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11069711 No.11069711 [Reply] [Original]

>The medium is the message

what the FUCK does this mean?

>> No.11069792

It means kill the messenger.

>> No.11069803

It says "massage"

>> No.11070100

Consider the fact that there are distinct qualities which separate all the mediums into their own particular corners. If I'm using a camera to film I'm not writing or painting, nor am I taking part in photography, I'm making film. In the same way writing separates itself from everything else in its own particular ways, and good artists will use the limitations of what the medium is in order to fully incorporate a deeper understanding that can be had. For instance, Thus Spoke Zarathustra is philosophy told through highly metaphorical parables. Nietzsche is known for saying "all is interpretation". Therefore, the very medium of Zarathustra, the interpretation of various things, is only made possible by the very philosophy he is writing about. Another example, Shakespeare writes in iambic pentameter when his characters are at their most passionate. Iambic pentameter is the same rhythm of a heart beat. So Shakespeare uses the means of his art to give his work that much more depth. It's self-reflective.

>> No.11070129

pretty much this. consider the phrase 'a picture can say more than a thousand words'.

>> No.11070478

Those just seem like thematically relevant devices that happen to be intrinsic to the medium.
If the medium is novels what is the supposed message?

>> No.11070482

its like porn. you know it when you see it

>> No.11070767


>> No.11070784

The medium through which a piece of information is transmitted fundamentally informs its content. Read McLuhan. He outlines it pretty well.

>> No.11070818

break down the differences between reading a book, watching a documentary, and reading the wikipedia article and it should be obvious

>> No.11070824

(not just the contents, but how you interact with each during the process)

>> No.11070825

people go deaf by virtue of to much sound. :))

>> No.11070860

In Understanding Media, McLuhan uses the example of the lightbulb as a medium that doesn't contain any messages. Where a lightbulb illuminates, there becomes a space with its own associations and unity. This example was very helpful to me because it allowed me to explore the concepts in a more simplified manner. Extrapolating to other mediums, there are simple things like the way that television changed how we decorate our home and our conception of immediacy.

It makes me incredibly angry that the best elucidation for the idea of the lightbulb as media came from a fucking exxon commercial, but


>> No.11070893

The content is irrelevant, when studying media one must understand the media environment, the sensory ratios that it inculcates and the type of consciousness that it engenders, dampenning or quickening thought. What device a person is watching a program on, how they interact with the media itself is the only causal factor in the mass media system as a network of information streams and nodes which are human minds. Its somewhat autistic because of course people do actually become deeply affected by a style of content or series of programs/products offered over infotech mediums but the drive of the notion is well meaning. We ought to be more aware of what things like streams, web apps, virtual reality and television do to consciousness in relation to other stages of media systems and the human sensory array. We simply cannot brush off this strong effect that emanates from every aperture of the global media network, you must consider that attention is dwindling and this is likely derived from media consumption which priviledge short percepts as opposed to long continuous cognitive focus. There’s also the explosion in auto-eroticism, in fetishized sexuality, in sleep disorders, in depersonalization, in memetic behavior and culture. This is due to the structure and organic interfacing of mediums of information. The internet has a blatantly obvious effect, each site does not have nearly as much, the relation with information and one’s meand of intercoursing with streams of information change the human soul and alter physical correlates of its activity, vision, smell, sexuality, memory, agreeableness and a litany of other important biological behaviors that are undoubtedly morphing into new types we’ve never seen. McLuhan was one of the first people to coherently analyze the advent of the phonetic alphabet and movable type, the radio and the luciferian vision machine. Really not so difficult a thesis to push now that we have traps manufactured by CIA-Mossad funded pornography on a deepstate funded website

Also worth mentioning that the man who created the cathode ray tube believed in elementalist conceptions of electromagnetism and spiritualist ontologu. And of course the internet was created by LSD cybermystics and DARPA and the language of the hive and Hindu theologians permeates the current internet-tech digorati. So, McLuhan was being compassionate by simply stating something like that when he really could have reasonably gotten away with talking about media in entirely thamaturgic terminology

>> No.11070909
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>sensory ratios that it inculcates

Stopped reading.

>> No.11070958

I always saw it as the influence of the medium has more effect on culture than it's actual content. i.e. the invention of television did more to change how we live our lives than any actual show/program.

>> No.11070959

>Really not so difficult a thesis to push now that we have traps manufactured by CIA-Mossad funded pornography on a deepstate funded website
Is this supposed to be an opaque reference to BLACKEDposting?

>> No.11070985

>It makes me incredibly angry that the best elucidation for the idea of the lightbulb as media came from a fucking exxon commercial
why lol

>> No.11070991

>explosion in autoeroticism
There are people who will take this seriously

>> No.11071027
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Do you remember when you started thinking in reaction images when responding to something? Consider that moment.

>> No.11071035

Also, reddit spacing callouts is a good example.

>> No.11071037

deleting your meme folder is the modern-day equivalent of leaving plato's cave

>> No.11071044
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>I actually hear ">implying" in my thoughts
Just end me

>> No.11071103

reading back it makes it look like im morally outraged by exxon on some kind of media studies ground. exxon has as much a claim to the media ecosystem as any other morally bankrupt institution.

what makes me mad is the talent and insight that was subsumed by the machinations of a company's pr ambitions (and out of all of them, fucking exxon). all of the genuine artistry to be found in the ad has to be salvaged from it like a bird from an oil spill.

>> No.11071126

The container shapes the water inside, but me thinks the speaker was overly froggy with their metaphor.

>> No.11071138
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>> No.11071600


It just means that if you're watching TV, no matter what the specific program is, the physical act of watching is always going to be the same. Watching TV is watching TV. Doesn't matter if it's Kim kardashian or Stan brackhage. You will sit on a couch, stare at a screen, and listen.

