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11077509 No.11077509 [Reply] [Original]

You know the drill, you're stuck on a desert island but you've got 5 books to read. What did you bring?

1. The Bible
2. OED
3. In Search of Lost Time
4. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
5. Across Asia From West to East in 1906–1908

>> No.11077513
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>The Bible
>The Hobbit
>The Lord of the Rings
>The Silmarillion
>The Complete Works of Robert Frost

More than enough to keep me occupied.

>> No.11077515

1. Euclid's Elements
2. Archimedes' On Conoids and Spheroids
3. Archimedes' On Spirals
4. Apollonius' On Conics
5. Pappus' Collection

I'd spend my time perfecting my knowledge of geometry and developing it still further than it even is today.

>> No.11077522

1. Thrice Greatest Hermes (3 volume edition) by GRS Mead
2. Rig Veda
3. Upanishads
4. Nag Hammadi Cortex
5. Paracelsus

>> No.11077540
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1. The Quran
2. Sahih Bukhari
3. Sahih Muslim
4. Sunan al-Nasa'i
5. Sunan Abu Dawud

>> No.11077551

>a book on wilderness survival
>a book on how to make a boat
>a book on cannabis cultivation
>The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
>The Very Hungry Caterpillar

>> No.11077559

1. Pali Canon (more than enough here for many life times)
2. Homer's The Iliad & The Odyssey
3. The Complete Works of Shakespeare
4. Goethe's Faust
5. The Prose Edda

>> No.11077598
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>Jin Ping Mei
Since I won't have acces to pornography

>Tao te Ching

>Something that will teach me how to survive. Like a manual

>The Three pure land sutras

>The Bhagavad Gita

>> No.11077603

I’ll join you mate

>> No.11077692

>Cheating with multi volume works
1. The Pali Canon
2. Plato: Complete Works
3. Aristotle: Complete Works
4. The New Oxford Annotated Bible
5. The Phenomenology of Spirit

>Not cheating
1. Plato
2. Aristotle
4. The Phenomenology of Spirit
5. Critique of Pure Reason

A good mix of pleasurable to read, culturally significant and hard to decipher.

>> No.11077706
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>> No.11078034

In Search of Lost Time
Survival guide
John Keats poems

das it, mane.

>> No.11079041

Survival Guide
Math book, arithmetic to calculus

>> No.11079108

Collected Plato (Hamilton)
The Golden Chain anthology
Complete Epictetus
Being and Time

>> No.11079162

Sounds comfy

>> No.11079172

You're wasting a book slot to look up words when you should be able to infer meaning?

>> No.11080301

The Collected Works of H.P. Lovecraft
Foucault's Pendulum
The Illimunatus! Trilogy
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
The Official Boy Scouts Handbook, Ninth Edition, 1979

>> No.11080337

1. The Bible
2. Moby Dick
3. The Old Man and The Sea
4. Catch 22
5. Stoner

>> No.11080347

The Bible
The Divine Comedy
Hard to be a God
Lord of the Rings

>> No.11080928

The Collected Works of Baruch Spinoza
Mason & Dixon
In the Heart of the Heart of the Country
La Vie Mode d'Emploi
The Day of the Locust

That should cover just about every mood

>> No.11080943
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>Taking a book with you on an island where sand can get in the pages.

>> No.11081115

The Complete Shakespeare
In Search of Lost Time
Dream of the Red Chamber
The Bible
Montaigne's Essays

>> No.11081158


>> No.11081192

>Comedie Humaine
>In Search of Lost Time
>The Illiad
>Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnameable
>Eugene Onegin

>> No.11081211
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>The complete works of William Shakespeare
Am I missing something here.

>> No.11081219

Five copies of Tristram Shandy.

>> No.11081220

>a book on wilderness survival
This is probably useful.
>a book on how to make a boat
Unless you're a literal child, you could probably figure this one out on your own, given enough time. Besides, it might require you to use tools and resources you don't have on the island. Take something more valuable.
>a book on cannabis cultivation
If you don't already have cannabis seeds, this book is about as useful as a wet towel.
>The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
umm ok
>The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Patrician choice desu

>> No.11081222

Why are Muslim girls simultaneously qt as heck and also always so smug looking?

>> No.11081226

That's six books, you gosh darned dum-dum.

>> No.11081231

Because they don't let their body be judged by the outside circumstances, i.e. they don't show their body to other's perceptions and thus have their bodies be changed and formed, as society intends them to be.

The Quran is wise my friend, very wise.

>> No.11081369

that's a frog, bro

>> No.11081398

Yeah but it's obviously inspired by the pictures muslim girls are always posting of themselves on Facebook / instagram / tumblr / etc.

They're always holding some sort of book or notepad, and always have this vaguely-satisfied look on their face.

>> No.11081418

Moby Dick
In Search of Lost Time - Proust
The Complete Works of Cecily von Ziegesar
The Complete Works of Literotica
The Complete Works of Penthouse Magazine

>> No.11081423

>very hungry caterpillar
go back to /plebbit/

>> No.11081452
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>Complete Plato
>Complete Aristotle
>Complete Shakespeare
>Complete Blake
>Complete Emerson
I'm not cheating these are actual books

>> No.11081480

>Across Asia From West to East in 1906–1908
What is this? I can't find much information on it.

>> No.11081607

Because they are smug as heck. Every Arab girl I've ever known has been unbelievably shallow, conceited and materialistic

>> No.11081614

he cute tho

>> No.11081646

1. Walden Pond
2. Dao de Jing
3. The Bible
4. USMC SERE handbook
5. Robinson Crusoe

>> No.11081675

>can bring 5 books
>The complete works of
You fucking cheater

>> No.11081764

The future.