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/lit/ - Literature

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11079742 No.11079742 [Reply] [Original]

we wuz KANG LEAR n shiet

>> No.11079749

James Earl Jones is a good actor, I'd like to watch this.

>> No.11079752

Shakespeare is a very good place for colorblind casting. All the women were played by men in some of the early productions. Stop crying so much OP.

>> No.11079754

yeah, but raul julia isn't

>> No.11079757
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Don Warrington was the greatest Lear by far lmao

>> No.11079763


>> No.11079764

Haha wasnt he in an MST3K movie?

>> No.11079771

There are and were historically African kings this is not disputable.

>> No.11079788

>this thread
meanwhile I get called a racist for asking if nigs still use the 100 emoji.

>> No.11079826

You are using a racist epithet. Racism is not allowed on blue boards.

>> No.11079938

Nig means non-intelligent guy

>> No.11079947 [DELETED] 


>> No.11079954

I saw Frank Langella play Lear, who I'm fairly sure isn't Italian. He was great. As long as it's not historical figures or figures for whom whiteness is a defining aspect, I don't care about colorblind casting.

>> No.11079964 [DELETED] 

lol nigger it stopped being funny this morning after the second post, fuck off, we use the rules to keep spam and pedophiles (and retarded weebs or /b/tards) from ruining discourse, there are basically no rules besides posting on topic

>> No.11079970

Lear was a Trojan, as were the Romans, so having Lear played by an Italian makes perfect sense

>> No.11079981

>Leir was a legendary king of the Britons whose story was recounted by Geoffrey of Monmouth in his pseudohistorical 12th-century History of the Kings of Britain.[1] According to Geoffrey's genealogy of the British dynasty, Leir's reign would have occurred around the 8th century BC, around the time of the founding of Rome. The story was modified and retold by William Shakespeare in his Jacobean tragedy King Lear.

>> No.11079993
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No sorry there are rules.

>> No.11080115
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Racists BTFO

>> No.11080126

According to Geoffrey of Monmouth he was a descendant of Brutus of Troy

>> No.11080136

we wuz kings is funny because a major current in european white nationalism is 'we were PEASANTS and we were SO HONOURED to serve our TRADITIONAL LEADERS'

>> No.11080137

Certainly not in plays. The audience should not be immersed in live theater. They should be engaged and willingly suspending their disbelief while simultaneously aware that the people in front of them are merely actors and that all parties involved have a certain amount of distance from the truth of the story.

>> No.11080143
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>tfw brecht posts on /lit/

>> No.11080145

WWE is the highest form of theater

>> No.11080147

so as long as I don't say the n-word I can spew actual racism?

>> No.11080151
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>> No.11080156

3.You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.

>> No.11080187

wait are the mods actually enforcing bans on the word nigger? are you fucking serious? we can’t say nigger kike, white is right anymore? fucking unreal, im livid

>> No.11080195

You're fucking stupid

>> No.11080198

4chan isn't 4chan anymore

>> No.11080199

a real niggerkikeish situation indeed

>> No.11080202
File: 282 KB, 2046x569, DbJDXIrXUAMZFUh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screaming 'our opponents are the opponents of mankind, their point of view is not just: their point of view is injustice' at the girl who asks me to stop ripping big syrupy vape clouds at the community theatre Shakespeare production

>> No.11080207


>> No.11080213

>muh /b/ culture
It was the first containment board

>> No.11080220

/lit/ needs to deleted.

>> No.11080234
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Was he, dare i say, cute?

>> No.11080241
File: 991 KB, 480x284, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/, /b/ and /r9k/ are the normie boards i suggest you go to them

>> No.11080248

I didn't get b&... yet. I was bitching about be called a racist for saying nigger, even though what I said wasn't very racist, and because the op of that thread used the phrase "white devil". these are all meaningless shitposts anyway, everyone should just calm down.

>> No.11080252
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Saying the n word is in itself racist. Fuck off.

>> No.11080288
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>mfw there's no fun allowed.

>> No.11080307

Which would Brecht approve more of? The cold and cerebral viewing experience of the white man or the fully immersed whooping of the black?

>> No.11080312
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Nice numbers but racism isnt fun!

>> No.11080329

Racism is the original form societal self preservation. You are denying the natural order.

>> No.11080336
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>muh natural order
Do you want to know how i know you are a tourist?

>> No.11080475

Just because they're the prevalent board cultures on this site doesn't mean they're the normie ones. It's arguable the smaller ones are more normie as they don't align with the majority of the site

>> No.11080502
File: 55 KB, 1318x466, Normie Shoe Rules.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget.

>> No.11080508

natural order can't be denied by definition
all that is, is