Same goes for all media.

>> No.11071632

“Hey it’s the government. Your daughter slash friend has been sucking a huge number of cocks lately. Like A LOT of cocks. This kind of whorishness cant go on. We cant let this go on so we’re starting an MK ultra type project against it. Will you help us? “

>> No.11072364
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>> No.11072411

Not just any show, but ALL shows in general I believe.

After all you can watch 50 Netflix shows but the real effect on your life isn't the ideas in the show, but the fact that you are wasting time on Netflix

>> No.11072489

the medium's characteristics shape the thinking patterns of the viewer
something along that lines

>> No.11072600

Not the definitive answer, though I think the medium of novels have the ability to let the reader see an intimate view of human experience through the thoughts of the characters within them. I say intimate because the narrative within novels let the reader 'see' the character's thoughts and feelings more directly than other mediums do (Maybe except radio dramas. Maybe.).
If I filmed, say, a medium shot of a man walking down an alley with a tense look on his face, a gun in his hands, and the rain all over his leather trenchcoat, the effect on the viewer would be different than writing the same scene in the man's perspective in the first person (as one would in a novel). In film, the angle of the shot, the look on the man's face, the alley's set design, the lighting and the sounds would signify the idea that this man is going to kill somebody. In a novel, his monologue about how the alley is too quiet, how the gentle rain seems like a dark omen, and how he will pump those drug-addled bastards full of lead for killing his wife and daughter would signify the same message, albeit in a more emotional and personal form that might even get readers to sympathize with him.
Film depends on visual and audio signifiers to get the experience across to the viewer in a tactile, sort-of tangible form. As if you can touch it and form your own thoughts on it when you have it in your hands. Novels, on the other hand, depend on words to get the experience across to the reader in a form that directly translates to human thought. As if you can ponder on it the moment you digest the narrative in your mind. This ability of novels is vaguely the message of the medium—"We want you to know how this man thinks and feels so you can compare them to your own experience as a person and relate to him. Maybe have you make insights into how you're living your life so far along the way as well."
(I've read this over and it sounds pseudish and too long. If anybody has an even shorter way of saying this, that'd be great. I think this guy >>11070818 has it in the general sense.)

>> No.11073083
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>> No.11073100

>Nietzsche is known for saying "all is interpretation".
What the fuck man, did you need Nietzsche to tell you this basic, fucking elementary idea?

It's so fucking simple.

Every decision a human makes is determined by his mental state, experience, life, nutrition, sleep patterns, if he gets laid or not, if he's physically active, how often he breathes and how well oxygenated his brain is, his blood pressure, etc. It's a million, billion, trillion, probably even more factors being involved in taking decisions.

But no, before Nietzsche you were thinking that when someone produces a piece of art, the medium and everything else doesn't matter, only the message itself, but thank god Nietman told you that the medium is "decided" as well by that artist?

>> No.11073130
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How you say something is often more important than what you say.

>> No.11073224

>tfw mentally green texting irl

>> No.11074442

Stemfag confirmed. I made no hint at if I even believed in what Nietzsche said, in fact I'm pretty sure you just misread my entire post. My point was obviously to make an example of an artist who used a self-reflective style. Also if you were familiar with philosophy you'd understand the gravity of that maxim far exceeds what you think it means. It's a rejection of the prevailing schools of thought of his time and ours. Not that I assume you have a clean understanding of platonism but I think if you truly did you wouldjt treat this small part of Nietzsche so oddly.

>> No.11074486

if you are retarded it wont make sense
no traps are manufactured by sex traffickers and propagandists
not even controversial, autoeroticism is hyper prevalent now and absolutely was not before mass media and was shamed and discouraged strongly

>> No.11074513

>not even controversial, autoeroticism is hyper prevalent now and absolutely was not before mass media and was shamed and discouraged strongly
Define "before", brainlet. If you actually read a good history on masturbation you'd know that social shunning of masturbation is a product of the enlightenment (it was saw as an antisocial behaviour). It wasn't that shunned by christians (although it was obviously was perceived as bad) and it wasn't perceived as being bad at all during the classical era, with it being perceived as enhancing sexual potency (Sumerians) or a healthy way to vent sexual frustration (Greeks).

>> No.11074543

that the structure is the content. what you say is also limited and shaped by what you use to say it. new criticism for communications / digital humanities majors.

>> No.11074553

>traps manufactured by CIA-Mossad funded pornography on a deepstate funded website

Fuck, I wish.

Hey, CIA! Please pay for my breast augmentation. Thanks.

>> No.11074576

lol at this, the rate of auto-eroticism has increased dramatically greeks didn’t jerk off 6 times a day, or even every day anon
that’s not the point, the point is to cause warped dysgenic psycho-sexual orientation and to manufacture eunuchs it doesn’t matter what stage they’re at as long as they can’t have a family

>> No.11074604

>It wasn't that shunned by christians

Aquinas considered it on par with sodomy and bestiality.

>> No.11074608

Why would you want gender dysphoric individuals to have kids, especially when a lot of these people have comorbid conditions? They'll transition, have fleeting moments of pleasure, before shoving off this mortal coil. That's probably the best they can hope for.

>> No.11074613

>the rate of auto-eroticism has increased dramatically greeks didn’t jerk off 6 times a day
Do you think people today jerk off 6 times at day you fucking retard? "lol @ this" isn't an argument and makes you look like a retarded child
social norms don't reflect theology

>> No.11074626

>social norms don't reflect theology

Granted, but your phrasing was ambiguous enough that it could be construed as what you meant.

>> No.11074678

Not really, as I specified "social" shunning

>> No.11074711

they do and you’re wrong people masturbate more and are more shameless about it and there is more reason to do so, less consequences, and more stimulation for it