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11069663 No.11069663[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>wake up
>wage slave
>come home
>rinse and repeat ad infinitum
does it get better lads?

>> No.11069668

Yeah. We all eventually die.

>> No.11069672

yeah. when you quit your job

>> No.11069677

Sure. There are plenty of things to do in life, you’re just too much of a pathethic worm right now to do anything better. Why don’t you clean up your room, workout, flirt with women, and find a career you enjoy.

Hey, even if you don’t choose to do that you are at least not a serf, slave, or have some terrible terminal disease.

Now go whine somewhere else.

>> No.11069699

>flirt with women
>find a career you enjoy
Spoken like a person born in the 1950s

>> No.11069714

Keep feeling sorry for yourself, then. Look at the black community to see where that gets you.

>> No.11069723
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>tfw NEET

>> No.11069730


>> No.11069731

Pampered and pandered to by a sympathetic society?

>> No.11069750

>not enjoying the linguistic dance surrounding flirtatious male/female interaction
Awh, he must not even possess the confidence necessary to engage in meaningful conversations with similarly intelligent human-beings

>not wanting to productively contribute to the economy in way that positively impacts the lives of others
Now, are you just cynical, lazy, stupid, or all of the above?

Good luck living a life you enjoy with that attitude.

>> No.11069751
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fucking delusional boomers.
gas them asap

>> No.11069767

wtf is going on in that picture?

>> No.11069783


>> No.11069793

>Lack of confidence spawns from a feeling of inadequate intelligence
>When speaking to women
Two different pathologies there mate
>Being able productively contribute to the economy in way that positively impacts the lives of others is a choice, not a privilege reserved for 5% of the work force
>Implying today's youth aren't lucky to land survival jobs outside of the area they studied

>> No.11069859

Most people do not immediately receive a job that they thoroughly enjoy. Rather, they have to use each job they receive as a “stepping-stone” in the pursuit of a job that they will eventually enjoy.

Is every cynical person in this thread just an infantilized adult? Do you people really not realize the fantastic lives you are living? Your ancestors would have killed not to work 10 hour days in a coal mine just to come home to a diseased wife and a life expectancy of 35.

For christ sake, grow up and move out of your single mothers home and grasp a productive perspective on your current priviledged lifestyle.

Maybe then you’ll stop being so damn bitter.

>> No.11069870

>a life expectancy of 35
Literal brainlet detected, life expectancy has never been that low once you control for childhood mortality. It's misleading as fuck to go "yeah well the average person only lived until 30 back then so you should be grateful!"

>> No.11069876

I don't see how it could get better than that.

>> No.11069893

Yes. It gets better on the weekend.


>> No.11069902

no things will deteriorate and the world will become uglier

>> No.11069905

>Material conditions are the sole prerequisite for happiness
This is the ultimate boomer meme. As if any sane man could be happy in this high-fructose corn syrup, social media orgy porgy sensory over-load, atomized, irreligious, rootless, cultureless, meaningless HELLSCAPE of a mechanized society
>But infant mortality has dropped and I have five different choices on the shelf when I'm buying twinkies
Fucking off yourself you coddled fucktard

>> No.11069931

Was the generation before the boomers this fucking idiotic? Their entire worldview is so fucking absurd it verges on surreality. It's like the looked at all the problems the lost gen. saw and went "yeah that sounds fucking great!".

>> No.11069954

What's the difference between the average anon and the great incel raskolnikiv?

>> No.11069956
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>does nothing to improve life
>"does it get better?"

>> No.11069968

rodion had a qt gf and loving family and friends,

>> No.11069978
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neo-feudalism fucking when?

>> No.11069982


>> No.11069983

A crucial misinterpretation of Nietzsche and the good looks necessary for confidence

>> No.11069987

The average woman married during the Middle Ages at the age of 24, and the average man only a couple years older at 26.

>> No.11070000
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how do I improve my life

>> No.11070016

>Do nothing but work/school on weekdays
>Man I want it to be the weekend so I can do something fun
>Weekend comes
>Do nothing
>Man can the week start already? I wanna do something
>Repeat every week

>> No.11070031

Are the goggles meant to reflect the flag of turkey or is it just a coincidence?

>> No.11070039

Nice quads!

The guy you're replying too is probably a moronic bootlicker, so don't listen to anything he says. Anyway, here's some stuff you can do
>unironically clean your room, in the sense that you should take care of your home
>study or practice something every day
>minimize time spent on the internet
>generally aim to accomplish _something_ every day, even if it's small

>> No.11070104

for gods sake please stop

>> No.11070149

That's what you are though, bootlicker. I bet you apologize to your landlord when he evicts you.

>> No.11070196
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>eat lots of fruits and vegetables
>drink only water and milk
>go for a daily run
>learn an instrument
>learn another language
>keep your room/house in order

All boring meme advice i know, but it works.

>> No.11070218

>Why don’t you clean up your room, workout
already did
>flirt with women
i don't like them. i don't like people
>find a career you enjoy.
i don't think professional shitposter or meme professor are viable career paths

>> No.11070226

all good advice.

>> No.11070264

Good general advice. Also, adopt a dog.

>> No.11070278

>don't call me a slave even if I am a servile little imp

>> No.11070286

what does adopting a dog do

>> No.11070315

it keeps the loneliness at bay

>> No.11070321

>does it get better lads?

That's a question you're supposed to answer.

>> No.11070337

Basically this. A (good) dog is a living creature that has evolved to love you unconditionally. Most will generally also help you to live in the moment and appreciate the good bits of time and life we all have even in our worst times.

