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11076322 No.11076322[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's gone too far

>> No.11076326


>> No.11076328

It feels like everywhere on the internet outside of 4chan is just kind of weird and pathological. Like they're part of some strange club that I'm not in. Have I been on this site too long?

>> No.11076329

LMAO Peterson has literally ascended to prophet level. Incredible.

>> No.11076332

How much longer until he gets on the news for building some kind of massive compound or commune with all his followers?

>> No.11076342

no no your right; majority of people tend to attach themselves to a culture and be part of something and even this site has that kind of influence. The anonymous kind of posting keeps the circle jerking to a relaxed level.

>> No.11076346

I bet these people are too lazy to read

>> No.11076347

I wouldn't really blame him. I'm personally planning on founding a religious cult myself. I figure as long as I make my literature heavily ambiguous and make sure to specify that the prophet is not infallible then I can establish a religion that will never be properly accusable of moral failings.

>> No.11076355

ITT man children want their daddy to be famous

>> No.11076356
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>> No.11076357

4chan sets itself up so that a) you get no reward for circlejerking and b) you are encouraged culturally to tear others down when they get to big for their britches and to laugh at them being retarded if they become retarded. Other places discourage the later and incentivize the former so you get stupid posts like that one made unironically

>> No.11076359

There's quite a few pastors who worship him as well.

>> No.11076361
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>> No.11076365

Man it's crazy how infectious he is. I actually follow this artist who is a really big fan of Peterson and it's obnoxious as hell. He doesn't read anything and the only book on his bucket list is "The Gulag Archipelago" + Peterson's books. I was also in his private discord a while back where he's supposed to be giving people art advice and he just went on a long rant for like 2 hours about hierarchies and slaying dragons. Shit no normal person talks about. He was literally just regurgitating whatever Peterson fed him.

>> No.11076367
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>> No.11076369

I don't hate JBP per se but him letting people believe that communism and Marxism are post-modern is really a disservice

>> No.11076373

>tfw religious people are having their beta God be replaced by the Chad peterson

>> No.11076374


JBP is no fucking more relativistic that Nietzsche holy fuck

>> No.11076375
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>he thinks 4chan isnt pathological

Buddy.. easy on the autism

>> No.11076378
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>> No.11076383

Drumpf is postmodern as hell

>> No.11076384
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>> No.11076385

I think the same, but I don't know, man. Maybe 4chan just brainwashes you. Now even /pol/ seems reasonable to me compared to other supposedly more moderate places like /r/politics.

>> No.11076388
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I'm not even catholic but I want to punch these people.

>> No.11076400

Isn't this just worshipping the negative form though? Look at a person like Metokur, he is worshipped and gets ten times the viewers that someone attempting serious discussion will get. And he says literally nothing.
I was part of an 'avant-garde' writing group that was basically 4chan with serious discussion rules. Basically less than 10 serious members, all anonymous, but the same sort of problems arose.

>> No.11076412
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>> No.11076415

It's not exactly correct but it's definitely refreshing to have a place where you can do the opposite of what's expected by society

>> No.11076417

we have lived to see an age where 4chan is the last bastion of sanity in the West. not even the gods can save us now

>> No.11076418
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>Have I been on this site too long?

>> No.11076426
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>> No.11076438

It would be overrun by gangs of unstoppable skateboarders within days.

>> No.11076440

Peterson's biggest flaw is his absolute misreading of Nietzsche
Nibba has convinced people that Nietzsche didn't disagree with Christianity in principle just in practice when the guy all but came out and said that Christianity is slave morality. I heard him give the "jesus was the only true Christian" line and laughed because he missed the fact that Nietzsche isn't saying that's a good thing

>> No.11076447

>The anonymous kind of posting keeps the circle jerking to a relaxed level.
I've been on many forums in my day. Moderators are always a big part of the problem too. Moderators here make some dumb decisions on occasion. But never reddit-tier power grabs

>> No.11076448

and its causing many people to into philosophy, yet they start with Nietzsche.. They begin the philosophical journey without a respect for the tradition, and dont learn how to think critically, but how to regurgitate Peterson's take on Jung, Nietzsche, Solz and Dosto. It really is infuriating seeing the drones out in the world

>> No.11076455

Why the fuck would you voluntarily visit either? Are you a masochist?

>> No.11076461

Moderators always have this pathological need to keep everything clean. They are the kind of people who feel a physical reaction when they see a thread that doesn't fit. I hate them, men.

>> No.11076476

It's kind of fun, like going to an extra dimensional zoo, and I like seeing what people in different sides of the spectrum think. Sometimes /r/politics really annoys me though. At least in /pol/ everyone fights each other and they all know how shitty the board is, but in /r/politics they are so fucking smug, man. And still chapotraphouse and badphilosophy are perhaps even more insufferable.

>> No.11076479

I've never been to reddit, but every board I went to as a kid was drenched in sad 35-year-old mods who thought they were really significant people. God I'm glad I don't deal with that shit anymore.

>> No.11076484

This is something I think about a lot. Tell me more anon. Maybe we can work together.

>> No.11076486
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It’s ok, none of them would ever get involved in their parishes and change the Church, right?

>> No.11076491

yep it is a certain brand of people who volunteer to be janitors, mods, wikipedia editors

>> No.11076494

>they are so fucking smug, man.

This. And every redditor sounds the same to me. Its fucking uncanny. Truly a hivemind. At least on 4chinz nobody has any illusions as to how fucked up and absurb everything is around here. Its the unabashed sincerity that keeps me coming back.

>> No.11076496

Chapo used to be okay, relatively speaking, but it's gotten worse and worse. I have a soft spot for badphil, though - it's one of the few subreddits I still visit.

>> No.11076517

The Petersonian gospel will not be stopped

>> No.11076520


>> No.11076529

The most ironic part of all this is that Peterson's core tenant for these people is personal responsibility and self-reliance so that, once you're ready, you'll no longer need/want a wise older figure to tell you how you ought to live your life. Then his needy sycophants show up and make him their new daddy so they don't have to figure themselves out anymore.

>> No.11076543
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>the 10 commandments? Heh... I follow the 12 rules

>> No.11076555

It's like people who need /fit/ charts to explain to them how calories work despite being told for years.
>pick up your room son
>"that's dumb dad"
>pick up your room sub
>"wow, what great philosophy"

>> No.11076558

He must have put like A LOT of money for this level of marketing.

>> No.11076559
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I have few buddies from high school that have fallen for the JP meme and i'm scared. I don't want them to turn into mindless drones but i'm afraid it might be too late for them.