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11072198 No.11072198 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.11072207

It's about me finding every last one of you who posts these fuckin tapir-shits and murdering you in cold blood

>> No.11072211
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Why you gotta hate on tapirbro tho

>> No.11072258


In the wake of his mother's death, a young man has a mental breakdown as his entire family, rather hastily, moves on from the death. He travels to the western US with the intention of killing himself, but along the way meets a ragtag group of vagabonds who show him what it means to be alive. Narrated by the brother of the protagonist as he's drafting the protagonist's eulogy.

>> No.11072266

this animal looks like it was hit by a car

>> No.11072282
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>> No.11072315

cool but does it feature a tapir?

>> No.11072610
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A speculative fiction based around a corporation that uses a highly advanced computer that can predict and recall real events and the specialist team that deals with the data collection and handling of the machine with major themes being misanthropy and cynicism and fostering hatred and distrust for seeing just what wretched creatures men really are while working under a crushing corporate environment and bureaucratic red tape with a scathing criticism of corporatism, lobbyists, the death of informality, authoritarian egalitarianism, and that there are no real rules of conduct in life.

>> No.11072620

>when someone posts shit-tier tapir around me

>> No.11072624

HOW does the brother know the DETAILS?

>> No.11072710
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>all these virgins jealous of the chad tapir

>> No.11072890

>It's not like they're going anywhere.
I'll have you know I finished the first draft a couple days ago you cheeky Tapir

>> No.11073151

The Nazis won the second world war and now the whole world is opressed.
Step forward one Marnold Warchzenagger. He volunteers to be sent back in time through a new, highly experimental time warp.
His mission: terminate Hitler.
Im thinking of calling it Total Recalling. Or Kindergarten Cop 2 : Recess is Over.

>> No.11073167

Everyone in the world stops dreaming because a gluttonous baku is devouring all the dreams. Non-human animals still dream, and a bunch of dogs, cats, birds, and a tapir (who turns out to be a descendent of the baku) dream together to hunt down the baku and kill it so humans will stop being such listless shits.

>> No.11073188

I don't have a novel idea

>> No.11073210

there are no truly novel ideas

>> No.11073268

A Moby Dick-style maximalist novel about sewer repair crews

>> No.11073550

Okay, brace your minds.
A huge pharmaceutical company rolls out a new pill that cuts out the need for food.
In the convenience obssessed near future, this pill becomes the norm and renders millions in the food and produce industry unemployed.
But one chef won't take it laying down.
Its time to slice and dice...
I call it "Sous-icide Chef"

>> No.11073587

>Where da white women at

>> No.11073713

A man who lives alone and lives the depressing /r9k/ lifestyle finds out he has a terminal illness and instead of getting treatment just uses it as the excuse for suicide he'd always been looking for

>> No.11073752

a schizophrenic investigator leading a police department to catch a serial killer that has killed his wife and been targeting his colleagues, he also happens to be that serial killer without him knowing

>> No.11074404

This sounds incredible

>> No.11075057

My next book is going to be an attempt to reconcile some sort of new age chaos magick embedded christian value system with simulationism.

>> No.11075072

how could this be stretched to a whole novel?

>> No.11075095

The psyche of a young man trained his entire life to be a concert pianist begins to collapse under the weight of his parents' expectations and his own failures and he begins murdering people in comedic fashion by using pianos. An aging couple is crushed in their own beds by a falling piano, a man sliced to pieces inside of a giant piano, a woman bludgeoned to death with a keyboard.

I've been having a lot of fun writing it but I don't think I can stretch the gimmick to a full length novel, working on distilling it into a short story.

Could probably make for a fun screenplay.

>> No.11075103


He scribbled a bunch of journal entries during the road trip which his brother discovered and, over the course of the novel, he interprets them.

