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/lit/ - Literature

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11088777 No.11088777 [Reply] [Original]

The novel, the once eximious progeny of the romance genre, has, of late, plummeted into the realms of the flagitious and disesteemed, despite even my baronial attempts to save it from clamity through my genius and sesquipedalian loquaciousness

The sheer cataract of fluff and audio-visual filth has surely added to the execrable descent of what was once the finest medium for artistic thought known to man.

Why has this been allowed to happen anon? What future lies in the hallowed tome? Is the principality of Tolstoy and Joyce foreordained? What can one do?
p.s. I took heroin once.

>> No.11088807

The age of the human is over. All that is left for man to do is cut his own head open and attach wires to his pleasure center and flip the switch.

>> No.11088820

>People don't have patience for purple prose and "world building" anymore ;_; I had so many themes to include!
Flash fiction is like reading the best parts of a novel without any of the fat.

>> No.11088835

Novels were always looked down on except in a very brief period of history. Film has taken up their mantal (sp?)
The question is why is film dying too?

>> No.11088843

Film isn't dying, Disney's Marvel's The Avengers: Infinity War: Part 1 just made $630 million dollars!

>> No.11088846

I have zero interested in reading any modern fiction because it all seems to be filled with leftist political hackery resulting from biased publishing. Conservative authors don't get the same opportunities that liberals do.

>> No.11088847

What's your definition of a novel, OP?

>> No.11088853

>The sheer cataract of fluff
>eximious, flagitious, baronial, sesquipedalian etc.

Somehow I still like you, OP.

>> No.11088885

You just proved his point

>> No.11088889

something new and unexpected, never seen before

>> No.11088890

fuck off with your pleasure maximizing utilitarian tripe

>> No.11088891

*clucks thin pink lips*
We'z da real minority

>> No.11088896

But we are

>> No.11088897

I don't know what that's supposed to mean

>> No.11088902

It's not dying. Millenials read more than any other generation save for that of their grandparents. The problem is that they are reading mostly shit and garbage.



>> No.11088905
File: 51 KB, 600x641, 888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>novel is dying
no, its you who is dying and lame

>> No.11088978

>Flash fiction
Not even fucking once you degenerate.

Fucking lol

The end is indeed nigh.

My lips are beautiful and succulent.

Read between the lines.

>> No.11090194

this woulda be funny if he hadn't said "A novel"

But he did and you are thusly a faggot.

>> No.11090226

Will Self is insufferable

>> No.11090306

(No one is buying my scribbles)

>> No.11090322

>see people constantly reading on the train and bus
> ebooks are a huge market
Yeah it's totally dying OP

>> No.11090341

Its inconvenient and people have short attention spans

>> No.11090381

He wasn’t trying to say that’s what humanity should do. He was basically saying that’s all we’re doing nowadays.

>> No.11090752

>why is film dying too
How on Earth is film dying?

>> No.11090761

What are the major releases that redeem the artform to you?

>> No.11090777

Not him but
Bladerunner 2049
Plenty of other sci-fi films
No Country for Old Men
Call Me By Your Name
There Will Be Blood
Cloud Atlas
Even Django Unchained
These arent all even my favorite movies besides the sci-fi, theyre just extremely well executed.

>> No.11090780
File: 47 KB, 1159x736, misterdebatepoliceman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not an answer to the question of why you think film as a media is in decline.

>> No.11090791
File: 10 KB, 223x226, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just see a list of flicks, sorry. And besides most of those were not commercially successful and there is not much future for even pleb arthouse

>> No.11090800

The commercially successful franchises will determine what constitutes a viable endeavour and you will have an increasingly facile output.

>> No.11090801

Since when has commercial sucess ever been an indicator of the industries health? Shitty quick action flicks and comedy have always dominated the box office, youre comparing modern cinema to a false strawman

>> No.11090807

To add onto this, yes there are more and more shit films and more and more successful shit films; however the volume of good quality film isnt in decline. Its just hard to hear over the noise.

>> No.11090818
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>The commercially successful franchises will determine what constitutes a viable endeavour and you will have an increasingly facile output.
A fine argument for the struggle of art under capitalism, but to show that film is in decline you have to point to a time where this wasn't the case, and film was better than it is now.

>> No.11090823

I think movie theater attendence is steadily falling; i think the medium itself is dying and being replaced by small screens and this will also contribute to a decline.

>> No.11090841

I think the silent era and state funded film are and were superior to hollywood; but hollywood is what most people watch. Elitism does not appeal to me. Kubrick was not marginal in his day, similar directors today are culturally marginal.

>> No.11090861

I think once the future calms down and we settle in to this new world of internet saturation the novel, or something like it, will make a comeback. It's an artistic format that just can't be replaced, and I think the internet addled masses WANT more literature. But it has to reflect the tastes of the time; both by working around the permanent ADD we've fallen into and by examining the new forms of alienation that we experience in the modern world. In the world of social media, and cell phones, and memes, stories about cranky academics and prostitutes don't cut it anymore.

My point is- I'm trying to make myself feel better for writing novels.

>> No.11090876

>There Will Be Blood
Fucking Pleb

>> No.11090880
File: 43 KB, 350x350, avengersrideforth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think the silent era and state funded film are and were superior to hollywood
I strongly disagree - this is survival bias. You're comparing the best films of that era to the contents of your local cinema on any given day. Walk into a cinema back then and it was full of weak comedies and poorly acted melodrama.

