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11065587 No.11065587[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>be 27 year old ugly beta loser nofriends autist with no friends or social experiences since school, no female attention ever, have never been to a pub, club, or party, and have no passions in life
>wake up at 10 am
>decide not to go in to work
>eat a lot of pasta
>decide to buy coffee and drink it at home before waiting 2 hours then going to the gym and then outside
>drink too much coffee while mindlessly browsing the internet for 9 to 10 hours straight
>it's not evening
>decide to learn maths to feel like less of a pleb
>do that but it's too late to go to the gym today
>now lying in bed, about to finish reading Roman book for the pseud cred

I would say that this was a positive day in the long run. I can't lie to myself any longer about coffee or internet browsing not being a problem. I wrote some shitposts that I was proud of, learned more maths, and will finish a book, so it will be a more productive day than usual. Being sad outside is just as pathetic as internet browsing.

>> No.11065628

awe anon, self love. Clearly you have problems about your own self that you arent confronting....you cant keep kicking the can down the road! well you can and will and shall regret it all the rest of the days of your life pretty boy

>> No.11065636

So fucking kill yourself already you serial-shitposting loser cunt.

Sage goes in all fields.

>> No.11065637

that hit too close anon, I'm mostly like you described. My day went differently (also wasted lol) but damn. I hate myself.

>> No.11065645

Be careful anon. The World Governments may be archiving all your posts. They believe people like you are the newest threat to peace and it won’t be long till they start locking you up in some offshore shithole with no due process.

>> No.11065649
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Im you but only 21. Where did everything go so wrong?

I do have a final plan, and if that fails then I will off myself. No reason to live life as a hollow shell devoid of any intimacy, friendship or genuine connection.

>> No.11065654
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>see the future
>potassium banana

>> No.11065659



>> No.11065662

agreed BUT 21...anon...let me tell you that right now you have a minimum of 30 years to perfect your craft and hone it to perfect. People in their 30s are just waking up to what you know now...use this to your advantage.

>> No.11065673

I can't even read anymore. I've become an empty shell. All that I loved and valued has been subsumed. I have goals but they're abstract and distant. I don't want to seem to work for them.

I just want a girlfriend and to get into my masters course. For now, that's all. Neither looks feasible at the moment, be it now or in the future.

>> No.11065681
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Fug I’m the same as you mang, only I have no plan. I’ve just been stumbling through my entire life and I’ll still be waiting for my life to “start” when I die. What’s your master plan?
>inb4 crashing this plane

>> No.11065694
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As I said, have a list of drastic things I need to do to save my brain chemistry and restore neurotypical wiring. Will take about two or three years. If it fails I dont see life really worth living. And then wether I am 21 or 30 or god forbid 50 or whatever, doesn't matter. Just more suffering.

Anyways, I probably wont because I am a social coward I wouldnt even kms because of what people would think I me when Im dead. To know that I would confirm what they suspected all along, that I am a fearful agoraphobic loveless virgin makes me too scared to do it. What a mess I am.

>> No.11065736
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>have a list of drastic things I need to do to save my brain chemistry and restore neurotypical wiring
what exactly did he mean by this?

>> No.11065747


Just made a list of things that would improve me physically, socially mentally etc

Change my retarded "unique" name for a reason. Imagine being named "blavot" or "kroomp". That's how random my name is. Thanks mom and dad. Gonna take a nice normal name

Visit some hookers. If it wont help me in then end, then atleast I wont die a virgin

Have surgery for my gynecomastia, and laser for my acne scars

Take up boxing classes. I am in pretty ok shape, but lifting had done nothing but increase my BDD and I cant cope anymore with lifting on my pathetic own, dragging myself to the gym not talking to anyone etc. Besides I have always been a fan of boxing.

Some other things as well but you get the gist. And if it fails atleast I know I tried but it wasnt meant to be. Tbh I dont think I could cope with myself and my life if I still would be a massive failure after this. If it still wont do anything to better my state then I dont think there is an option besides suicide.

>> No.11065760

Anon, im 26, i suffered from crippling social anxiety from 16 to 25 and im almost a normal functional human being now with a lot of friends. My social anxiety was so bad that i couldnt take a bus or order a coffee at a bar. Now i feel the happiest when im surrounded by a lot of people.

The problem is that i dont know what caused the turning point for me so i cant give you a good advice, but you are aware of your problem and you Will find your own way out of it too. The only real advice i can tell you is, force yourself to get out of your confort zone and do the things that scare you, step by step but steadly.

You can ask me anything anon, if you want

>> No.11065766

not that anon but how the fuck did you change? on your own or did you get on meds or something?

>> No.11065769


Restore my confidence, inhibition, dopamine, sentience,... levels to a neurotypical (NT, normie, functional human being,...) standard in order for me to behave and feel myself normal and in a rewarding manner.