>> No.11075104

The day I let you fucking queers steal my book

>> No.11075110


>> No.11075113

The diary of a r9k tier depressed loser, it culminates in him eventually killing himself

>> No.11075193

Rap battling robots attempt to triangulate the location of a pirate radio station. I've been working on it on and off for over a year now and some anons helped me formulate some stuff in late 2016 or so, but damn do I suck at writing characters, I've scrapped most of what I've written but the core of the story only gets more cemented in my mind as time goes on.

That and I feel I'm required to at least have some form of written verse in there for actual rap segments, not too sure on that front though.

>> No.11075222

Do you even watch battle rap? I suggest you do if you don't because, inasmuch as I hate "rap" as they call it which is played on the radio, I still cringe horrendously when I see people's imitations of how garbage rap is because what they're mocking isn't rap, and neither are they rapping when they mock it. Actual rap is rather technically written and the writing underlies the themes of the rap which most people just can't seem to get past. Put it like this: it's like reading a story for the plot, rather than reading a novel for the prose, where the plot is just a vehicle for elegant prose to take place in. I don't care about the story as I don't care about the "muh money" "muh cars" "muh clothes" themes of rap, as nigger culture is pervaded by macho bravado and that's just how it expresses itself, but I care how the rap is written and a well-written rap gives me satisfaction regardless of the contents.

Anyways, that is to say, if you don't actual have an intimate hand in the battle rap subculture, it's going to come off as badly as (now obviously fake) science fiction from the 1900s looks in comparison to the actual science we have now which disproves the pseudy-scifi used to drive those old stories.

>> No.11075236

Are they hunting the semi-mythical Great White Turd?

>> No.11075237

Well yeah that's exactly it, the reason this is my focus is because I'm very much into hip-hop and rap in a technical sense. People point to wu-tang a lot as a good example of 'the content here is pretty unsavory but damn if it isn't good lyricism'. That's a blanket example and one I wouldn't choose but it gets the point across. You can get needlessly esoteric through the ways of say, an Aesop Rock or an MF Doom, but the flow and substance is there.

As for battle rap and that kind of stuff I always had my eyes on artists like Eyedea for that context and the like, I wouldn't say I'm too indepth in that kind of thing which is why I'm so on the fence about including it, and my ability to pull that off. All that being said, the idea of this setting appeals pretty hard to me, Deltron 3030 and Dr Octagon being prime factors in the development of the setting. (Del is a legend by the way) So even if I don't include that kind of shit for the aforementioned reasons, the premise will stay the same.

>> No.11075251


>> No.11075304

Boring. Sounds like something that someone else already did better. If not you lucky.

>> No.11075309

There is no way your writing is good enough to make this

>> No.11075336

I started a short story collection. Tentative title. Not sure if I'll actually try to publish it as a book. I've been having fun, which is a first for me in writing.

>> No.11075354

Why can't I upload a fucking photo i'm nowhere near the max

>> No.11075370

People often make the mistake of citing their favorite emcee in the context of battle rap, because the style of battle rap vs rap as music is so very different that an on-beat rapper might not be able to flow and keep the lyrics and punchlines acapella, and vice versa. In fact it is a battle rap meme that battle rappers can't make music, and we also lament when "industry rappers" try to put their hand in the battle rap pot. Now I'm going to recommend you a battle for the purpose of seeing the art of battle exhibition. I choose this battle because it was a qualifier for battle of the year 2017 but also that it doesn't involve a whole lot of sub-narrative to understand the references. It's a lot of nameflips, schemes, wordplay, and real life stuff that most people could get if they have an ear for the battle rap dialect. Go YouTube "Iron Solomom vs Rum Nitty" and really pay attention to Iron (white guy). He is a veritable legend in battle rap and in this case gave a career performance, nesting schemes inside of schemes, laced with punchlines, and still narratively driven: this as opposed to Rum Nitty who comes with straight one-liners and punchlines. The two provide an excellent contrast in the styles of writing possible, demonstrate what each other lacks, and are both at the top of their game in their respective fields (all around'er vs punchliners). I think it's an accessible demonstration of the battle rap format, if you wanna check it out. And if you have any questions about the content assuming you watch it, I could also explain some stuff some hours from now assuming the thread is still kicking.

