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11079374 No.11079374[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What tobacco products - if any - do you enjoy while reading books and doing scholarship, /lit/? Also, thoughts on any of the titles in pic related?

>> No.11079409


lol dual language middle english. its not that hard if you're a native speaker, anon!

I tend to blow spliff smoke over print

>> No.11079417

Wintergreen snuff; gin and cold lime juice is nice now that the n. Hem. weather's finally beginning to heat up. Don't overindulge either, mostly drink water. The Lucretius is nice, good Spring reading, as is the Hardy (if in a very different key).

>> No.11079426

chewing tobacco is absolutely disgusting


>> No.11079445

I enjoy snuffing tobacco.

>> No.11079446

I smoke Macdonald's as Im going to uni in Montreal and hate most of the cigarettes here, and they're all too expensive. St.Aquinas is incredible, but Id make sure to read Anselm first. Aquinas aesthetics are an excellent progression from Aristotle. Neruda and Chaucer are also requirements. never read the others, but the Lucretius looks interesting

>> No.11079477

Chewing tobacco generally has a richer flavour and a more immersive "mouthfeel" than pre-cut smokeless tobacco products.

>> No.11079483

I hear cock has an immersive mouthfeel too and is even less fucking gross

>> No.11079492

chewing tobacco is fucking nasty
i rly wish we could saw off everything south of dc

>> No.11079494

I smoke John Players

Cheap smoke here in GB and Ireland

>> No.11079607

>dual language

>> No.11079638

i smoke weed and that’s it, tobacco is gay, anything that doesn’t alter consciousness and change sensory ratios is for faggots. lyfe is 2 sh0rt too bee s0ber amirite anonz????????

>> No.11079652
File: 2.03 MB, 2448x3264, Van-nelle-zware-shag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11079661

This except postmodernistically ironically.

>> No.11079663

Well that's just lazy classism. People from all sorts of backgrounds enjoy partaking in the rich traditions associated with chewing tobacco. Tobacco was one of the first cops grown in the Americas during the colonial era.

>> No.11079674
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If I can't get this, I go for Copenhagen straight. Tobacco and coffee fuel me more than food. Helps with memory

>> No.11079682

fucking disgusting

>> No.11079698

very degenerate
tobacco is fucking disgusting

>> No.11079708
File: 171 KB, 1139x1280, tumblr_p17nxxGzdK1tbc4xoo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

However It does not turn me to a filthy hippy fucking retard

>> No.11079711

I'm pretty much through with smoking now, but a bowl of cherry shag and a Tom Robbins on the balcony on a warm spring evening...

>> No.11079713

It turns you into a filthy redneck fucking retard with a disgusting mouth, which is far worse

>> No.11079718

It's more difficult than people think, since words change meaning/usage/connotations in addition to just spellings. Unless you're already a Middle English scholar, you'll miss most of that stuff if you only read the original text.

>> No.11079770

You know people like Charles Baudelaire, Victor Hugo, and Balzac did hashish right? Do they count as hippie retards to you?

>> No.11079773

Yeah, instead it turns you to a dependent weak-willed faggot. Nobody likes smokers anymore. It’s not cool or manly. Seeing someone outside of a building, away from everyone and everything just cause they HAVE TO light one is pathetic.

>> No.11079798

Such a bot thought/comment. No one who reads serious literature is this attached to societal modes of personality. Defending tobacco in contrast to mind altering substance by calling them “hippy” is such a non insult. What is this? The 50s? Why would being perceived as a hippy affect anyone here?

>> No.11079844

I used to hate stoners until I encountered tobacco apologists

>> No.11079862

Of course not, that was directed at >>11079638
who is, in fact, a filthy hippy fucking retard.
Were all dependent on something or other

>> No.11079946
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>Helps with memory
citation needed

>> No.11079963

Why is there a gun? Is it like a novel gun that's a lighter or something?

>> No.11079965

>everyone sure is stupid, except me.

>> No.11079973
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Pic related. D&R Vengeur from a bag I keep in a cast iron pot. Fill a bowl, step outside to smoke and play with the cats, come inside and chase it with brandy and beers. After that I'm no good for reading, but writing is easier for a while.

>> No.11079974

are you even half as handsome as pic related? and you realize women really like weed and that it intensifies erotic and aesthetic experiences? im gonna get high in about an hour after i finish OHP

>> No.11079980

why shouldn't there be a gun, anon

these internet streets are dangerous kid gotta keep strapt for they catch us lackin

>> No.11079995



>> No.11079996

I disagree with this strongly. I smoked weed for many years so I'm hypocrite - but an experienced one.
> and you realize women really like weed
And this is reason to engage in the sloth that is weed consumption?
>im gonna get high in about an hour after i finish OHP
Is this supposed to upset me lol? You're an anon kek

>> No.11080146

It's a pun - "alcohol, tobacco, and firearms" ('ATF' is a federal law enforcement agency in the US). I've seen it pop up as a background meme in various photos.

>> No.11080209

I started vaping after smoking for almost a decade, it's working well so far

>> No.11080292

Is this like the old bali shag blends?

