acquainted with myself. I launch eagerly into this resounding tumult. I grasp the hands of those next me, and take my place in the ring to suffer and to work, taught by an instinct that so shall the dumb abyss[43] be vocal with speech. I pierce its order; I dissipate its fear;[44] I dispose of it within the circuit of my expanding life. So much only of life as I know by experience, so much of the wilderness have I vanquished and planted, or so far have I extended my being, my dominion. I do not see how any man can afford, for the sake of his nerves and his nap, to spare any action in which he can partake. It is pearls and rubies to his discourse. Drudgery, calamity, exasperation, want, are instructors in eloquence and wisdom. The true scholar grudges every opportunity of action passed by, as a loss of power." - Thale American Scholar

>> No.11091261

The essays can be found in full and for free online.

>> No.11091368

One thing I learned from 4chan, the memes are always right.Also goddamn basedmen , treason to the human race, nothing least than death to these SUBHUMANS.

>> No.11091381


>> No.11092162


>> No.11092666

"Just realise you are dreaming a dream you call the world and stop looking for ways out. The dream is not your problem. Your problem is that you like one part of your dream and not another. Love all or none of it, and stop complaining. When you have seen the dream as a dream, you have done all that needs to be done."
- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

>> No.11093128

4chan is barely ever right

They're just masters at spinning narratives that appeal to people with victim complexes

>> No.11093139


>> No.11093147

Just because 4chan makes you bitter doesnt mean lurking it is much better than doing what that guy is doing

>> No.11093149

Holyshit the fat guy lmao

>> No.11093152

It has been 4chan's meme power cell since 2013 or so

>> No.11093161

Can someone explain to me whats the deal with onions?
I know this meme is about nu-males opening your mouth like that but I don't understand what does onions have to do with it

>> No.11093177

Fuck stop this word filter crap is so childish
I meant S O Y

>> No.11093194

Jordan Peterson - 12 Rules For Life

>> No.11093211


I don't see the point in this opened mouth stuff. It's not the onions that does it either since that is just complete ignorance of chemistry and nutrition but it is interesting to see just how "samey" people are willing to be. Trump does it too on at least one cover for his ghostwritten books.

Kind of reminds me about girls leaning and squatting down for photos.

Just take a normal photo.

>> No.11093219

My suggestions:
Epictetus - Discourses
Buber - I and Thou
and Zarathurstra of course

>> No.11093454

I know he's a meme, but when I'm feeling down I'll read an essay or two by GK Chesterton. He was a very happy fellow and his happiness with life is very contagious.

>> No.11093772

Meme tier

>> No.11093829

Peterson is precisely the kind of little big man that reich talks about. He doesn't understand that "post modernism" is a term of abuse invented by anglo saxon scholars to describe something they don't understand (a bit like nihilism, invented by russian conservative novelist turgenev).

Read listen little man and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.11093854

>Post modernism is a term of abuse
>Like Nihilism
Nihilism exists. Post modernism exists. You can kvetch about the fact that people have named these things all you want, doesn't change what they are. Changing the label doesn't change the contents.

>> No.11093866

s o y raises estrogen levels. Effeminate men are the product of s o y.
That's how the meme goes, probably not the most accurate hypothesis but there is definitely an epidemic of spineless nu-males.

>> No.11094268

Have a read of baudrillard, especially the intelligence of evil and seduction, and foucault (abnormal, the punitive society, psychiatric power). Neither is "post modern" - one is a radical historian who takes his lead from dumezil and canguilhem, the other a semiotician who follows suassure and barthes, though they are labelled "post modern".

>> No.11094358
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>> No.11094522
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holy fuck, this is amazing. i didn't know this existed. thanks anon.

>> No.11094697

>ctrl+f foucault
>ctrl+f baudrillard
they're both there
>reeeeeee why do people call them post modern

>> No.11094896

Obviously haven't paid attention to anything I've said or even looked up the books I mentioned let alone read them. It's all right mate, thinking isn't for everyone.

>> No.11094900

>I don't see the point in this opened mouth stuff.
they are insecure about/don't know how to smile naturally in a photo so they just open the mouth and bypass the problem

>> No.11094924

leave faggot redditor 18 year old

>> No.11094927

What is that book about?

>> No.11094935

Schopenhauer has helped me a ton

>> No.11095241

How to overcome powerlessness.