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11065006 No.11065006 [Reply] [Original]


>unless everything you do lasts for all of eternity, life is totally meaningless
>you're the devil *cries*
That absolute state of christian """intellectuals"""

>> No.11065028

Peterson is really starting to piss me off with his repeated forays into philosophy. If you want to be a self-help coach, motivational speaker, clinical psychologist, sociologist, fine, but don't attempt to dump your worthless drivel into the pool of philosophy and expect anybody to take you seriously there, Peterson is repeatedly finding himself out of his element and it is a pathetic sight to say the least.

>> No.11065045

>, but don't attempt to dump your worthless drivel into the pool of philosophy
>it's not already a fetid mire

>> No.11065051

>william lane craig
Next you're going to tell me that Carl Jung was a Christian.

>> No.11065053

Yes it is, but that just goes to show how bankrupt Peterson's "philosophy" is, that it can dirty even a sewer.

>> No.11065059

too be fair Peterson often cries during his talks

>> No.11065061

I'm not sure he knows there has been 2500 years of Western philosophy before him. Seems to be common these days, everyone trying to start from scratch.

>> No.11065074
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>that it can dirty even a sewer.

>> No.11065075

"what does it matter in 10 million years? thats the devil himself speaking"

hes right though.

>> No.11065084

>"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO SAY!" Jordan Peterson DESTROY Transgender Professor

>"Ha, Gotcha!" Jordan Peterson STUMPS Lefty Reporter on Free Speech Argument

I love these titles.

>> No.11065089

Yes, it's clever of you notice what we've been laughing at for about three years now u fat fag

>> No.11065125

WLC claiming that temporary things are void of meaning is truly asinine. He's been challenged on it by fellow philosophers but hasn't engaged at all except for re-stating his position. He teaches at a school which requires agreeing to its articles of faith (including total Biblical inerrancy), so he's literally paid to not change his mind.

>> No.11065184
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>> No.11066129

It's objectively wrong too. If one person in history felt meaning in their life and believed that their life was finite then he is empirically wrong.

>> No.11066146

>forgetting to make a point
>being upset

>> No.11066147

lol, do you think there's no "10 things you didnt know about Hegel"

>> No.11066173


why doesnt he just immediately kill himself is the real question

>> No.11066183

Props to Lane for his applause at the end of Peterson's rebuttal.

>> No.11066194

Why is kermit the pseud invited to a debate on moral philosophy?

>> No.11066205

Does memerson have actual deep knowledge in anything?

>> No.11066207

He's the hot topic intellectual of today so they invite him to get easy ticket sales. Also Wycliffe College is in Toronto so they can easily call up Peterson when its in his neighbourhood.

>> No.11066217

lmao at all the faggots on /lit/, with all their grand accomplishments, calling peterson a pseud

>> No.11066222

lmao at you, whiteknighting a lobster sodomite on an Azerbaijani hashish-baking forum

>> No.11066234


i didnt defend peterson lmao

>> No.11066254

lmaoing at your cogdis

>> No.11066264


roflmaoing at your total inability to understand simple words and phrases

>> No.11066345

and gets taken out of context by people often like you just did.
there is a reason for why he has become so popular aside from media controversies, he is actually very articulate. there are so many people that don't understand what he means however. it is very upsetting. they are missing out on something valuable.

>> No.11066362

rotflmfaoing at your absolute inability to backpedal credibly

>> No.11066374

What am I missing? That I have to eat a rich in fat breakfast?

>> No.11066403

>something valuable
Most of his advice are things any decent parent will instil in their children or something learned through experience or a religion that isn't complete crock. Sure it's valuable advice, but nothing profound or new.

>> No.11066419
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Youtube crimes punished by execution without trial

>> No.11066613
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The fear of Life's lack of meaning and ultimate purpose is nothing but a simple mistake in the construction of the biological brain.
The human brain mislabels the situation we're in, in a highly abstract way, as dangerous or threatening, and the word meaning, as it's socially and culturally constructed the way it is, provides a safe shelter to the misguided people. But it is all fictional after all.
On the other hand, happiness is only a indicator that shows that the brain is satisfied with your current state of biological safety. Therefore, you can simply be happy without worrying about all these.


>> No.11066853

He says exactly this a billion fucking times. Every interview he admits to it blatantly.

>> No.11067374

It's more complicated than that. You're misrepreaenting what he argues

>> No.11067380

What a complete non-answer from a pseud who "/threads" his own post

>> No.11067398

why did that stalin book guy invite Zizek to the presentation of his book?

you invite a meme to sell more obviously, apparently he got cucked during the book signing and everybody just went to Zizek

>> No.11067400

discussion with twitter bots

>> No.11067403

when did we get back to Peterson threads? i thought we were over him

>> No.11067590

mod has been doing a good job of deleting them recently but this one seems to have fallen through the cracks.

>> No.11067807

why is it so hard for christcucks to accept that there is no good and evil, no objective moral order.

"If there is no god, there is no objective moral order"
well okay then. that doesn't mean anarchy, that means we can just have practical rules, why are they constantly looking for value in everything, meaning in everything. things are as they area, they don't need some universal value to exist.

>> No.11067812
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>practical rules
that's just a moral order, how spooked are you that your moral order doesn't even look like a moral order?

>> No.11067900
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Did someone mention my favourite topic?

>> No.11067915

Everybody hates Harris

>> No.11067922

It could also mean that that one person was wrong.

>> No.11067925

Because "moral philosophy" is philosophy for pseuds.

>> No.11067965

I didn't hear about him until Bill C-16 and he totally fucked up interpreting that, so I don't trust anything else he says. But hey, it's funny knowing that Americunts actually believe you can be jailed in Canada for misgendering a tranny.

>> No.11067987
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When I saw pic related, I realized that the internet right will turn irrelevant and universially laughed at in a few years the same way the internet atheists did.

>> No.11068037

reminder that peterson is something that the people on /lit/ desperately need but they keep shitting on him because they are too proud to admit it, just take a fucking look at every "what's on your mind" thread

if you are following that easy advice that every dumbwit should know or be able to come up with all by themselves, then why are you wasting your time on a fucking anime image board

>> No.11068073

we have Evola already though

>> No.11068075

Thanks. Now I have to kill myself.

>> No.11068094
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>Jordan Peterson right-wing
>only the Right does stupid internet shit

>> No.11068105

I hate the way Peterson speaks. He strains, via. posture, facial contortion, and hand gestures, to look as if he were wrangling with some unfathomably profound thought such that it cripples him physically. I am convinced that this is his particular rhetorical style so that when he is wrong or falls short he has the exit strategy of saying he tried in earnest. SO TRANSPARENT. Fuck Memerson :)

>> No.11068184

A huge chunk of his followers certainly are. The top two comments rant about the crazy left and the sjw boogie man.

>>only the Right does stupid internet shit
Literally the opposite of what I said. Did you post a pic of yourself?

>> No.11068378

Reminder that no one would care what Peterson says if he just ended all of his talks with "I hate daddy and I like sex".