>> No.11081161
File: 54 KB, 640x445, Fumar Mata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hand rolled cigarettes, preferably rolled with a load of hash in.
aka the dirty roll up

>> No.11081372

>Fumar mata


>> No.11081399

I really wish smoking wasn't so bad and gross
I really do enjoy a cigarette every few months, but I can't justify it any more than that due to the health dangers and the fact that it makes you smell gross

>> No.11081400

>Dual language Chaucer
>C H E W I N G tobacco
>Aquinas next to a fucking HANDGUN
jesus christ we are reaching peak pseud in here

>> No.11081444

Do fedoras actually use chew? I thought they all became very annoying and insistent pipesmokers a few years ago. Chew seems associated with pseudo-rednecks, if anything. And actual rednecks, I guess, but those guys aren't on /lit/.

>> No.11081458

American Spirits Perique Blend

>> No.11081483

>canticle for leibowitz


>> No.11081496
File: 17 KB, 480x360, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oliva V Lancero cigars are my current go to. They are seven inches long and are slow burners so it usually takes me 45 minutes to an hour to enjoy the entire thing.
They are a bit on the strong side for me, but I am still looking for a decent lancero that doesn't break the bank.

>> No.11081498

I wish I liked it, can't stand the smell of smoke anymore or smoking but feel like a cigarette every now and then

>> No.11081503
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And the turquoise American spirits if I'm feeling lazy and don't want to commit to only rolling my cigarettes for the next couple of days, which has been the case for the past few months.
I'm smoking 15-20 cigarettes a day now and I want to cut back down to ~5 (which I was able to maintain from ages 14-20, am 24 now)
Pls help

>> No.11081516
File: 18 KB, 300x300, pb-5ba.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding Siberia. Shit knocks you on your ass.

Speaking of being knocked on the ass, if you enjoy pipe, this stuff is extra strength. Can barely smoke a whole bowl without getting dizzy.

>> No.11081575

This is the most disgusting thread I've ever seen on 4chan, and not one I ever expected to see on /lit/. Enough people in my hometown chew and dip, I don't need to read about this shit here.

>> No.11081610
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>t. niles crane

>> No.11081634
File: 243 KB, 910x1500, 22532467792[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am currently reading a book of de Quincey essays (including the famous one about being an opium addict) while absorbing a torrent of nicotine right into the blood-vessels of my right inner cheek as I slowly masticate a large wad of rich spicy molasses-tinged tobacco. And I'm going to wash it down with liquor. Disgusting? I'm close to theosis, son. Where the fuck are YOU?

>> No.11081679

I don't use any intoxicants.

>> No.11081692

tobacco is a stimulant, not an intoxicant

>> No.11081716

If you actually swallow enough tobacco juice, it becomes an emetic and a rather unpleasant type of deliriant. I don't recommend it.

>> No.11081720

If you're not smoking Nat Shermans you're wasting your lungs.

>> No.11081737

why did you ignore my question about your appearance? Are you handsome or plain? My weed consumption is limited to the night time after I've finished all my obligations and you have no basis to call me slothful when you take frequent smoke breaks throughout the day more than likely. Aesthetics are absolutely enhanced by marijuana that's why its universally a preferred substance for engaging with media and nature along with its cousin entheogens. I make mention of the OHP because you insinuate that I'm lazy, dirty and weak "hippy" as you put it, but none of those are the case, I shave and shower regularly, I lift weights and go on long walks, my body is trim and well muscled and I maintain about 10% BF along with eating a very spare, austere diet. You have nothing but your own assumptions and are appealing to the prevailing disgust in the counter-culture that's emerged in response to the normalfag epidemic of DUDE WEED LMAO but that was never anything to do with me at any point in my smoking. Tobacco is repulsive in every way, stains the whole house with residue, rots your teeth and tongue, destroys your lungs and skin, leaves you psychotic if you can't get it. I can go nearly the entire day without taking dabs, can you do the same with your cigs? Doubtful.

>> No.11081796
File: 288 KB, 587x433, dunmer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good post.

>> No.11081806

Never seen an Opinel with such a dark wood handle like that. Is that factory, or did you finish it?

>> No.11081820
File: 89 KB, 1000x563, memeknife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a stainless opinel no 6 w/ walnut handle. option from the factory afaik.

>> No.11081835

I have the No. 8 in beechwood myself. I'm thinking about sanding it and staining it. Also, Opinels are GOAT. They're far from being meme knives for how little they cost. Cool 1991 too.

>> No.11081847

thanks my guy.

re: refinishing, you should! i just call it a meme knife because /k/ and /out/ do. like any meme, they are popular because they are good. i use mine for tamping and cleaning the pipe bowl, and sometimes for eating steaks or fruit or whatever. very handy.

>> No.11081853

use it to cut your cock off and maybe your fingers too

>> No.11081898

>reading all that
theres no way lmao

>> No.11081907

too bad

>> No.11081963

not him, but you got btfo

>> No.11081979

>getting this mad over tobacco
Do those chewing rednecks bully you?