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11077944 No.11077944 [Reply] [Original]

I don't speak a fucking word of Italian, but I am a Spanish speaker with a dictionary.

Will I be able to do this, /lit/?

>> No.11077971

why not buy a bilingual edition like a normal person instead of memeing with a dictionary?

>> No.11077990

Why would you think this is a good idea. You’re not going to be reading the book you’re going to be struggling to learn a language via a dense 1000 year old epic poem.

>> No.11078005

spanish and italian are the same language: vulgar latin

>> No.11078024

Aprende lingüística, perro.

>> No.11078027


>> No.11078101

Absolutely not

That edition is the cheapest garbage out there and the dictionary will be of no use.

Being spanish won't help you much either.

>Get a better edition, try with a text book with lots of notes and an explenation.
>Study grammar, both in italian and latin.
>Get a good translation in your language.

That's the only way.

>> No.11078119
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>> No.11078122

>american education

>> No.11078270

Just get a bilingual edition with Angel Crespo's translation, you idiot. You can get that in Galaxia Gutenberg or Seix Barral.

>> No.11078276

dante is hard to read for the average italian so no

>> No.11078279

Isn't divine comedy written in an early form of Italian that makes it kind of hard even for native Italian speakers? I'm sure I've heard that somewhere before.

>> No.11078512

yes can confirm

>> No.11078513

>Newton Compton

>> No.11078519
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>> No.11078528

I have the same Dante book in italian in a similar position as you, and MAN that book is brutal. He doesn't even speak normal italian, you won't find the words he uses online much less in a dictionary. Just read dante in your own language, it's not worth it. (or use a modernization or something)

>> No.11078932

Yeah man, I'm Italian and it's hard to follow how Dante is creating that narrative world, after 7 to maybe 9 rhymes you're obligated to read the notes to understand what the fuck that tiger or that girone infernale is about

Also, please get a better copy, maybe an Italian scholastic one, you'll get a better understanding of the Sommo Poeta

>> No.11078941

Italian here. Anon is right. And not only is the edition shit, the publisher is the shittiest in the country.
Get an edition from a respectable publisher, like Einaudi, Mondadori, Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli, Garzanti, etc.

You were probably tempted by the dirt cheap price, right?

>> No.11078969

Non sai quanti miei compagni di corso comprano ancora i Newton Compton, con conseguente cringe da parte mia...

Ne approfitto per chiedervi, quali sono le case editrici migliori in Italia? Per me Iperborea, Adelphi ed Einaudi

>> No.11079001

Per me la Newton Compton fa solamente cagare.

Concordo con te è aggiungerei la Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli e Bompiani, la BUR perché ha il più grande backlog di classici in Italia (cazzo, hanno pure un volume singolo per il Sofista di Platone) e la Bompiani per i classici bilingui della filosofia moderna.

Poi ho sempre avuto un debole per la Garzanti, non sò perché. Siccome sono siciliano, ci tengo pure alla Sellerio. Pubblicarono le opere di Bolaño per esempio.

>> No.11079003

what a disgusting cover

>> No.11079014
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This is the Rizzoli edition, for example.
Cover's Æ S T H E T I C as fuck and it's got the illustrations by Doré. Also, it's quality is excellent.

>> No.11079043
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This is the Purgatorio one.

>> No.11079044

innervating, thank you for sharing my revulsion has been quelled

>> No.11079070

Adelphi è la migliore per via della qualità e del fatto che pubblicano tantissimi dei migliori scrittori contemporanei (Sebald, Bernard, Morselli ecc ecc) e roba di mitologia altrimenti introvabile. Einaudi, Garzanti, Mondadori, Rizzoli, Laterza ecc ecc sono tutte più o meno sullo stesso ottimo livello ma ogni tanto fanno delle traduzioni penose (tipo l'Infinite Jest della Einaudi o le traduzioni a pezzi dei classici cinesi).
Sellerio glie vojo bene perché hanno pubblicato Solaris.

>> No.11079078

Ah comunque io compro sempre i Newton Compton se si tratta di romanzi italiani tipo Verga o Svevo

l e l

>> No.11079098

My nigger! High five.

Peccato che i loro Bolaño sono introvabili ormai.

>> No.11079118

just learn italian. it shouldn't be hard for you if you know spanish

>> No.11079173

Pegate un tiro

>> No.11079273

Actually, Italian is closer to French than Spanish. Spanish has a lot of Arabic influence. Still easy tho.

>> No.11079303

Translating for oneself is great immersion, and you have something potentially marketable if it's good. Do it.