Sorry for bad english

Got to get rid of my porn addiction as well t bh, shit is killing my libido

>> No.11065770
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you can't get new friends at 25

>> No.11065786

Your name is not the, problem , your gynecomastia is not the problem, being a virgin is not the problem, i had all of that and i still got out of it. You have to build self confidence , and you will start doing that when you realize that you are not worse than anyone else. After that point,you will see things more clearly and you will focus on the things that make you Happy instead of on the things that you think that people Will like about you. People dont really care that much about you , in the same sense that you dont really care about the defects of other people

>> No.11065796
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g-good post

>> No.11065812

Girlfriend is only thing that would make me happy. I have everything else I want.

>> No.11065816


>> No.11065818


Thanks man, appreciate it. My main problem is my low confidence and my not really agoraphobia but my self-condciousness and high sentience.

My confidence is so low I just cant phantom myself with f e a gf, or being the center of attention at a party. It just seems surreal to me, like normies think of an alien invasion. Like something like that would only happen to me in another universe.

And with my self consciousness I dont mean that i am extremely shy (I am shy though obv) , I can talk, laugh, work whatever with someone in private (wether they enjoy it is another matter), but when it happens in public I cant function normally, I just sort of block. I dont even dare to phone on public transport because I know people will take notice of me. I have an extreme high inhibition really. Sort of like a mediëval peasant mindset where I think everyone will notice, remember etc me and what i do.

For this reason I would not be bothered in the slightest to buy drugs from a dealer, but I wont dare asking someone what time it is in public.

>> No.11065849


I am the anon you reacted to, and you are right. But I know these tings will always bother me no matter what. I feel like I need to be the best version of myself.

In any case, another thing I will do is go on vacation with a student fraternity. And I dont want them to mock my manboobs even though I have a sixpack.

But you are right that Im just scratching the surface

>> No.11065852

On my own, no meds. My change of behaviour is so extreme that i think that i went from introverted to extroverted if thats even possible;some family members even told me that before i lived as a dead man and now i woke Up to Life.i know It sounds silly, but its an accurate description.

I was a Guy Who spent most of his day sitting on his computer, i had a few "friends" that i Saw once every 15 days because i wasnt able to leave my house.

What i think that triggered that change is one day when i realized that there was really nothing wrong with my personality, i was extremely shy, and i didnt want to stay around people because i was ashamed of that and who i was. When i accepted that i was shy, i stopped caring about It, i forced myself to be around people, and i started opening myself more and more when i saw that people accepted that.

>>11065770 thats really stupid

>> No.11065858

honestly the only real one here is the boxing classes

>> No.11065863

so what exactly do you do now? what were the first steps you took back then? you work or study now?

>> No.11065864

Does it feel good to encourage others? To enable trash to blog about their lives? These people shamelessly post their "stories" and see nothing wrong with ruining the board with off-topic shit. I put stories in quotation marks because they're interchangeable tales of mediocrity and insecurity. You're wasting your time if you think addressing individual cases will change anything. It would be more worthwhile to hold everyone to a standard and redirect attention whores like OP to /r9k/.

>> No.11065872

You sound new.

>> No.11065885
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>being this mad about people venting on an Australian Bean Farming Forum

>> No.11065886


>being this much of a tryhard faggot

>> No.11065890


>all these (you)s

>> No.11065892

Tell us your "story" anon. Who rejected you?

>> No.11065945


I was exactly like you, i even cut contact with a girl that i liked because she was getting too close to me and i thought that i wouldnt be able to be in a relationship with anyone.

You are self aware because you dont really like yourself, i know its hard but you have to try to start knowing yourself and accept you as Who you are before you can start working on the rest.

Started studying economics last year.

The first step should be confronting your small imaginary fears that social anxiety creates in your mind. For example , whenever i had to go home or go somewhere i always had to take the long route in order to avoid people i might know (i was really scare of having to chitchat with anyone in the street) , so i forced myself to stop doing that. And that slowly but without stopping, with the rest of my stupid little fears that combinated didnt let me live my life. Doing that wasnt easy, i was scared to death, but after a while i realized that social interaction is not really as scary or problematic as a social anxiety sufferer can think.

>> No.11065963
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I feel you anon
>It's my birthday today
>Woke up feeling awful because of an incredibly vivid dream I had with the girl I'm in love with
>Read in my closet
>Just want to have a conversation with >her
>Currently shitposting some more
Fuck, the dream was so vivid and real, I keep imaging it and it fucking hurts.

>> No.11065984

threadly reminder that London poster and Oxford poster are the only reasons to visit this board these days

>> No.11065998

Anon.. I've been through a divorce, have a kid, and am currently going through a break up.
Believe me. (YOU) want none of this shit. I'd trade places with you in a heartbeat.
Count your lucky stars.

>> No.11066022

Agreed. Also reminder that the fascist mods always delete this poor souls threads or any threads that have to do with stuff like this.