>> No.11070357

>A (good) dog is a living creature that has evolved to love you unconditionally.
Shut the FUCK up you piece of pseud SHIT. You're pulling this out of your ugly fucking ass hole; show me the research go ahead. Show me the research that uhhh doggs like evolved to like be our slav---I MEAN FRIENDS.

You train a dog to "love" you, it is your SLAVE. From its birth you train it to comply to your human needs and if it does not you punish it.


Look up what a dog licking another dog's face means. It is a sign of submission. You are not a dog's friend, nor companion, you are his MASTER. You take away the dog's inherent dignity by stripping it away of what it naturally wants to do.


Kill yourself, cunt. You're a slave owner. You're an animal abuser.

>> No.11070362

>dog loves you unconditionally
Only if you feed it, just like your wife.

>> No.11070371

>From its birth you train it to comply to your human needs and if it does not you punish it.
The same thing that our parents do to us.

>> No.11070372

Chill out, Ingrid.

>> No.11070386

>As we chat on the steps, a BBC film crew buzzes around us. Houellebecq waves them away with his fag smoke and we start to talk about dogs, in particular, his faithful pet, a Pembroke corgi called Clement, who has been left behind in the author's home near Dublin.

>'This is one of the difficulties of fame and travelling,' says Houellebecq. 'It is always hard to abandon him.' Houellebecq reminds me that this is the same breed as the Queen's dogs ('I am more English than the English', he jokes lamely). Then, for a brief moment, he looks genuinely near to tears, raising his doe eyes heavenward. 'The love of a dog is a pure thing,' he says. 'He gives you a trust which is total. You must not betray it.'

>This apparently banal statement takes on a larger significance when you start to read Houellebecq's latest book, The Possibility of an Island, in which Clement is disguised as the narrator's dog 'Fox' and plays a major role. More controversially, in his preface, Houellebecq also compares the relationship between men and women to that of an owner and a domestic pet. This role in society has been wiped away by the feminist movement.

>'Women are not stupid,' he says, 'but they were not clever enough to realise that feminism did not bring freedom, but the opposite. That's why I'm glad feminism is dead.'

>> No.11070399

>wake up
>wage slave three days a week at part-time job my mother got for me because I was a lazy mentally ill NEET
>haven't read a book in nearly 2 weeks now
>shitpost 5 hours on days where I work, 10 hours on days where I don't
>rinse and repeat ad infinitum
Is it even possible to return from being a non-intellectual entitled manchild cuck or is suicide the only option for me

>> No.11070417

don’t do this, cleaning its shit and having it bite all your stuff only results in frustration

>> No.11070421

Replace shitpost with lifting heavy weights at gym and you'll be okay op. Only shitpost when you're pooping.

>> No.11070424

Unironically living like a king, this is what our ancestors died for

>> No.11070427
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>inherent dignity

>> No.11070439


Do not get any sort of animals no matter how lonely you feel. They're a major pain in the ass, they completely tie you down, they're an unnecessary expense and they make you smell and look like shit with their hair all over your clothes. Adopting a dog to combat loneliness is the equivalent of jacking off 3 times a day and owning a body pillow to simulate having a girlfriend. Every guy I know whose gotten pets to combat loneliness has always regretted it or actually lost opportunities for human interaction because most people hate furbabies.

Tough out the bad times, improve yourself and just take chances.

>> No.11070447
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>how do I improve my life
you did just right now

>> No.11070448

It keeps you busy by walking, feeding, spending time with it. They are a lot of work. They are also very expensive to maintain (food and vet bills add up big time). However, people who have pets usually live longer than those who don't.

>> No.11070452

>Shut the FUCK up you piece of pseud SHIT. You're pulling this out of your ugly fucking ass hole; show me the research go ahead. Show me the research that uhhh doggs like evolved to like be our slav---I MEAN FRIENDS.
when i woke up and find my dog sleeping with me on my legs is one of the happiest moment in the day

>Look up what a dog licking another dog's face means. It is a sign of submission. You are not a dog's friend, nor companion, you are his MASTER. You take away the dog's inherent dignity by stripping it away of what it naturally wants to do.
negro without me my dog would be already starved to death. you know what a symbiotic relationship is? i provide to him comfort, security, food, a safe refuge for the night. he provide to me companionship and an alert system against intruders.
i have no doubt who got the best end of the deal and it's not me

>> No.11070458
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You can do better, you just have to put some effort in.

Even on my most wagie days, Tuesday and Wednesday, I can still fit in 2 hours of hobby time every day (for me my most important hobby is drawing but for you it would be writing) as well as ample time to relax.

Making goals is not enough. You have to make plans.

Remember that behind every great accomplishment is a great breakfast.

>> No.11070467

>this is what our ancestors died for
our ancestor were retarded faggots that didn't know what was best for them then

>> No.11070473

Is this bait? People work far more now than they ever did in preindustrial societies, and back then work wasn't meaningless because it always served an important function. Today, for most adults, life is centered around the most useless work imaginable.

>> No.11070481

Don't reply to me faggot.

>> No.11070491

What's a job that doesn't suck the life out of you?

>> No.11070499

you can't tell me what to do, faggot

>> No.11070510

>not working a lit job like a librarian or night porter
>not reading during your commute
>not writing at your job and after work
>finding enjoyment from /lit/posting

>> No.11070517

>Today, for most adults, life is centered around the most useless work imaginable.
This is the true whatever-colour pill. The current mode of the production is so insane that there are entire industries that exist solely to manipulate people into consuming the useless goods that people slave away to create. It's quiet frightening.

>> No.11070518

Porn actor