>> No.11079478

thats what I'm doing.
>portuguese speaker
>~8 months studying italian
>started reading easier literature in italian to build my way up.
my plan is
>maybe some books in between here, not sure yet
>some books of the bible to get started with more archaic style/words
Already read divine comedy 2 times in a bilingual edition with a good portuguese translation and plenty of notes. Even before studying italian, when I read the 2 times, I was always comparing some parts in portuguese and italian.

this argument is fucking retarded. Of course a book written in 1300 is hard for EVERY average person in the planet. Why, you ask me? guess fucking why? because the average person DOES NOT READ AT ALL. Lord of the rings is probably too hard for the average person, for fuck's sake

>> No.11079498

>a person that does not know 1 single word of a language could make out a product decent enough for people to pay for.
translators literally spend YEARS studying the language, the author's life, country's history and culture. OP won't be able to put 1 paragraph together

>> No.11079533

That shit is hard enough to follow in English

>> No.11079554

What's your problem with Ángel Crespo's traduction?

>> No.11079579

I think it will be very difficult. After a few pages you're going to get fed up with constantly looking up words in the dictionary. Maybe try doing this on an ereader where you can more quickly and easily get the translation

>> No.11079641

That's good.
Here's some advice.

>Study latin
Once you are able to translate Cicero you are good to go.
>Read Virgil
>Skip Calvino and read Manzoni instead
>Eco is okay if you want to read something more modern
>Boccaccio is a good idea
>read Petrarca instead of the Bible
>Ariosto is optional
>get this or something similar >>11078119

Also, that Tolkien comparison is dumb.
Dante can be very obscure even for an assiduous reader.

>> No.11079853

thanks for the advice, I really do need to read the romans, and learning latin is something I want to do in the near future.

>dumb comparison
yes, but using the "average person" as base for anything literature-related is also dumb.

>> No.11079885

no the reason why it's hard is that the commediais a text objectively hard to understand for a 21 century reader.
Dante used mainly volgare fiorentino (florence's plebs language) and mixed it with other plebs dialect.
also you need to know about obscure local news and 1300 international politics to event understand what the fuck dante is talking about.
so no, YOUR argument is fucking retarded since you need an extensive knowledge of 1300 history and facts written in a language quite different from modern italian

>> No.11079898

You're a fucking retard

>> No.11079930

>Sommo Poeta
>not Il Poeta
Get your shit together.

>> No.11080008

holy fuck, you are an imbecil. Which person is more likely to know all that stuff you just mentioned, your 'average italian' that barely even knows who dante is or some guy from whatever country that is actually putting in effort to understand the commedia as much as possible?

again, your argument is retarded.

>> No.11080014

Read a modernized version

>> No.11080038

Only if by modernized version you mean a paraphrase to pair with the original text and a rich critical apparatus

>> No.11080144

you know that people that have spent their entire lives studying it have different interpretation for some terzine?
also look here http://www.letteratura-italiana.com/pdf/divina%20commedia/02%20Inferno.pdf
do you see how the long explanation after the verses? you think you could think about half of those point by yourself?
sure you may "read" it but sure as hell you're not going to understand it unless you study it at a serious level (italian students don't study many paradiso's canti in hs since they're too hard for them to understand properly)

>> No.11080218

thanks for that pdf, first of all.
second, I don't know if you are the same person (>>11079885)
but what point are you trying to make? I know its an extremely complex work, actually beyond comprehension, and I never intended to compare lotr's complexity with the divine comedy's, I just said your average person is probably too dumb even for lotr, so there is no point saying "wow divine comedy is hard even for the average italian, so don't bother". I mean, if this average italian doesn't read at all, having italian as first tongue means close to nothing when it comes to understanding the commedia, exactly because of its complexity that you have been bringing out.

>> No.11080237
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>> No.11080372

i meant that even for an italian it's hard to understand the face meaning of the words (let alone the underlining symbolism and references) since they're so different from modern italian
also while the inferno is "easy" compared to the other 2 cantiche i can assure you that even an italian literature undergrad would have an hard time understanding what the fuck is going on in the paradiso
eg from page 428 http://www.letteraturaitaliana.net/pdf/Volume_1/t317.pdf
"cenìt inlibra" means absolutely nothing in modern italian and if you google it the only results are from the commedia
this is why imo is a gigantic waste of time to read it if you can't even speak a word of italian.

>> No.11080444

>this is why imo is a gigantic waste of time to read it if you can't even speak a word of italian.
certainly agree.

do you have or know if there is this >>11080144
for purgatorio and paradiso?

>> No.11080452

nevermind, found them at that site 'letteratura-italiana'. Again, thanks for that pdf, very nice stuff

>> No.11080787

spend 6-12 months learning italian and then read it.

italian and spanish are pretty close. wouldn't take long to become fluent