>> No.11090895

Didnt notice that on the list desu
Fair enough, so i guess the same could be said for novels.

>> No.11090960
File: 34 KB, 300x375, Self_study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are tehy reading novels retard? Are tehy reading literature?

Of course not. tehy are reading the dribbilings of memerson, of the renowned pedophile john green, of fantasy wank and sci fi guff. Not true literature like the kind society was built on.

Now why has my illustrious thread descended into a discussion of the disgusting brainletry that is cinema? GO TO /TV/ FAGS. GO. LEAVE.

>> No.11090976

I am range banned from /tv/ for insulting Sam Hyde

>> No.11091185

Then get off this fucking site. You're free anon, I release you.

>> No.11091189

Novels kept chugging because it was the most "complete" format in a subset of art for the average consumer (see: albums, 90-120 minute movies). Now that digital storage makes all lengths fully acceptable at any moment, no reason to fixate so much on the novel as before (see: short stories or long series, mixtapes or EPs, webseries that are more like 5 hour movies).

>> No.11091210

>all that genre trash
This is a joke right?
>why is film dying too?
Too much of an investment for people, a lot of them see it as a gamble investment too.

>> No.11091220

But in that change, the lengthy yet compact forms are falling by the wayside and we are losing what made them such special forms in the first place. series and shorts have their place but they are vastly inferior to the lengthy yet singular novel/film/album.

>> No.11091231

The banality of it all is the same reason why this very comment is ignored and not.
Attention span and efficiency protocols of the neurons of mount ego.

>> No.11091233

just today i saw a girl reading string theory by DFW

>> No.11091249

>not a novel
>author is dead

You're being a retard.

>> No.11091263
File: 81 KB, 399x382, 59275-0-1434157834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well excuse me motherfucker i didn't realize we were arguing semantics
you said they we're reading real books, and i proved you wrong

>> No.11091293

>they we're reading real books

OP is saying that novels are dead. That means no new novels are being produced which play an active part in the common culture. You counter this by saying that you've spotted the girl you stalk reading a collection of nonfiction by a man who has been dead a decade now, while she she was sitting on the bus, hoping that this creepy guy would take the hint and stop staring at her.

In that case, I guess the novel is alive and well then you massive retarded sliver of piss.

>> No.11091326

Well there are still new novels being released that are good, you just have to look for them
2666 and bleeding edge are fairly new

>> No.11091928

The majority used to seek pleasure from reading.

The majority don't do that anymore.

The majority used to listen to music that required years of talent like rock.

The majority don't do that anymore.

>> No.11092383


>> No.11092435

you say that like it's a bad thing

>> No.11092492

I don't visit /lit/ on the reg but I feel like OP is mocking someone.

You need world-building in order to provide context and make people give a shit.

Film isn't dying you alarmist twit, media and the ways people view it are just changing. Of course if you're one of those /tv/ film snobs then nothing will ever be good enough for you.

Anyways, both novels and film now have to compete with video games and social media for people's time. Nothing is dying, attention is just shifting to accommodate more distractions from our misery.

>> No.11092577

>I feel like OP is mocking someone.
Yu fink?

Reverse image search ya Dingus.

>> No.11092585

I don't care who some random britbong is, just an observation.

>> No.11092831

Who cares, anyway? There are already infinitely more books worth reading than you have time for.

>> No.11092862


>> No.11092889
File: 180 KB, 730x671, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are going to realize that Visual Novels are the way to go. While you assholes make fun of me now, give me a couple of years and I'll be a millionaire. /thread

>> No.11093182
File: 886 KB, 600x1200, Junko 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many restrictions and Arbitrarily rules for publishing books. .

>> No.11093232
File: 57 KB, 284x278, 1488626737292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could you imagine actually believing this

>> No.11093269
File: 607 KB, 1031x934, Martin Luther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe all modern philosophical works will be published via Visual Novel.
Mainly because the fanbase tends to be highly neurotic and eat up philosophical themes.
Subahibi is a underated modern classic.

>> No.11093356

>Visual Novels
you mean picture books?

>> No.11094482

There's that fag talk we talked about

>> No.11094490


>> No.11094502

>cloud atlas

alright, fuck off. That movie was a thinly veiled turd wrapped up in it's own perceived brilliance

>> No.11094504

>people don't change
>you do

>> No.11094505

This is the type of comment that keeps me coming back to this site.

>> No.11095467

Sikh, I should write more.

>> No.11095839

>Novels were always looked down on except a brief period of time

Further expansion on this please?

>> No.11095857


>> No.11095868

>The majority used to listen to music that required years of talent like rock.
>The majority don't do that anymore.
i like all music except rap and country

>> No.11095881

>40 posters ITT
>only a single poster is aware of will self
/lit/ really is full of fucking morons

>> No.11096180
File: 5 KB, 243x207, Ed4LdEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what was once the finest medium for artistic thought known to man.

>> No.11096385

Thank you...

I mean Self is shit but the fact that no-one here recognizes him is further proof that this board is full of 15 year old pseuds who only just recently started reading Papa Bloom (which is ironic cus Bloom, being a moron, rates Self's writings).