>> No.11075392

I love this

>> No.11075399

Idk. It'd probably be a short novella

>> No.11075418

Does he change? Do the people in his life care? Even loners have family and cowokers and people who can identify them but it seems like you JUST wanna focus on this dude. Why would anyone wanna read about a person too boring for real life? You better be an amazing fucking writer.

>> No.11075419

Can't believe I typed Iron Solomom in my haste, that's quite cheeky.
It is Iron SOLOMON* vs. Rum Nitty

>> No.11075424

This just sounds so unrealistic and frankly uninspired. Multiple personality disorder is a much better and has documented occurances of unwitting crime.

>> No.11075427

I'm flicking through it now and yeah this is exactly what I'm thinking about. You know, I've binged some scribble jams in the past, very much a surface level coasting of the scene which is probably where that interest developed. I'm glad I caught someone of your likeness here for this shit, so big thanks for the recc. I can see what you mean in terms of strengths and merits to each style, and that's a prime way I want to write my characters, where the voice of each isn't some stereotype or superficial twist in lingo (Through say, hip-hop genres as personalities which was what someone suggested way back when), I want there to be substance in the way they interact vocally and lyrically, in regards to how they boast their specific styles. I say this as if I'm totally blind to this side of things but I feel I'm pretty confident in terms of the technicalities that come with the territory, it's just that character writing is the big roadblock I've hit, which is why I'm spending a lot of time on it rather than the actual plot which I've had mapped out for some time.

I'll probably have a session over the next few days where I explore this moreso just so I can get clued in, or ""in the zone"" to maybe develop some things better.

>> No.11075429

You should do it in the form of letters between the brother or at least have that as a component to the narrative. Cleaner that way and probably much easier to get the reader to care about them.

>> No.11075438

White people talking about rap is so fucking cringey. You can develop a real opinion when you actually try to write that way.

>> No.11075441

but I'm black

>> No.11075460

Smh brother how you lowering yourself to this?

>> No.11075466

I fully intended on working in his family's reaction to it and seeing where that takes me. After giving it some thought I really like the idea of having him become an arsonist as a means of being able to destroy a part of society, but I'm not sure what I'd like him to figure out in the end, but I'm leaning towards the idea of it being just another shout in the void and that in time his deeds will pass just as his life has: unremembered, and realize that destruction in his final months was more harmful to himself than anyone else.

>> No.11075500

I would implore you to watch Iron's full rounds if you have the time. He embodies the purest form of everything he does. At a few moments in the battle he'll even stop at the end of his scheme to re-rehearse what he was scheming on just to make sure the crowd caught it and it demonstrates how well he weaves his scheming into the raps. His, ignorant/dum-dum/more-on (moron)/nit-wit scheme in the first is a fair example of his scheming ability, but then he even tops that when he follows it up with a scheme inside of a scheme about clothing fabrics and genetic stuff, which is all nested inside a narrative about the stuff Nitty says that he's about, and then finishes it with a "seamstress" punchline. Like he's really at the top of his form and has a lot of material to uproot from what just sounds like a really solid rap on the surface. I wish I had more time to get into examples of what makes battle rap battle rap, for your benefit, but i am just driveby posting amid lulls in my job.

I would say as a certainty too even if scheming is too above your abilities to be able to proficiently, at least make sure you write your roboraps in multisyllabic rhyming format. I'd daresay that's the very hallmark of rap nowadays (I say now because I noticed in oldschool rap they spit multis very rarely), especially battle rap where lyricism trumps musicality (for lack of a music, ofc). I'd hope you understand what I mean by multisyllabic rhyming but if not, a quick demonstration from the battle using Iron's lines near to the beginning of his first round:
[Dude on the stage] rocking them [fugazi jays] isnt sick enough to in[fluence the game], you're not the real heir your sole showed us the [truth, you're a fake] who isn't authentic enough to step in the [shoes of the greats].

