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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 18 KB, 214x317, MV5BMTVhMDJkNzAtMjg0MC00ODQyLWE2ODctZTkxYjcwYThkYmQ1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTc4MzI2NQ@@._V1_UY317_CR18,0,214,317_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11085540 No.11085540[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>he's a virgin
>he thinks he can write convincing character interactions
>he thinks he can write non-virgin characters
>he thinks he can write female characters
>he thinks he can write a plot that won't be marred by his ignorance of an essential life experience
What do you think, is it impossible to be a virgin and to be a good writer?

>> No.11085546

Every perspective, if combined with actual talent, can lead to interesting literature. Not every writer needs to know about every facet of life.

>> No.11085550
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>> No.11085552

Which is good since no writer ever has.

>> No.11085553

Wasn't Keats a neet incel too?

>> No.11085563
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a resounding yes

..how could you not agree?

>> No.11085571

If you get inspired by pussy you're a degenerate

>> No.11085575

yes, and he is the greatest poet ever. op trolling

>> No.11085577

Bret Easton Ellis never traded on Wall Street and likely never committed murder with an Axe, but you fuckers still loved American Psycho.

Besides, if your target audience knows as little as you, does it truly make a difference?

>> No.11085579

Yeah, it's called fiction.

>> No.11085583

Who tf even is that

>> No.11085584

american psycho is reddit trash. ellis is not a good writer. the film is unironically great though

>> No.11085614

does fucking a woman equal understanding a woman? think carefully about this

>> No.11085617
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he had a wife who was apparently very beautiful

>> No.11085684
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>he's a hunchbacked melancholy virgin
>he writes the most realistic—yet poetic—description of marriage ever put to paper
For shame, OP.

>> No.11086014

Fucking Jane Austin was never married.

>> No.11086026

Good. I hope she was full of heartache and longing. I hate that bitch.

>> No.11086100

>a woman who didn't marry never had sex
>a woman went her whole life without having sex
>a woman being a virgin past the age of 18
you are naive. They just didn't flaunt it like they do now

>> No.11086179

She wrote about marriage and courtship, not fucking like rabbits.

>> No.11086286

I've had sex and you can't prove otherwise. Soometimes I say I'm a virgin but it's just my schizophrenia acting up.

>> No.11086396

No magic transformation occurred after I had slept with a girl. I was consumed by an illusion of love however, such that I could not eat, could not read, without her burnt into my mind. An all consuming act, as if I was surrounded again in that sweet broth of my mother's love. Of course there is no love like a mother's, and subsequently I was cast from this illusion, banished to despair. I would recover of course, but with that youthful susceptibility to the all-consuming first love irrevocably gone. I think it is not necessary for a writer to have made love to a woman, however I think it necessary that he is affected by love, or the inverse thereof.

>> No.11086415

Art having a 'virginal' perspective can be a massive strong suit, honestly. Adequately displaying life and love through the eyes of a Virgin is difficult if you aren't one. That's why people love Nick Drake's music so much, it really has an innocence to it.

Most incels need an artistic outlet desu. That much sexual frustration could lead to some great reads

>> No.11086454

James Boston

>> No.11087010

depends heavily on the book written.

>> No.11087034

virgins UNITE

>> No.11087036

Was he really a virgin?

>> No.11087060

In his journals, he talks about someone (in the 3rd person) getting really wasted and visiting a prostitute. It's possible K. lost his virginity to a hooker, but I don't believe it personally.

>> No.11087064


>> No.11087069

wohoah Mr. Edge is in the building.

>> No.11087110
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Damn anon. Write some more. I like your interpretation of love, tell me more.

>> No.11087112

she looks like a boy

>> No.11087120


>> No.11087133
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>she looks like a boy
Damn... You again?

>> No.11087138

ah the pedophile

>> No.11087145

could you spastics like >>11087120 and >>11087110 not fucking ruin my thread and get it deleted please?

I genuinely want to investigate to what extent virginity detrimentally effects the writer's ability to write convincing works and characters, as I myself am a virgin and feel not only handicapped socially but also artistically due to this. I can't think of a single writer who wrote anything whilst a virgin that is anything other than the 'POV of a Virgin' thing that Pessoa achieved. Is a virgin even capable of writing something beyond the sort of 'Notes from Underground' type character (minus the prostitute part), and have it be a legitimate contribution to the literary canon?

>> No.11087161

Shut up virgin theres no hope for you

>> No.11087183
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>> No.11087297

No, you don't have to give up chastity and fall into a life of degeneracy to be a good author. How do you think great literature was written before the age of the birth control pill (or, as I call it, the pill that "cured" morality)?

>> No.11087392
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>ah the pedophile
Yup, that's me!

>> No.11087593


>> No.11088449
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>sweet broth
Eugh, is this some kind of Filipino/Cambodian dish?

>> No.11088469

Virginity itself is a non-issue, only 15-year-olds give a shit about that. People say virginity but what they really mean is that to have experience, you must've tried your hand at a long, serious romantic relationship. It's the ultimate test of human biology and society. As long as you've proven yourself capable of that, people will respect you.

>> No.11088474

s..suppose I haven't.. What then?
Don't I understand people even if I haven't had a relationship with anyone.

>> No.11088485
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>mfw people think a man with no sexual experience of women can't write well about them

>> No.11088497

You're still human but for most, a relationship is life-changing. To know another human being so intimately and to offer and risk so much of yourself, will change you. The change comes slowly over the years but it's an important one and nothing can emulate it. The second level above that, or related to that, is to raise your own children.

>> No.11088501

So any friendship and its ups and downs work too?

Ok, thank you.

>> No.11088505

But isn't that not the same for friendship? For siblings?
You can make the argument that you don't truly know them, and aren't truly intimate because they could be lying or not revealing the full truth/holding things back but then the same could be said for a relationship.

I guess I should get around to trying to experience one.

>> No.11088517

Does the very existence of the concept of a "writing" not prove that personal experience is not a prerequisite to knowledge?

>> No.11089336


>> No.11090263

>all good works of fiction only have a single character, the author's self-insert duplicate. It's impossible to write about anything else than clones of yourself

>> No.11090283
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>> No.11090353
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>> No.11090505

who that

>> No.11090572