I don't know what you're crying about. I do write that way. And these are things the battle rap community talks about. But tell me more about the thing I've spent numerous years engrossed it

>> No.11075504

Not a novel, just couldn't think of a topic for an essay so I shat this out, any suggestions?

Humanity is a perpetual competitive game of who has the biggest dick. War, creation, hatred and love, all to show who has the biggest dick. Countries go to war to prove to the other side that they have the biggest, they usurp land to make it look bigger, they lie and deceive their inhabitants to hide their shriveled dick. Men are not satisfied with showing off; In war they murder those who have smaller dicks with weapons that look like dicks. It's no surprise that missiles and ICBMs, the most powerful weapons ever conceived, look like massive dicks.
Love is no different from the phallices of war, A man is judged on the size of his member and is rewarded with women for having a larger one. A human’s life’s only purpose is to keep a species alive, a survival of the fittest of sorts. Penis length is a direct attribute from the amount of testosterone a man has gushing through his body. Thus, penis length is a measure of maturity, and therefore of healthy humans and a long lasting species as well. This notion of The Biggest Dick is well ingrained into nature itself and ends up being beneficial in the long run due to babies produced by such methods gaining and eventually passing on the Biggest Dick DNA. As previously explained, this will give them a higher hormonal level, increasing their size, strength, mental capacity, so on and so forth.

>> No.11075507

Set in a near future in which environmental collapse has violently altered the climate, the novel follows Adam, a young boy living with his father, an abusive and alcoholic lighthouse keeper, on a stormy and remote island in the outer hebrides of Scotland. The story centres on the boy's experience located between his father's outbursts, the haunting memories of his absent mother, and a child psychologist who takes a keen and affectionate interest over him. However, the novel broadens its scope by alluding to a greater conspiracy at its core, invoking the sudden radio silence and lockdown of a nearby (undisclosed) nuclear weapons facility, and the recent arrival on the island of a mysterious cult-like group known as the Lotus-Eaters, whose practises include music, art, psychotropic drugs, suspect sexual behaviour, crude cybernetic conditioning and the public burning of their dead.

>> No.11075508

This conclusion was so deeply ingrained into the heads of the population that women were tossed near the bottom of the social ladder for centuries. Not until recently did they receive any action toward making their lives more equal to their dick-bearing counterpart. This was because women didn’t have a penis at all and were considered inferior in the dick-eat-dick world. Only recently have women started to speak out about their position and challenge authority and the archaic ways of dickotry. After seeing how women can act like men, they decided to give it a chance despite the former’s lack of manhood. And today, or at least when he was still alive, Stephen Hawking claims that the five most powerful people in Europe are women. Of course, to many men this seems similar to treachery, allowing women in this world of the biggest dick? This simply can not be. Moreover, this society is becoming more and more aware of transvestites, people who change their sex physically and hormonally. Due to women having the power to gain a penis, and possibly one that is bigger than a man’s, every odd section of men have gained a fear of women; they become enraged and disgusted at the extra competition that a former woman is trying to create. Additionally, when a man becomes a woman through the implanting of estrogen, breasts and the mutilation of a dick, bystanding men feel betrayed by one of their own and become equally disgusted at the blasphemer but are also eased by the reduction of competition. Not only are women becoming a part of the massive throbbing tournament but are actively suppressing the male yet celebrating the female libido. Perhaps this is the reason why homosexuality has skyrocketed in recent years; perhaps two men have developed a revulsion towards the shifty separate sex and have come to each other for contentment and a way to express their dick’s desires in the comfort of another trustworthy man; perhaps they believe it is not an effeminate relationship but that of mutual respect of another’s dick and the strengthening of one’s own ability to *can't think of anything here*

(I'll probably add how pornography is a representation of the society itself: In america, the man with the biggest dick has the most power, he gets all the women, he fucks them and gets paid for it, like the government; Japan has, like 200000 women in the porn business but only 200 men showing that women have the most power, being idols and that men are worked to death but no one cares and is too fixated on the cute girls, And the fact that it's the only country were child porn is legal so teenagers have a bigger role to play and are held to very high standards in that society than in america's, and Japan has a law that outlaws reproductive organs in media so reproduction rates are at an all time low there.; And the middle east is so bereft of porn so the women are covered up and have virtually no power at all other than to be beaten and tossed aside.)

>> No.11075538

A Jewish man questions his identity and religion, after his newborn son dies as a result of a bris.

>> No.11075540

this could really only work if you are jewish yourself

>> No.11075544

Mine is a bout a jap who buys a manchurian slam poetry imageboard created by an american who just ripped off the jap's own manchurian slam poetry imageboard and then proceeds to run it into the ground

>> No.11075546

I would unironically read this. Does he pick his own mohel and has an ethical dilemma when his herped mouth touches his son's freshly circumcised cock but represses his desire to tell him to stop, only for his son to die later of the infection resultant from the molestation?

>> No.11075562

Let's see if I can predict the ending,
The copycat english brat gets bored with his stolen goods so he sells it off to some jap who proceeds to dig a deeper hole

>> No.11075568

i think more like a short story. you could squeeze 30 pages from this, tops

>> No.11075575

I'd be shooting for like 100-150 desu, I think with the amount of nihilistic ranting I want the character to do it could easily hit that mark. I ain't here to write maximalist shit.

>> No.11075579

War vet (with some PTSD) goes on a road trip across the country to get back $70 one of his generals took.

>> No.11075583

An almost Pynchonesque journey about the invention of the internet, quantum computing and the onset of globalization with the threat of a new sort of terror looming.

The beginning will take place 30 odd years after world war 2, in Churchill's war room museum, where a once thought to be discommissioned phone begins to ring...

>> No.11075592


A typical boring and edgy post apocalyptic dystopia, but Mr MC is completely and utterly flawless.

>> No.11075601

Phoenix by David Alexander?

>> No.11075607

Well at least i know one exists.

>> No.11075626

I would read it.

>> No.11075628

A look at some of the crazy things and people I have experienced in the construction field

>> No.11075798

Out of genre semi generic fantasy adventure.
Everybody takes magic powers for granted and has a twitter plebian post-art mindset- similar to how we all see nukes, cyberspace and airplanes as normal and banal.
Faggot loser MC comes from a lame middle class household and doesn't want to do anything in life.
A bunch of scientists want to murder all the stupid people so a post material anarcho utopia can occur using technology.
Faggot MC faces the evils of the masses(obvious), intelligentsia(Benjamin Franklin ISIS) and multicultural hegemonic government(fantasy USA) during his adventures.
MC realizes the inherent faggotry in every moral cause, even when the leader of every large cause is objectively a smarter more moral person than he.
MC develops his own powers to try and go beyond good and evil.
Final arc is him achieving enlightenment against plato-hitler-Buddha, through the rejection of spirituality and acceptance of life's hardships as all there is to derive greatness from, that only truly living can affirm life, not wanting something beyond reason, not through self repression, self genocide.
r9k middle class white male goes from neet final man to chad overman because he's tired of fake news.

>> No.11075807

I have always wanted to explore the implications of filter bubbles (i.e. circlejerks), maybe in a hyper-futuristic/cyberpunk setting

>> No.11075873
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The Metaobjectivist Manifesto
No fucking clue where I'd start but I know it needs to be written.

>> No.11076450

Fuck off nigger.

>> No.11076510

Just a fun story about a deadbeat working in the only functional industrial cooler on the depressing Mars colony of Jamestown. It is not very far along or too interesting yet, but I enjoy the premise enough to keep up with it

>> No.11076533
File: 113 KB, 750x623, Quetzalcoatl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now I'm working on a short story about a man who robs a bank to escape the monotony of his small town life. It's mostly just for fun and practice.

>> No.11076996

You seem to have more than this outline, but so far is not a complete story.